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Make more of EVERYTHING bind to Legacy!


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I just hate buying the packs, you get random stuff, and if you get really lucky you might be able to use it. At least binding to legacy you get more chances to use it somewhere.


I know what you mean, I think free players can't use legacy items though, and the packs are disigned to make all players buy them. That said I wouldn't mind legacy based item packs, the items become much more attracive if they are lagacy bound. Or maybe BW can sell items in the cartel market that can be used to convert cartel items into legacy items (maybe with an added "subscriber only" requirement if they so desire).

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A long time ago i've made a suggestion regard the legacy system. It could be so much more not this little thing.


Read about it. Legacy


Plus, it could generate another special quests for end level char of the legacy. If you're a son of sombody it could open a line of missions about it. But it should be more static, you shouldn't be able to chance the family tree all the time. You should put it and stick on it, perhaps a cartel coin reset to change it.

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Yeah i mentioned that nind to guild thing in general chat and got flamed..lol


i thought it was nice idea because in some gear i spend work and time , and it hurts to just salvage it instead of giving it to a friend ... +1 for bind to guild and legacy ^^

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And yet there's a confusion of being hard and take time to get. If the operation is so easy that you can do it all the time it's easy to get, it only takes time. You'll eventualy have it. Otherwise if you need a real hard time to get, but the drop is 80%, even if you get it all the time you go, the item is hard to get, cos not everyone will have it even with a year of play.


Wow is like that now, its boring you need to wait months to get the emblems to get item, making the boring dailies all day to get rep, and with a 1000 commendations cap per week. Its not hard to get those items, it only take time, and the raids, getting easier and easier.


For me, if sombody do it with one char he already know the fight, if he do it a thousand times with one char he can do it a thousand times with other, so for me, there's no need to make it boring again only to get something that you already proove you can make. And yet you can make some restrictions. Like the boss drops a coin' or item that everybody get, and this item when you collect with the alt char allows you to trade it for oneitem from the same boss from your leagacy stuff.


This way the alt char have at least to do the boss once.


And people/BW could have a million ways to make it. Put not all ite,ms, or reduce 2 poitns of the item level when you bnound it to legacy, so it isn't the "best" gear.

Edited by Benets
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I fully agree. Everything up to Tionese (now it's free) should be legacy bound. I have cargo holds full of orange/purple gear that my characters have levelled past. I would love to use this gear on my lower level alts instead of wasting it. And I do mean waste when you cosider you can't sell them on the GTN, hell you can't even give them away. The only option is to sell them to a vendor where they vanish forever and you get a fraction of what they are worth. Can you imagine the cost of buying and equipping for example a full set of orange gear for a level 48 character! It would cost stack of credits and once you hit 50 it's useless! I'm hanging onto my used gear in the hope that one day I might be able to use it again......
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Bind to legacy?? Absolutely not..


Do we really have to make this game any easier than it already is??


It practically already is, from most gear you can just rip out the items giving the actual stats, place them in legacy gear and transfer them over to your other characters. The only change would be taking out the credit sink, although even that has recently reduced price a bit if I aint mistaking.

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Yes please. I accidentally bound a Ziost saber hilt the other day before realizing it wasn't legacy. I don't mind the character having it, but it wasn't really meant for him initially. It just reminds me how much stuff ISN'T bind to legacy.


Some stuff needs to be bound to character, obviously (FP stuff). But once I buy it, and realize it was meant for a different character, please let me move it around. :p

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I think it would be a great idea to implement this idea. For example my male trooper received an modifiable chest peace from a cartel pack that only females can wear. Unfortunately this item is bound to my trooper and I cant send it to my female sage who could use the armor to create a new appearance. This item can't be sold to vendors either. Although it does say the vendor would pay 3.1k for it :p. My only options are to either destroy it or wait for bound to legacy to be implemented :rolleyes:.
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I support this.

I have many crafters who I never want to level above 10 and therefore I can only get the good schematics on the characters who are 50s. I would like to be able to send the schematics to my crafters.

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Additional comment:


Why not utilize a system all ready in place, augment kit, make a kit to convert a item to BoL.


it could be something that is a 1 time account unlock from legacy.


I also support the Bind on Guild Idea, make it orange/purple gear that has to have its mods removed. or something but yeah good idea.

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Cartel Armor and Weapons should be Bind on Legacy Too!




agree 100%


After all we are paying cash for these items we should be able to use said items as hand me downs to alts. Especially since those Bind on Legacy blue equips are a joke .... really none adaptive blue lvl 15 chest armor that my character out grows in 2 levels... not really worth buying BoL items

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The current system already allows us to grind gear for our alts and send them over throgh legacy armor. It's great. I'd like to get legacy lightsaber hilts so i can transfer my rare crystals. I have three white crystals on my Sith but I am not using them since every Sith should use red... I'd love to send them to my Jedi.


I don't think anything else needs to be legacy, other than to say we need legacy weapons.. Especially sabers since there aren't any..


Beyond that.. No.. I don't think everything in the game should be legacy.. And I am not sure about bind to guild..


I will say that as an expensive legacy perk, we could perhaps get a skill that allows us to change something to legacy bound for a hefty price.. Other than that.. We have already lost the ability to grind out gear on our alts.. To me that is a loss of game content.. I am just as guilty.. My latest 50 was full rakata in a matter of hours..

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I don't think anything else needs to be legacy, other than to say we need legacy weapons.. Especially sabers since there aren't any..


Beyond that.. No.. I don't think everything in the game should be legacy.. And I am not sure about bind to guild..


I will say that as an expensive legacy perk, we could perhaps get a skill that allows us to change something to legacy bound for a hefty price.. Other than that.. We have already lost the ability to grind out gear on our alts.. To me that is a loss of game content.. I am just as guilty.. My latest 50 was full rakata in a matter of hours..


are u sure nothing needs to be legacy wide? what about this:





btw i also replyed to u on another thread:



Edited by YeIIow
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are u sure nothing needs to be legacy wide? what about this:





btw i also replyed to u on another thread:




You know.. There was a time in MMO's where nothing was legacy.. They got on just fine.. People who played WOW actually had to level all their characters and grind out the gear on all their characters.. Imagine that.. Having to actually get the gear for your alts?? Who da thunk it?? Actually having to do the cheevos on all your toons to get the cheevos.. Actually having to grind out rep on all your toons to get the rep.. Acutally having to ground out the comms on all your toons to get the comms.. Actually having to do your dailies on all your toons to get them gold.. OMG!!! How did the 12 million people manage?? They actually had to play an MMO.. No probe droid to res you where you died.. You had to run back to your corpse as a ghost.. Or worse, some games your corpse could be looted and you lost your gear or money..


In WOW each character was an individual.. You had to earn anything that character had.. From cheevos, to rep, to gear, to mounts, to titles, to gold.. Yes gold you could mail to yourself.. But that was about the only benefit you had of having a max level character.. You couldn't get your alt gear.. At most you could have people in your guild carry you through raids to get gear.. Still you had to run the raid.. All this legacy stuff means is people don't have to actually play the game..


That is the problem with TOR.. There is very little people actually have to play.. They have made traveling easy.. They have made everything easy.. I mean seriously, a new 50 hits 50 and walks right into a full blackhole set.. Thanks to legacy gear.. Doesn't have to earn it.. Doesn't have to grind it out.. They even give you a free set of PVP gear when you hit 50.. You don't even have to PVP for it.. Or worse you can just take the money..


Yes.. Let's legacy more so we don't have to play.. Sounds like a plan to me!! :rolleyes:

Edited by MajikMyst
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Is interesting because from your point of view all people do is, basically, not play, and "cheat".


I started this thread, and how do I play?


I am a sub for a year, paid for the game. I have 8 toons, mostly play PvE. When I hit 50 I go start a new one, because the joy for me is level up and quest. I outfit my characters and comps with ORANGE gear as I find it. I then just need armoring, mods, etc... Otherwise, I wear what I find or, when I can, what I can craft from my other toons. Have all crafting skills at 400.


Given that, what do I want legacy bind for? Because on the odd chance that I find a really nice chest piece (nice for looks), or spend some cartel coins, and I get random loot that might not even apply to my toon, at least I get to use it on another one of my toons, vs vendoring it for pennies. I would collect it all, but alas there isn't that much space.


To further make the point so extreme, lately even blue pieces that drop in FPs at low level are BoP. What, the market is too crowded with L9 blue boots??? And even if it was, who cares?? I can understand restrictions on the high level stuff, but restrictions on BT drops?? It is just ridiculous.


"At one time this..." is not a logical process. At one time we all rode horses. Reality is that SWTOR was designed with a GTN, different quality items, and BoP/BoE/BtL processes. They are all designed to control the economy somehow.


Think about it : by Legacy, my L40 BH just inherited the IA satellite strike as a legacy skill, yet I can't send over a set of blue boots??? come on.

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  • 1 month later...
You know.. There was a time in MMO's where nothing was legacy.. They got on just fine.. People who played WOW actually had to level all their characters and grind out the gear on all their characters.. Imagine that.. Having to actually get the gear for your alts?? Who da thunk it??


While you had great points about taking the time to level up each character and really earning all of the items/benefits/whatever for those characters, I think one of the important issues here is that this isn't supposed to be a WoWesque world. This game was designed from the beginning with Legacy not only in mind, but as a central focus for progression through the game. It is actually one of the aspects that held the most potential for me. Unfortunately as of now, having a Legacy doesn't really mean anything special except for a couple of more-or-less useless "skills" you can use for each character and some armor pieces that aren't a whole lot of use after a few levels. Having a Legacy doesn't quite build any sort of unity or cohesiveness to the game at this point (obviously in my own opinion), but the potential is definitely there. I feel that one of the things would help build more of a family feel is more BoL items (again the OP didn't say EVERYTHING should BoL, just MORE of everything). That might help to create more of a heirloom type feel for some equipment, both crafted and looted. Also it can be super annoying when something great drops on an alt and it is BoP so therefore basically useless (a great example I just suffered and why I started browsing Legacy threads: I just happened upon the L1-L Defender pet, it dropped on a character I pretty much NEVER play unless I need more rep or credits or whatever. So now I have this apparently super rare pet drop that is essentially wasted because all it does is collect dust in a storage bay somewhere).


To add my vote as a founding subscriber who has watched this game make incredible strides, I would like to see MORE BoL stuff to create a more unified legacy feel that excited me from the beginning. I would also be okay if that was implemented through a CC purchased perk or augment slot-like upgrade that would make an item BoL, that might help preserve players from just making anything BoL if it was a fairly hefty price to pay.

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