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Changes incoming or time to give up?


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Hi all, hoping for some insights from either BW or anyone that may have read anything concerning incoming changes. I'm lvl 61 valor Merc, and since I have limited playing time atm, I pvp 1-2 hrs a day (just don't have the time to spend 2-4 hrs in flashpoints or raids). So, with that said, are there any changes coming to the Merc AC that would make it worth continuing to play? Anything? It's gotten so frustrating that I'm pretty much ready to give it up and move on to another game. I've got several alts, but I hate the idea of hanging up a toon in 5 piece WH. Any light at the end of the tunnel? Just hoping I guess. :confused: Edited by frivera
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Hi all, hoping for some insights from either BW or anyone that may have read anything concerning incoming changes. I'm lvl 61 valor Merc, and since I have limited playing time atm, I pvp 1-2 hrs a day (just don't have the time to spend 2-4 hrs in flashpoints or raids). So, with that said, are there any changes coming to the Merc AC that would make it worth continuing to play? Anything? It's gotten so frustrating that I'm pretty much ready to give it up and move on to another game. I've got several alts, but I hate the idea of hanging up a toon in 5 piece WH. Any light at the end of the tunnel? Just hoping I guess. :confused:


Remember how OP mercs USED to be, Way back in the day, Well sooner or later Mercs are gonna become strong again, its just a matter of time

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Remember how OP mercs USED to be, Way back in the day, Well sooner or later Mercs are gonna become strong again, its just a matter of time


Mercs were never OP in the first place, it was a learn to play issue from people who never used or knew they had an interrupt. The class was essentially ruined because people were too lazy to realise they can push ONE button and shut down an Arsenal Merc easily. Probably the same people who cry about healers and make no effort whatsoever to interuppt / disrupt their casts.,

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Mercs were never OP in the first place, it was a learn to play issue from people who never used or knew they had an interrupt. The class was essentially ruined because people were too lazy to realise they can push ONE button and shut down an Arsenal Merc easily. Probably the same people who cry about healers and make no effort whatsoever to interuppt / disrupt their casts.,


Agreed. Before Merc was one of if not the best dps but could easily be shut down. Now it is mediocre dps and can still be easily shut down.

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Funny, I don't remember merc pyro EVER being OP, but we got smacked in the nuts worse that the button-smashers that actually caused all the crying. What's up with that?





arsenal sucks and is not fun to play, that is all.

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Mercs were never OP in the first place, it was a learn to play issue from people who never used or knew they had an interrupt. The class was essentially ruined because people were too lazy to realise they can push ONE button and shut down an Arsenal Merc easily. Probably the same people who cry about healers and make no effort whatsoever to interuppt / disrupt their casts.,


that's the same reason operatives got nerfed. Well, that and players didn't realize that 1 person watching their back could solve most problems.

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Mercs were never OP in the first place, it was a learn to play issue from people who never used or knew they had an interrupt. The class was essentially ruined because people were too lazy to realise they can push ONE button and shut down an Arsenal Merc easily. Probably the same people who cry about healers and make no effort whatsoever to interuppt / disrupt their casts.,


I would interrupt healers... but my AC is the one AC in the game that didn't get an interrupt!

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I've shelved my arsenal merc for now. I didn't bother trying out pyro, even if it is slightly better, it's still lacking compared to other ACs. Might as well just roll a PT. I managed to only get a couple of pieces of WH gear and just got fed up with trying to compete in PvP. All the gear in the world wasn't going to help anyway.


I've got a level 35 Marauder (Annihilation) right now. I don't know or care if it is considered FotM. I'm liking it pretty well though. I'm really starting to get comfortable with the play style and managing abilities. It is quite different from Merc to be sure. At times I still feel pretty squishy in PvP, but that's a crapshoot based on player level and ability. More often though I just feel like a crazed killer. :) Once you get your DoTs going and build fury for Berserk and get some self heals going too, you just can't stop wailing on people. I can hardly express the feeling of being caught in a 1v1 or 2v1 and being able to survive to victory. That's impossible with a Merc.


I can't wait until I hit 50 and find out what this class can really do.

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Mind you I'm only lvl 30. But I've only been lvling via pvp and flashpoints . I think I do rather well in pvp most days . I have a sniper main but only use him for world boss farming now. (though cant seem to solo the tattotione one) but the thing that always makes me smile is ...dual pistols. Get some nice ones and set your sights on enemies. Dual freaking wielding pistols!
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I've shelved my arsenal merc for now. I didn't bother trying out pyro, even if it is slightly better, it's still lacking compared to other ACs. Might as well just roll a PT. I managed to only get a couple of pieces of WH gear and just got fed up with trying to compete in PvP. All the gear in the world wasn't going to help anyway.


I've got a level 35 Marauder (Annihilation) right now. I don't know or care if it is considered FotM. I'm liking it pretty well though. I'm really starting to get comfortable with the play style and managing abilities. It is quite different from Merc to be sure. At times I still feel pretty squishy in PvP, but that's a crapshoot based on player level and ability. More often though I just feel like a crazed killer. :) Once you get your DoTs going and build fury for Berserk and get some self heals going too, you just can't stop wailing on people. I can hardly express the feeling of being caught in a 1v1 or 2v1 and being able to survive to victory. That's impossible with a Merc.


I can't wait until I hit 50 and find out what this class can really do.


Yeah, 5 pc WH set, but no desire to grind the rest. Every time I get owned 1v1 by a melee class I just want to delete the toon. Leveling a Sniper now. Just as squishy, but much better tools for keeping melee at bay and even escaping when necessary. Plus, much to my surprise, Snipers have several melee instant attacks that do very nice damage to add to their excellent ranged attacks. Even if a melee gets in my face, I have a stun, blind, root and push back with root.

Edited by frivera
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