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Why hasn't this happened?


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Why hasn't a company come out with a FUN sandbox game where it's all about the player and there are no levels just skilling up forever on what you can do, no stupid raids, no flash points, no instances. Just come up with something epic and new where it would change the face of the mmo world. Is it really that hard to come up with a concept like that you guys think?


I'm talking...a good graphics game WITH very good optimization WITH good gameplay. Like player run cities, markets where you can ride your mount to go get whatever the heq you want, fort seiges, stuff like that. No...I'm not talking about WAR or anything like that. I'm talking just a brand new concept that people can do together to FEEL like they are working together more.


I am always wondering what a new concept would be in an mmorpg later on in the years. Just no restrictions, no stupid raids, no stupid leveling up crap, just skilling up everything you start with and it gets more powerful over the time you use them. Just like real life. The more you use something, the better it gets.


It's probably hard to come up with something like that. You guys think so?

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It did happen. It was called pre-CU SWG


Hmm..maybe I just didn't play long enough. I just couldn't stand the running of characters in that game lol. I just couldn't...they ran like ducks or something. Was SWG really like that? I didn't play much. Just a little.

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You mean like Planetside 1/2? Or EVE?


Planetside 1 came out way before the internet could handle it.


I think Planetside 2 is going to be awesome. Constant compeitive warfare. Don't bother with that game if you're a PVEer though.

Edited by Gungan
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I too would love to see a "minecraft" like game but with good graphics in a non-fantasy IP with good PvP. The problem is companies are too scared to invest in something so "off the path" for fear of it being a niche game that loses tons of money. I think there is a lot of demand for a game like this but its going to take some balls for someone to put the time and money into making one. Edited by Elboc
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You mean like Planetside 1/2? Or EVE?


Planetside 1 came out way before the internet could handle it.


I think Planetside 2 is going to be awesome. Constant compeitive warfare. Don't bother with that game if you're a PVEer though.


Hey gungan. Is planetside 2 nothing but pvp? :(

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Hey gungan. Is planetside 2 nothing but pvp? :(


I believe so. There are 3 factions. You each fight for zone control of the open world to claim the resources there. Those resources are then used by your faction to build vehicles and weapons.


However, I understand there are missions for fresh/weaker players to do behind the front lines to help their faction, but I don't know exactly what that entails.

Edited by Gungan
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Why hasn't a company come out with a FUN sandbox game where it's all about the player and there are no levels just skilling up forever on what you can do, no stupid raids, no flash points, no instances. Just come up with something epic and new where it would change the face of the mmo world. Is it really that hard to come up with a concept like that you guys think?


They have, try playing The Sims or games like it. About as interesting as watching paint dry IMO but it might be more to your taste.

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I believe so. There are 3 factions. You each fight for zone control of the open world to claim the resources there. Those resources are then used by your faction to build vehicles and weapons.


However, I understand there are missions for fresh/weaker players to do behind the front lines to help their faction, but I don't know exactly what that entails.


Hmm..sounds pretty cool. Anyway, I just wish there was a game coming up that was like big sandbox world where you skill up in everything and not boring VERY fun. You know what I think people are sick of? Going to npcs to get quests. I think THATS where it's a turn off now. Just have them pop up pertaining to our skill automatically :D


I'm waiting for the Avatar mmorpg that James Cameron is going to make between the 2nd and 3rd movies. Can't wait for that. That is supposed to be a giant sandbox planet on Pandora and you can do anything you want. Not all about questing or any of that crap.

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Planetside 1 came out way before the internet could handle it..


I dunno I never had performance problems with it, even playing on the servers on the wrong side of the Atlantic.




I think Planetside 1 was reasonably successful, it just had 2 major problems:


1. a huge sub for a MMOFPS.


2. one of the worse expansions in history with Core Combat (BFG's weren't the huge problem, but the supposed "urban warfare" was terrible.

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Why hasn't a company come out with a FUN sandbox game where it's all about the player and there are no levels just skilling up forever on what you can do, no stupid raids, no flash points, no instances. Just come up with something epic and new where it would change the face of the mmo world. Is it really that hard to come up with a concept like that you guys think?


I'm talking...a good graphics game WITH very good optimization WITH good gameplay. Like player run cities, markets where you can ride your mount to go get whatever the heq you want, fort seiges, stuff like that. No...I'm not talking about WAR or anything like that. I'm talking just a brand new concept that people can do together to FEEL like they are working together more.


I am always wondering what a new concept would be in an mmorpg later on in the years. Just no restrictions, no stupid raids, no stupid leveling up crap, just skilling up everything you start with and it gets more powerful over the time you use them. Just like real life. The more you use something, the better it gets.


It's probably hard to come up with something like that. You guys think so?


The Secret World/Eve are the closest thing to those things listed on the market atm. I played The Secret World last weekend, and it is a perfect mix of sandbox elements with a very challenging questing system. The Secret World doesn't have levels like thought of in other MMO's, instead it uses gear to tier content by QL levels 0-10. It has a skill wheel with over 200 abilities that you custom build your character skills from these based on weapon/magic skills. There is no reset for the skillpoints/ability points, so if a player spends them unwisely they are not able to simply start over. Also in the game there are corpse runs to some extent upon death, however they usually aren't more than 100-200m as the respawn points are spread through the map correctly, this may be a deal breaker for some, but some of the quests really require you to take this time running back to your corpse to think about what you did wrong the last time, and what to do in order to survive the next. To add to this the combat was fun and somewhat challenging in The Secret World, not overly so to cause frustration, but one needs to use terrain, kiting, and tactics to defeat enemies as most have special abilities that will kill you quickly if you stand in them, honestly fighting 1 mob in The Secret World gave you a much more Heroic feeling than fighting 3 in SWTOR due to the fact that one had to think about the combat and change their rotation and even skills based on the enemies being fought. Honestly The Secret World reminded me why I play MMO's, it was fresh, exciting, and felt innovative, which are all things I sadly cannot say about SWTOR, which now just gives me the feeling of been there and done that as it really took no risks to try anything new.


The Secret World is also run by EA though, so no matter how much I enjoyed it, which I really did, it showed me what SWTOR should have been like with very lifelike feeling environments, day/night cycles, and doing all this while having fully V/O'ed quests was truly amazing. If people don't have a problem with EA though and want these type of sandboxy games, The Secret World is worth a checkout, I was totally amazed with the innovation that was in that game, and it showed me how little effort the SWTOR devs put into trying anything new in this game. I would love to play The Secret World, but am to weary of EA run MMO's now to really give it a try.


All that being said, The Secret World/Eve Online are more challenging than the average MMO, and time really will equal progression unlike in themepark games where content cleared = progression to the most extent. Eve Online more so as it can take years to truly be competitive in that game. The Secret World to a lesser extent, but still being so as those who have the most experience and time to play will be further in the skill wheel, quests, and have an upper hand in PvP which a lot of traditional MMO gamers will not like as the player with a full skill wheel can adapt better to enemies, and synergize their skills to defeat enemies upon death, a concept also used in GW2 where you can change your skills upon death in PvP to adapt to the enemies being fought. Both games are more niche markets, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing as it keeps all the people from WoW that think WoW was the first MMO out for the most part.

Edited by Yinata
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Why hasn't a company come out with a FUN sandbox game where it's all about the player and there are no levels just skilling up forever on what you can do, no stupid raids, no flash points, no instances. Just come up with something epic and new where it would change the face of the mmo world. Is it really that hard to come up with a concept like that you guys think?


I'm talking...a good graphics game WITH very good optimization WITH good gameplay. Like player run cities, markets where you can ride your mount to go get whatever the heq you want, fort seiges, stuff like that. No...I'm not talking about WAR or anything like that. I'm talking just a brand new concept that people can do together to FEEL like they are working together more.

It's called EVE. It's the only MMO out there that's consistently growing. It's run by some of the most refreshingly honest devs you'll ever find.

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It's called EVE. It's the only MMO out there that's consistently growing. It's run by some of the most refreshingly honest devs you'll ever find.


I know I included EVE in my list too... but I'm not sure FUN really applies to EVE:P

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I know I included EVE in my list too... but I'm not sure FUN really applies to EVE:P


Different strokes for different folks. I had more fun trying to haul cargo through 0.0 in EVE than I did collecting twenty droid elbows in TOR.

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I know I included EVE in my list too... but I'm not sure FUN really applies to EVE:P


If you like unbridled capitalism and PvP, Eve is the game for you. Such a hive of scum and villiany, that player community makes any other look like a bunch of care bares. :eek:



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Completely sandbox, no instances. You do nothing but train your character and build your resources. Complete economy.


Of course you also get blasted on a whim, cannot compete at all with players who simply have more time in than you and either have to pay huge insurance costs or risk losing everything on you ship (aka character) when you do get blasted.

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It's called EVE. It's the only MMO out there that's consistently growing. It's run by some of the most refreshingly honest devs you'll ever find.


I've tried EVE twice, but the UI is so horribly cluttered that I found it impossible to figure out what I was doing. It could really benefit from a simplification of the UI, or at least a better system of easing players into it. From the moment I was able to control my character I was bombarded with 18 different terminals that do god-knows-what and I'm supposed to know what it is they do? Nothing about it is intuitive.


It reminds me of when one of my classes had us play Second Life briefly, and upon logging in I was greeted with a screen full of popups telling me, in long paragraphs, what things did. Complete UI overload will very quickly kill a new player's interest in a game.


Sorry for the rant, as someone who went to college for game development (alongside a more practical, and related degree) it irks me when developers put seemingly little thought into making the user interface user friendly

Edited by MillionsKNives
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Why hasn't a company come out with a FUN sandbox game where it's all about the player and there are no levels just skilling up forever on what you can do, no stupid raids, no flash points, no instances. Just come up with something epic and new where it would change the face of the mmo world. Is it really that hard to come up with a concept like that you guys think?


I'm talking...a good graphics game WITH very good optimization WITH good gameplay. Like player run cities, markets where you can ride your mount to go get whatever the heq you want, fort seiges, stuff like that. No...I'm not talking about WAR or anything like that. I'm talking just a brand new concept that people can do together to FEEL like they are working together more.


I am always wondering what a new concept would be in an mmorpg later on in the years. Just no restrictions, no stupid raids, no stupid leveling up crap, just skilling up everything you start with and it gets more powerful over the time you use them. Just like real life. The more you use something, the better it gets.


It's probably hard to come up with something like that. You guys think so?


It's called Entropia Universe. It'll cost you about $1.50-$3.00 an hour to play it and enjoy it.


If you'd like a tour of its badness, and some explanations as to why i don't play it anymore, and play this game instead, I'd be more than happy to engage you in a discussion about it sometime.


And yes, it also has full-3D twitch-style space combat, with real loss if you get shot down.

Edited by Kubernetic
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I too would love to see a "minecraft" like game but with good graphics in a non-fantasy IP with good PvP. The problem is companies are too scared to invest in something so "off the path" for fear of it being a niche game that loses tons of money. I think there is a lot of demand for a game like this but its going to take some balls for someone to put the time and money into making one.

And they a scared for a good reason, people would complain that there is no endgame... just look what the raiders say currently about GW2. It seems like no one want another WoW, but every game taht isn't like WoW gets much hate... so companies try it with going to be like WoW, because that game at least was a success.

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The Secret World/Eve are the closest thing to those things listed on the market atm. I played The Secret World last weekend, and it is a perfect mix of sandbox elements with a very challenging questing system. The Secret World doesn't have levels like thought of in other MMO's, instead it uses gear to tier content by QL levels 0-10. It has a skill wheel with over 200 abilities that you custom build your character skills from these based on weapon/magic skills. There is no reset for the skillpoints/ability points, so if a player spends them unwisely they are not able to simply start over. Also in the game there are corpse runs to some extent upon death, however they usually aren't more than 100-200m as the respawn points are spread through the map correctly, this may be a deal breaker for some, but some of the quests really require you to take this time running back to your corpse to think about what you did wrong the last time, and what to do in order to survive the next. To add to this the combat was fun and somewhat challenging in The Secret World, not overly so to cause frustration, but one needs to use terrain, kiting, and tactics to defeat enemies as most have special abilities that will kill you quickly if you stand in them, honestly fighting 1 mob in The Secret World gave you a much more Heroic feeling than fighting 3 in SWTOR due to the fact that one had to think about the combat and change their rotation and even skills based on the enemies being fought. Honestly The Secret World reminded me why I play MMO's, it was fresh, exciting, and felt innovative, which are all things I sadly cannot say about SWTOR, which now just gives me the feeling of been there and done that as it really took no risks to try anything new.


The Secret World is also run by EA though, so no matter how much I enjoyed it, which I really did, it showed me what SWTOR should have been like with very lifelike feeling environments, day/night cycles, and doing all this while having fully V/O'ed quests was truly amazing. If people don't have a problem with EA though and want these type of sandboxy games, The Secret World is worth a checkout, I was totally amazed with the innovation that was in that game, and it showed me how little effort the SWTOR devs put into trying anything new in this game. I would love to play The Secret World, but am to weary of EA run MMO's now to really give it a try.


All that being said, The Secret World/Eve Online are more challenging than the average MMO, and time really will equal progression unlike in themepark games where content cleared = progression to the most extent. Eve Online more so as it can take years to truly be competitive in that game. The Secret World to a lesser extent, but still being so as those who have the most experience and time to play will be further in the skill wheel, quests, and have an upper hand in PvP which a lot of traditional MMO gamers will not like as the player with a full skill wheel can adapt better to enemies, and synergize their skills to defeat enemies upon death, a concept also used in GW2 where you can change your skills upon death in PvP to adapt to the enemies being fought. Both games are more niche markets, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing as it keeps all the people from WoW that think WoW was the first MMO out for the most part.


Yah..I tried the Secret World. It wasn't great for me :)

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