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How many of you are staying when GW2 launches?


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For God sake don't answer back, you'll be flamed, belittled and abused in more ways than you can ever imagine! ;)


Lol. He does not bother me. Overall he is a good guy who loves TOR and wants to defend it...no problem with that. :) Only those who resort to personal insults make my ignore list.

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Ahh..ok...good point. So it is about having fun for those who fall under your concept. :)


Well, sort of. I would say it more about the type of game that people find fun. Honselty, my personal feeling is that the days of the MMORPG are waning quickly. I don't see too many that are interested in the concept first formulated by pen and paper games, but twitch reflex and constant input.


As we see here, one of the largest complains is "more content, faster". As we saw in wow, no matter what they came up with in regard to new content the "twitch reflex" gang consumed it as fast as it was put up. Character and story development has become second to explosions and "challenge". In short, this new generation of gamers seem unable to take a basic format presented by a game and create their own fun within that game, but need constant fun supplied to them in the form of, new, face paced content to be digested.

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I would say that every MMO crumbling in months and WoW losing millions of players is evidence of that.


Na. WoW lost 1.1 million subs this last quarter because of mainly themselves...lol. 10 million D3 copies sold and it has no sub and a lot of asians enjoy playing it...it seems. GW2 will also be a big hit and will effect every other MMO some. If anything it is the sub model only games which will be dying a slow death. What TOR is doing is a good move and is a sign this is true.

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Lol. He does not bother me. Overall he is a good guy who loves TOR and wants to defend it...no problem with that. :) Only those who resort to personal insults make my ignore list.


Well I hate you!


Kidding. Feeling is likewise....but no group hugs!

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I cancelled my sub yesterday and will be playing Gw2. Swtor was fun, been here since early access, have 6 50's going on 7. nothing left for me to do but level alts or pvp. I refuse to pvp anymore. Not saying Gw2 is the greatest game ..but i will tell you this...ive played gw2 beta's..seen the quickness of developers to fixbugs / balance classes " BEFORE" game goes live. I can't pay for a service that still has bugs from beta..balance issues...sound issues etc..

Ill be back when F2P comes just to sit at fleet and level alts.

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I'm a huge SW fan and a devoted player of ''that certain game''.


As TOR go, I'm very depressed at the state of the game, but I play maybe 8 hours per week, waiting for things to improve.


As GW2 go, well, it's pretty simple.


I have in ''that other game'' 159 pets and 121 mounts, but I don't have the achievement ''win an arena match''.


Whatever the qualities of GW2 are, I won't play this game, as I loathe PVP (I admit it freely, because I suck *** at it)


Practice makes perfect :)


I love PvP, its why i play MMOs, and have been doing so since Neverwinter Nights in 1994. I don't mind arena, but its very sterile, and not what i look for in a game (MMO). WvWvW or what i am more used to RvR is very enjoyable to me, it brings some "faction" pride to your gaming, people banding together to defeat a common enemy (that are taking your "stuff"). Back in DAoC, folks would drop everything and anything they were doing when there was a raid from the opposing factions.


If you ever get a chance to try GW2 (free trial as an example) give it a shot, you may like the comrarderie that WvW brings.


I say this only because you mentioned arena specifically. DAOC (RvR) brought a lot of folks together, especially in my guild, who didnt like PvP at all in UO.


Good luck to you regardless :)

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Here, Valk.


The OP on this thread may help to explain what I'm getting at regarding the need for constantly supplied content.....even to the extent that people cannot dedicate themselves to evolving or building one character on one game, but need multiple games to feed the desire.


I'm not faulting this guy. He is doing what he enjoys. I'm just saying that I'm seeing this sort of "hidden" trend.



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Well, sort of. I would say it more about the type of game that people find fun. Honselty, my personal feeling is that the days of the MMORPG are waning quickly. I don't see too many that are interested in the concept first formulated by pen and paper games, but twitch reflex and constant input.


As we see here, one of the largest complains is "more content, faster". As we saw in wow, no matter what they came up with in regard to new content the "twitch reflex" gang consumed it as fast as it was put up. Character and story development has become second to explosions and "challenge". In short, this new generation of gamers seem unable to take a basic format presented by a game and create their own fun within that game, but need constant fun supplied to them in the form of, new, face paced content to be digested.


Yeah...I see your point. No matter, the gaming companies ( MMO's that is ) need to supply content to keep those happy...atleast for a while between each update. WoW's last expansion is approaching 2 years sence it launched. That is too long.

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Yeah...I see your point. No matter, the gaming companies ( MMO's that is ) need to supply content to keep those happy...atleast for a while between each update. WoW's last expansion is approaching 2 years sence it launched. That is too long.


Agree. I'm thinking that is what its going to take. Gamers have changed....or evolved depending on one's point of view.

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I like how people talk about ''skill'' in large PVP encounters....


Call me cynical, but large PVP battles boil down to three things


1)How many healers ?

2)How many minimally skilled and geared players ?

3)Who have Comcast ?

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Here, Valk.


The OP on this thread may help to explain what I'm getting at regarding the need for constantly supplied content.....even to the extent that people cannot dedicate themselves to evolving or building one character on one game, but need multiple games to feed the desire.


I'm not faulting this guy. He is doing what he enjoys. I'm just saying that I'm seeing this sort of "hidden" trend.




Good point. This is why GW2 will be very popular. And the move to FTP option for TOR is a good move. Someday, I think we will see a FTP option for WoW also. He can do those types of play styles which he enjoys without having a feeling of a " pressure to play often " with a sub he pays each month and the fluff or whatever, he can pick and choose what, how much and when he wants to spend his money. Or even not spend any when times may be hard for him money wise. Meantime, the MMO keeps him as a possible future revenue source.

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I like how people talk about ''skill'' in large PVP encounters....


Call me cynical, but large PVP battles boil down to three things


1)How many healers ?

2)How many minimally skilled and geared players ?

3)Who have Comcast ?


As opposed to "skill" in small PvP encounters where it boils down to


1 Class make-up

2 Gear

3 Computer/internet?

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I like how people talk about ''skill'' in large PVP encounters....


Call me cynical, but large PVP battles boil down to three things


1)How many healers ?

2)How many minimally skilled and geared players ?

3)Who have Comcast ?


Lol...I agree. I watched some of the large scale PVP battles from GW2 and it really boils down to how many do you have versus those who are there also who are fighting you if you win or not. Did not see much " those with the best skills winning" but rather the group with the largest numbers winning.

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As opposed to "skill" in small PvP encounters where it boils down to


1 Class make-up

2 Gear

3 Computer/internet?


Yep..all of those are factors. Esp when a MMO puts in the silly seperate PVP stat on gear. Allways hated that with WoW and thier resilence stat on gear. I have fond memories of hours of defending Astranaar from the Horde on my hunter when there was no such stat. Now....if a player has stacked resilence, and you have none or very little..he is going to own you. Dumb.

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The real question is: Why would I ever consider leaving for such crap haha.


TOR for good unless:

A) Somehow I randomly lose a ton of money, then F2P downgrade I guess now..

B) TOR is shut down many years from now

C) I somehow get killed :p

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I might subscribe for another 6 months even though I don't play anymore. How does that make you all feel


It would be nice to know I can come back at anytime though, full bells and whistles. I can get awfully impulsive sometimes and just out of the blue feel like playing pokemon, go out and buy a DS with Pokemon white, then get tired of leveling up imba magikarps and stuff.


I got a job I don't give a crap!

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Both for now. Definitely going to play the hell out of GW2, but will stay subbed to TOR because I'm on a great server in a great guild. Ultimately I will wait to see how thing pan out for GW2 once the gloss wears off and how TOR evolves under their "hybrid" plan.
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My comment on ''number vs skill and gear'' was not against GW2.


In any game, if 5 guys with decent skill and gear attack 3 guys with decent skill and gear, the result is a foregone conclusion.


But it applies and I think it will be the major deciding factor on victory in the GW2 PVP battles. Same goes for any MMO PVP battles. As you pointed out. The only time it would not is if the conditions are the same for all contestant's such as it can be in WoW's Arena situations.:cool: Even then, classes and even minor gear advantages can make a big difference in lost or victory. But I think overall it is a better skill judge than large battleground encounters..

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I tried the first GW and was bored to tears. The only things they really had going were hype and that it was free. Pretty much if f2p fails to save this game, I don't know what I'll do. Maybe give LOTRO another try. It has been a good 3-4 years since I played it probably. Before they went f2p for sure.
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