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How many of you are staying when GW2 launches?


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6 month suber here, so I still have 10 days left on my time. I'm not leaving ToR because of GW2, I decided to quit months ago. And only found GW2 after that, I'm leaving ToR because the end game is dead.


I may come back when its F2P just to finish up some of the class story's I missed.

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Every video game you play is fantasy.


You can try to argue that line of reasoning but there is no reason in it.


If I play a game that require I simply choose two numbers out of a pool and then put what they equal when added together in another pool is that fantasy? You will try to argue that it is I am sure so let me have it so we can start this ****.

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You can try to argue that line of reasoning but there is no reason in it.


If I play a game that require I simply choose two numbers out of a pool and then put what they equal when added together in another pool is that fantasy? You will try to argue that it is I am sure so let me have it so we can start this ****.


...Or you can use a dictionary to see what the word "Fantasy" means.


"Argue that line of reasoning..."


Where do you people come from?

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...Or you can use a dictionary to see what the word "Fantasy" means.


"Argue that line of reasoning..."


Where do you people come from?


First one that came up in google:




The faculty or activity of imagining things that are impossible or improbable.



That really seems to support 100% what I have already typed.


Things that are impossible. Like the force...(God, deity, Higher Power) call it anything you want and then prove it could or has ever existed.


Fantasy allows for the impossible

Sci-fi allows for the possible if we gain more knowledge with what we already know. A vision of a possible future.



By the way I come from the place where reason actually exists and generally won't waste my time with full retard so I guess I have my satisfaction now and you can continue your fantasy without me :)

Edited by jbladder
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Every video game you play is fantasy.

Yah, people know that Tiaa :)


But there are labels people put onto things to further differentiate what is what. For example something like Star Wars, Star Trek, Babylon 5, Battlestar Galactica, Stargate all belong in that same type of label which people see as Sci Fi


Warcraft, Avatar, John Carter, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Excalibur stuff like that is called Fantasy. That's how people know it as in the world.


Yes there are arguments onto what is Science fantasy, Space Fantasy, Space Drama, Science Fiction, or fantasy but people just know it as those things. Sci fi or fantasy.

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First one that came up in google:




The faculty or activity of imagining things that are impossible or improbable.



That really seems to support 100% what I have already typed.


Things that are impossible. Like the force...(God, deity, Higher Power) call it anything you want and then prove it could or has ever existed.


Fantasy allows for the impossible

Sci-fi allows for the possible if we gain more knowledge with what we already know. A vision of a possible future.



By the way I come from the place where reason actually exists and generally won't waste my time with full retard so I guess I have my satisfaction now and you can continue your fantasy without me :)


Actually did you know they have actually discovered the "force" out in space. It's called dark matter. It has an energy flow through everything it ever touches and holds things together so they don't fall apart. Scientists are now looking for more of this dark matter around the universe and said there could very well possibly be beings that could control this dark matter and hence be able to "use the force" and manipulate it and use it to their needs.


I'm not making this up. Go see for yourself. It's on the science channel every week.

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Guess you don't understand the concept of different business models within the same industry.


Some will prefer one type of NO sub over the other. Neither will be exactly like the other but should have similarities... you know like almost everything that is almost like something else but is... you know... NOT.


Oh I perfectly understand the concept. But the point is this. Because you are going to play GW2 does not mean you have to quit playing swtor. Both games will have the ability to be played with no monthly subscription. So it does not hurt you to play both. But thank you for trying to attack my comment.

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Actually did you know they have actually discovered the "force" out in space. It's called dark matter. It has an energy flow through everything it ever touches and holds things together so they don't fall apart. Scientists are now looking for more of this dark matter around the universe and said there could very well possibly be beings that could control this dark matter and hence be able to "use the force" and manipulate it and use it to their needs.


I'm not making this up. Go see for yourself. It's on the science channel every week.


Love that you posted that!


Star wars is science fantasy but it is still better than straight fantasy as we have no elves and have an element of plausibility (i.e see previous post :) )

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First one that came up in google:




The faculty or activity of imagining things that are impossible or improbable.



That really seems to support 100% what I have already typed.


Things that are impossible. Like the force...(God, deity, Higher Power) call it anything you want and then prove it could or has ever existed.


Fantasy allows for the impossible

Sci-fi allows for the possible if we gain more knowledge with what we already know. A vision of a possible future.



By the way I come from the place where reason actually exists and generally won't waste my time with full retard so I guess I have my satisfaction now and you can continue your fantasy without me :)



You typed this:


You can try to argue that line of reasoning but there is no reason in it.


If I play a game that require I simply choose two numbers out of a pool and then put what they equal when added together in another pool is that fantasy? You will try to argue that it is I am sure so let me have it so we can start this ****.


After I said:


Every video game you play is fantasy.


Not only do I have no clue what you are talking about or trying to "argue" about...


Nothing in the defintion of the word "Fantasy" supports anything you are talking about.


If you are, arguing what IS "fantasy" and what isn't...


And if you are saying that SWTOR ISN'T "Fantasy"...


Then you would be wrong. To an obvious degree.


If you want to PROPERLY label it than it would be "Middle-Age Fantasy"...or Medieval.


Science Fiction (Sci-Fi) IS still "FANTASY"...


Video games are fantasy.


This is why we have something called "genres".


What you arguing is that if I tell someone I listen to "music" ...


...they should automatically know what "GENRE" it is.

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