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I blame the Guild Summit


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I knew this would happen. They took a bunch of ideas from a minortiy of people and thought paser's and more daily's would do the trick. Well they don't and they aren't. If you been here long enough you recall Guild Summit about few months back.


They only invited guild leaders. Now playing this game is like WORK. If I want unlock legacy perks I have pay 50k so that I get 2 extra points in convo affection and 40k if I was to use speeder early. What is going on people. You had Bioware Label and Star Wars and 300 million.


What happened.

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Was less then 300 million....but making credits isn't all that hard, they fall from the sky in this game. Pace yourself with doing dailies, so that it doesn't feel like work you don't need to do them back to back to back. Do some each day, stop for a while then go back when you feel you've cooled down some.


You don't really need any of the perks anyway, unless you really want to have them.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Bioware was just that, a label. None of the talent or passion. EA fired and replaced them.


What happened was LucasArts selling the publishing rights to TOR to EA so LucasArts could afford to make 1313. And if 1313 tanks, Uncle George will likely shut LucasArts down and sell the ENTIRETY of the Star Wars game publishing rights (instead of just the MMO publishing rights) to some publishing company who doesn't care about the IP at all.

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Was less then 300 million....but making credits isn't all that hard, they fall from the sky in this game. Pace yourself with doing dailies, so that it doesn't feel like work you don't need to do them back to back to back. Do some each day, stop for a while then go back when you feel you've cooled down some.


You don't really need any of the perks anyway, unless you really want to have them.


Yeah, we don't have to have these perks, and that wouldnt be a problem except for the fact that the legacy system was a big part of the only major content update we've received all year.


Everybody thinks that the Legacy System was a letdown, a supposed reward for high legacy level players turned out to be a credit sink

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Yeah, we don't have to have these perks, and that wouldnt be a problem except for the fact that the legacy system was a big part of the only major content update we've received all year.


Everybody thinks that the Legacy System was a letdown, a supposed reward for high legacy level players turned out to be a credit sink


The legacy system was so close to being awesome... but went over like a fart in church due to what you already said. If you take a 0 off all the Legacy prices, then the system would have been very useful and awesome.


With Bioware already proving that they way overprice things, this pay 2 win system really scares me.

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The foundation for the issues was set long before the guild summit.


The guild summit and the degree to which developers listened to such a small fraction of the game's population is simply a symptom of the problem - devs that didn't have a clue what they were doing.

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Everybody thinks that the Legacy System was a letdown, a supposed reward for high legacy level players turned out to be a credit sink


Don't worry. It will all be available in the cash shop.


Which is most likely why the credit prices are so high.

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I knew this would happen. They took a bunch of ideas from a minortiy of people and thought paser's and more daily's would do the trick. Well they don't and they aren't. If you been here long enough you recall Guild Summit about few months back.


They only invited guild leaders. Now playing this game is like WORK. If I want unlock legacy perks I have pay 50k so that I get 2 extra points in convo affection and 40k if I was to use speeder early. What is going on people. You had Bioware Label and Star Wars and 300 million.


What happened.


The fact that we have Legacy Perks at all is freakin' miraculous. If there's anything to be blamed besides Bioware's slow implementation of standard MMO functions and systems, I think the Guild Summit is one of the last on the list. Also, if you have the super high Legacy requirement needed for a lot of these Perks, you should undoubtedly have the coin to go along with it. People are running around with millions of credits and complaining in chat about how they don't have anything left to spend it on.

Edited by rlhaas
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Yeah, we don't have to have these perks, and that wouldnt be a problem except for the fact that the legacy system was a big part of the only major content update we've received all year.


Everybody thinks that the Legacy System was a letdown, a supposed reward for high legacy level players turned out to be a credit sink


If you start a brand new character, then the legacy system isn't a letdown. Since you would have a leg up, compared to when you started your very first toon.

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I agree here with the OP. Lets get the 10 guys from the 10 largest guilds and see what they want. Hmmm so you all play 50 hours a week, ok. You have all got at least 4 lv 50 at least, ok. Hmmm and all you do is run the lv 50 operations and flash points, have the best equipment and best loot. What you want to see is more Lv 50 operations and flash points but you want them harder because of your uber gear makes you supermen. MY GOD thats what we need content only 10% of the player base play. Lets put all our resources into this. Oh and you all have l 50 legacy and 100 milions credits well clearly you need something to spend your credits on good for you.
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The problems plaguing the game existed LONG before the guild summit. I knew a guild master who went there. They returned very disappointed because his talks with the dev's led him to believe that BW just doesn't have a clue. It's not even a matter of not having time to develop their idea's. BW just straight up didn't know what it was really doing.


Issues players are still asking for and complaining about today have been raised by players since closed beta over a year ago.

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The legacy system was so close to being awesome... but went over like a fart in church due to what you already said. If you take a 0 off all the Legacy prices, then the system would have been very useful and awesome.


With Bioware already proving that they way overprice things, this pay 2 win system really scares me.


During interviews they have said that legacy unlocks would part and parcel of the f2p structure, meaning you can buy them for in game credits or cartel coins (real money) considering this fact, it makes logical sense (for them as a business) to overcharge in terms of credits towards incenting you to spend cartel coins instead.


as a player this pisses the **** out of me.

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Bioware was just that, a label. None of the talent or passion. EA fired and replaced them.


What happened was LucasArts selling the publishing rights to TOR to EA so LucasArts could afford to make 1313. And if 1313 tanks, Uncle George will likely shut LucasArts down and sell the ENTIRETY of the Star Wars game publishing rights (instead of just the MMO publishing rights) to some publishing company who doesn't care about the IP at all.


How could Lucas sell the IP to himself? The Phantom Menace... nothing could direspect Star Wars more than that.

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I agree here with the OP. Lets get the 10 guys from the 10 largest guilds and see what they want. Hmmm so you all play 50 hours a week, ok. You have all got at least 4 lv 50 at least, ok. Hmmm and all you do is run the lv 50 operations and flash points, have the best equipment and best loot. What you want to see is more Lv 50 operations and flash points but you want them harder because of your uber gear makes you supermen. MY GOD thats what we need content only 10% of the player base play. Lets put all our resources into this. Oh and you all have l 50 legacy and 100 milions credits well clearly you need something to spend your credits on good for you.


Jesus C amen! so true !

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I agree here with the OP. Lets get the 10 guys from the 10 largest guilds and see what they want. Hmmm so you all play 50 hours a week, ok. You have all got at least 4 lv 50 at least, ok. Hmmm and all you do is run the lv 50 operations and flash points, have the best equipment and best loot. What you want to see is more Lv 50 operations and flash points but you want them harder because of your uber gear makes you supermen. MY GOD thats what we need content only 10% of the player base play. Lets put all our resources into this. Oh and you all have l 50 legacy and 100 milions credits well clearly you need something to spend your credits on good for you.


That's not at all who was at the guild summit. Everyone there was a totally casual altaholic, barely knew anything about Star Wars, and was more interested in vanity items/pets and class stories. I didn't hear any talk what-so-ever about the depth of gameplay, feature sets, meaningful PVP, or anything else that is actually required to have a successful game.


Most of the people there weren't even allowed to talk. It was an excuse for BioWare to make a powerpoint presentation showing that faction balance wasn't as bad as everyone thought, and how rich everyone is or isn't in the game.


... Oh, and to hype up the Legacy system, which turned out way lamer than what they described.

Edited by Gungan
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Does anyone remember some of the things the devs announced werent going to be in the game that the clueless idiots in the crowd applauded? Im pretty sure one was cross server and another one was dual specs.

Actually, the it was stated they'd be working on "multi-spec," the obvious connotation there that you'd be able to have more than just two.

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Well i Think Legacy doing its job very well. It is a timesink to make you sub and play longer, nothing else. Tbh who needs to level faster in this game, why should a game encourage people to roll alts to keep them busy? I myself play one character guess how usefull Legacy is! I Think the resources spent on Legacy would been better spent elsewhere, maybe some bug and polishfixes?
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Yeah, we don't have to have these perks, and that wouldnt be a problem except for the fact that the legacy system was a big part of the only major content update we've received all year.


Everybody thinks that the Legacy System was a letdown, a supposed reward for high legacy level players turned out to be a credit sink


Not just that and this is where the blinkers come on to players. The legacy system was the warning sign for F2P, its no there as a credit sync so to speak, its there to make players realize they cant buy all that stuff by grinding credits, its just to much work, And all those PERKS will be available for 50p £1 5£ on the shop.....


F2P didnt just fall out of the sky, EA / BW knew this was coming 8+ months ago, as my friend said, it was probably even there plan B before they launched the game.......


Everything you have seen since Patch 1.1 has led up to this, and legacy is the start of what we can expect on the cash shop and what will be available in game......A grind, or RL money is your choice from now on for chaff, and people will pay 50p or a £1 to save themselves 500k - 1mill in game. Some wont, but enough will.

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I'm curious as to what Bioware brought into the game that was brought up in the Guild Summit.


The healer nerf..Guild leaders asked for tougher content...BW did not respond accordingly.

Metrics...who cares about fun, interesting classes as long as it operated in the 5% window that really isn't there.

A new vision of the game...5% of the populace was represented at the summit....the new vision was based on that 5%.

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I personally believe


A; Grinding credits it not fun- Remember this game in beta when both sides gave credits in warzone's. Now it cost 500k credits just for the smallest of things. Want to unlock a race, sure just 1.2 million, want 2 percent more affection from companion only 30s.


I know they may try slow progression for F2P transfer but they can't just make everything super expense and expect us to stay. We want roll alt but we can't start those unless you ease up on prices. Stop trying oppress your PAYING customers

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The legacy system was so close to being awesome... but went over like a fart in church due to what you already said. If you take a 0 off all the Legacy prices, then the system would have been very useful and awesome.


With Bioware already proving that they way overprice things, this pay 2 win system really scares me.


what is the problem with the legacy prices???? are you all so cheap that you dont wanna spend yr VIRTUAL money?? if everyone could get it it woulnt be any special and everyone would just select everything from the legacy , meaning they could of just give it to all players. all the complaints about credits make me sick. if you think legacy is stupid since its costly then there are defo tuff in there you want, meaning they succeeded in their effort!

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