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Paying for HK


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NO Quest rewards or event rewards should ever be sold for cartel coins or real money!


If they are, then there is zero reason to play the game once you see the class story lines...and come update, Ill be able to see those for free!


Uh, event rewards are the first things to go into cash shops.


Missed the summer festival? Buy the festival mount in the store, etc. Didn't get the ultra-rare drop? Buy it in the store. That's what cash-shops are.

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You're all forgetting that the currency you use real money to purchase ANYTHING with is cartel tokens.

Subscribers get cartel tokens every 30 days with their subscription, therefore ANY pay content will be free to them.

DERRRRRRRRP Overreact moar! :rak_01:

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You're all forgetting that the currency you use real money to purchase ANYTHING with is cartel tokens.

Subscribers get cartel tokens every 30 days with their subscription, therefore ANY pay content will be free to them.

DERRRRRRRRP Overreact moar! :rak_01:


Yeah, no. HK is going to go for $15-$20, easy. Three to four months worth of store points for subscribers.

Edited by leathfuil
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Yeah, no. HK is going to go for $15-$20, easy. Three to four months worth of store points for subscribers.


Maybe, but we get retroactive tokens to start with, more if you have CE.



150 Cartel Coins*

Each paid month prior to July 31, 2012


1000 Cartel Coins**

Purchasers of the Collector's Edition

Edited by ViciousFett
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...So your saying BW would just throw away all the work they have done for the HK questline, just to put him on the shop for purchase?....Ya right, seriously doubt they would just throw away all the work they done I don't see it happening. Now if you mean purchase, as in getting the questline from the store then thats different...but purchasing the companion itself on the store? No.


Plus no one knows when the F2P date is, it could be after HK and 1.4 come into the game who knows.


F2P is comming in November. Any content they mention is always soon or we dont know but the F2P is November. They are not afraid to say November for F2P but for everything else they are afraid to say a date because it could be pushed back.


The only thing they are working on now is getting everything ready for F2P. Everything else is on the back burner.

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Maybe, but we get retroactive tokens to start with, more if you have CE.



150 Cartel Coins*

Each paid month prior to July 31, 2012


1000 Cartel Coins**

Purchasers of the Collector's Edition


There is something to note about this though, you have to be currently subscribed when F2P rolls out for most of those.


It needs to be stated, just so people who are currently unsubbed don't think they will have all of those coins coming to them when F2P launches.

Edited by Blattan
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Maybe, but we get retroactive tokens to start with, more if you have CE.



150 Cartel Coins*

Each paid month prior to July 31, 2012


1000 Cartel Coins**

Purchasers of the Collector's Edition

That'll work for the first carrot, maybe the second.


What you guys don't seem to realize is that F2P - especially F2P in the hands of kind, caring, gentle EA - is designed exclusively to push you into the cash shop as often as possible, whether you're a subscriber or not.

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Right you are about the toons levels, I stand corrected.


However, I stand by my statement as a whole.


i think bioware may make the quest buyable, but you will probbaly still need a lvl 50 and mid lvl as a FTP holder thougth that depends on the amount of character clots u can have.

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The point of F2P though... is you purchase the parts of the game that you want. The company still wants to make money so any new content is put on the store in content packs. Thats how the F2P model works.


What incentive is there to subscribe then? If i can purchase content and have it for ever and then pay nothing more to support the game? Everyone will go F2P and the game will die. They must have 2 years of content ready now to release if thats the case....

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What incentive is there to subscribe then? If i can purchase content and have it for ever and then pay nothing more to support the game? Everyone will go F2P and the game will die. They must have 2 years of content ready now to release if thats the case....


It will be cheaper to have the sub than to buy everything alone, and people will sub.


The limits on the amount of warzones a person can play in a day will wear on players trying to get gear and they will sub.

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So you know this? You know they are just working on F2P and nothing else? They have 3 months ya know, to give out the content that they are working on.


Yes I do. Ill come back when its F2P and log onto the fatman server and have someone log onto the forums to bump this thread with a big fat "told you so"

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Below is quote for an interview recently posted, it seems to me that the way in which HK may come out will be based upon date of release. While i realize the question was pertaining to F2P players, the answer sounds like all possibilities are still on the table.


So i have this to say: How ever you want to release HK for non-paying players, i dont care. I would highly suggest that if someone decides that HK should be a bought item for all players (subs included) then it would be best to not go that route.


Just posting to say that if that idea is on the table, it would not be a good thing. I am fine with F2P and i even look forward to the online store, but content that we have been waiting for needs to be availlable an no additional cost for subs.






They have said...


paying customers get a monthly stipend of cartel coins (or whatever the point system is)


f2p customers have to buy cartel coins.


And everything is for sale in the store that takes cartel coins.


so no , you don't have to "buy" HK extra , you can use your monthly alotment of cartel coins to get him.

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So you know this? You know they are just working on F2P and nothing else? They have 3 months ya know, to give out the content that they are working on.


3 more months? It better not take that long to get 1.4 out.

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They better not make HK available to be purchased.


They initially said that it would take a level 50 on both factions, along with other stuff to do, to obtain him. They need to stick by that statement! HK should be a reward from hard work, not a hand-out.


And he should only be avail to subscribers. F2Pers want him? Subscribe!


They initially said a lot of things...

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3 more months? It better not take that long to get 1.4 out.


This basically says that nothing will come out before F2P




I asked Matt and Jeff then if the planned content we learned about at E3 would be some of the first "Content Updates" to be purchased, and they couldn't go into much more detail than "yes and no". For instance, HK51 is something they really want to get in the game sooner rather than later, while Makeb is further down the line. They also have a brand new event for all subscribers coming in August which is a public world event like the Rhakgoul Invasion. I asked if HK51 would then be free for everyone, if he came before the F2P launch, and Jeff said they really haven't decided because they're not even sure when he's going to launch just yet. The goal is to work on the content and get it out as soon as they can, and if some comes after the F2P transition, then they'll evaluate what is free and what is paid.


It was a yes or no question. If HK-51 comes out before the F2P then he would have to be free wouldnt he? What decision is needed to know this? But since they know its not comming out before F2P they try to word it so some people think that it still may have a chance to come out before F2P


If they had any intention of having HK-51 coming out before F2P he would have answered. "Yes". Instead of avoiding the question.

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If they had any intention of having HK-51 coming out before F2P he would have answered. "Yes". Instead of avoiding the question.




As I've been saying for months about this and many other topics, what we get from the devs and the community team (as put to them - I still say it's not their fault)... it's ALL marketing. No amount of "this is what they said," or big fonts or whatever else I've seen people try to use to pass off the same marketing nonsense as some sort of lovey dovey "it's all sunshine and roses because they LOVE us" nonsense will change that. First and foremost, BioWare is in the business of making money. That is the beginning, middle, and end of it and they will say and do anything remotely possible to make sure they make every single possible cent they can.


I don't blame them. I just shake my head in sadness at the people who can't grasp that simple fact and sit here acting like BioWare is on some kind of mission from God (or whatever higher power you prescribe to). The highest power of all in the business world is $$$.

Edited by InnerPieces
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HK is just a bunch of BS. Back during San Diego Comic-Con they said HK-51 would be released in "the very near future". Now they say they have no idea when he will be released.:rolleyes:


Why dont you go work for them see how easy a job they have and all the deadlines the story and modeling and animation team has to deal with. On top of the programming so people dont ***** so much about bugs. I would love to see forum people from here wok on such huge projects at a time see how fast you can put out fresh content.

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so no , you don't have to "buy" HK extra , you can use your monthly alotment of cartel coins to get him.


I beg to differ. The moment they sell their first Cartel Coin, every Cartel Coin will have a monetary value. When you consider things you want and/or need (like Character Slots) will require this real money based virtual currency and you have to pick and choose how to spend the "bonus" coins while trying not to buy extra... well... my second sentence says it all, really.

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