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So, I played my Merc in pvp today.


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Dusted off my merc warhero after playing operative dps. Oh my god.

There should be an attack not in the skill tree but bought from bh trainer that make up for the disadvantage of powershot not being an instant cast attack. Then merc pyro would be somewhat on the way of being a viable way to pvp with the merc.

Untill that its better to pvp with arsenal. Or better yet, go play anorher class.


I still havent met a pyro merc that can out DPS me in a WZ.

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In sub-50 PVP as a level 42/43 Pyro Merc I'vewon 10-11 games in a row & consistently was in the top 3 overall. Most often I was top damage & kills, but not top (or dead last) objectives or heals. This was just a day or two ago.


You're a masochist if you play Arsenal/Gunnery in PVP. Sure, up against a bunch of mouth-breathing degenerates you can go invincible and score top damage/kills but no half-competent player is going to let you sit up on a vantage point and use unload-->tracer missile x 3-->rail shot-->heatseeker missiles--> repeat


If someone like a Sentinel or Vanguard gets up in your face you're going to melt like a snowball in hell. Pyro mercs, just not as badly.

Edited by Infestation
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I just brought my bodyguard into pvp today. Got a powertech to guard me, and not only did the empire win by a long shot, but we both had 45 kills- 0 deaths, and at least 10 medals. Heals aren't bad, from what I've seen.
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I just brought my bodyguard into pvp today. Got a powertech to guard me, and not only did the empire win by a long shot, but we both had 45 kills- 0 deaths, and at least 10 medals. Heals aren't bad, from what I've seen.


I don't play my merc healer all that often at all. But I do know that on my vanguard tank, guarding a healer and cycling taunts, I can tie down 4-5 enemies indefinitely if they don't handle the situation well. As long as the healer keeps their head, and keeps working, they can be the best tank in PvP with guard. That little flame icon over your head that the other team sees is auto-taunt(or should be.) Taking half damage with additional 30% taunt going off all the time makes it impossible for you to die. Tank + Healer is a classically good combination and healers should find a good tank to buddy up with when pvping.

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i find my level 41 Arsenal merc rocks in pvp, sure you have to pick your moments but the damage output can be insane and left un checked i can rinse through 3 toons at least , in short skill being smart and gear count for alot


Dude, seriously? Good luck at level 50.

Edited by frivera
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i find my level 41 Arsenal merc rocks in pvp, sure you have to pick your moments but the damage output can be insane and left un checked i can rinse through 3 toons at least , in short skill being smart and gear count for alot


I would finish top damage / top kills on my merc post level 50 often scoring 300k+ damage in warzones with 15-25kbs in literally every single warzone on my merc from level 40-49. it means NOTHING. once you hit level 50 no matter how good you may think you are any competent geared player BM/WH will rip through you if they have a vague clue what they are doing.


Example, my BM geared shadow can kill ANY arsenal/pyro merc easily regardless of their gear or what they try and do.

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I have to totally agree that the class is broken for PvP. I'm mostly a PvEer anyway, so not a huge deal for me, but I guess my concern is that while the class is broken, it's not unplayable. Sure I wouldn't want to bring my Arsenal Merc to a serious ranked WZ group, but I'm not having much of a problem getting more wins than losses doing pick ups. And I hate to say it, but I'm lazy and don't often respec for the couple matches I do before or after raid...


We've got lots of decent, spammable AoE and like others have mentioned about Arsenal, you just have to accept that you're going to die alot. Stand your ground and take it. I'm not a great PvPer, nor do I ever imagine I'll become one, do I think BW should fix Merc PvP, yes, but am I gonna take a break from it? Not until I stop doing better with my PvE specced merc than half the other imperial scrubs I see running about.

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Sorry but I was playing on my lvl 31 sniper earlier, and was up against Merc and Commando healers, even if they throw on plasma cell their default attacks hit like trucks. Merc/Commandos are like Snipers, if left alone they can do crazy damage, I never see anyone complaining about Sniper.. not to mention you can LOS and do some offhealing. Sure Marauders might be able to kill you easy, but is that really down to your class being crap or Marauders being a bit better than they should?


I deleted my lvl 29 Commando, and I miss it already, Arsenal spec in PvP could top PvP boards. I understand 50 is probably harder on you since people know to go for you, but to be honest, it's the same for sorcs, people complained about them so much (they aren't that bad) that know you get attacked right away simply because you've portrayed your class as being terrible.


Anyways, just my 2c.


EDIT: I'm happy for you all to shelf your merc/commandos because I can't say I'll miss being torn apart by default attacks

EDIT: Also, Pt can't pull off ranged damage like Merc does, sure Pt gets the option for insta plasma cell DoT, but that requires you to be close range, if both classes are at a distance, the Merc is going to get more DPS due to their default attacks having a fair bit more damage than Pt (assuming both happen to DoT at same time)

Edited by Jayshames
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Sorry but I was playing on my lvl 31 sniper earlier, and was up against Merc and Commando healers, even if they throw on plasma cell their default attacks hit like trucks. Merc/Commandos are like Snipers, if left alone they can do crazy damage, I never see anyone complaining about Sniper.. not to mention you can LOS and do some offhealing. Sure Marauders might be able to kill you easy, but is that really down to your class being crap or Marauders being a bit better than they should?


I deleted my lvl 29 Commando, and I miss it already, Arsenal spec in PvP could top PvP boards. I understand 50 is probably harder on you since people know to go for you, but to be honest, it's the same for sorcs, people complained about them so much (they aren't that bad) that know you get attacked right away simply because you've portrayed your class as being terrible.


Anyways, just my 2c.


EDIT: I'm happy for you all to shelf your merc/commandos because I can't say I'll miss being torn apart by default attacks

EDIT: Also, Pt can't pull off ranged damage like Merc does, sure Pt gets the option for insta plasma cell DoT, but that requires you to be close range, if both classes are at a distance, the Merc is going to get more DPS due to their default attacks having a fair bit more damage than Pt (assuming both happen to DoT at same time)


Pre-50 mercs are truly dangerous. After 50 mercs are truly respawning because as soon as anyone see you, you're dead.

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Sorry but I was playing on my lvl 31 sniper earlier, and was up against Merc and Commando healers, even if they throw on plasma cell their default attacks hit like trucks. Merc/Commandos are like Snipers, if left alone they can do crazy damage, I never see anyone complaining about Sniper.. not to mention you can LOS and do some offhealing. Sure Marauders might be able to kill you easy, but is that really down to your class being crap or Marauders being a bit better than they should?


I deleted my lvl 29 Commando, and I miss it already, Arsenal spec in PvP could top PvP boards. I understand 50 is probably harder on you since people know to go for you, but to be honest, it's the same for sorcs, people complained about them so much (they aren't that bad) that know you get attacked right away simply because you've portrayed your class as being terrible.


Anyways, just my 2c.


EDIT: I'm happy for you all to shelf your merc/commandos because I can't say I'll miss being torn apart by default attacks

EDIT: Also, Pt can't pull off ranged damage like Merc does, sure Pt gets the option for insta plasma cell DoT, but that requires you to be close range, if both classes are at a distance, the Merc is going to get more DPS due to their default attacks having a fair bit more damage than Pt (assuming both happen to DoT at same time)


People don't complain about snipers because they have immunity to gap closers, a root (or snare? I forget which) in leg shot, and other abilities to enable them to survive against other players. Mercs have one knockback, two if they spec into it, a slow, a stun with a good range, and a CC. The main complaint is things like this: If a melee with a gap closer is on you, you knock them back, they charge back in, and you now have nothing you can really do to keep them from owning you.


EDIT: The things a Ranged DPS class needs to be effective in PVP is the ability to keep enemies at range. Snipers can do that. Mercs can't. Once a melee is in your face and you've used your knockbacks there's not much you can do.

Edited by JimmyTheCannon
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  • 3 weeks later...
So how bout we settle this debate. Anyone on the server Fatman is more than welcome to see how well my Pyro Merc performs in ranked or regular wz's. I place 1st or 2nd (mostly 1st) in dps consistently.





You were saying?


Could you tell us how well you perform when 1v1 against any other class? Thought so, your score in WZ means nothing, only that you weren't a main target for the opposite team, that is all.

Edited by yoomazir
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So how bout we settle this debate. Anyone on the server Fatman is more than welcome to see how well my Pyro Merc performs in ranked or regular wz's. I place 1st or 2nd (mostly 1st) in dps consistently.




Well its to bad your draining team resources to allow you to perform at high levels...If they replaced you with a PT/Pyro they could get the same results and taunts, and interupts...Mara, group buffs, and more survival/ Less heal drain, and more interupts...Jugg massive control, interupts, taunts, and AoE dmg.......


What was it you were bringing to this arguement again? No idea why you are allowed on a rated team to begin with..Related to the GM?

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Pyrotech is currently the mercs best PVP option as you are not immobile like arsenal spamming tracers. And they are quite good at pulling of damage I always see mercs with most damage and kills.


1) Good Arsenal Merc don't spam tracer.

2) Those "Mercs" at the top you see are probably Powertechs.

3) Mercs are a liability to rated teams.

4) Arsenal mercs do more damage than Pyro in PVP. You would have to show me some 700k WZ SSs from Pyro mercs to prove otherwise.

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1) Good Arsenal Merc don't spam tracer.

2) Those "Mercs" at the top you see are probably Powertechs.

3) Mercs are a liability to rated teams.

4) Arsenal mercs do more damage than Pyro in PVP. You would have to show me some 700k WZ SSs from Pyro mercs to prove otherwise.




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Firstly, my main is a Sentinel, so I know the pain for being a Mercenary (I have to say Mercenary is the easiest prey for my Sentinel).


I have leveled with my Mercenary by WZ exclusively, now just hit 50. I saved up for a WH MH + BM OH, with only Recruit Gears on other slots atm. I tried Pyrotech talent as many ppl recommand it's the ONLY PvP talent. To be honest, I didn't like it. Okay I got an extra Rail Shot for every 6 secs and snare, but the problem I found is Pyro fill up my heat way so fast. If I am full heat = I am useless. I always go for full Arsenal and found I did much better at WZ. I am never a 1vs1 killer, if I got a good melee glue on me, 90% I am dead. But a Mercenary if position right, can deal out crazy range dmg & AoE dmg.


Here is what I do, play like a sneaky Sniper/Sage, always stay behind, find a far spot, find a pillar to hide and shot, find a spot which enemy range will LoS of me, tab a lower hp victim or healer then spam my Unload + Tracer Missiles no end. WZ is always busy, ppl won't notice me that quick, stay alert on the surrounding, when I am be spotted, move away ASAP and dump Heatseeker Missile + Rail Shot + Explosive Dart. Most ppl will down to zero hp unless very well geared or have a healer pet.


With stun / consussion Missile / knock-back rocket punch / shorter CD Jet Boost, they help me to get away to my team mates or hide in a safe position for self healing up.


I don't understand why ppl always says Arsenal is gimp... Maybe I am bad with my Pyro spec., so I have heat issue? Same problem with my Vanguard, I often run out of ammo with my Assault spec., I always find I can do much better with Tactics spec., when my ammo is always plenty, my experience is quite different from others, wierd...


I am not saying Mercenary is fine, it really needs some love than most other classes, but I don't think we are unplayable in WZ. Stay behind and add some serious DPS to your melee team mates.


[EDIT: snare from Combust Gas doesn't fill up resolve. Thks for point out, my bad.]

Edited by Superpasta
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1) Good Arsenal Merc don't spam tracer. True

2) Those "Mercs" at the top you see are probably Powertechs. ?

3) Mercs are a liability to rated teams. Not always.

4) Arsenal mercs do more damage than Pyro in PVP. You would have to show me some 700k WZ SSs from Pyro mercs to prove otherwise. agree, ive not met an Pyro to out DPS me yet ( unless im the solo guy at grass/snow )


I still believe Arsenal Merc is the true L2P class.

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Firstly, my main is a Sentinel, so I know the pain for being a Mercenary (I have to say Mercenary is the easiest prey for my Sentinel).


I have leveled with my Mercenary by WZ exclusively, now just hit 50. I saved up for a WH MH + BM OH, with only Recruit Gears on other slots atm. I tried Pyrotech talent as many ppl recommand it's the ONLY PvP talent. To be honest, I didn't like it. Okay I got an extra Rail Shot for every 6 secs and snare, but the problem I found is Pyro fill up my heat way so fast. If I am full heat = I am useless. I always go for full Arsenal and found I did much better at WZ. I am never a 1vs1 killer, if I got a good melee glue on me, 90% I am dead. But a Mercenary if position right, can deal out crazy range dmg & AoE dmg.


Here is what I do, play like a sneaky Sniper/Sage, always stay behind, find a far spot, find a pillar to hide and shot, find a spot which enemy range will LoS of me, tab a lower hp victim or healer then spam my Unload + Tracer Missiles no end. WZ is always busy, ppl won't notice me that quick, stay alert on the surrounding, when I am be spotted, move away ASAP and dump Heatseeker Missile + Rail Shot + Explosive Dart. Most ppl will down to zero hp unless very well geared or have a healer pet.


As I am using Hi-Vel Gas instead of Combust Gas, I don't have snare to fill up their resolve bar, and without dot on, my Consussion Missile can actually works! With knock-back rocket punch and shorter CD Jet Boost, it helps me to get away to my team mates or hide in a safe position for self healing up.


I don't understand why ppl always says Arsenal is gimp... Maybe I am bad with my Pyro spec., so I have heat issue? Same problem with my Vanguard, I often run out of ammo with my Assault spec., I always find I can do much better with Tactics spec., when my ammo is always plenty, my experience is quite different from others, wierd...


Ive always said we are fine, there are many tricks we have to use, 2 knock backs( also interupts), and 2 instant stuns (if used right) we have shields that may not be the best but they are better than nothing, we have heals 3, one being a HOT and two cast (1.5, and 2.5) that can heal up to 5k health. the trick is timing!! use knock to stop cast but also think where are they going to land.. Use High ground to buy yourself time, use that time to get a cast time off or a heal if needed.

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Ive always said we are fine, there are many tricks we have to use, 2 knock backs( also interupts), and 2 instant stuns (if used right) we have shields that may not be the best but they are better than nothing, we have heals 3, one being a HOT and two cast (1.5, and 2.5) that can heal up to 5k health. the trick is timing!! use knock to stop cast but also think where are they going to land.. Use High ground to buy yourself time, use that time to get a cast time off or a heal if needed.


What server are you on out of curiosity? Your identifying with a guy who is new to Merc and no offense to him but potentially new to PvP if he thinks snares effect resolve. Mercs are far from fine....the only people who think they are would be you...and a few grudged out folk that got tracer spammed in the face several patches ago.


I don't think its a total loss.... but it surely needs an on demand snare on a Cd...as well as a root on an appropriate Cd. Until then its fodder for glow bats...


I died to a commando once on my Juggernaut.... he caught me off guard and low on health on Illum I was so insulted I chased him into republic territory and killed three other folks before I found him....because they of course attacked on sight....didn't care about them because they were respectable ACs..... I was after the Commando because dieing to him regardless of the situation was honestly unacceptable.


Its sad but thats when I realized how bad Mercs/Commandos really are....One killed me with a ridiculous advantage..and it made me mad. If it were any other AC I would have gone about my dailies and accepted that they got the drop on me and I should have paid more attention....But never a Merc/Commando...

Edited by Soljin
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Firstly, my main is a Sentinel, so I know the pain for being a Mercenary (I have to say Mercenary is the easiest prey for my Sentinel).


I have leveled with my Mercenary by WZ exclusively, now just hit 50. I saved up for a WH MH + BM OH, with only Recruit Gears on other slots atm. I tried Pyrotech talent as many ppl recommand it's the ONLY PvP talent. To be honest, I didn't like it. Okay I got an extra Rail Shot for every 6 secs and snare, but the problem I found is Pyro fill up my heat way so fast. If I am full heat = I am useless. I always go for full Arsenal and found I did much better at WZ. I am never a 1vs1 killer, if I got a good melee glue on me, 90% I am dead. But a Mercenary if position right, can deal out crazy range dmg & AoE dmg.


Here is what I do, play like a sneaky Sniper/Sage, always stay behind, find a far spot, find a pillar to hide and shot, find a spot which enemy range will LoS of me, tab a lower hp victim or healer then spam my Unload + Tracer Missiles no end. WZ is always busy, ppl won't notice me that quick, stay alert on the surrounding, when I am be spotted, move away ASAP and dump Heatseeker Missile + Rail Shot + Explosive Dart. Most ppl will down to zero hp unless very well geared or have a healer pet.


As I am using Hi-Vel Gas instead of Combust Gas, I don't have snare to fill up their resolve bar, and without dot on, my Consussion Missile can actually works! With knock-back rocket punch and shorter CD Jet Boost, it helps me to get away to my team mates or hide in a safe position for self healing up.


I don't understand why ppl always says Arsenal is gimp... Maybe I am bad with my Pyro spec., so I have heat issue? Same problem with my Vanguard, I often run out of ammo with my Assault spec., I always find I can do much better with Tactics spec., when my ammo is always plenty, my experience is quite different from others, wierd...


Im glad your enjoying Merc, and that you are building tactics and using situational awareness....that will take you far. BTW Snares do not build resolve...neither do roots.


I also prefer Arsenal on my Merc although I roll Pyro occasionally just to switch things up. Best thing you can do is pay attention..Many people will tell you many different tactics...fact is you dont have many tools considering KB/Stun equals resolve cap...So your already doing the best thing...hit and run and never engage a melee directly. Cheers.

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What server are you on out of curiosity? Your identifying with a guy who is new to Merc and no offense to him but potentially new to PvP if he thinks snares effect resolve. Mercs are far from fine....the only people who think they are would be you...and a few grudged out folk that got tracer spammed in the face several patches ago.


I don't think its a total loss.... but it surely needs an on demand snare on a Cd...as well as a root on an appropriate Cd. Until then its fodder for glow bats...


I died to a commando once on my Juggernaut.... he caught me off guard and low on health on Illum I was so insulted I chased him into republic territory and killed three other folks before I found him....because they of course attacked on sight....didn't care about them because they were respectable ACs..... I was after the Commando because dieing to him regardless of the situation was honestly unacceptable.


Its sad but thats when I realized how bad Mercs/Commandos really are....One killed me with a ridiculous advantage..and it made me mad. If it were any other AC I would have gone about my dailies and accepted that they got the drop on me and I should have paid more attention....But never a Merc/Commando...


Im on Dalborra Server, its an Aussie PVE based but dont let that fool you. We have some very good PVP guilds and some outstanding players.

When i PVP i play smart, i rarely get myself trapped in a 1 v 1 fight, i'd rather stun and run or knock back, i use range to my advantage and LOS like a b*tch.


Im still working on a PVP video, i hope to get it done in the next few weeks.

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