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When did you realize tihs game was doomed?


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The MMO community pre-wow did. I know I'm beating a dead horse by saying that, but just saying.


no you're right, and i think unless a game comes out that has as many basic and key features that wow does, it seems nothing will compete with it. This could be the big problem with most mmo's, you cant release products that are inferior to something thats been around. i understand that's easier said than done, but thats the reality of it.

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When did you realize tihs game was doomed?


August 8th, 2010, with the Space Combat leak. That they could actually think that a single-player rail-shooter mini-game was the best option for space content in a pay-to-play Star Wars MMORPG, made it pretty obvious that they didn't "get it." Boredom brought me back, but I could already see the writing on the wall.

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I think it'll be interesting to see what people say about when they first realized that this game was headed in the wrong direction.


for me, it was when i first started playing and tried a warzone... I quickly found out that there was no bracketing and they had expertise. At that moment i realized that Bioware had no idea what they were doing and this game wouldnt make it the year.


EDIT FOR NOTE TO POSTERS: please only respond if you are a logical person and can see this game will never meet expectations. if you think that just becuase "you are enjoying the game" means that everything is fine, then this is not the thread for you.


Many things but most important the performance overall of the game, and thats lack of quality of the product speaking. And as mmorpg it was released prematurely, and lets just face it was inevitable the f2p model.

And sadly but true the road to p2w model has been set.

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EDIT FOR NOTE TO POSTERS: please only respond if you are a logical person and can see this game will never meet expectations. if you think that just becuase "you are enjoying the game" means that everything is fine, then this is not the thread for you.


1) "expectations" are different for different people. You do not control the definition or use of the word.


2) number 1 above invaldiates your entire NOTE TO POSTERS.


3) you do not have the power to censor viewpoints, not even with a red update note.


Why are you here? Seriously, why are you here? In your world view, game is doomed. Why are you hanging out in the forum of a doomed game??


FYI... I still like the game, and I don't think it is doomed. It's evolving, which I know some people think means doom.

Edited by Andryah
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I knew it was going south when people started wondering why x feature of y feature wasn't in at launch. People wanted this game to release with as much content was wow has now, it didn't people complained, mass exodus, bad word of mouth..... etc.....
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August 8th, 2010, with the Space Combat leak. That they could actually think that a single-player rail-shooter mini-game was the best option for space content in a pay-to-play Star Wars MMORPG, made it pretty obvious that they didn't "get it." Boredom brought me back, but I could already see the writing on the wall.

^^ This.

When I knew SWTOR space was going to be a shooter on rails I thought it was going to be a fail. However I didn't expect it to fail so fast.

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August 8th, 2010, with the Space Combat leak. That they could actually think that a single-player rail-shooter mini-game was the best option for space content in a pay-to-play Star Wars MMORPG, made it pretty obvious that they didn't "get it." Boredom brought me back, but I could already see the writing on the wall.


yeah this is exactly the type of small example that truly showed that bioware just didnt know what was needed to make this successful. the time and rescources spent in spacebattles could have been used to perfect more pvp warzones/ more ops/ more everything.

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