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PvP Reward Frequency


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This is not a post about entitlement or only caring about gear. I do however believe that the frequency of rewards isn't properly tuned. You can easily get a full Battlemaster set in a week or two even if you have limited play time, but then you switch to War Hero and it can easily take two weeks or more to get a single piece of gear.


Like I said, I'm not asking that it be super easy to get the best gear, but the level/gear MMO genre is pretty much defined by giving players rewards frequently enough to keep them hooked. I haven't logged in since Friday when I purchased my third piece of War Hero gear and realized how long it would be until I got another. For the record, I do enjoy PvPing for the sake of just playing the game but with only 4 warzones things have become a bit stale. Even if the rewards were purely cosmetic I believe that would be enough for players like myself to keep working at it as long as we were able to get them at a reasonable pace.


One solution to this problem could be to increase the cost Battlemaster gear and decrease the cost of War Hero. They don't need to change them by big margins, but enough that people don't start to expect that this is how fast gear comes.


Another solution could be to increase the amount of rated commendations you get but don't allow exchanging of warzone commendations to rated. At the same time, introduce a new vendor with various cosmetic rewards. This would also let players buy PvP consumables (as it is, people saving for War Hero really don't have the luxury of buying these and they took them out of the daily quest rewards).


My stance will probably get some (or a lot of) flames, but I think my concerns are valid. Just trying to be constructive.

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I dont think there's a problem with this, i have 2 full sets of war hero gear, working on a third now for my alt (3 peices already) and I always buy the consumables. gear grind can be kind of long, but its nothing that extreme imo. ive seen guys without full war hero do far better than people with it.
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I dont think there's a problem with this, i have 2 full sets of war hero gear, working on a third now for my alt (3 peices already) and I always buy the consumables. gear grind can be kind of long, but its nothing that extreme imo. ive seen guys without full war hero do far better than people with it.


How often/long do you play? I'm not saying that your experiences are unreasonable, I think I may speak a bit more from a "casual" (1-2 hours a day) perspective. It's not so much about doing better than War Hero players (I'm often top damage with only 3 WH pieces), it's about getting that nice little reward to keep me hooked. It's just like pushing at the end of a play session to get that bit of XP to make you level up. It doesn't really make anything easier because by that point you're moving onto harder areas, but it's still something to look forward to.

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no i see what ur saying, i play a lot. But on that note, even if i only played half as much as i do, i'd have 1 1/2 wh sets already.


and i see what ur saying in terms of having the reward to play for. For me though, its the oposite. im at the point where i wish it would've taken me longer because there's nothing else left for me to play for, outside of rateds.

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This is what I came up with assuming you exchange all your unranked to ranked and you only play unranked games the number of days it takes to get full war hero gear by number of wz you play a day:

wz a day	50% win		all win		all lose
6		64.3			54.0			125.7
7		60.4			49.9			118.3
8		57.0			46.5			111.8
9		54.0			43.5			105.9
10		51.2			40.8			100.6
11		48.7			38.5			95.8
12		46.5			36.4			91.4
13		44.4			34.5			87.5
14		42.5			32.8			83.8
15		40.8			31.3			80.5
16		39.2			29.9			77.4
17		37.8			28.6			74.5
18		36.4			27.5			71.9
19		35.1			26.4			69.4
20		33.9			25.4			67.1

Obviously it'd be a lot better if you could get some ranked games in as they give more ranked coms.

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As it is, playing only unranked (I understand things will be slower this way), the only ways to get significant amounts of rwz comms is through the daily and weekly. I may get 30-40 rwz comms from an unranked win and as few as 20 for a loss. Say I average 1 win to 1 loss, that'll get me approximately 30 rwz comms a match. With no daily or weekly help, it'll take 67 games to get a piece that costs 2000 comms. Throw in 1 weekly and 4 dailies (I usually don't get them done every day, I play mornings when queues are a unreliable), I would still need to play 44 games. This might not be a big deal for someone who has plenty of free time (this isn't a rant against people who have more time to devote, they SHOULD be able to get nicer things), but 30-45 games could easily take me 2-3 weeks. It's just not fun for me seeing no progression for such long stretches.
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There's this thing called Ranked Warzones. You get Ranked commendations.


Make some friends and play ranked. It's more fun even while losing, because you see what teamwork truly does in this game, and why it's far more balanced than the average forum noob would have you believe.

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There's this thing called Ranked Warzones. You get Ranked commendations.


Make some friends and play ranked. It's more fun even while losing, because you see what teamwork truly does in this game, and why it's far more balanced than the average forum noob would have you believe.




if you do this, and your team does well you could probably get like 3 wh pieces a week. or more even.

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There's this thing called Ranked Warzones. You get Ranked commendations.


Make some friends and play ranked. It's more fun even while losing, because you see what teamwork truly does in this game, and why it's far more balanced than the average forum noob would have you believe.


I generally play between 7-8:30 in the morning, it's really my only option of play time. On the Shadowlands there's usually enough people on to get a full unranked warzone by 7:15-7:45. As much as I'd like to try ranked warzones, they just don't happen during my available time frame. I understand I have my own reasons for being unable to use the best methods to get rewards, but I really feel like it shouldn't hinder me as much as it does.

Edited by LeggoMyMuoio
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I think what you're looking for here is free gear for just logging in for an hour a day and not even havning to win much. I'm sorry thats not the case, but surely you should understand why they cant have it that way.


I would feel sorry for you, but i geared up to full war hero during peak times on my old server (kinrath spider) where i could only get 1 game every few hours if it was a lucky day. gear grind now is nothing.

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I think what you're looking for here is free gear for just logging in for an hour a day and not even havning to win much. I'm sorry thats not the case, but surely you should understand why they cant have it that way.


I would feel sorry for you, but i geared up to full war hero during peak times on my old server (kinrath spider) where i could only get 1 game every few hours if it was a lucky day. gear grind now is nothing.


I think one of the main problems is that the Battlemaster grind (if you can call it that) teaches us that logging in for an hour a day will get you geared in no time. Like I suggested in my original post, one solution could be to increase the cost of Battlemaster so that it takes people a little bit longer. In the long run it would still take people the same amount of time to get all their gear, but it would spread out the rewards a little bit more evenly.

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I think one of the main problems is that the Battlemaster grind (if you can call it that) teaches us that logging in for an hour a day will get you geared in no time. Like I suggested in my original post, one solution could be to increase the cost of Battlemaster so that it takes people a little bit longer. In the long run it would still take people the same amount of time to get all their gear, but it would spread out the rewards a little bit more evenly.


The problem with that, is that recruit gear is really no good. and making people play with it longer would be really bad for players that are using it, and players that have to carry those using it. The grind for BM is short for that reason. The grind for WH is longer because BM is viable (especially if you augment it) compared it recruit gear.

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The problem with that, is that recruit gear is really no good. and making people play with it longer would be really bad for players that are using it, and players that have to carry those using it. The grind for BM is short for that reason. The grind for WH is longer because BM is viable (especially if you augment it) compared it recruit gear.


Good point, I guess the counter-argument would be to increase recruit gear stats, but that horse has been beaten to death on deaf ears.

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