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Dumb hybrid idea


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now with this build, what is the priority and the initating rotation?


From what I experienced you want to start of with the 'watchman rotation' so that would be: leap>OS>Zealous strike>cauterize>Precision slash>MS>slash/bladestorm/dispatch.


That seems to be the highest burst rotation since then you keep the dots running while you use 100% armor penetration on your energy/kinetic attacks. (Dot's won't tick harder since they ignore armor anyway, but dots+other attacks is quite high burst).


And after that use OS & cauterize as much as possible and make sure you can at least do multiple good kinetic/energy attacks (Slash/Bladestorm/dispatch) when using Precision slash without MS. This to prevent losing burst by using strike/zealous strike during armor pen.

I've had slash critical hits for 3.5k & dispatch ciritcal hits for 6k+


TL;DR keep dots running as much as possible, ideal combo: PS>MS>Slash/Bladestorm/Dispatch and make sure you have at least 6 focus when using precision slash without Master Strike

Edited by Stealios
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After typing my previous post I realized that usually 'Master strike' translates to: 'Knockback/Stun'

So I tend to fill with slash & strike till i know my enemy can't stun/KB me or I have full resolve. Takes a bit of luck but i find a lot of my MS hit their final hit and can crit above 5k from time to time.


Same with precision slash in general: Don't use it if you have nothing to follow up with (or when target is about to die)

But then again, that's just using your brain a little bit

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I posted this over a month ago and got laughed at. I am still running it and love it. No intention to swap back to cookie cutter. Mine is ever so slightly different but same premise. It only really works because of OS/PS being off the GCD.




The only Variance is 2 points in Focus to buff Master Strike vs 2 points in Watchguard for utility. Obviously you would be in Juyo form due to burns but the 5 stacks add10% to melee with PS debuffing Armor. Rely on slash as main go to attack after Cauterize. Love having Super speed, Watchman Burn/heals and nailing 5K Anihilator medals ;)


Regularly out DPS Cookie cutter Sents with my spec....


When I plot out my spec with TORhead, it makes me put 5 in a row to progress. I thought this was the rule, yet your spec and others have less than 5 in a row. Did they change this?

Edited by Slamuel
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When I plot out my spec with TORhead, it makes me put 5 in a row to progress. I thought this was the rule, yet your spec and others have less than 5 in a row. Did they change this?


While you need 5 points to progress to the next row, it doesnt matter if they are spent in a lower row. so i could have 8 in the bottom, 2 in the 2nd row and still progress to the third row. Hope you undewrstand what i mean by that

Edited by Stealios
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While you need 5 points to progress to the next row, it doesnt matter if they are spent in a lower row. so i could have 8 in the bottom, 2 in the 2nd row and still progress to the third row. Hope you undewrstand what i mean by that


Gotcha Stealios. But, it seems I am losing a lot in watchman, like the shortened kick and 0min range of leap. And, I cannot put points in plasma blades, which increases burn damage or burn crit damage by 15. I tried two wzs with it, though and did ok, and I will keep trying with it. I will see.

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Tried that on my 48 mara: http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/skills/marauder#8dlc-1ec07ekk-2

Love the combined utility & survivability. As carnage it was just a dps race how much i can kill before they kill me, with this spec they die a bit slower but i never die until its 1vs3+... (All purples & augments). Did some 5.4k hits with ravage last hit.

The only thing that i dont like about it is resource management, i'm often rage starved after applying bleeds and need to do a couple of assaults to get enough rage for gore + slashes. (pre50 factor — if i do gore+ravage i dont need bleeds 'cause that +execute will kill a person anyway unless interrupted). But well, you can't have all of it at once...

Also i never use force scream unless i'm slowed and need to finish somebody out of melee range (or need to do force damage 'cause of a cooldown). Its just too costly without autocrit and reduced cost... Not sure why is it included in «base rotation» in this thread.

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Also i never use force scream unless i'm slowed and need to finish somebody out of melee range (or need to do force damage 'cause of a cooldown). Its just too costly without autocrit and reduced cost... Not sure why is it included in «base rotation» in this thread.


It's not really 'base rotation' but more of a possible thing to use when people are running away. it's definitely not the best option if you can use slash or dispatch, but as it is with most abilities in pvp; it's situational.


While i do agree that with the slightly worse focus/rage management you'll have to build up a little more often from time to time compared to full watchman, however i don't feel like it's ruining the spec.

If the focus management was as easy as watchman it would be really OP to have this spec, since then you could literally just keep going & going


EDIT: also took a closer look at your spec and for me focus management is slightly easier since i put points in reduced force leap CD & range, so i can use it as focus builder very often.

Edited by Stealios
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But, it seems I am losing a lot in watchman, like the shortened kick and 0min range of leap. And, I cannot put points in plasma blades, which increases burn damage or burn crit damage by 15. I tried two wzs with it, though and did ok, and I will keep trying with it. I will see.


I don't have the shortened kick, but I didn't spec in that anyway unless it was for PvE (matter of preference)

However i do have 0m min range of leap.


The points you can't put in plasma blades are made up for by the part where you have 100% armor pen on your kinetic & energy attacks (All melee + a few force attacks)

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EDIT: also took a closer look at your spec and for me focus management is slightly easier since i put points in reduced force leap CD & range, so i can use it as focus builder very often.

Yeah maybe i'll switch points from ravage buff just for that. Main reason for putting it there — wanted to hit 5k with a pre50 toon. :) Don't really want to remove points from slow, even at 1/2 it means that you can save your root/slow in 1 situation out of 2.

Completely agreed that rage gen problem doesn't ruin the spec in any way, otherwise it'd be too cool. And it's the problem any warrior hybrid will have.


ED: As for reducing leap range i'd rather save it for gap closer then point-blank rage generation, there're just so much ways to kite a mara to waste a leap on that.

Edited by Alhxor
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  • 10 months later...
Sorry to bring this thread back from months ago, but is anyone still playing this hybrid with success, with tree changes, and the 5 extra levels? I left the game for months, and am back...does it still work? Thank you.
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Thanks,it looks good, have you tried it? I have not been able to play for a little while, so I have not been able to try it myself.


I haven't, honestly. Hit 55 on my Mara, and have been busy leveling my Sentinel. It's probably not as good as full Combat, though.

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Hey guys, I stumbled across this thread and thought I'd try a PvE build:



I was able to do a lot more damage than I'd have expected, parsing to 2662 over 12 minutes:



That's only 150 DPS behind what I can do with full watchman, my best here for comparison is 2804 over 6 minutes:



I basically used the opener as suggested:


Valorous Call | Leap + Overload Saber - Zealous Strike - Cauterize + Zen/Inspiration + Relic + Adrenal - Precision Slash - Master Strike - Blade Storm


After that I had two micro rotations going: Keeping dots up and making best use of Precision windows


Priority in Precision Windows:

Master Strike

(Dispatch would come here, if available)

Blade Storm


Twin Saber Throw



Priority if no Precision:


Overload Saber


Blade Storm


Twin Saber Throw (Better though to save it for precision windows if you're out of focus there)


<- No Master Strike in here, since it's CD is for use in every 2nd precision window exactly and should ONLY be used there


As I've only done two tries in this specc, I'm actually wondering if it's possible to even top my pure watchman DPS - if I was equally experienced in this new rotation as in watchman, which I've been playing for ages...



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