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Don't you dare go Pay2Win Bioware!


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Would pay inmediatly for the following:

* Extra questslots, hate cancelling missions, no matter the level/MMO.

* Possibility to add more companions in your group and go for full KOTOR 1/2 RPG-mode.

* Animal mounts based on planet..

* Extra sellslots on Galactic Market


Edited by Shigsy
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I doubt they will go P2W initially but when the game is truely dying then they might, because P2W gives you more cash per player, but this is probably years off (*crosses fingers*).


I reeeeally dont get why anyone would want P2W. If you have the best gear instantly, then what will you do except PvP? A big part for me when doing OPs and FPs is the opportunity to get better gear. Imagine running OPs and FPs with no chance at all of improving your gear or any worthwhile reward. That would take away a lot of fun for me. Plus I think P2W is very bad for the community as people would likely push other to buy stuff or show of what they bought.

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What about items like +18 expertise + 12 endurance augments?

Those items' data is already in game just havent been made available yet (dont know why).


What I think they would do is making something modifiable truly modifiable.

As in you can now have enhancement of with (+Main Stat+Power+Crit + Endurance) with cash shop you can buy enhancement with (+Main Stat+Power+Crit + ANY STAT U CHOOSE)


Like the overall item weight does not change but you can customize to the finest detail to the individual stat on any mod/enhancement/armoring. So its not really P2W as item still gets capped equal to in-game item.


I bet they would do it now I gave them the idea... (including the excuse they can use when people QQ about P2W)

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Ancient Cartel Datacron "Stat Type"

$19.99 (8000 cartel coins)

Single Use

Adds the "Stat" equal to all the Datacorns found around the universe of the stat type.

Does not stack with bonus gained from ingame datacorns.


You know its not P2W as it only provides as much stat point equal to total of the stat provided by all the daracrons around the universe.


You know its completely convenience item as all it does is save you time so you dont have to look for them and saves travel and loading time.


(more bad ideas for BW?)

Edited by warultima
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Win what? If you have poor skills and experience or a poorly coordinated team, you will still be facerolled. Let BW do what they must to bankroll more content development, purists are by nature selfish and don't want anyone else to get what they have grinded weeks for.
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Bring on F2P, I look forward to it. But don't you dare go Pay2Win Bioware. Whatever microtransactions you bring to the game don't even think about character enhancements, even on the smallest scale. Keep the game balanced and don't give people with money to burn an unfair advantage... EVER!


That is all.





But EA.

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If they do something like SOE is with planetside 2, or Hi-Rez with Tribes:Ascend where you don't really need to spend anything if you don't want (only for things like skins and exp boosters etc) then it will work well. They are still profiting from people who don't spend anything due to them just being in the game and buffing up the population.


From looking at BW's planned F2P scheme it isn't really F2P though, you have to pay a sub if you actually want to do anything at end-game.


But...we all know how greedy the big publishers like EA and Activision are. So I'm betting it will degrade in to pay-to-win and they will wonder why everyone flocks away from the game, obviously not blaming themselves.

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So I'm betting it will degrade in to pay-to-win and they will wonder why everyone flocks away from the game, obviously not blaming themselves.


Like how DEV replied about how there's no class balance, players just need to learn to play better. As in if a lethality operative or arsenal merc lose to a pyrotech PT or a marauder, its obvious the operative/merc needs to seriously learn to play. Why? because according to the metrics all classes are preforming equally about 5% within each other.


Let me put it in this way since I think P2W is inevitable....


I will be amazed if EA did NOT turn this game into P2W within 8 months after F2P hits.

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P2W is inevitable im afraid. BW see the cash shop as an untapped source of revenue. Now any shop if it is to survive, has to actually sell stuff.The "its only fluff" or convenience not advantage" are short term goals. How many new pets, speeders, robes are u going to buy before u think enough ? At that point, something, probably a med pac will stealth in to the shop with slightly better stats than available in game.Maybe a seperate cooldown too.

Then the floodgates will open, unless there is a massive backlash on the forums. Sadly, like my last mmo, i dont see it happening. Once P2W gets its foot in the door sense of achievement gets trumped by i want it now, will pay.

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Bring on F2P, I look forward to it. But don't you dare go Pay2Win Bioware. Whatever microtransactions you bring to the game don't even think about character enhancements, even on the smallest scale. Keep the game balanced and don't give people with money to burn an unfair advantage... EVER!


That is all.


Sorry mate, but EA doesn't care about players - the care about money.

So forget about it man... :(

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Bring on F2P, I look forward to it. But don't you dare go Pay2Win Bioware. Whatever microtransactions you bring to the game don't even think about character enhancements, even on the smallest scale. Keep the game balanced and don't give people with money to burn an unfair advantage... EVER!


That is all.


I guess they are now terrorized by your threats!

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Bring on F2P, I look forward to it. But don't you dare go Pay2Win Bioware. Whatever microtransactions you bring to the game don't even think about character enhancements, even on the smallest scale. Keep the game balanced and don't give people with money to burn an unfair advantage... EVER!


That is all.


Bring on F2P, I look forward to it. And PLEASE dare to go Pay2Win Bioware. Whatever microtransactions you bring to the game think about GREAT character enhancements, even on the smallest scale. Keep the game AWESOME and don't give people with TIME to burn an unfair advantage... EVER!


That is all

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The trick with free to play is when Bioware feels it has enough people performing microtransactions it will become pay to win. The strategy is that you need cash inflow from microtransactions to be at least twice that of the subscriptions. Once that has been reached you can effectively make it a pay-to-win game with resounding success. You will loose your subscriber (guaranteed income) for a more lucrative player (one who is willing to dole out thousands every 3-12 months).
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Look at it from my perspective, will ya?


I'm an exceptionally crappy player with little patience and even less time to play. I do however have mucho dinero to burn. The thought of being able to drop $25.00 to buy awesomely epic Rat-tat-tooie Gear, or $50.00 for epically awesome Zip-dee-doo-dah Gear thrills me to no end.


I'm salivating at the prospect that I can simply buy Armor of Achilles Gear and crush all those players who spent EIGHT hours a day grinding for gear, learning the physics of gameplay, and crunching quadratic algorithms to optimize their rotations.


Oh yeah, I'd drop $75.00 for Invincible Me Gear.




and a good portion of the remaining player base would DROP THEIR ACCOUNTS if you are allowed to buy what you just listed!


If you think your $75.00 greater then say 1000+ accounts they would lose going p2w


Well you think awfully high of yourself is all I can say!


But having said all that I dont expect EA to figure this truth out and figure they will go P2W and lose a ton of their remaining subscribers by doing so.

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Would pay inmediatly for the following:

* Extra questslots, hate cancelling missions, no matter the level/MMO.

* Possibility to add more companions in your group and go for full KOTOR 1/2 RPG-mode.

* Animal mounts based on planet..

* Extra sellslots on Galactic Market



1) no

2) No, I expect that to be apart of my subscription

3) No, I expect ALL MOUNTS to be apart of my subscription

4) Personally no but this one I could live with being a microtransaction

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I'm an older gamer who could afford p2w (and understands the counter argument that it's just as unfair in theory for people with more time to grind to have a huge advantage over people who can't play videos games 12+ hrs a day), BUT I think it's a bad idea.


The bottom line is it will kill the immersion aspect and rot away at the core of the community. This is a 200+ million dollar game, not some low budget mmorpg or FB app. You need long time subs to make the most $$$. When you take away the need for players to build community bonds running heroics, flashpoints, and other game content with some sort of shared/common goal (loot, credits, valor, ect) the game becomes an empty shell. How are you going to run 16 man ops (which require not just gear but practice and some level of dedication) as the player base consists of more and more short-term players with no care or connection to their character?


I think there is room to make good profits, have a f2p model, and maintain an emphasis on community based gaming.

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All I can say is if they go P2W I will be leaving. I am still enjoying playing the game, although some more content would be nice...but P2W is crossing the line for me :/


Some more content would be nice, some more money to hire more people to make them faster would be nice as well.

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The trick with free to play is when Bioware feels it has enough people performing microtransactions it will become pay to win. The strategy is that you need cash inflow from microtransactions to be at least twice that of the subscriptions. Once that has been reached you can effectively make it a pay-to-win game with resounding success. You will loose your subscriber (guaranteed income) for a more lucrative player (one who is willing to dole out thousands every 3-12 months).


This is typical F2P micro transaction practice. It takes sometime to get the statistic however. So we still have one year or so (or only a year left depending on your viewpoint) that we can enjoy this game that doesnt make $$ = GG I WIN.

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3) No, I expect ALL MOUNTS to be apart of my subscription




There are going to be mounts that you can only get through the cash shop. Of course, as a subscriber, you'll be given monthly Cartel Coins (as well as a retroactive cache of Cartel Coins) to spend on things you want in the shop - that's what they're there for.


Honestly, as a subscriber, I'd rather there be speeders, pets and whatnot that are only available with CC than have the shop only have things that are available in game.

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Face it. P2W is inevitable. As are Pay-to-play microtransactions. They'll just save it until you get hooked.


the moment it goes P2W i will leave, its as simple as that. i have had a torrid time with this P2W before and im vehemently against it.


whoever thought that P2W system was a good idea probably had a rock in their head the size of a peanut. its just how i feel about it.

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Well, I think its dumb that the developers promised set bonuses tied to armoring mods, so we can wear any gear we want for appearance without losing our set bonuses...


But when implemented it was only for the EC hardmode gear, which is essentially unobtainable to any except really dedicated raiders. So the folks who care about our looks cant wear what we like.


I would like to see the campaign armorings with set bonus for sale. I work 12 hr days, go to grad school, and have a family. Its more convenient for me to just buy the armor mods off a cash shop.

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I don't totally agree. They can make the shop nothing but fluff and fun. They don't have to go the route of adding enhancements for characters and gear that give them a leg up in PvE and PvP.


Bring on all the Sparkle Dust, Party Disco Balls, and exclusive speeders you want. Heck gimme more clothing options to customize my looks. They just need to steer clear of making players better by just clicking "buy now".


That's a catch-22.


If the disco balls sell, then they will focus their efforts on making new flavors of disco balls instead of endgame content.


If the disco balls don't sell, they'll go pay-to-win.


Why do I say this? Look at their history since December. How many times have they said they're going to release more content, more often? How many times have they actually released content? Conclusion: They are not capable of releasing content.


If they can't release content and disco balls don't sell, they have 2 options: close the game or pay-to-win. They'll do the latter, first.


Either way, without content, the game isn't worth playing for me and probably most who aren't looking for SIMS: The Old Republic.

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