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Don't you dare go Pay2Win Bioware!


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Bring on F2P, I look forward to it. But don't you dare go Pay2Win Bioware. Whatever microtransactions you bring to the game don't even think about character enhancements, even on the smallest scale. Keep the game balanced and don't give people with money to burn an unfair advantage... EVER!


That is all.

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Face it. P2W is inevitable. As are Pay-to-play microtransactions. They'll just save it until you get hooked.


I don't totally agree. They can make the shop nothing but fluff and fun. They don't have to go the route of adding enhancements for characters and gear that give them a leg up in PvE and PvP.


Bring on all the Sparkle Dust, Party Disco Balls, and exclusive speeders you want. Heck gimme more clothing options to customize my looks. They just need to steer clear of making players better by just clicking "buy now".

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I don't totally agree. They can make the shop nothing but fluff and fun. They don't have to go the route of adding enhancements for characters and gear that give them a leg up in PvE and PvP.


Bring on all the Sparkle Dust, Party Disco Balls, and exclusive speeders you want. Heck gimme more clothing options to customize my looks. They just need to steer clear of making players better by just clicking "buy now".


After looking into GW1 and GW2, no, F2P does not automatically mean P2W. But EA has a nice little track record with most of their F2P's being P2W...

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It seems to me they are going the "Free-to-try" route by all the restrictions they are imposing its really just a trial that goes to lvl 50 it has pretty much all the restrictions the free trial does and a few extra ones for max level (no raiding, limited dailies, flashpoints and warzones etc.) as long as the cash shop doesn't include stat boosters or retarded xp boosters or valor boosts, especially any gear that isn't empty.


If they start selling mods in the cash shop or something along those lines its gonna be a sad day for tor fans.

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its ea running the show lets look



BF3 free to play buy better guns

BF heroes used to be able to rent guns at a decent amount of tokens they raised it to force ppl to pay cash

fifa 13 CE or limited ed cant remember comes with addias all star team ie best players in 1 squad not OP in any way:rolleyes:


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F2P is fine, buying new cloths, speeders, pets, etc.. is great....but if it goes P2W myself and the 25+ people I know will stop playing that day. Perfect World International was an awesome game, but only way you can do PVP is if you spent $3,000 on gear to compete, and more if you want to win. That's stupid, and drove most people away from the game.
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Face it. P2W is inevitable. As are Pay-to-play microtransactions. They'll just save it until you get hooked.


SWTOR going P2W is as likely as GW2 going pay to win, or League of Legends, etc...


Besides, TOR haters unsubscribed to go play Diablo 3, now TOR haters complain because they think it will be P2W?


Again, Double Standard is amazing in this forum, If Diablo 3 and GW2 have P2W and microtransactions respectively it's very good, if TOR has them is bad.

Edited by ChazDoit
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Bring on F2P, I look forward to it. But don't you dare go Pay2Win Bioware. Whatever microtransactions you bring to the game don't even think about character enhancements, even on the smallest scale. Keep the game balanced and don't give people with money to burn an unfair advantage... EVER!


That is all.


Look at it from my perspective, will ya?


I'm an exceptionally crappy player with little patience and even less time to play. I do however have mucho dinero to burn. The thought of being able to drop $25.00 to buy awesomely epic Rat-tat-tooie Gear, or $50.00 for epically awesome Zip-dee-doo-dah Gear thrills me to no end.


I'm salivating at the prospect that I can simply buy Armor of Achilles Gear and crush all those players who spent EIGHT hours a day grinding for gear, learning the physics of gameplay, and crunching quadratic algorithms to optimize their rotations.


Oh yeah, I'd drop $75.00 for Invincible Me Gear.



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Ill wait and see. The second I see items that give you any sort of advantage over other players im gona jump ship. Cash shops should be strictly for Cosmetics, mounts, and account unlocks.


agreed. People should wait and ACTUALLY see how it goes before immediately crying and whining.

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Look at it from my perspective, will ya?


I'm an exceptionally crappy player with little patience and even less time to play. I do however have mucho dinero to burn. The thought of being able to drop $25.00 to buy awesomely epic Rat-tat-tooie Gear, or $50.00 for epically awesome Zip-dee-doo-dah Gear thrills me to no end.


I'm salivating at the prospect that I can simply buy Armor of Achilles Gear and crush all those players who spent EIGHT hours a day grinding for gear, learning the physics of gameplay, and crunching quadratic algorithms to optimize their rotations.


Oh yeah, I'd drop $75.00 for Invincible Me Gear.




I can see it now


"Don't worry folks... We here at BioWare understand your concerns and will make sure that players with little time and lodsa money can remain competitive with regular endgame players in operations and warzones."

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Ill wait and see. The second I see items that give you any sort of advantage over other players im gona jump ship. Cash shops should be strictly for Cosmetics, mounts, and account unlocks.


I have to agree I don't like pay to win models. Although I have read from the forums and my understanding is this is not what they will be releasing what they intend is simply cosmetic things to begin with and a F2P buy expansions idea, what I just read earlier in their community Q&A was that they will allow players who are F2P to buy acces to the content subscibers have via cartel coins. This allows them to play the game the way they want. It's a F2P game with of course restrictions but F2P will give benefits to subs and allow F2P players the ability to purchase game modes and other things. Yes in a sense pay to play but at the same time they can play the game all they want they just don't have access to the things that are in sense subscriber perks. No company can survive going completely F2P. Just saying.

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Look at it from my perspective, will ya?


I'm an exceptionally crappy player with little patience and even less time to play. I do however have mucho dinero to burn. The thought of being able to drop $25.00 to buy awesomely epic Rat-tat-tooie Gear, or $50.00 for epically awesome Zip-dee-doo-dah Gear thrills me to no end.


I'm salivating at the prospect that I can simply buy Armor of Achilles Gear and crush all those players who spent EIGHT hours a day grinding for gear, learning the physics of gameplay, and crunching quadratic algorithms to optimize their rotations.


Oh yeah, I'd drop $75.00 for Invincible Me Gear.




"This" I'm afraid I'm with this guy lol!

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I'm hopeful that they won't add any P2W items to the cash shop but they probably will, but since said items will most likely be aimed a pvpers it shouldn't effect me much as I don't pvp.




You seem to have an issue telling the difference between Star Wars and World of Warcraft.


Is it sad that when I clicked on your link I knew immediately which episode of TNG that picture is from? I'm such a nerd.

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Most cash shops start out swearing blind that they are all about convenience and fluff and will not sell advantages, they all seem to end up the same way though, its just a matter of time in my opinion. With EA involved I suspect it will be a case of sooner rather than later. :rolleyes:
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Your demanding EA not to be cash cow milking people? Good luck with that buddy all they want is your money nothing else.


They can make all the money they want. It's how they go about doing it. I'm not resistant to the fluff and fun they can offer through the upcoming shop. Give us convenience out the wazoo, just keep out the money based advancement. Lastly, I ain't your buddy... Pal.

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They can make all the money they want. It's how they go about doing it. I'm not resistant to the fluff and fun they can offer through the upcoming shop. Give us convenience out the wazoo, just keep out the money based advancement. Lastly, I ain't your buddy... Pal.


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