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So whos actually unsubbing because of this?


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In highsight, this was so predictable.


The so lauded yet so dissapointing legacy system turned out to be nothing but a beta for a cash shop.


They're already nickling and diming you for things that in all honesty should be part of the "vanilla experience". Now they're just gonna move on from ingame credits to RL currency.

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OK, I'm officially out. :( Sad.


Good GW2 will be online in 27 days.


GW2 is F2P too


and very much like Swtor they will be selling Boosters, Cosmetic Items, Extra Character Slots, and a lot of other stuff


Also, They sell Boosters that dramatically increase your chances to get epic loot, that is as close as it gets to actually selling overpowered items for real money.


GW2 is coming out with transfers out of the gate, and they really blew swtor out of the water on that one, but they didnt do it out of the goodness of their heart, without a subscription model, Paid Transfers is going to be one of their sources of revenue, and thats why they worked so hard to get them working.

Edited by ChazDoit
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Just unsubbed, not interested in a p2w model, and with EA in the driving seat that is what this will turn into.


Such a shame that Bioware got into bed with these morons, gaming in general would be so much better if EA suffered a catastrophic melt down and went the way of the Dodo!

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If there's anything more than fluff (gearskins, pets, mounts, etc.) in the cash shop, I'll probably end up bailing. I'm cool with peeps paying for fluff, but I don't believe in Pay2Win Games.


^ This how I look at it. I am also pissed that they've been spending this god damn time doing this f2p crap, when they could of been fixing issue the game an severe have been haveing.

They sad part is BW is starting to push me back into looking at Mist of Pandora (WoW) again. I don't want to but with the fail attempt On rated war zones. When they should of created arena areas for smaller groups of 4 an 2 players. Got it to a balance in pvp so players could have a lot more matches, instead of facing they same few teams.


They've made mistakes an I hope they can bounce back before the dmg is beyond repair. I like StarWars an some of the things they did. How ever it has been taking a dive in #. My 2c

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Yeah... Another free to play game.


Buy 2 play... A BIG difference.


You buy the game and it has no subs, but a fluff shop that pays for content later on.


If this joke had done it, it may have worked. But to sell the game, then milk the players, then add very little in content, then remove content (Ilum anyone?), then play at being Silent Bob, then hit us with "Have some free coins, that probably, won't cover the cost of the legacy perk that was mean't to be free all those months ago!".


We've been used and now were to pay for stuff we were promised months ago? The only thing that was EVER fun "for me!" was the OPs runs and they are not worth $15, hell, they're not worth five! :(

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Buy 2 play... A BIG difference.


You buy the game and it has no subs, but a fluff shop that pays for content later on.


If this joke had done it, it may have worked. But to sell the game, then milk the players, then add very little in content, then remove content (Ilum anyone?), then play at being Silent Bob, then hit us with "Have some free coins, that probably, won't cover the cost of the legacy perk that was mean't to be free all those months ago!".


We've been used and now were to pay for stuff we were promised months ago? The only thing that was EVER fun "for me!" was the OPs runs and they are not worth $15, hell, they're not worth five! :(


Sums up my feelings exactly. I understand the reasons behind them doing this with subs declining, which they wouldn't have if they'd delivered on their promises of monthly content updates, not released a BETA bugridden pile of horse manure.


However, for the record I will never ever buy any new EA/Bioware product during my lifetime!


Not because of F2P, but because of the issues mentioned in the quoted posters comment, and for so throughly lying to your customers every step of the way. For the patch notes that promises fixes to bugs that remain in game. The content updates that never arrive.


For the destruction of a franchise Star Wars that I hold very dearly. Never again. Not a single cent will ever leave my pocket or bank account and find its way to EA and/or Bioware again from this point. That's a promise! No matter how fantastic the products they will produce will look, my mind will always go: remember what they did to SWTOR.


I will keep my monthly sub here, if only to actually experience the content I was promised, and because I'm that hooked on Star Wars. New products in the future though will never gain my support in any way shape or form.

Edited by kirdapeswtor
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I just resubbed yesterday... FML


I bought a 60-day card just before I went on a month long vacation with friends. And this is pretty much what happened with WoW for me. I JUST resubbed for my Annual Pass, and my entire guild switches to a Brazilian server (they were Brazilians on English servers), and I had nobody else to raid with.


But as far as unsubbing goes, absolutely. I play this game to level my alts to get more story and to do Ops. There is no way I will be paying money for Ops or to level more characters. If it were F2P from launch I would have played one character to 50, then stopped playing because of a lack of things to do. I'm actually kinda pissed about this because I knew they were going F2P, but wasn't sure to what extent it would be.


BioWare should grandfather in some crap for the subscribers who have been here for months and just give us a lifetime account for free like I believe they did for Star Trek Online (what some friends of mine told me).


The fact of the matter is that those who do Ops will slowly dwindle in number, and trying to replace people will be a nightmare since nobody will be able to try raiding out without forking over money to find out they don't like it.

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Buy 2 play... A BIG difference.


Not really, actually they are quite similar


and very much like Swtor they will be selling Boosters, Cosmetic Items, Extra Character Slots, and a lot of other stuff


Also, They sell Boosters that dramatically increase your chances to get epic loot, that is as close as it gets to actually selling overpowered items for real money.


Also you can expect the new GW2 content to come through expansions like in the original guild wars, which is fine, nothing wrong with that.


I don't know how will swtor bring more content but I guess it will be through DLCs like DCUO instead of Expansions

Edited by ChazDoit
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The message from players exiting the game is clear – 40 percent say they were turned off by the monthly subscription. And many indicated they would come back if we offered a free-to-play model.



So let me get this straight..


The 40% that left said they were leaving due to the subscription model and claimed that they would likely return if ToR had a F2P option. :rolleyes:


These same people in other words didn't believe the content was worth a $15 a month, but in an effort to lure these people back they announce an impending hybrid model allowing people to play class stories 1 to 50 unhindered with restrictions on endgame and various other aspects of the game in hopes that they will what purchase what they need through these cartel coins?

So what would be different for these people with less access to a game they didn't like when they had full access?

..and how since there will likely be less subscribers supporting the game for future content and more people paying for bits and peices of it or not all will the flow of content move faster?


It goes beyond incompetence to believe that EA execs actually fell for this bull*&%!.

Edited by Hardwear
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The message from players exiting the game is clear – 40 percent say they were turned off by the monthly subscription. And many indicated they would come back if we offered a free-to-play model.



So let me get this straight..


The 40% that left said they were leaving due to the subscription model and claimed that they would likely return if ToR had a F2P option. :rolleyes:


The part that jumped out at ME was the fact that 40% of the people who left said that. Not 60%. The majority were fine with the price, but they had other reasons for leaving. And obviously the amount of people who are already paying are fine with paying for it.


What I would like to know is this...what was the peak amount of subs, and what is the current amount? THEN if that 40% ends up being more than the current that are left, then it would make more sense.


But yeah, the people who would come back for a F2P model would be coming back with the hopes they got back for free exactly what they had when they left, which they won't. So the response is pretty much misguided stupidity on BioWare's part.

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I will keep playin it, but i'm a bit mad that bought last mont game cards for 180 days so i have a subscritprion till february... If i knew this i wouldn't have bouhgt the last game cards in the shop...

Cause i had till october with the days i already had...


On the other side, i will certainly be coming from time to time, and it's an extra saving post ;)

But a bummer about the 80€...

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The message from players exiting the game is clear – 40 percent say they were turned off by the monthly subscription. And many indicated they would come back if we offered a free-to-play model.



So let me get this straight..


The 40% that left said they were leaving due to the subscription model and claimed that they would likely return if ToR had a F2P option. :rolleyes:


I don't think it was such a bad choice. Im one of the people that was unsubbing because I felt that I wasnt getting my money's worth with the monthly fee.


As someone that enjoys PVP I only got 1 new warzone since launch and And they removed any quests or features that promoted open world PVP on Ilum, thats what I got for my 6 months of subscription as a PVPer.


They couldn't deliver on Ranked Warzones on 1.2 and they were delayed for months, and now we have the first iteration of Ranked Warzones with bare bones features, no solo or due queues, not possible to reconnect to warzones, no cross server queueing.


So yeah, Im not paying $15 every month for this and Im glad they went free2play

Edited by ChazDoit
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Already done. No FTP game has ever done good after the transition. F2P = Buy to win, just might take a month or two but it is EA after all....*sighs* I should really have known better from the start, but was blinded by biowares lies.
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Nope. For me, I find the game to be pretty good, and, as it stands, I don't see myself unsubbing until they shut down the servers for good. Be it next month or on the 10 year anniversary, I'm in for the long-haul.


Besides, I know quite a few people who have paid for MMO's that eventually went F2P, and they've all said the games improved after that. So, I'm interested in seeing where things go.

Edited by IsawaMitaka
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Having gone through something similar with STO and PWI (pwi was always f2p), only to watch those games become filled with some of the most annoying people I've ever wanted to strangle in real life, I fear this game will end much the same way. I've played a number of F2P P2W games and they invariably in my experience end up filled chock full of terrible, rude, disgusting people.


Every F2P game I have ran across starts out saying they will never introduce game changing items in their cash shops, it will all only be vanity items etc. and for the most part, every single one eventually breaks that promise and the game becomes pay 2 win, destroying the game from the inside out for the average player.


Granted not all games have yet fallen totally to the pay 2 win formula, but I have little doubt they all eventually will. Greed of the game owners (EA/BW) will eventually trump anything they previously stated and over time they will repeatedly introduce items into the game that will be game changers and game breakers.


Not to mention the sort of people you get flooding into any game that is F2P. I've played a lot of MMO's and the rudest, nastiest, vilest people I have ran across have ALL been in F2P games... and I came to this game from EVE Online (not F2p but deff a troll fest).


I fear SW:TOR will eventually fall to the Dark Side.. but until it does.. I will play it, and still pay a sub. But when it falls. That will be it for me. I will cancel and walk away, never to look back.



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I don't think it was such a bad choice. Im one of the people that was unsubbing because I felt that I wasnt getting my money's worth with the monthly fee.


As someone that enjoys PVP I only got 1 new warzone since launch and And they removed any quests or features that promoted open world PVP on Ilum, thats what I got for my 6 months of subscription as a PVPer.


They couldn't deliver on Ranked Warzones on 1.2 and they were delayed for months, and now we have the first iteration of Ranked Warzones with bare bones features, no solo or due queues, not possible to reconnect to warzones, no cross server queueing.


So yeah, Im not paying $15 every month for this and Im glad they went free2play


...and you think content will somehow roll out faster with less subs and more people paying in slices or in some cases not at all

I'm eager to whitness this marvel of econimics cash vs value.

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