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So whos actually unsubbing because of this?


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Actually I think other wise.. There really isn't anything different form ftp games and pay to play.. They just have to get the coding for the store ect...


I assure you most of that was already in place for swtor.


FTP is the future period.. GW2 is nothing new and is just ok played several beta weekend and have decided to pass on it right now.


I think in the long run SWTOR will be a better game pve and pvp wise.


Because if BioWare has shown us ANYTHING, it's that they don't release anything until it's ready and that they get it right the first time.



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They had 1.7 million subscribers and they couldn't get out content at a good speed

They've laid off half there staff, explain to me how you expect them to come out with content at a faster pace


This guy gets it. Galvatron doesn't.

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Tuscad, check it out, I did some leg work for you:


From the announcement:


" We quickly became aware that our subscription only model was a major barrier for a lot people who wanted to become part of The Old Republic universe. In fact, many players who have left the game said they would happily come back if they could play without the commitment of a monthly fee.


We feel that flexibility and choice in playing our game is important for all current and future players. For that reason, we began the exploration of expanding the game to include a Free-to-Play option."


And from the shareholders meeting today:


"The message from players exiting the game is clear – 40 percent say they were turned off by the monthly subscription. And many indicated they would come back if we offered a free-to-play model. Our plan now is to pivot and provide a two-tiered pricing plan which will make the game more accessible and grow the audience. The new pricing will go into effect in November."




I saw that already, but what I am saying is why don't they fix what made they other 60% leave as 60% is a larger number.

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My sub is over in Aug. I will not be back as a 'paying' customer.


At least I have a statue and metal box that the discs came in.




Now see, if you'd have bought the boat from a reputable dealership, it would have COME with an anchor and you wouldn't have to improvise.

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I saw that already, but what I am saying is why don't they fix what made they other 60% leave as 60% is a larger number.


Because it's Bioware!


This is the same company that thought not giving folks a grace period at launch & only giving level 50's a free month were good ideas!


I'm no longer surprised at stupid decisions made by this company. I expect them.

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I saw that already, but what I am saying is why don't they fix what made they other 60% leave as 60% is a larger number.


Because what made the other 60% leave is a big variety of things, one of which would be "don't like MMOs after all" or "just not enjoying it" which you can't fix.

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You know what is funny in the above quoted text is that they are guessing off what people say, their actions are different. I bet out of the 40 percent that say they will come back due to F2P only 10 percent actually will. They lose 30 percent of the remaining population and gain only 10 percent? Someone at EA can not properly manage a firm correctly.


Breakeven Analysis = SWTOR + F2P


EA has zero long term goals for SWTOR, therefore, it goes to the firm with the largest killing fields of MMO's - those dastardly EA execs.

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thougth i dont plan on staying i have to ask.


those who say there going to go to GW2 how does im quiting cause this game is going FTP and im going to Gw2 a FTP MMO make any sence at all?


Because a) ArenaNet knows what they're doing and b) GW2, like the original GW, was designed as a B2P that had a 'cash' shop. Things for sale in the cash shop included character makeovers (change your hair, skin color, etc), character slots, skill unlocks (for pvp characters only), etc.


My *MAIN* objection to this is NOT that it's going F2P and then they're going to nickel and dime us. It's that it started as a subscription based game. They released the game too early. And while the release was relatively smooth, the bungled just about every subsequent patch. It really hasn't been so long guys since they would take the servers down on Tuesdays to patch and then have to take them BACK down for an emergency patch on Thursday to re-fix what they were supposed to have fixed only 2 days before. They removed ranked wz's within 24 hours of 1.2 dropping.


And who can't forget that it's staffed by "we can't have teams of operatives stunlocking people in pvp, it'll cause people to unsubscribe" types. REAL MEN OF GENIUS.


Do I think GW2 is the second coming of WoW or a WoW-Killer? No, I do not. I'm not really that sold on the game. My cancellation (which happened months ago after the fiasco that was 1.2) is entirely based on BW continuing to mismanage and outright BUNGLE this game. They have consistently bungled just about every major change they've tried to make to the game I COMPLETELY doubt they have the expertise to effectively transition this game from it's current model to a F2P model. I *KNOW* they're going to screw it up. Somehow.

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Now see, if you'd have bought the boat from a reputable dealership, it would have COME with an anchor and you wouldn't have to improvise.


had to lol at this. Also, Tortanic reference.


i wonder what they're going to do with all the spare collector editions floating around.


Im sure you can market them as "Captain Morgan's drinking accessories"

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You know what is funny in the above quoted text is that they are guessing off what people say, their actions are different. I bet out of the 40 percent that say they will come back due to F2P only 10 percent actually will. They lose 30 percent of the remaining population and gain only 10 percent? Someone at EA can not properly manage a firm correctly.


Breakeven Analysis = SWTOR + F2P


EA has zero long term goals for SWTOR, therefore, it goes to the firm with the largest killing fields of MMO's - those dastardly EA execs.


They will probably lose quite a few current subs over this. I imagine it will draw back some of those who quit due to having to pay a sub but they will just be 'freeloaders'. If they didn't want to play due to the sub they probably won't buy much from the store. Just think people can play from 1-50 without contributing anything financially to the game. It will be the poor buggers buying subs that keep the game going for all these 'freeloaders'.

Edited by Cordelia
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Because what made the other 60% leave is a big variety of things, one of which would be "don't like MMOs after all" or "just not enjoying it" which you can't fix.


I would venture that the majority of it would be lack of new content, communication, and the bugs that have been in the game since beta. Bioware took the quickest and easiest path, I was wanting to lead people to this conclusion but for them to discover it themselves. If they take the quick and easy path now then they will when the next big issues rears its head. Now that I think about it, Bioware has always taken the easy way out with this game: getting rid of Ilum was the easiest thing, saying bugs are fixed when the weren't was the easiest thing, not communicating was the easiest thing, ignoring player concerns and ideas was the easiest thing, you get the point.

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You know what is funny in the above quoted text is that they are guessing off what people say, their actions are different. I bet out of the 40 percent that say they will come back due to F2P only 10 percent actually will. They lose 30 percent of the remaining population and gain only 10 percent? Someone at EA can not properly manage a firm correctly.


Breakeven Analysis = SWTOR + F2P


EA has zero long term goals for SWTOR, therefore, it goes to the firm with the largest killing fields of MMO's - those dastardly EA execs.


The 40% were people who indicated that the sub model was their reason for leaving. "Many" of them said they "might" come back if it was f2p. We're never told how many "many" is so you may very well be right about the 10%.

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after reading all of the pages its just amazing the sort of remarks that you get...either for or against....the thing is, a lot of MMo's these days are adopting this model and its working...cash shops are becoming cash cows and in this buisness its all about the benjamins....surprisingly enough there are a lot of folks who want to play the game and care little for the WZ's and FP's and feel they are paying for content they won't play.....you are given the option to pay or not so really what is the BFD afterall...if you are unsubbing you most likely were anyway especially with GW2 coming out and then when the next MMO comes out you will whine about GW2 and move on to the next etc. and will never be truly happy but always miserable as you lurch about looking for the next best thing.....and if you read the entire spiel you will notice that you are being compensated for all those paid for months in a manner of speaking..

You can't please all the people all the time so don't, if you manage to please some of the people some of the time then you accomplished your goal...........but really, I have never seen so many whiney people then in MMO's when they don't get eveything they think they are entitled too.


I will pay up till the fall and most likely go F2P since I don't want to do the other content at the time and when I do I can always sub up to do so...see its really very easy....adapt or get left behind

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I would venture that the majority of it would be lack of new content, communication, and the bugs that have been in the game since beta. Bioware took the quickest and easiest path, I was wanting to lead people to this conclusion but for them to discover it themselves. If they take the quick and easy path now then they will when the next big issues rears its head. Now that I think about it, Bioware has always taken the easy way out with this game: getting rid of Ilum was the easiest thing, saying bugs are fixed when the weren't was the easiest thing, not communicating was the easiest thing, ignoring player concerns and ideas was the easiest thing, you get the point.


It's sickening really.


Thanks to Turbine, a game company now doesn't even have to think about making the game better. After all, if things don't go well, they can just always go f2p. It's a safety net.


But it really doesn't matter now. I agree with the other posters on the forums who think that we have basically seen the death of the subscription model.


Heck, we may have just witnessed history.

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It's sickening really.


Thanks to Turbine, a game company now doesn't even have to think about making the game better. After all, if things don't go well, they can just always go f2p. It's a safety net.


But it really doesn't matter now. I agree with the other posters on the forums who think that we have basically seen the death of the subscription model.


Heck, we may have just witnessed history.


This is my first and last MMO. I wanted Kotor 3 and I got consecutive kicks in the nads by BEAware, I can't help but wonder if they had planned to make this f2p all along. I almost made a thread about it a month ago but I knew I would be laughed at and called a troll, I also decided not to make it because I decided it would be unlikely; I don't know now though.

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I realize that my post is just one on a long list of replies to this thread that many are not reading.


Call it a disturbance in the Force, but I think many of us knew this had been coming since the beginning if not lately. While I had already cancelled my sub in light of GW2, (my 6 mo is ending a week prior to launch, how convenient) The idea of two different subscription models doesn't sit well with me and never has. Either be f2p or be a subscriber game, don't try to be both.


If I hadn't already been space missioning my way to see stories for the last few I don't have at 50, this announcement would have made me leave.


P.S. (because I can't get over this) ***? no titles for legacy 50?

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Actually I think other wise.. There really isn't anything different form ftp games and pay to play.. They just have to get the coding for the store ect...


I assure you most of that was already in place for swtor.


FTP is the future period.. GW2 is nothing new and is just ok played several beta weekend and have decided to pass on it right now.


I think in the long run SWTOR will be a better game pve and pvp wise.


This post made me LOL in real life.

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I need 3 more pieces of Campaign, then I'm done......


If i wasnt so picky about finishing stuff like that, I'd be deleting it right now....


I'll go play WoW or EVE...........atleast WoW has decent mechanics and hasn't gone "Buy Your Way With RL Cash" mode yet.........



Good for you Electronic Arts..........good for you.

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after reading all of the pages its just amazing the sort of remarks that you get...either for or against....the thing is, a lot of MMo's these days are adopting this model and its working...cash shops are becoming cash cows and in this buisness its all about the benjamins....surprisingly enough there are a lot of folks who want to play the game and care little for the WZ's and FP's and feel they are paying for content they won't play.....you are given the option to pay or not so really what is the BFD afterall...if you are unsubbing you most likely were anyway especially with GW2 coming out and then when the next MMO comes out you will whine about GW2 and move on to the next etc. and will never be truly happy but always miserable as you lurch about looking for the next best thing.....and if you read the entire spiel you will notice that you are being compensated for all those paid for months in a manner of speaking..

You can't please all the people all the time so don't, if you manage to please some of the people some of the time then you accomplished your goal...........but really, I have never seen so many whiney people then in MMO's when they don't get eveything they think they are entitled too.


I will pay up till the fall and most likely go F2P since I don't want to do the other content at the time and when I do I can always sub up to do so...see its really very easy....adapt or get left behind


I agree that f2p is not necessarily a death sentence and that some people are over-reacting. With that said, going from 2 million to about 600-800k in about half a year...I'm sorry, the "You can't please everyone" argument just doesn't work. Especially when EA is now calling SWTOR a "miss" and they have a history of pulling the plug on something that isn't making a profit. We're not there yet, of course, but if they don't turn it around fast...As I said earlier, I hope they can still pull off a miracle and turn the ship around, but my optimism took quite a hit with that "miss" remark.

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I just canceled my sub and the main reason is this game becoming F2P , lets face it we all know now where this game is going and it doesent look good.


F2P games have devs working more on the fluff items and the things for cash shops than on actual content for the game and since all layoffs which happend in company and the fact that the devs havent realeased content for the game at decent rate even when this game had 1.7 million of subs I doubt they will be able to do it now.



This is the thing which helped me to make my decision :



EA basically openly stated how they consider TOR as a miss for them and how BF3 is their main game now so less support for the game from EA now is to be expected , tho EA support for this game post launch sucked.



Shame rly for this game because I had such high hopes for the Bioware and expected much more for the game.

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I swear I just need to stop reading the forums and just get into a guild and ask them questions instead... maybe it's a full moon, but I'll bite on this.


Still subbing, This game has been the only MMO in years to keep me interested and progressing. Every MMO up to this point for me has been the same garbage. For once I don't feel the "Grind" when questing. It's actually quite nice. I think getting away from that whole wall of text and adding in VO conversations helped, but whatever. It's just frustrating grouping and getting kicked because you actually want to see them. My only fear is that F2P will bring in more of this sort...


If I REALLY wanted to I could unsub abd just run all the storylines for free, and that's an option in the future for me, but I still like my Flash Points and War Zones right now. It all hinges in what's in the shop, but any conclusions drawn up until release are pure speculation and should be taken with a grain of salt.


I could always fall back on the lifetime sub I have with LOTRO, but I really have no desire to play that game anymore for the reasons mentioned above. I stalled out at 60...

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