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So whos actually unsubbing because of this?


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Enjoy Diablo 3?


That game was, and still is, tragically awful.


This game has been horribad from the start. And? At least with Diablo 3 I knew what I was getting into from the beginning.


I have had plenty of fun playing D3 I beat Inferno and have been farming Act 3 - 4 ever sense with efficiency. Rocking 380MF, 68k DPS and making money ( and putting away money for tax reasons ). 0 Issues... with 1.04 they are adding better Legnedary Items I expect to make a lot more money.


Just because you are stuck on Act 1 and can't manage some tactics doesn't mean the game sucks... it means you do :)

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OP... you're summery of what EA said is poorly made. 40% of exiting players said they were turned off by the monthly sub... so maybe they should do something to fix that? I would have gone for a price reduction... but if they want to go all the way to f2p its up to them.
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OP... you're summery of what EA said is poorly made. 40% of exiting players said they were turned off by the monthly sub... so maybe they should do something to fix that? I would have gone for a price reduction... but if they want to go all the way to f2p its up to them.


Agreed, make people want to pay 15 a month. Fix your bugs, add some content, Balance and quit nerfing, rework crafting, add some good space combat and PvP not this lame *** Starfox crap, and for god sakes get some better artists! These new armors that were released were worse then the original armors. Just saying.

Edited by Newsinz
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So let me get this straight, they are doing what they can to bring back 40% of the unsubs, instead of trying to bring back the other 60% (the majority)? That makes sense.


Tuscad, check it out, I did some leg work for you:


From the announcement:


" We quickly became aware that our subscription only model was a major barrier for a lot people who wanted to become part of The Old Republic universe. In fact, many players who have left the game said they would happily come back if they could play without the commitment of a monthly fee.


We feel that flexibility and choice in playing our game is important for all current and future players. For that reason, we began the exploration of expanding the game to include a Free-to-Play option."


And from the shareholders meeting today:


"The message from players exiting the game is clear – 40 percent say they were turned off by the monthly subscription. And many indicated they would come back if we offered a free-to-play model. Our plan now is to pivot and provide a two-tiered pricing plan which will make the game more accessible and grow the audience. The new pricing will go into effect in November."



Edited by Skoobie
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Nobody. The model they are implementing doesn't take anything away from the current sub experience, only adds more players to the mix.


Sure it does. At the EXPENSE of paying players. Who do you think will be PAYING for those so-call "freeloaders". You think you will get the best value for what you spend at that point? Think again. YOU are paying for everything those "freeloaders" won't have to pay for. That means you won't get many things that your sub would have paid for.

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warzones ops and others are limited in FTP meaning that these things will die out as more sub players leave.

and i have played many FTP games and ended up spending more money per mounth than a recuring sub so yes i will be leaving.


You have the option to keep your recurring sub, so no, you will not be spending more

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Sub ends Aug 25, just in time for Gw2 early access. The Fatman server has been fun for many months. I was lucky to have played on this server since launch, so I never really noticed how much this game was dying.


Now, even The Fatman server is edging closer and closer to a ghost town. GW2 will likely be the nail in the coffin. I really loved the community on this server. I've gotten to know a whole lot of players and made many friends. As time passes by, my friend's list becomes more inactive. I am now lucky to see 2 people on my friends list online even during prime-times.

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Why would anyone leave over a FTP model that retains the subscription method and REWARDS subscribers?


People calling EA the devil for this. Is Turbine the devil too?


I'm here until the game shuts down (not for at least a decade :D)


Rewards subscribers?


Today, as a subscriber, you pay 15$ to get content A + content B + content C

After F2P comes up, you will be paying the same 15$ for just content A + Content B, since content C (playing 1 to 50) will be free.


How the hell is that a reward? It's clearly a punishment.

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Pay to win money grab is a guess. I'll continue subbing because I enjoy playing the game. If it does become P2W, I'll likely move on. But I'm sure as hell not going to whimper over something outside of my control that hasn't even happened yet.


It's just a guess, but a good one.


I mean, this is EA. Everything they do is a blatant cash grab with no regard for the quality or entertainment value of the games they produce.


EA is the antithesis of all I love about video games. F*** them.

I think I'm going to boot up KOTOR and cry.

Edited by Beslley
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Unsubbed. I stuck with Lotro for about 8 months after it went F2P, despite being very negative about the move from the get go. Was accused of being a doom monger on the Codemaster EU forums and pretty much everything I predicted about F2P was in game before I quit. I'm not going to get burnt again, its a shame I really did like this game but I'm not prepared to invest any more time or money in my characters knowing whats coming. :( Edited by AidenCast
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With how toxic general chat and ppls moods have been today over the game going f2p I don't see myself playing much longer. Mix in the armies of pissed off old players that will come back just to spew venom at ppl over the game failing its going to be a nightmare.
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I'm not - not yet, anyways. I think I'll be seeing how it goes and what changes before I decide whether to keep up my subscription or quit playing (or, well, paying). If I don't like the changes (once I've seen them for myself), welp, there goes my subscription. If I don't mind and I'm still enjoying the game, then eh.
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The more I think about it the more ridiculous it is that someone can play from 1-50 totally free. I know they can't play OP's and have limited FP's but the bulk of the game is in the story. They are going to be able to access every planet, do every quest etc and all for free.


Considering how much people have already paid out for CE's, months of subs I think asking them to continue to sub just for OP's and unlimited FP's whilst others get the bulk of the game for free is an insult. They need to add a great deal more to make a sub worth it.

Edited by Cordelia
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I just canceled a few hours ago. Sub will be over on the 19th. I was on the fence about giving another month in July. This pretty much made it easy.


There will be no "major" changes in this game from here on out.


It will be a money sink. As little content as possible from whatever team they have left every 6 weeks+ to try to get what they can out of the remaining players.

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Yes, don't be naive. I am taking my loss and cancelled. Have been defending this game up to this afternoon.


If a game is not worth paying for, it is not worth playing.


You're kidding yourself if you think its not going to end up pay to win.
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LoTRO managed it for 2 years and churned out more content than before it went F2P. They even made it possible for subscribers to buy the paid expansions (rather than the free updates) with the points they got every month just from being subbed. That was an increase in the perks not a decrease.


Yes, but a company that actually knows what it's doing and has competent developers did LotRO. BioWare is NOT Turbine.

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