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So whos actually unsubbing because of this?


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That is your opinion, but the facts say it has more players 2 years after f2p than before f2p. So the switch was a success.


My opinion is that Lotro was a good game before f2p and a good game after. As a VIP I noticed no difference in what I got out of the game.


Where do you get these facts? Id like to see them.

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people that dont play for the 50 cents a day it costs wont really be spending a DIME on the cash shop if their economic situation is so crappy that fifty cents a day is all the deterrent they need to not play a game, its just bandwagon hate, i can promise you that its NOT monthly fee hate thats putting people off from the game..


This may be true, but according to Bioware's announcement today, it is the subscription that is putting "40%" of the players that have canceled off. This is why they are going F2P, so they said.

Edited by Skoobie
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It's not that F2P is a bad thing. Its just that most companies approach F2P as a last resort to milk money from a failing MMO while spending as little as possible.


This is an outdated way of thinking. By this definition, nearly all MMOs are failing. There are almost no sub-based MMOs left. Like it or hate it, F2P no longer means that a game is failing: it's the way gaming will be in the very near future. I'm not saying it's good or that all F2P games are good. I'm just saying F2P doesn't mean a game is bad. It just means it's an MMO. That's where they're all going. Developers have finally given up on toppling WoW. They shoulda done it years ago. No one will ever topple WoW. It's not gonna happen.

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Not me and anyone who does isn't to smart. They are setting this up like LOTRO did it and it worked great.


We get more content quicker.. everyone wins..


LotRO did this well after it was an established game for years. This game has been around for months and is already resorting to desperate acts to stay afloat. Sorry, but the truth needs to be preached from the roof tops here. No game has had this much hype only to fall this flat this quickly.

I was so enamored with this game I purchased the CE, much to my chagrin. I can thank EA/BW for one thing though: I will forever be a cautious purchaser of MMOs from here on out. I am going to wait for a game to give free trials before I ever purchase again.


Scarred for my MMO life :jawa_frown:

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I will stick with my subscription, I enjoy it too much to cancel but I can't help but feel a little dissapointed... to me this sudden Free to Play announcement is final real proof that the game has not lived up to expectations and was not able to compete against the mighty Warcraft juggernaut.
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Not really based on content updates. COH and LOTRO are about the only games that still receive somewhat constant updates (and lets face it, COH updates aren't exactly groundbreaking). Champions, AoC, Star Trek Online. The most those get are vanity items, not real content. These are just the ones I've played so there may be more that have been successful which I dont know of. EvE lets you pay in game currency for game time, so it could be F2P. But EvE is a little more cut throat and unforgiving to new players so it chases alot of potential customers away. F2P may be the new 'thing' and thats not bad. But based off of additional content being created, the fact that EA has the reigns scares me.
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LotRO did this well after it was an established game for years. This game has been around for months and is already resorting to desperate acts to stay afloat. Sorry, but the truth needs to be preached from the roof tops here. No game has had this much hype only to fall this flat this quickly.

I was so enamored with this game I purchased the CE, much to my chagrin. I can thank EA/BW for one thing though: I will forever be a cautious purchaser of MMOs from here on out. I am going to wait for a game to give free trials before I ever purchase again.


Scarred for my MMO life :jawa_frown:


LOTRO was ahead of the curve. They didn't do it because they were more established, they did it because there was more money to be made and they proved it. Sub-based MMOs are dead. Preach from the roof tops that this is a desperate measure? There are only a VERY small handful of true P2P MMOs left. Turbine proved it can be done and they can ram it down the players' throats. Everyone else took notice. And 2 years later, there are almost no sub-based MMOs left. What needs to be preached from the roof tops is that f2p doesn't mean failure anymore--that's an outmoded way of thinking. Like it or hate it, hybrid F2P IS the new MMO paradigm. In 2 years, there will be 1 sub-based MMO left: WoW. There will be no others, and no MMO after launch will last more than 6 months as p2p. They might try, but they will fail. ALL releases have failed in the regard except Rift. And Rift will join the F2P bandwagon sometime in the next 12 months.

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This is an outdated way of thinking. By this definition, nearly all MMOs are failing. There are almost no sub-based MMOs left. Like it or hate it, F2P no longer means that a game is failing: it's the way gaming will be in the very near future. I'm not saying it's good or that all F2P games are good. I'm just saying F2P doesn't mean a game is bad. It just means it's an MMO. That's where they're all going. Developers have finally given up on toppling WoW. They shoulda done it years ago. No one will ever topple WoW. It's not gonna happen.


I agree it cant be beaten, at least not for a long time, there are just too many players and its been around for so long, Warcraft will have to topple itself and the upcoming Kung Fu Panda expansion could well be the start.

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Unsubbed. If I want to play a F2P game Ill play Guild Wars 2. Ill enjoy Diablo 3 until then. They have shown me 0 attempts to fix this game, Space Sucks, PvE Sucks, PvP Sucks. 6 months of game and they havent added crap to the game. Sorry. Anyone who brings up LOTR is dumb that game is horribad.


Enjoy Diablo 3?


That game was, and still is, tragically awful.

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Dude, this is where ALL MMOs are going. How many traditional sub MMOs are left? Rift, WoW, Tera, and Eve? Tera is new, and WoW has no incentive to change since they aren't in competition with anyone except themselves.


Love it or hate it, F2P does NOT mean an MMO is dead. It just means that the old subscription model system is dead. In 2 years, WoW will be the ONLY traditional sub MMO left, guaranteed. Heck, there are darn near none left at all NOW.


And they have 60 % of MMO players.That leaves about 40% for the rest of ALL MMO's out there.ALthough these stats are two years old , im sure not much has changed since then as WoW continues to be a steamroller.The one game ive never subbed for, LOL!

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LOTRO was ahead of the curve. They didn't do it because they were more established, they did it because there was more money to be made and they proved it. Sub-based MMOs are dead. Preach from the roof tops that this is a desperate measure? There are only a VERY small handful of true P2P MMOs left. Turbine proved it can be done and they can ram it down the players' throats. Everyone else took notice. And 2 years later, there are almost no sub-based MMOs left. What needs to be preached from the roof tops is that f2p doesn't mean failure anymore--that's an outmoded way of thinking. Like it or hate it, hybrid F2P IS the new MMO paradigm. In 2 years, there will be 1 sub-based MMO left: WoW. There will be no others, and no MMO after launch will last more than 6 months as p2p. They might try, but they will fail. ALL releases have failed in the regard except Rift. And Rift will join the F2P bandwagon sometime in the next 12 months.


Yep i was one of those who did not like F2P after seeing the Asian ones.But having the option to sub with all the perks is a nice.So yeah F2P has won me over after seeing LOTRO and STO.

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LOTRO was ahead of the curve. They didn't do it because they were more established, they did it because there was more money to be made and they proved it. Sub-based MMOs are dead. Preach from the roof tops that this is a desperate measure? There are only a VERY small handful of true P2P MMOs left. Turbine proved it can be done and they can ram it down the players' throats. Everyone else took notice. And 2 years later, there are almost no sub-based MMOs left. What needs to be preached from the roof tops is that f2p doesn't mean failure anymore--that's an outmoded way of thinking. Like it or hate it, hybrid F2P IS the new MMO paradigm. In 2 years, there will be 1 sub-based MMO left: WoW. There will be no others, and no MMO after launch will last more than 6 months as p2p. They might try, but they will fail. ALL releases have failed in the regard except Rift. And Rift will join the F2P bandwagon sometime in the next 12 months.


I keep hearing that F2P is the way of the future, but I have yet to see a game launch that is F2P that offers the type of quality game play and options P2Ps offer from the start. GW2 might be the exception, but until I see the game on the market and still run smoothly I will reserve judgement.

The P2P model is too large of a carrot for someone not to continue to take stabs at it. P2Ps will never die, but they might start to be limited to just a couple/few a year.

Another scenario folks have not readily addressed is perhaps the MMO space will just contract and many players will go back to console gaming as the quality of product continues to decline.

As far as RIFT is concerned I have a sneaking suspicion they will continue to keep their model intact, because they are constantly doing what no one else is: adapting to the market at a rapid pace and giving the player base a functional entertaining experience with constant updates as a part of the ongoing sub. I have been seriously considering going back, but that is another matter entirely.

Another possibility is that some company decides to jump from the immediate gratification train and create another hardcore MMO that requires time investment to master unlike games of recent years.

Anyway you slice it F2Ps have their place and are a rising trend, but will that model become the standard that yield AAA MMOs? I have serious doubts.

Edited by Evironrage
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This may be true, but according to Bioware's announcement today, it is the subscription that is putting "40%" of the players that have canceled off. This is why they are going F2P, so they said.


So let me get this straight, they are doing what they can to bring back 40% of the unsubs, instead of trying to bring back the other 60% (the majority)? That makes sense.

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I am unsubbing in about 2 months and I'll be done for good. F2p is the death of this game. I am really dissapointed that with all the money and hype the best they could do is f2p, game is a epic fail. Anyone have any other sub game besides wow thats any good?
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I won't unsub untill F2P is actually here.


The same with Aion, I gave it a chance because they claimed it would not go P2W and for a few months all was good with loads of fine new players till last week when they tossed in P2W items.


So I'm giving SWTOR the same chance, untill proven otherwise it is still a nice game to play.

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I am unsubbing in about 2 months and I'll be done for good. F2p is the death of this game. I am really dissapointed that with all the money and hype the best they could do is f2p, game is a epic fail. Anyone have any other sub game besides wow thats any good?



The Secret World but it's FunCom/EA so most likely in the near future going F2P as well.

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I am unsubbing in about 2 months and I'll be done for good. F2p is the death of this game. I am really dissapointed that with all the money and hype the best they could do is f2p, game is a epic fail. Anyone have any other sub game besides wow thats any good?


RIFT is excellent and keeps stealing all the best parts of other games and adapts it to their model. I recommend a trial account if you have not given it a go yet.

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They should be working on keeping the subs they have now and not the dream of new subs. Everyone who wanted to play the game or try it already has.


Subscribers ARE affected. Now, you have to spend some stupid currency to buy content. It's an annoyance.


Play the F2P games that are out there now. They're not fun. They make them not fun so you have to pay.

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The F2P model is still kind of silly. limited access to Flash Points, PvP, and quick travel is silly. If anything

those should be the normal. Instead of giving the paying subs more benefits than what they already have.

Like a Teleport option like that of diablo 3, More races to choose from, More customization, New Orange gear,


Instead we get the same crap and F2P is just "limited" Meh. Ill just collect my Turbin... Cough, Cartel coins

and wait for them to give me something worth spending them on.

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