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So whos actually unsubbing because of this?


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Anyone here unsubbing?


And GW2 was developed for a F2P model. TOR was not.


I'm upset with the fact they made us pay for 8 months, who have supported the game by giving their hard earned money then they give us a big slap in the face and say F2P


EA says this game is pretty much a flop.




I quit back in early March and just resubbed. I didn't come back because of anything BioWare or EA did, they've been pretty clueless from the start and their latest blinding burst of brilliance is just more proof that they don't "get it." I came back because everything else is boring me more right now. Once something else interests me more I'll cancel my sub again.


I'm just sorry that the Hickman got his rope tied to another sinking game. I can just hop over whenever I want. The job market sucks right now, so the ones left in Austin are pretty much screwed.

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Still deciding. I've been a huge booster of this game, but this is a reall slap in the face of those that have tried to be positive and supportive. I really enjoyed this game? I'm sad for it to become just another pay to win money grab.
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Still deciding. I've been a huge booster of this game, but this is a reall slap in the face of those that have tried to be positive and supportive. I really enjoyed this game? I'm sad for it to become just another pay to win money grab.
Pay to win money grab is a guess. I'll continue subbing because I enjoy playing the game. If it does become P2W, I'll likely move on. But I'm sure as hell not going to whimper over something outside of my control that hasn't even happened yet.
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Done here. I wont stick around just like I didnt stick around when Warhammer failed. EA is two for two in the Killing MMO Field.


I am still impressed that they took so many people from Warhammer and had them working on ToR. I just hoped that they wouldnt have such a huge effect on ToR as they did with Warhammer. Well I was wrong.

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Can't help but think the timing of this annoucement could be disasterous if you consider there will be people unsubbing because..


* the release of GW2 this month

* people who plan to continue to play, but will cancel until F2P is initiated or take a wait and see position

* people who cancelled the instant the F2P model was revealed today


Regardless of how you feel about P2P or F2P models this hybrid system will greatly hinge on maintaining full subscriptions.

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I'll be sticking around, at least to see how the F2P model is implemented. I've played F2P MMORPGs and other F2P games before and I generally prefer the subscription model, and since the current plan is to allow people to stay subscribed (and receive all the content), I am willing to give this a try.


It's important to note that not all games which go F2P become "pay to win"; League of Legends is F2P with micro-transactions, but you don't need to pay for anything and you can still be competitive. From what has been said on the Web site, it sounds like most of what is going to be purchasable with the Cartel Tokens is vanity items and that you will still need to subscribe to experience the full game (my guess is hard-mode flashpoints, operations, and ranked war-zones or something). As long as it stays like that, I don't have a problem with the system.


If it does become pay to win, where you start buying better gear, or if they start plastering irritating advertisements everywhere, then I will reevaluate my decision from there. There's no sense in creating all sorts of drama or "rage quit" posts on something that hasn't even been implemented yet.

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My sub runs out Aug. 16th. I had allready unsubbed before the FTP was posted. Has no bearing on me resubbing and in fact...I will come back and play at times just for the fun of it as totally FTP. I have felt playing TOR as KOTOR 3 was a lot of fun, but the game lacked the attraction for me to sub. So this works out perfect for me. IF down the road they approve the game to justify a sub each month..then I will resub. :)
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I'm unsubbing. I don't even play much (couple of hours in the past month), but I was planning to stay subbed to help the development of the game. After listening to the earnings call, there's NO WAY any reasonable person can conclude that EA plans to invest in the future of this game. SWTOR appears to be a colossal failure, and the FTP features look pretty weak as well. Not worth a full sub, not worth it to play as FTP. Time for this player to pick up his marbles and go home. Easy decision. I'm out.
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Why would anyone leave over a FTP model that retains the subscription method and REWARDS subscribers?


People calling EA the devil for this. Is Turbine the devil too?


I'm here until the game shuts down (not for at least a decade :D)

That guy said everything. ^

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Can't help but think the timing of this annoucement could be disasterous if you consider there will be people unsubbing because..


* the release of GW2 this month

* people who plan to continue to play, but will cancel until F2P is initiated or take a wait and see position

* people who cancelled the instant the F2P model was revealed today


Regardless of how you feel about P2P or F2P models this hybrid system will greatly hinge on maintaining full subscriptions.


While they may be pretty clueless when it comes to making a great MMORPG, but EA definitely knows the numbers game. They announced F2P today for a reason. Whether it was to help Johnny keep his job or because their projections show TOR is going to sink a lot more by November? Who knows?

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Anyone here unsubbing?


And GW2 was developed for a F2P model. TOR was not.


I'm upset with the fact they made us pay for 8 months, who have supported the game by giving their hard earned money then they give us a big slap in the face and say F2P


EA says this game is pretty much a flop.




Its been 16 weeks since 1.2 was released. And they have the balls to tell us we will get "more frequent content patches" hhahahaha


Man, Bioware just can't win with you people.... I'm perfectly OK with them going free-to-play, it's the best move they can make at this point, SWTOR isn't worth paying $15.00 a month for most people (it is for me though.)

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I think subscription games suck anyhow.

I gave Rift a shot

I gave Swtor a shot...and I actually have fun with it.

Now It will be fun for free just like Guildwars 1 series that I played a few years (Factions + Eye Of the North)

Tried WoW (2004) but The first thing I suspected was "This game is a paid subscription game and everything is tediouse and time consumeing for a reason) reason Wasteing time doing tediouse tasks = $$$$


New Audience,people who could hide out for days and play for hours grew up, had families and now gameing is a media thats as popular as movies,sometime an entire family plays these games and it needs to be fun, not a chore dreamed up to consume time with tediouse crap thats like Bondo to cover a dent in a car.

People want to drive the damned car not fabricate it by killing 100 poobears for 100 poobear tails to make a band aid .

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I'm sticking around because, well, I use reason before making a decision. See how it plays out before deciding whether its worth the investment. Those who are quitting now because of this news would have quit eventually anyway.
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Not me and anyone who does isn't to smart. They are setting this up like LOTRO did it and it worked great.


We get more content quicker.. everyone wins..



keep drinking the kool aid ... you are delusional if you think they will "develop" content faster..i promise you this "faster content" will equate to weekly cash shop updates , and the trickled release of already produced content with whatever polish they can spare on them


lotro pls give me a break , that game sucked when it was sub based, it still sucks 2 years later

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Man, Bioware just can't win with you people.... I'm perfectly OK with them going free-to-play, it's the best move they can make at this point, SWTOR isn't worth paying $15.00 a month for most people (it is for me though.)


people that dont play for the 50 cents a day it costs wont really be spending a DIME on the cash shop if their economic situation is so crappy that fifty cents a day is all the deterrent they need to not play a game, its just bandwagon hate, i can promise you that its NOT monthly fee hate thats putting people off from the game..

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lotro pls give me a break , that game sucked when it was sub based, it still sucks 2 years later


That is your opinion, but the facts say it has more players 2 years after f2p than before f2p. So the switch was a success.


My opinion is that Lotro was a good game before f2p and a good game after. As a VIP I noticed no difference in what I got out of the game.

Edited by Arlbo_Nabbins
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Unsubbed. If I want to play a F2P game Ill play Guild Wars 2. Ill enjoy Diablo 3 until then. They have shown me 0 attempts to fix this game, Space Sucks, PvE Sucks, PvP Sucks. 6 months of game and they havent added crap to the game. Sorry. Anyone who brings up LOTR is dumb that game is horribad.
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EA/Bioware just pulled a SOE.. Welcome to Star Wars The old Republic: NGE




Dude, this is where ALL MMOs are going. How many traditional sub MMOs are left? Rift, WoW, Tera, and Eve? Tera is new, and WoW has no incentive to change since they aren't in competition with anyone except themselves.


Love it or hate it, F2P does NOT mean an MMO is dead. It just means that the old subscription model system is dead. In 2 years, WoW will be the ONLY traditional sub MMO left, guaranteed. Heck, there are darn near none left at all NOW.

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It's not that F2P is a bad thing. Its just that most companies approach F2P as a last resort to milk money from a failing MMO while spending as little as possible. This approach severely limits the amount of new content the game receives as far as updates go. There has been only one really successful (revenue generated and content updated) MMO that has accomplished this, which is LOTRO. With EA's usually approach of 'screw everyone just give us your money', I don't really see SWTOR receiving any note worthy updates other then those that have already been announced (ie in development). This is the only reason I will probably cancel my sub. Because EA is good as giving its gamers the shaft.
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Sadly, I will be unsubbing as well. Not going to play a game that will undoubtedly morph into a pay to win, but it is what it is.


The fact that it will likely end up P2W is the main reason I'd consider unsubbing. LOTRO is a perfect example. They introduced massive, massive grind then made the cash shop the only way to reduce it. I have absolutely no faith whatsoever that EA won't do the exact same thing.

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