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So whos actually unsubbing because of this?


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I will definitely unsub if I have to buy boost items to make it through fights. Otherwise I'll wait until I play out the class quests and see if I still want to play. I'm almost at 50 with once character so that will be awhile.


Everybody notice that they announced this after the six month renewal?

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I plan to keep playing until they shut it down.


I really want to, but what they are getting ready to do is done better cheaper elswhere. I am very conflicted. Day 3 Wave 6 of early access and been paying ever since. I will see how it plays out.

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Pretty much this.


Well and that's why they brought f2p in.


Of course, it does stop at 50. When the level cap is raised later this year, you will have to pay for that if you don't have a sub.

Also you will have fewer character slots, so you probably will need to buy some of those if you want to get all 8 stories. Oh and limited races so you might have to pay to unlock some more of those.


Fewer travel options, so yeh it will take a bit longer. Oh and less storage and inventory, so if you want more of that, you will have to fork over some more cash.


But other than that, yes you can play to 50 for free....as such.

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In the time before f2p 7 for SoA, 2 for Moria and 1 for SoM. 10 in 3 1/2 years. Since F2P 4 before Isengard (although 1 was very minor) and 3 after. 7 in 2 years. So yes more free updates per year since F2P.




Evendim was not that big when it was released except in terms of lots of empty space, Enedwaith had more quests than Evendim, you could get from 60 to 64 in Enedwaith, I know, I did it which means it had almost as much levelling content as Mirkwood, an expansion. Evendim was revamped after f2p arrived.


Physical Map size is not an indiacator of the size of a free update.


Sorry but again you have no idea what you are talking about. Evendim was HUGE with 100s of quests. Then they added annuminas to it. All this before the f2p switch and before the evendim revamp. I actually played the game I think you are just reading about it. I was a founder of DDO and a founder/early closed beta tester of LOTRO. Been there since before day 1.

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I actually highly enjoy it for what it is- and and generally get bored with MMO's really really fast, yet this one has held me and I have a good rp group and what not, so Im not going anywhere.


that and Sometimes staying subbed and getting all the perks with it is cheaper than a free player buying the same things.- at least it was on champions last time I casually did the math, and what Ive see announced sounds " similar" to how cryptic set up shop so Im guessing it will be the same

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This needs to be broken down into people who unsub because they're angry and people who unsub because they'll genuinely be getting a better bang for their buck as a non-raider (ie. solo players who never raid and casually do group stuff once in a while...)


For people playing SWTOR like a single-player KOTOR sequel, this is the best thing ever since they can effectively do exactly that without having to pay for a subscription service.


lol... I wish I didn't love Warzones/PvP as much as I do.... otherwise this would be the best news since sliced bread.


Weekly restriction on amount of Warzones done for F2P... my F2P battleship was sunk with that blow haha.. subs it is!! ;P

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I cancelled today. The only way they get my sub back is their absolute and binding assurance that there will NEVER be P2W items in a cash shop AND that my subscription fee covers all new content (ie, not having to buy a content pack in a cash shop).



This ^^ x2



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I just resubscribed a couple of days ago, for the first time since my January-February subscription ran out.


I'm happy to hear about the game going F2P, mostly because I have a few friends who are likely to come back and play with me. Once the new model kicks in, I'm likely to switch between Game Time Card subscriptions and playing for free according to my needs and economical situation.

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And then they discovered YouTube.


I just knocked down your only appealing factor, SWTOR.


HAHAHA. So true.


Only thing SWTOR really has going for it.


I'm staying subbed, for now. I'm willing to give them ONE MORE CHANCE to actually push out some decent content. If they decide to spend all their development time on cash shop items (which is a very real possibility, we are talking about EA here. Literally everything wrong with the games industry is embodied by EA) then I am out.


I just wish I could get my friends to play Rift with me :( I've been friends with people I play with for years through WoW and through the move to SWTOR and it'll suck if I have to leave those friendships behind for greener pastures.


EDIT: Holy ****, I totally didn't even think of content packs in a cash shop. If EA/Bioware thinks they can get away with that **** and keep subs, they are SADLY mistaken. Even the most diehard Star Wars fanboys will shy away from a model like that.

Edited by Beslley
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Sorry but again you have no idea what you are talking about. Evendim was HUGE with 100s of quests. Then they added annuminas to it. All this before the f2p switch and before the evendim revamp. I actually played the game I think you are just reading about it. I was a founder of DDO and a founder/early closed beta tester of LOTRO. Been there since before day 1.


I'm glad you brought up DDO.


Because, in my mind, it really is the only game that has had long lasting benefits from going F2P.


It really did grow (population wise) due to it.


But DDO ( and even PnP D&D) was perfect for the F2P model already. (Think modules) All the other games were "forced" into the F2P model.

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I am a paying subscriber right now. I am bored to death with the game, in all honesty I come to the forums to find something interesting to go try in the game, but I spend more time citing rants. TBH, I got bored once I hit 50. I was here because I love pvp and Star Wars, but the pvp at 50 is lame.


I will probably un-sub maybe a month after GW2 because that game will be more fun, its all new content to me and the pvp I have played of it was more exciting than this is. If I don't play this game for say 2 weeks I will likely cancel the sub. Not to mention I don't have the latest PC and GW2 runs great so far, SWTOR runs great sometimes, often not so much. Now, if they actually do something meaningful with the end game pvp I will gladly keep subbing. Gladly. The problem is I don't see them focussing at all on that, they have cut people and now F2P tells me less money to go towards solving the problem (for me). It would be different if they said "hey, its broken and its our number 1 priority". But no, Legacy and HK was higher priority.


That is the H2G truth, I know I am not alone.

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I'm glad you brought up DDO.


Because, in my mind, it really is the only game that has had long lasting benefits from going F2P.


It really did grow (population wise) due to it.


DCUO also benefited greatly from going F2P.


Basically, there is a right way and a wrong way to do F2P, just like there is a right and wrong way to do P2P, and I honestly think that EA/Bioware's model is the wrong way.

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Only true for a select couple of companies. In STO it hasn't encouraged anything but more cash shop items as priority over game content. Mind you STO was always slow with content updates, but it definitely didn't speed it up. Same with Perfect World International.


No arguments there.


F2P is bad in the wrong hands, but so is P2P.

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I am a paying subscriber right now. I am bored to death with the game, in all honesty I come to the forums to find something interesting to go try in the game, but I spend more time citing rants. TBH, I got bored once I hit 50. I was here because I love pvp and Star Wars, but the pvp at 50 is lame.


I will probably un-sub maybe a month after GW2 because that game will be more fun, its all new content to me and the pvp I have played of it was more exciting than this is. If I don't play this game for say 2 weeks I will likely cancel the sub. Not to mention I don't have the latest PC and GW2 runs great so far, SWTOR runs great sometimes, often not so much. Now, if they actually do something meaningful with the end game pvp I will gladly keep subbing. Gladly. The problem is I don't see them focussing at all on that, they have cut people and now F2P tells me less money to go towards solving the problem (for me). It would be different if they said "hey, its broken and its our number 1 priority". But no, Legacy and HK was higher priority.


That is the H2G truth, I know I am not alone.


Oh my god, this.

I am a PvE type of person, but the argument still stands.

People bored of PvP and PvE content? RELEASE MORE STUPID LEGACY **** LOLOLOL

It's like EA/Bioware doesn't even know what keeps people playing at 50 (hint, it isn't legacy)

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I'm fairly pessimistic about this. My optimism was dried up by this game a long, long time ago.


That said, I'm not in dire straights financially, so I'll stay subbed and see what happens by the end of the year.


First hint of buy to win though and I'm out.

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I will stay until at the very minimum time that I hit 50 on all 8 classes. I currently am sitting at 41 on my highest, with the rest 30 and above.




I have no issue with items like extra zones for DLC thru MTs, but I dont wanna see gear turn up in the cash shops. If they are going P2W, chances are I will leave the game after the before mentioned milestone.



Well that, and unlocking Hk 51......everyone deserves a meat bag killer.

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To be honest I am really shocked F2P has been announced. I knew subs were dropping but not to the point where F2P would become a reality. I won't unsub though unless it becomes a pay to win situation.


I agree.


No other games that went F2P still had "well over 500,000...but less then 1 million" players at the time.

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