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So whos actually unsubbing because of this?


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I agree.


No other games that went F2P still had "well over 500,000...but less then 1 million" players at the time.


Even SWG managed to maintain a sub for it's lifetime and Vanguard is only just going F2P. I think that's why I find this announcement so shocking.

Edited by Cordelia
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I will stay until at the very minimum time that I hit 50 on all 8 classes. I currently am sitting at 41 on my highest, with the rest 30 and above.


I just did, no real benefit to paying to play as far as I can tell.


Thinking about it this evening I am tending to come down on the side of Spectre here.


Like Moaky I'm basically moving through all the stories and will probably have 5 completed by the time F2P is initiated. Apart from supporting the game I don't see any real incentive to keeping up a subscription unless you want to chain run heroics or do Ops, neither of which interest me personally.

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Actually you can't count Isengard as a part of the F2P credit. If anything it would be credited from the subs that were generated the priors months to even a year.


Isengard was released about 2 months after F2P. That means Isengard was already nearly done before LOTRO went F2P. Therefore, since F2P they've only had one expac.


Free 2 Play: September 2010.

Rise of Isengard: September 2011


That is 12 months (12 months and 17 Days to be exact), it was not even announced until after F2p arrived. You need to check the facts before you post, it was not "already nearly done" its was "perhaps just started".

Edited by Arlbo_Nabbins
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Anyone here unsubbing?


And GW2 was developed for a F2P model. TOR was not.


I'm upset with the fact they made us pay for 8 months, who have supported the game by giving their hard earned money then they give us a big slap in the face and say F2P


EA says this game is pretty much a flop.




40% said they left because of the subscription. What aren't they telling us about the other 60%?



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Anybody who thinks this will be the first "free to play" game not not turn "Pay to Win" very shortly after the relaunch is the exact type of fool they're hoping will sick around.


I was a supporter of this game. I am no longer.


Qft. Nail in the coffin for sure.

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This actually works great for me :D


1. Wait for them to release new content such as new Ops, flashpoints, World Boss, storyline chapters.


2. Buy timecard.


3. Beat new content and gear my alts while socializing with friends.


4. Card expires and I level any non-50 alts until new content is released.


I've got 3 alts that have beaten Illum, and 4 that have beaten Chapter 3.


I'm interested in finishing the others up, and if I stopped doing Ops I'd have the time.


So I'm going to enjoy the new system better since I can ignore Operations when I'm not subbed and focus on Ops when I am subbed.

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I'll see. It's possible that as paying customer I'll get everything I would if game remained P2P. But if they tell me to pay for character slots, races or whatever, I'm out of here.


I want to freely choose if I go now to ops, do flashpoint, farm unique crystal, or roll 12th alt. If I'll be forced to choose between many things I would like to do/have that require more currency that I get from subscription, why the hell even subscribe?


If I'll have to unsub I'll be sad, because game is fun, but well, paying for every little thing(even in virtual 'free'/gratis currency) is great way to destroy that fun.

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Well looking at MOST MMO's in todays climate of gaming they re either invoking F2P or are converting to it. Personally i applaud the decision to do so. Cant hurt the game anymore tbh.


Thats true it should atleast help numbers . I just hope its not micro transactioend to death or made pay to win.


If they use the Lotr model then yea it could be a realy good shot in the arm for the game.

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I wont be unsubbing because of this, but i was already planning on letting my subscription drop off by the end of the month. The game has become boring with no new content at the moment, so I'll be moving to GW2 and possibly MoP until i see a reason to come back.
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im torn, currently re-subed to City of Heroes, and they use this exact same model so idk which one i will sub to currently having alot of fun in CoH and havnt touched ToR in like 2 weeks, and the community is one of the best i have had the pleasure of being part of.
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im torn, currently re-subed to City of Heroes, and they use this exact same model so idk which one i will sub to currently having alot of fun in CoH and havnt touched ToR in like 2 weeks, and the community is one of the best i have had the pleasure of being part of.


I just unsubbed, I talked early about it. I do agree with you about the community. The community will be an abortion once F2P comes around.

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Sorry but again you have no idea what you are talking about. Evendim was HUGE with 100s of quests. Then they added annuminas to it. All this before the f2p switch and before the evendim revamp. I actually played the game I think you are just reading about it. I was a founder of DDO and a founder/early closed beta tester of LOTRO. Been there since before day 1.


Lifetime Founder, also still playing since the last phase of beta. And seemingly with a good memory.


You are wrong, when Evendim was originally added there really was not a lot there, here is the relevant statement from the Patch Notes for Book 9: Shores of Evendim "Over 100 new quests (including over 75 in Evendim)"


Oatbarton was tiny, Dwaling was almost non existent. King's Crossing didn't exist (a few of its quests were in Tinnundir).


Book 10 and Annuminas added about 50-60 more. The revamp added about 70 more from looking at the list of current quests there.

Edited by Arlbo_Nabbins
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I urge everyone that unsubs to cite F2P as their reason for leaving.


I quit DDO when it went F2P, I quit LOTRO when it went F2P, and I'll quit this when it goes F2P.


Was a good game, had a ton of fun ,,, f**c you Bio and EA!

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I urge everyone that unsubs to cite F2P as their reason for leaving.


I already did that. I told them this was why.


I guess I am going to crawl back to Kung Fu Panda (as long as that game does not go F2P) because if that does I am done with MMO's.


I am half tempted to bring out my Ps2 out of the closet and start playing those awesome games again.

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I'm definitely not subbing for another month. I've been on month to month, cancelling each month so I don't get autocharged for awhile now.


Given the recent layoffs it is impossible for them to deliver any of the content promised in any reliable fashion beyond what they already have in development. If this had been a game that was around for 6 years and then went free to play that might have been a different story, but this one is just a little fledgeling game hardly a few months old and EA decided to come along and axe it.


Why? To appease the investors that are still left? Did anyone still playing this jump up and down and say I'd love it if I didn't get to pay my $15 a month for all the content and instead got milked for micro-transactions. Did someone on their survey when they cancelled say 'I'm tired of losing in every battleground, I'd sure love if it I could just throw $20-$50 at this game every month so I could win.'


Free to play is the death of any good game. If a game can't sell monthly subs on it's reputation alone then it is subpar and not worth my time.

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I have mixed emotions about f2p. I don't think it's necessarily a death sentence by itself, but let's face the facts. 2 million copies sold and current subs are said in the call to be 'well over' half million (notice they didn't say 'just under' a million, I think there are inferences available there). No matter what the actual sub numbers are (600-800k I'm guessing, and yes, it's just a guess over a significant range lol) the fact remains that less than a million people felt this game was worth paying a monthly sub for. I'm sorry, but there's simply no credible, positive way to spin it (especially when they say on the call this title is a 'miss but made up for by BF3''). I don't believe that all of that 40% who said they left due to the subscription model are coming back even if 'many' of them said they would (how many is 'many' btw?).


Look, I'm not a hater. I looked forward to this game, had high hopes and spent alot of time defending this game from its naysayers. But there are things I disagreed with and as soon as I voiced them with suggestions, I was branded a hater even though I overall was happy with the game and was just trying to make suggestions that I felt could improve the game. Many others had the same experience I had. I'm not saying my suggestions would have 100% saved the game (enough people disagree with me that I'm open to the idea some of my suggestions may have made it worse, though deep down I don't think so). But there's a reason why some games succeed and some don't. Many good suggestions by many people were ignored and/or villified (on at least a couple of subjects by the devs themselves).


Despite all that, I'm still subbed and still hope this game can turn things around. I'm just not as optomistic as I used to be.

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I wont be, I am on a 6 month sub cycle and i will stick with it, i have been waiting for this game to come out for years. I love SWTOR and im sticking with it till the servers shut down. the only and i maen the only beef i have with SWTOR atm is i cant move my empire toons off of lord adraas to ebon hawk because all of my republic toons are on there atm and i have no slots avilable.
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