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So whos actually unsubbing because of this?


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Nobody. The model they are implementing doesn't take anything away from the current sub experience, only adds more players to the mix.



It will be nice to have more players to group with on lowbie alts.

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I have.


I was quite content until this announcement, and then I immediately un-subbed and un-installed. I've been through a F2P switch before, and can say from experience that it's nothing but a bad thing for the customer and for the future direction of the game.


Champion F2P all you want, EA, but I'm not sticking around to watch such a mercenary, cynical and sleazy business model tarnish another perfectly good game like it did LOTRO.


F2P games are uniformly shoddy, and the companies that adopt it are uniformly untrustworthy. Bioware should be ashamed of themselves.


P2P games can be just as greedy, still have a cash shop and at the same time charge you for a subscription.


I guess you enjoy paying $90 to wait/fund 6 months for a expansion opposed to paying $30 for it when it releases.

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Yes I will be unsubbing, time to move on and hopefully this will send a message to game developers to stop making WoW clones. In Fallen Earth I stopped playing as soon as they started creating more things outside of the subscription price and placing them in the cash shop which is where SWTOR is headed with this Cartel Coin crap.


Bioware's biggest problem with SWTOR is that they created a decent but average game instead of making a fresh and compelling one. I'm sure they had the people to create something truly great, but when you only give them the WoW clone box to work within, then you stifle creativity.


I find it amusing that EA are blaming the sub model istead of the fact that it was the game itself which was it's downfall.

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Anyone here unsubbing?


And GW2 was developed for a F2P model so why compare it.


Annnnd theres nothing even related to "p2w" with what they said. Subscribers get a silly mask or chair or jawa that no one in the world cares about! F2P get 1 to 50 for free (it takes less than a week to get to 50).


I'm upset with the fact they made us pay for 8 months, who have supported the game by giving their hard earned money then they give us a big slap in the face and say F2P






Those credits could be really useful to new players struggling to pay for skills. We all know how tight credits get between unlocking speeder use and buying new speeders. Please make sure those credits go somewhere useful before you quit!

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Nobody. The model they are implementing doesn't take anything away from the current sub experience, only adds more players to the mix.


Apart from the holding back of content so they can get you over a barrel or two... Enjoy! :(


Paying for things twice is so much fun! :eek:


Opening the doors to save money instead of face... Priceless! :rolleyes:


There is sooooo many staying, that deserve each other, I do wish you all sooooo much fun and happiness with the dregs of humanity. Enjoy!!! :D

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I have.


I was quite content until this announcement, and then I immediately un-subbed and un-installed. I've been through a F2P switch before, and can say from experience that it's nothing but a bad thing for the customer and for the future direction of the game.


Champion F2P all you want, EA, but I'm not sticking around to watch such a mercenary, cynical and sleazy business model tarnish another perfectly good game like it did LOTRO.


F2P games are uniformly shoddy, and the companies that adopt it are uniformly untrustworthy. Bioware should be ashamed of themselves.


So you unsubbed and uninstalled in one day LOL!! Glad I didn't play with you in my guild. We have enought respect not to just do what you did if you actually did it..

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If you were a true fan of the game, you'd go through with this happening, despite it potentially not being something you're overly thrilled of. Instead you spam the forum with several topics of your complaints and cancel your subscriptions for petty reasons.


And this pretty much made my day lol


God I hope that's sarcasm


:confused:? "If your were a true fan of this game!" "Derp!". Dude if this isn't cause for people to finally slap on a hater tag I don't know what the **** is! People supported the hell outta this game with their dollars. This isn't a Kumbaya moment by any stretch for them. There are even FANBOIS unsubbing, seriously get real.


I said I would stay and see how it pans out but I am more pessimistic than optimistic honestly. They couldn't even handle the game right/ communicate when people were paying, how are people supposed to expect "better" now? By better we. the aforementioned outraged, mean new FP's, Ops, WZ's and you know, CONTENT!?


Sick of all theses kids/ whatever they are that can't afford/ won't pay 15 measly a** dollars a month. You statement more than BW/ EA's "announcement" makes me want to quit. You are the first symptom of exactly what us subscribers are afraid of: Callous disregard and obliviousness. No that wasn't an insult either it was an observation of your post.

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I'm mostly unsubbing because my guild members stopped logging in 2 weeks after release. They will be playing guild wars 2 and so will I.


I'm not looking forward to the cheapskates running around leveling to level 50 when I paid a 6 month subscription to the same.


Free players breaking every unofficial mmo rule for people that actually pay to play. I know this after playing STO and LOTRO.

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I'm mostly unsubbing because my guild members stopped logging in 2 weeks after release. They will be playing guild wars 2 and so will I.


I'm not looking forward to the cheapskates running around leveling to level 50 when I paid a 6 month subscription to the same.


Free players breaking every unofficial mmo rule for people that actually pay to play. I know this after playing STO and LOTRO.



LOL GW2 is FTP too..

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warzones ops and others are limited in FTP meaning that these things will die out as more sub players leave.

and i have played many FTP games and ended up spending more money per mounth than a recuring sub so yes i will be leaving.


Unless they offer free players the option to unlock WZ access through the shop. Which is what commonly happens with these models.


I have played f2p games that follow this sort of model and have never spent more than a monthly sub on them. What I usually spend is my monthly sub. The advantage is that I can stop my sub for a month or 2 if I feel like a break but still log in and chat with guildies and do a few things.

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LOL GW2 is FTP too..


GW2 was designed, from the ground up, to be F2P.


SWTRO wasn't.


There's a big difference.


You see, GW2 developers won't have to stop whatever they are doing, just to convert the game to a different subscription model.


SWTOR devs will.


Do you have any idea how long the gaps between content was for DDO & LOTRO while they changed over?


For DDO it was over a year of no content, for LOTRO it was close to 9 months.


So, enjoy your lack of content...and even quieter servers, between now and the change.

Edited by Skoobie
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Done. For those who are scoffing at those of us who are leaving, I want you to ask youself this simple question: What game that went f2p actually followed through on their promises to keep their content release consistent (if not increased), while also not gradually eroding the "perqs" of being a subscription payer?


The answer is: none. And that's why we're leaving.


LoTRO managed it for 2 years and churned out more content than before it went F2P. They even made it possible for subscribers to buy the paid expansions (rather than the free updates) with the points they got every month just from being subbed. That was an increase in the perks not a decrease.

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F2P games are uniformly shoddy, and the companies that adopt it are uniformly untrustworthy. Bioware should be ashamed of themselves.

I can agree with you but I save Arenanet and Guild Wars 1 (can't save yet GW2 because it's got no history except BWEs, but so far is what ANet said it was going to be). It is a nice game, with nice features. Sure not the best in the market, but a succesfull one with quality and it never pretended to be more that it was: just a game to enjoy without worrying of the time you could spend on it neither of a fee. And if you read GW2 devs interviews they don't pretend the game to be more than that.

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Why would anyone leave over a FTP model that retains the subscription method and REWARDS subscribers?


People calling EA the devil for this. Is Turbine the devil too?


I'm here until the game shuts down (not for at least a decade :D)


BTW Turbine is the devil there has been nothing but ingame store creep more and more items that boost some stat or give players that pay for them some advantage. At first they said no gear would be sold in the store but a year later they backtracked. There have been studies done on this the deeper you get into he game the more you pay in a F2P model. the focus of the developer changes from communicating with the players to test driving things that can be sold in the ingame store. IMO if Turbine is the best of the F2P games then they all suck.

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GW2 was designed, from the ground up, to be F2P.


SWTRO wasn't.


There's a big difference.


Actually I think other wise.. There really isn't anything different form ftp games and pay to play.. They just have to get the coding for the store ect...


I assure you most of that was already in place for swtor.


FTP is the future period.. GW2 is nothing new and is just ok played several beta weekend and have decided to pass on it right now.


I think in the long run SWTOR will be a better game pve and pvp wise.

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actually i had unsubbed before this.


I re subscribed so that my account remains active. Too much to be lost from losing out now!!


To those of you thinking that people will be able to pay up to be "instant pvp gods". Pvp gear isnt likely to be bought with $$... it will be newbie slaughter. Just like now, except by then ill have 3000 hours played in pvp. Muhahahahahah!

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LoTRO managed it for a long time and churned out more content than before it went F2P.


I'm sorry, but this is far from true.


LOTRO had 4 years worth of updates and at least 3 expansions out before it went F2P.

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I'm staying in until I know what the F2P model really restricts. (Is it just the new race(s), or will people lose the ability to roll Mirialan/Chiss or worse?) -- afterwards I'll either keep being subbed, or unsub and stay F2P.


If, of course, nothing pops up that enrages me to the point of leaving.

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Done. For those who are scoffing at those of us who are leaving, I want you to ask youself this simple question: What game that went f2p actually followed through on their promises to keep their content release consistent (if not increased), while also not gradually eroding the "perqs" of being a subscription payer?


The answer is: none. And that's why we're leaving.


Actually City Of Heroes went F2P and it is still going strong after 8 years along with new content.

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Actually I think other wise.. There really isn't anything different form ftp games and pay to play.. They just have to get the coding for the store ect...


I assure you most of that was already in place for swtor.


FTP is the future period.. GW2 is nothing new and is just ok played several beta weekend and have decided to pass on it right now.


I think in the long run SWTOR will be a better game pve and pvp wise.


Can't really say FTP is a huge success either. We don't know how much $$ is generated from games that have gone to FTP.


SWTOR won't be a better game pvp wise. Whenever there's gear involved in pvp the pvp is already tarnished because of the grind.

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