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Skill bloat..


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I agree with the OP. Reduce the abilities. I don't want any two abilities doing the same. If I have two skills, both of them dealing the same kind of damage but on different timers, get rid of the second one and equalize the timers of the first one. Do not introduce skills just to let them look diverse.
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Don't use the skills you don't want to.. On my assassin there are skills I don't use as it does not suit my play style. I like the option of using them to be there though. Don't make everyone play the same..


If you want to mash two buttons then cool you do that I prefer to play differently.


This is a game it is about fun and playing the way you want to play not about being the most efficient If you want that then go and play a different game that restricts your choice so you can just mash one button and win

Edited by corbanite
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Just because you have it does not mean you should use it. Each class gets a handful of spells that you will not use at all based on your advanced class and talent spec. The reason they are not advanced class specific is because they might do different things depending on your AC. For Example:


General Consular Abilities that I do not use as a Infiltration specced shadow:


Mind Crush

Telekinetic Throw

Force Lift


Jedi Shadow abilities that I do not use as Infiltration Spec:

Force Technique

Combat Technique


Mind Control

Mass Mind Control

Whirling Blow


If I was a Sage or if I was any other Shadow spec other than infiltration this list would be different.


TL;DR: Just because you have it as an ability does not mean that you should be using it.

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Don't use the skills you don't want to.. On my assassin their are skills I don't use as it does not suit my play style.. Don't make everyone play the same..


Hmm I don't know. Because there are some skills that trigger, say a damage reduction. See? If you don't use that skill then you miss out on that buff it gives you. In the talent tree, we spec in things that boost our skills. But not using the skill we spec in that talent for nothing, it becomes a waste of points. BioWare made it so it is beneficial to use all skills.

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Please don't get rid of any abilities/skills!


More options and choice are way better than having fewer. :(


One of things I really disliked Blizzard doing was the continuous streamlining of skills and abilities, over and over. It put me off playing the game big time. Someone made a joke on Massively about this one time, and it was something about just having 3 buttons in the future. DPS, Heal, and Tank. You join a group and a msg comes up saying "press button now!" ;p

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Hmm I don't know. Because there are some skills that trigger, say a damage reduction. See? If you don't use that skill then you miss out on that buff it gives you. In the talent tree, we spec in things that boost our skills. But not using the skill we spec in that talent for nothing, it becomes a waste of points. BioWare made it so it is beneficial to use all skills.


crushing darkness and force lightning don't.. TBH if you are tanking them what is the point of maul?


Whirlwind and mindtrap.. both cc... You only need one and which you use depends on how you're specing and playing.. There are more examples

Edited by corbanite
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Hmm I don't know. Because there are some skills that trigger, say a damage reduction. See? If you don't use that skill then you miss out on that buff it gives you. In the talent tree, we spec in things that boost our skills. But not using the skill we spec in that talent for nothing, it becomes a waste of points. BioWare made it so it is beneficial to use all skills.

Clearly you think you need more skill then you really do (unless you're heavy pvping in which case you would be used to lots of skills and heavy keybinding), Sure you may have two similar abilities with different CDs but one spec might make the cd of the first ability 0 and another spec might give the second ability to make your next attack a crit.


Just because you have it doesn't mean you have to use it or it's even mathematically viable to.

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Whirlwind and mindtrap.. both cc... You only need one and which you use depends on how you're specing and playing.. There are more examples


You can never have too much cc. There's always times to use them, particularly since you can only affect one mob with each. Mind you, if you're using both, you're spending your entire fight reapplying and thus all you're there for is cc. *shrugs* Sometimes though, that may be what a group needs.

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Just because you have it does not mean you should use it. Each class gets a handful of spells that you will not use at all based on your advanced class and talent spec. The reason they are not advanced class specific is because they might do different things depending on your AC. For Example:


General Consular Abilities that I do not use as a Infiltration specced shadow:


Mind Crush

Telekinetic Throw

Force Lift


Jedi Shadow abilities that I do not use as Infiltration Spec:

Force Technique

Combat Technique


Mind Control

Mass Mind Control

Whirling Blow


If I was a Sage or if I was any other Shadow spec other than infiltration this list would be different.


TL;DR: Just because you have it as an ability does not mean that you should be using it.


You do know whirling blow is in the infiltration spec

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they took wow at its highest bloatpoint as the example. wow had cleaned up talent/skill system recently.


yes it seems there are way too many skills.


WoW's new talent system is terrible.


You get like 7 talent points and have 3 options per tier.


Some of us actually enjoy large, complex talent trees with lots of build options and synergy and nuances.


I mean, hell, fiddling with talent trees was one of my favourite things in old WoW.

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