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Bioware 'Q&A' - What a joke


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Seriously, they have time to answer questions that no one could give a flying **** about, but when it comes to answering real questions, Bioware is nowhere to be found. The lack of 'news' in this game is appauling. The fact that Bioware's management team cant seem grasp that keeping secrets is detaching their community from the developers.


People only really come to the forums to post negative feedback now, with one to two posts occasionally being a positive note - how about you LEARN from this bioware, people want more then an occasional response from a Moderator saying "this is an known issue, i'm going to close the thread you spent time out of your day making"


Should just bridge the gap and call bioware/ea a joke. Hope they enjoy that 52% decline in their stock. Imma lol when it hits 60%. Hemorrhaging money doesn't seem to teach them any lessons. Guild Wars 2 soon. See you there.

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The problem is most of the answered questions can easily be researched for an answer. So we feel we are being cheated out of good quality questions. You can either blame the noob player base or the company answering the questions. We choose the later, because it is their choice. Edited by Toweleeeie
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Should just bridge the gap and call bioware/ea a joke. Hope they enjoy that 52% decline in their stock. Imma lol when it hits 60%. Hemorrhaging money doesn't seem to teach them any lessons. Guild Wars 2 soon. See you there.


EA WONT ANSWER ABOUT WHEN THEY'RE GIVING ME MORE CONTENT!!!11!!! So I'm going to go play a game that has 1/3 the content and will release content 1/10 as often and will charge me everytime it does. Herp Derp. Also, the last game that company made was ran into the ground after they exploited their community and lost ALL of their players. HERP DERP.

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The problem is most of the answered questions can easily be researched for an answer. So we feel we are being cheated out of good quality questions. You can either blame the noob player base or the company answering the questions. We choose the later, because it is their choice.


And the total lack of communication besides the occasional thread locking and 'We're looking into this' or whatever.

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Frankly they could tell us they have five new expansions coming out all at once and you people would find something to complain about.


Well that would be pointless for a start. :D


Now ONE new space expansion coming out.......... that would be a different kettle of fish.

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EA WONT ANSWER ABOUT WHEN THEY'RE GIVING ME MORE CONTENT!!!11!!! So I'm going to go play a game that has 1/3 the content and will release content 1/10 as often and will charge me everytime it does. Herp Derp. Also, the last game that company made was ran into the ground after they exploited their community and lost ALL of their players. HERP DERP.


Hmm... Maybe a snippet from an article would help you, and make sure you dont misinform others:


Mike O’Brien: Guild Wars sales far exceeded our expectations, so we learned that there was huge demand for a non-monthly fee game. But we also learned that it wasn’t in the game’s best interest to release new expansions as rapidly as we had originally intended. I mean, we literally got to the point where we could release an entire new campaign — with a new storyline, new professions, and new game mechanics — in just six months. We released Nightfall exactly six months after Factions. That pace was great for the hardcore players who could consume content that quickly, but it left a lot of other players behind and didn’t give the world time to settle from one campaign to the next.


Also with it being said that GW2 will receive regular updates just like any subscription based MMO. And when they do update, all it takes is a simple restart of the client. Unlike here were you just have 4hr+ maintenance.:rolleyes:


And considering some of the post I've read of some of their beta testers being impressed with how much they changed just between BWE1 and BWE2. Along with them mentioning how they're engine and tools allows them to make changes/additions fast... Perhaps you should actually look into a game before spouting nonsense. And HERP DERP makes you sound like an idiot...


[1] Citation for the quoted snippet: Here

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EA WONT ANSWER ABOUT WHEN THEY'RE GIVING ME MORE CONTENT!!!11!!! So I'm going to go play a game that has 1/3 the content and will release content 1/10 as often and will charge me everytime it does. Herp Derp. Also, the last game that company made was ran into the ground after they exploited their community and lost ALL of their players. HERP DERP.


Would that be oppossed to charging you every month with no content updates, lay-offs, server mergers and little to no communication?


You also tossed out a few numbers there, any sources for that?

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Seriously, they have time to answer questions that no one could give a flying **** about, but when it comes to answering real questions, Bioware is nowhere to be found.


Well, easy solution. If the community stops throwing such a massive amount of bogus questions at them, BioWare will either have to answer the worthy questions or start dropping the Q&A. The power lies within the community's hands ;).

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Well, easy solution. If the community stops throwing such a massive amount of bogus questions at them, BioWare will either have to answer the worthy questions or start dropping the Q&A. The power lies within the community's hands ;).


We're moving towards that from what I can tell. There's a lot less fanboys around and even hardcore fans are showing some kind of dissatisfaction in some way. So yeah if next week BioWare is going to answer 5 random questions again it'll pretty obvious they have no intention of listening to us or having that two way communication we expected.

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Well, easy solution. If the community stops throwing such a massive amount of bogus questions at them, BioWare will either have to answer the worthy questions or start dropping the Q&A. The power lies within the community's hands ;).


Well, what would count as 'bogus' questions? I know a lot of people would consider the queries around SGR's and when they'll be implemented to be less important than, say, the future of class mechanics or PvP maps. However I consider content (and SGRs as content) to be of equivalent importance to class balancing.


This isn't an attack, rather a genuine question.

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Well, what would count as 'bogus' questions? I know a lot of people would consider the queries around SGR's and when they'll be implemented to be less important than, say, the future of class mechanics or PvP maps. However I consider content (and SGRs as content) to be of equivalent importance to class balancing.


This isn't an attack, rather a genuine question.


They don't answer questions about the 'future of <insert whatever>' anyway.


They carefully select questions like 'Why was this decision made'. **** no one cares about besides that one person that asked it. I'm not even sure yet if these dumb questions aren't just submitted by BioWare employees themselves LOL!

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They don't answer questions about the 'future of <insert whatever>' anyway.


They carefully select questions like 'Why was this decision made'. **** no one cares about besides that one person that asked it. I'm not even sure yet if these dumb questions aren't just submitted by BioWare employees themselves LOL!


I know they don't answer questions about future content, doesn't stop me asking them. However, you've not answered my question:


What counts as a 'bogus' question?

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I know they don't answer questions about future content, doesn't stop me asking them. However, you've not answered my question:


What counts as a 'bogus' question?


I'll let Fornix answer that since he used that particular phrasing.


Personally I don't think there are bogus questions, there's just questions that feel like they have a higher priority of being answered, and concerns that should be addressed, but aren't.

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Should just bridge the gap and call bioware/ea a joke. Hope they enjoy that 52% decline in their stock. Imma lol when it hits 60%. Hemorrhaging money doesn't seem to teach them any lessons. Guild Wars 2 soon. See you there. so we can start a new hate campaign against another rival of our beloved wow


i fixed that for ya

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I know they don't answer questions about future content, doesn't stop me asking them. However, you've not answered my question:


What counts as a 'bogus' question?


Here let me field it for ya - a bogus question is one where, the user has asked about something that they could have


a) Found out from others in the community through investigation

b) the question is about the mathematics or a particular element of a game (who really fking cares unless your a programmar trying to develop something like a DPS parser etc etc, so again only appealing to a fraction of the population.


c) Even if there isn't an answer for your question in the community - common sense has to come in to play at one point.

let me post a snippet from this weeks Q&A for those who haven't read it. Just for the sake of 'c)'

Char_Ell: What is the backstory of the seven pillars on Corellia commemorating the heroes of The Jedi Civil War in BTC 303 (Revan, Bastila, Carth, Canderous, Juhani, Mission, Zaalbar)? How did the people of Corellia arrive at the decision to build the pillars?


Hall Hood (Lead Writer): Monuments to these great heroes who saved the entire Republic were constructed on multiple Core Worlds after the war’s end. The motivations behind these memorials differed from planet to planet. Some were built by politicians cynically displaying their patriotism, while others were created by artists and refugees seeking to honor their saviors. Corellia’s pillars, like its many museums, were built as much for tourism as a sincere display of Republic solidarity. Trivia note: a beautiful monument to the heroes stood outside Coruscant’s Galactic Senate building for nearly three centuries, but was destroyed by Sith Empire forces during the planet’s sacking.




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Seriously, they have time to answer questions that no one could give a flying **** about, but when it comes to answering real questions, Bioware is nowhere to be found. The lack of 'news' in this game is appauling. The fact that Bioware's management team cant seem grasp that keeping secrets is detaching their community from the developers.


People only really come to the forums to post negative feedback now, with one to two posts occasionally being a positive note - how about you LEARN from this bioware, people want more then an occasional response from a Moderator saying "this is an known issue, i'm going to close the thread you spent time out of your day making"

Oh come on. At least we now know why the pillars on Corellia were built. I'm sure everyone was dying to find that out. lol

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And i'm having trouble dealing with the fact that ANYONE would consider the above an important question.


Seeing as Bioware literally has the rights to make this story up as they go along... THAT ANSWER WAS PROBABLY MADE UP ON THE SPOT.


They simply gave historical reason to a fictional event in a fictional game... How does this tell us about the future of the game we're paying for. Its pathetic.

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You're probably right..


However, there are some folks such as myself, who are on the fence about this game. And when i look at the interaction between the developers/ community managers, and its player base, i sometimes wonder how much effort is being put forth on their end. Especially if they don't have the decency to "communicate" with us.


"Good for them"


They do communicate with us, they have told us some of the big things that will be in the upcoming few patches. But they should not answer every single inane question that is asked (especially those that have been answered before).


I asked when is this new planet and new companion thing coming out. They show us this stuff at E3 and we still have no idea when we will see it. I do not think it is too much to ask. You say $15 I have spent $150 + shipping + tax on the game itself plus paid every month since launch. I think I have a right to ask when this new content they teased us with is coming. How can they still not have any idea when this is coming out?


The only answer they could give is "When its ready". Anything more substantive than that, even if hedged with qualifiers that any date is subject to change, would be taken as a promise by some players and any change at all would be the cause of massive whining. They might be 98% sure that HK-51 will be in the next patch and that will be in August, but they can't say that because if it is released on September 1st people will whine that it was "promised" for August.

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Oh come on. At least we now know why the pillars on Corellia were built. I'm sure everyone was dying to find that out. lol


I have 2 level 50's, with a 3rd on the way, and i pay such little attention to the story now... that i honestly don't even know/care what pillars they're talking about. Now sure - SOME DO ... but not many.


Not many at all.

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I know they don't answer questions about future content, doesn't stop me asking them. However, you've not answered my question:


What counts as a 'bogus' question?

A bogus question is a question they choose to answer that answers nothing about the game (ie why were Corellia's pillars built?).

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And i'm having trouble dealing with the fact that ANYONE would consider the above an important question.


Seeing as Bioware literally has the rights to make this story up as they go along... THAT ANSWER WAS PROBABLY MADE UP ON THE SPOT.


They simply gave historical reason to a fictional event in a fictional game... How does this tell us about the future of the game we're paying for. Its pathetic.


simple, because star wars fans like star wars story's

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Lets try another question that was totally worth answering.

Skendra: Question about Legacy! Under Character Perks -> Travel, at 1.2 there was buff for Sprint Speed but locked and now in 1.3 it was changed to Priority Transport. Why?

Will Wallace (Senior Designer): There were both internal and external balance concerns about allowing players to purchase upgrades to Sprint speed, especially as it related to advantages in Warzones. We don't want someone to feel like they have to have an optional purchase to be competitive in PvP. The Priority Transport perks were created as a replacement since they are beneficial for all players without upsetting the balance of the game.


How come the poster of the question couldn't come to the conclusion that - it was taken out due to imbalancing issues. I mean asking WHY it was changed to priority transport is a pretty redundant question... Well it was changed to act as a replacement FOR that ability.. Well **** that was hard to answer actually..

Maybe bioware should put me in charge of the Q&A. I think i actually just broke a sweat.

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your playing a star wars game, there are many star wars fans playing this game. star wars is rich in story, and many fans are lore addicts


The fact that this game is well on it's way to it's grave feels a BIT more important than that.


Or they're gonna go Anakin Skywalker on it and keep it on 24/7 lifesupport a.k.a. f2p.

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