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Bioware 'Q&A' - What a joke


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I asked when is this new planet and new companion thing coming out. They show us this stuff at E3 and we still have no idea when we will see it. I do not think it is too much to ask. You say $15 I have spent $150 + shipping + tax on the game itself plus paid every month since launch. I think I have a right to ask when this new content they teased us with is coming. How can they still not have any idea when this is coming out?


you're asking too much. Sorry, you don't have a right to know :p. It's their game, would I like an in on when the next content patch is coming out? heck ya, but I don't feel like I'm entitled to it, just because i've paid the subscription..


Are there certain things in this game that I wish were different? yes. Is it my right to have them change it to what I want it to be because I paid my part of the entry fee? no.

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Welcome to Western MMO's where the audience is so hostile that the devs/community reps choose to engage as little as possible with the savages that frequent the forums.:rolleyes:


Devs don't get paid to communicate, they get paid to make a game, and coming to the forums to be abused gets old after a while.


The Q&A are questions from the community, they are questions someone cared about, and someone got an answer. I usually find at least one question a week interesting myself, but different strokes for different folks I suppose. Other MMO companies have done Q&A, and most have stopped because the crying about "my question didn't get answered so the Q&A is useless." got to be more then mere mortals could bear.

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Welcome to Western MMO's where the audience is so hostile that the devs/community reps choose to engage as little as possible with the savages that frequent the forums.:rolleyes:


Devs don't get paid to communicate, they get paid to make a game, and coming to the forums to be abused gets old after a while.


The Q&A are questions from the community, they are questions someone cared about, and someone got an answer. I usually find at least one question a week interesting myself, but different strokes for different folks I suppose. Other MMO companies have done Q&A, and most have stopped because the crying about "my question didn't get answered so the Q&A is useless." got to be more then mere mortals could bear.


Thats a cop out.


Its their forums, if they don't like the way the "savages" are acting, do something about it. Don't stick your head in the sand, especially when your game is having pretty significant server mergers, lay-offs, and said communication problems.


Folks say they see the same people trolling these forums every day. If thats the case, they should be banned, temporarily or permanantly.

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Welcome to Western MMO's where the audience is so hostile that the devs/community reps choose to engage as little as possible with the savages that frequent the forums.:rolleyes:


Devs don't get paid to communicate, they get paid to make a game, and coming to the forums to be abused gets old after a while.


The Q&A are questions from the community, they are questions someone cared about, and someone got an answer. I usually find at least one question a week interesting myself, but different strokes for different folks I suppose. Other MMO companies have done Q&A, and most have stopped because the crying about "my question didn't get answered so the Q&A is useless." got to be more then mere mortals could bear.


Despite liking the game some of us choose to not be blind and act like BioWare is doing us a favor by letting us play. We're paying for certain services which they've promised to provide, but failed to do so. Besides that, they're ignoring all of the hot topics and things that truly worry the community, and choose to ignore us all week and then answer 5 random questions and expect us to be happy. If the game isn't finished they shouldn't have released it in dec. And to those saying it's an MMO and it needs to grow, fine, but as long as we're treated this way, it's not gonna happen on my dime.


^ What thousands of other people agreed with and have so caused the need for servers merges- Oh, I mean transfers, merges sounds like they did it because of low pops!

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Despite liking the game some of us choose to not be blind and act like BioWare is doing us a favor by letting us play. We're paying for certain services which they've promised to provide, but failed to do so. Besides that, they're ignoring all of the hot topics and things that truly worry the community, and choose to ignore us all week and then answer 5 random questions and expect us to be happy. If the game isn't finished they shouldn't have released it in dec. And to those saying it's an MMO and it needs to grow, fine, but as long as we're treated this way, it's not gonna happen on my dime.


^ What thousands of other people agreed with and have so caused the need for servers merges- Oh, I mean transfers, merges sounds like they did it because of low pops!


what services are we paying for, that they've failed to provide? even with rpvp, which got pushed back (sucks, but still kinda glad it happened.) they havent promised us anything, they have'nt done.. please name some, because I for one can't think of any.


It's their game, and we pay for the right to play it.. that's all. If you are'nt satisfied then shoot, go play wow, and then come back, because it's worse there.

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Didn't they state already after the first few Q&A sessions that they will be answering questions regarding implemented features, design choices and technical?


And I agree with their decision, its not that exciting to read "It will be soon implemented but we don't have a date for it" for the future stuff community wants. They have confirmed working on or will be working on some of the most asked features, is it really necessary to answer them with "soon" on every Q&A..


Found the Q&A that states they prefer questions that they can answer in depth than giving out vague answers of future content.



Edited by Karudan
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No, they couldn't.


All MMO community managers know you can never end the **** storm. Don't answer, and people will cry. Answer, and people will cry. It never gets better, only worse.


I believe it was WAR that didn't even bother with official forums. They wouldn't have made the game better than it was. They wouldn't have made the game worse than it was. Forums didn't stop the CU or NGE of Star Wars Galaxies. Forums didn't stop its closure. Constant communication with the development team didn't make Darkfall or Age of Conan worth playing for long. Constant communication with the development team didn't take Pirates of the Burning Sea beyond more than a tiny niche MMO.


You pay your subscription for a game, not a direct, on-demand link to the development team. Go work on any collaborative creative project and tell me you're 100% sure as to exactly how it will end up. And that, of course, is what you people want. You'll say it isn't, but if that were the case, we wouldn't hear quite so much about Bioware personally lying to you all the time, would we?


It's a no-win situation, and they're choosing not to engage in it. Good for them, frankly,


Is this why TOR was not even on the list of Nominations for Community Relations MMO rewards for this year? The OP is correct. The weekly QA is a joke and lately a waste of time reading them. Even when they do attempt to answer a question, they give out vague answers , along the lines of " we will have more details later". :p

Edited by Valkirus
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what services are we paying for, that they've failed to provide? even with rpvp, which got pushed back (sucks, but still kinda glad it happened.) they havent promised us anything, they have'nt done.. please name some, because I for one can't think of any.


It's their game, and we pay for the right to play it.. that's all. If you are'nt satisfied then shoot, go play wow, and then come back, because it's worse there.


Then why was World of Warcraft nominated for Best Community Relationships for the MMO rewards for the year? Blizzard is leaps and bounds ahead of BioWare when it comes to community feedback.

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Absolutely right. However, if you want to keep your customers instead of having this game sink further and further (and seeing the numbers on my server, I'd say it's sinking), then you should at least 'pretend' to listen to your customers. Politicians get a virtually unlimited mandate for four years, but when they do stuff that no one wants and do not do any fan services, they're prone to get ousted.


But it seems BioWare is comfortable by getting ousted at the mid term elections already.


Now what you said right there yes, i concur with. Thanks for commenting

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Well they will learn eventually or they will fail... MMO's with good communication thrive, those without it tank.


So far they have taken the, "lets see how fast we can make the game tank" approach.


I don't think this game is going to make it. I truly hope they do, which is why I waste my time on here still.

As long as they don't listen/communicate, they're going to fail.

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I don't think this game is going to make it. I truly hope they do, which is why I waste my time on here still.

As long as they don't listen/communicate, they're going to fail.


I'll be honest, given what didn't happen with all the feedback from the PTS on 1.3, I'm starting to have less and less faith in Bioware's will to communicate. Not the ability, their will to listen and respond. They've posted up Class Feedback threads, but that just seems more like a token to make us shut up more than anything. I've asked if we'll be seeing anything to address healing in the near future, given what people have complained about, but I might as well have said purple monkey dishwasher for all the good it will do.


The Q&A used to be somewhat interesting, now it seems like stock copy pasta.

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The current Q&A is like a set of questions an actor/star will hand to the interviewer before the interview. It's all planned, moderated and and highly inspected before it's relased to the public.


What clearly the community wants is real, live, two-way communication and interaction from the leadership/Mods/Devs of this game with the playerbase.


I see very few asking for EA/BioWare to reveal their closely guarded trade secrets and future plans. What really is holding back this game currently is the doomsday mentality of the forum trollers being propagated by the refusal of this game's leadership to step up and interact with the community in a confident and constructive fashion.


The community has been begging for a symbiotic relationship (that any healthy MMO needs to have) for some time now. All it takes from the leadership side of this product is to respond to threads and posts with clarity and purpose in a way that the community can see that the makers of this game are not asleep behind the wheel.


Most times a simple "noted", or "this is a known issue we are looking into" is all the community wants. Is that too much to ask for? In a successful MMO, it is not.

Edited by LeonBraun
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Seriously, they have time to answer questions that no one could give a flying **** about, but when it comes to answering real questions, Bioware is nowhere to be found. The lack of 'news' in this game is appauling. The fact that Bioware's management team cant seem grasp that keeping secrets is detaching their community from the developers.


People only really come to the forums to post negative feedback now, with one to two posts occasionally being a positive note - how about you LEARN from this bioware, people want more then an occasional response from a Moderator saying "this is an known issue, i'm going to close the thread you spent time out of your day making"


I do kind of agree that the Q&A questions seem kind a like fluff. They do seem to just answer the easy question mostly with hardly ever any real news on anything major. Wich is why I dont read them.


But Im a pretty reasonable person. I believe that they arent answering a lot of those big questions because if something changes, people will start screaming about how BW Lied. Or how BW sucks because its taking too long to implement because they are just BW Lapdogs on EAs leash.


Just look around the forums and you will see posts claiming those things. BW mentioned something about something back in Jan, and they are now scum because nobody has heard anything about it since. Those Lieing BW Bastages!!!


So ya.. BW is in a no win situation and they know it. The forum posters have them in a corner. Its better for BW to just not say anything untill they know for sure, rather than shoot themselves in the foot with possibly misinformation.

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bioware have let their doom in by the front door. EA will ruin their reputation completely. screw them both and this game. gw2 and mop will empty the sw:tor servers, the star wars franchise can't carry this game any longer. Edited by Rikeryo
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Seriously, they have time to answer questions that no one could give a flying **** about, but when it comes to answering real questions, Bioware is nowhere to be found. The lack of 'news' in this game is appauling. The fact that Bioware's management team cant seem grasp that keeping secrets is detaching their community from the developers.


People only really come to the forums to post negative feedback now, with one to two posts occasionally being a positive note - how about you LEARN from this bioware, people want more then an occasional response from a Moderator saying "this is an known issue, i'm going to close the thread you spent time out of your day making"


The other reason is there is no news in this game cept that the only people the community knows and cares about are quiting or being fired. David bass, Drew karpashian, now greorg too.


the content takes too long to come out and then its almost non existant when it does ... one flash point and one raid since launch? seriously? half a year and no serious content boom which is the exact opposite of what they stated would be the case pre launch. They stated that there would be alot to do at end game for those who dont like rolling alts. Well i do like rolling alts and there are only so many slots for 50s when you cant do anything at 50 other then the same 1 raid for gear or the 2 raids for something to do? .... the FP changes for bh coms was a great idea ... but they should have launched 5 more FPs at least 2 more tier 2 FPs and they should have made HM versions of the ones that dont have HM versions ... and maybe NiM versions of others to have something fun to do between all the grinding for credits.


I love space combat ... but i totally agree with folks that there should have been some sort of plan to launch space combat pvp (i disagree completely with JTL style FYI ... i much prefer SW:Battlefront II style mixed ground and space combat for pvp personally) or swoop bike races / pvp ...


QnA has been horrible since launch they answer questions that anyone could have answered if the people just asked in game in general chat or on forums. But the real questions people post get deleted or over looked all the time.


Like the OP said .. only time i hear people in game talking about going to forums its to complain about something in game like the massive lag since the mergers .... spikes have cost us more then 1 HM EC run because what should take 2 hours ish to complete is taking almost an hour per boss becuase of lag deaths or healing lag and short enreage timers that mean even a 5 second lag spike or a single person dc means wipe. Or any of the hundred other problems this game has.


This is by far the best MMO i have ever played ..great story (not that it matters) great combat, great gameplay and interesting class structure and progression. Fun raids at least once you learn strats. BUT content is lacking especially at end game, and no one at BW or who is left at BW has the ability or the balls to step up and tell the community the answers to the tough questions. When it comes time to resub .... i will .... but how many others are ??? only time will tell.

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bioware have let their doom in by the front door. EA will ruin their reputation completely. screw them both and this game. gw2 and mop will empty the sw:tor servers, the star wars franchise can't carry this game any longer.


funny all the people i have talked to say GW2 is horrible .... hmmm ... got four guildies in beta and they all say the same thing .. its would have been a great game if it had come out 5 years ago but its one of the worst compared to what is on the market now.

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funny all the people i have talked to say GW2 is horrible .... hmmm ... got four guildies in beta and they all say the same thing .. its would have been a great game if it had come out 5 years ago but its one of the worst compared to what is on the market now.


Probably of the same mindset like the people complaining about endgame content in SWTOR. People just aren't satisfied anymore. I'm sure the GW2 endgame is adequate and so is the endgame in this game.

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Probably of the same mindset like the people complaining about endgame content in SWTOR. People just aren't satisfied anymore. I'm sure the GW2 endgame is adequate and so is the endgame in this game.


From the looks of the server mergers, its not quite adequate enough


Or, perhaps people require a bit more than just, adequate?



Edited by Tic-
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From the looks of the server mergers, its not quite adequate enough




That's what happens with every game these days, people plow through the content and then leave, I'm sure GW2 will have the same 60% decline in player base as SWTOR and Diablo 3, doesn't mean the endgame is crud though, just proves it's not enough to keep people interested 24/7 for over 6 months

Edited by SNCommand
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That's what happens with every game these days, people plow through the content and then leave, I'm sure GW2 will have the same 60% decline in player base as SWTOR and Diablo 3, doesn't mean the endgame is crud though, just proves it's not enough to keep people interested 24/7 for over 6 months


Maybe they should stop giving us the same endgame then?

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