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Gunnery commando PVE Guide


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Oh, and I should add my "rotation" for any that want to critique it:


1- 3 Grav Rounds

2- Demolition Round

3- HiB

4- FA

5- 3 Grav Rounds (with a FA in-between if CoF is up and the CD is off)

6- repeat 2 through 5


What this does is make sure that I get the 5-stack buff (charged Barrel) available for HiB to make it's damage as much as possible as soon as the CD is up on it.

Edited by DenitharPurloin
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I have been meaning to ask about this.

Probably a silly question but here it goes:

Does our cell - and debuff for that matter - affect hit chance? If they do, wouldn't that mean we actually need a little less accuracy?


A far as I know AP cell and the debuff only affect armor penetration. Hit chance is unaffected.


It is my understanding (and I could be wrong) that any "ranked" ability (full auto and HiB included) is a "special ranged" attack. Any that are "unranked" and "default" are the normal ranged attacks (hammer shot and hail of bolts included).


This would mean that full auto starts at 100% accuracy (like Tech abilities).


It is my understanding that ANY white damage ability is a ranged ability and is subject to ranged accuracy rating which has a base of 90%. What did you read that made you think that "ranked" abilities had this property? My shadow misses ranked melee attacks all the time (because my shadow is tank spec and has no accuracy), and before I had my accuracy up where it is now (before the changes in 1.3 I was almost exactly 100% accuracy so immediately after I was a little low) I know for a fact I saw a dodge from one of the bombers on Kephess during a FA tick.


1- 3 Grav Rounds

2- Demolition Round

3- HiB

4- FA

5- 3 Grav Rounds (with a FA in-between if CoF is up and the CD is off)

6- repeat 2 through 5


What this does is make sure that I get the 5-stack buff (charged Barrel) available for HiB to make it's damage as much as possible as soon as the CD is up on it.


I like 3 Grav Rounds > HiB > FA (if CoF procced) > Demo Round as an opening to keep ammo in top tier regen. From there I try to use the following priority.


1). High Impact Bolt (5 stacks of charged barrel only. Not an issue after 1.3)

2). Full Auto (if CoF proc is up)

3). Demo Round (5 stacks of Vortices on the boss)

4). Grav Round (if at or on the edge of top tier regen

5). Hammer Shot (if below top tier regen, Reserve Powercell is down andRecharge Cells is down)

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It is my understanding that ANY white damage ability is a ranged ability and is subject to ranged accuracy rating which has a base of 90%. What did you read that made you think that "ranked" abilities had this property? My shadow misses ranked melee attacks all the time (because my shadow is tank spec and has no accuracy), and before I had my accuracy up where it is now (before the changes in 1.3 I was almost exactly 100% accuracy so immediately after I was a little low) I know for a fact I saw a dodge from one of the bombers on Kephess during a FA tick.



When you hover your cursor over Accuracy on the character sheet (under the ranged option) it give you two values, one for "basic" ranged attacks, and one for "special" ranged attacks. This leads me to believe that there are two classifications that ranged attacks fall under. The only thing I have found that distinguished ranged attacks from one another are some are "ranked up" as you level, and some are not.


I do not doubt that you saw a dodge on one of the bombers if you say you did, but could these bombers not also have additional defense that may have caused this? And even with 110% basic ranged accuracy that shot may have also missed on that particular roll? I really have no clue myself, which is why I try to ask questions about it in order to learn more.


Anyway, it would seem odd for this not to be the case as some class specs (gunslinger in particular comes to mind) rely much more heavily on ranged attacks than tech attacks (like Sharp Shooter). It would put these Specs at such a severe disadvantage that my brain will not allow me to see it as possible (even though it may be).


What I am hoping is that we have a severe number-cruncher with way too much time on their hands try to verify the difference between the "basic" and "special" ranged accuracy...or even...heaven forbid...a developer. :eek:

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When you hover your cursor over Accuracy on the character sheet (under the ranged option) it give you two values, one for "basic" ranged attacks, and one for "special" ranged attacks. This leads me to believe that there are two classifications that ranged attacks fall under. The only thing I have found that distinguished ranged attacks from one another are some are "ranked up" as you level, and some are not.



white damage numbers : basic

yellow damage numbers : special


Is that right or did I miss something?

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On my server I heard about a commando reaching 2300 DPS (full Hazmat). Another one told me about incorporating a PG in his cycle everytime he is about to use a relic or doping and gaining 100-150 DPS doing this. He also use one as the first hit of the fight, but doesn't use tech override since there is no point since the fight begins only once the pole begins to take damage
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Go on the gav-daragon, find the operation training dummy, activate your combat log and hit the dummy with all you have for about 5 minutes. Then deactivate your combat log, and upload your log on a web parser such as torparse to analyze it and get your dps. I personally reach 1770 DPS in BH stuff.
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