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Since when do you need pvp gear to play pvp?


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In a game last night, a rakata gear sage did 600k healing. My recruit gear sage could only puff out 280k


so saying you dont belong in a wz without at least recruit isnt always correct.


I could kinda believe this, simply because the penalty to healing is easily nullified by the appreciably better gear.


Still, you're going to be eating about 35-40% more damage, and will die early and often unless your opponent is bad or just universally outmatched as a team.

Edited by islander
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Simple solution.


If someone enters your Wz in Rakata and then starts with the "I wear what I want" b.s.

Just drop the Wz and continue to do so whenever said player gets rolled in to a Wz with you.


No need to be rude. The way I see it if they don't care about your attempt at playing

the game as intended then there's no need for you to provide content as a teammate

for them either.


Always make sure you try to educate first and be kind... then if it's an obstinant know it all

butt whistler... just drop the Wz and eliminate your frustration! Folks that refuse to get the

FREE gear and at least half speed it... deserve to play on constantly short teams.


If it's really a newwwwwwwwb... explain the situation... and help them find the gear after the match.

Edited by VoidJustice
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This poster has the right idea. Play in Recruit gear for a few matches, and you can quickly get Battlemaster gear. Rip out the mods and enhancements (but not the armoring) to put in your orange armor and you will have a decent amount of Expertise without losing any PvE effectiveness. I only switch out four items when going to PvP, and I have over 700 Expertise while retaining 2100 in my main stat. If I forget and PvP without switching gear (earpiece, 2 implants, and a relic), I have over 500 Expertise with 2300 in my main stat.


Truth. The mods and enh are actually better than the PvE versions becuase they retain the PvE stats but throw in expertise on top of it. Personally I use the armoring too becuase it's the WH ones and I can put it in my orange stuff and keep my sweet set bonus. And those WH relics are BIS for many classes. If only they had expertise augments but I'm rambling a bit.

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The fact of the matter is, you do not belong in a war zone without at least your entire set of recruit gear. Since it is free, there is no excuse. This is just the courtesy that you offer your teammates in an mmo like this one. It is selfish and wrong to not follow this unwritten code. This game may not be for you if you cannot get passed this issue.


But you are not wrong in wanting your gear to look a specific way. My advice is make a suggestion on the suggestion forums that BW make the recruit set in some way moddable. This way you could put the expertise modifications into gear that you like the look of on your character.


As far as the quickest route for your goal of being able to pvp and not be shamed for wanting to look a certain way, you should spend your war zone commendations on the battlemaster armor set. Then take the modifications with expertise on them and yank them out, and place them in gear that you like the look of on your character.


I hope this helps you out and please remember, it really is not acceptable to join a pvp match with 0 expertise when you are given a full recruit set. You are ruining the experience for 7 others every time you join a match like this.


The damage you can deal while using PvE gear over Recruit is worth the loss of survivability. Recruit gear will in no way help you survive a WH geared Marauder. In many cases for some classes the only way to survive is by not being targeted at all, and you don't need expertise to survive if you aren't being targeted.

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I just got kicked from PvP because i don't have PvP gear... You can still play WITHOUT the gear i just wanted to play for fun.


Quit AFKing for Comms so you can get your WH Relic. Respect your fellow players and fight when you are in a WZ. I seriously doubt you were kicked because of gear simply because you have to be AFK to be booted. You just weren't doing squat.

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the pvp gear just doesn't look good on my toons i wear rakata i prefer that over pvp gear any day


As you've stated, you prefer the looks of rakata gear, well, that's fine. Wear your rakata shells, but put PVP mods in your rakata shells if you want to avoid getting kicked. You also stated that you're only PvP'ing for fun, not to win. Well... sorry, but whenever there's someone that isn't trying to help his team win gets discovered, it's pretty common for their teammates to start trying to kick him.


Winning in pvp is more fun than losing (not that you can't have fun even if you've lost, it's just less fun). Also, playing pvp to win doesn't yield only the 2 seperate outcomes you mentioned:


Winning - doesn't lead to "addiction", it leads to more commendations, valor, xp (at 50, only affects legacy level), and credits, so winning leads to gearing up more quickly.


Losing - while rage CAN be an outcome, it's usually rage at teammates in pure PvE gear when 3 of them can't defend an objective against one PvP geared opponent - basically, they lost the match for their teammates. Now, if there isn't a gear issue that resulted in a loss, the only other rage from a loss is directed towards "baddies" (i.e. people that attack from their end-zone in hutt-ball while the opposing team's ball-carrier jumps to them and scores; stealthy cherry-pickers -which is bad enough to begin with- that camp the enemy end-zone and when you finally make it to them for a pass, they don't uncloak to catch the ball, etc...).

If neither of those are the cause for the team's losses, there isn't any rage for losing (sure, you might be unhappy though) - instead, you've actually just discovered at least one method that doesn't help your team win (basically, a learning experience) - now, you can try new strategies/compositions/etc. - adapt and overcome.

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My shieldtech powertech in full tank pvp gear (no damage increase talent nor crit or surge mods) did 6017 damage on someone in a warzone the other day. I was shocked seeing that was coming from a tank, so I assume the person I did 6K damage to was undergeared, maybe even in level 40 greens. I wonder what kind of damage a dps could've done to him. Edited by Sookster
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In a game last night, a rakata gear sage did 600k healing. My recruit gear sage could only puff out 280k


so saying you dont belong in a wz without at least recruit isnt always correct.


While that is certainly plausible, there are too many factors that are uncontrolled to reach a valid conclusion just by anecdotal evidence. I've been in many wz's with a sage guildie who is all WH geared and augmented. Some games (pugs mostly) he puffs out <300k, some games (with guildies mostly) he can go 800k. Is the other team letting you free-cast? Did the game last long? Was there guard and peels? How much dps did the other team have? Too many factors.

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I just got kicked from PvP because i don't have PvP gear... You can still play WITHOUT the gear i just wanted to play for fun.


So let me get this straight:


- You get free recruit gear, but you didnt get it?

- You expect to PvP in 0 expertise in 50's and get a lovely welcome?

- You expect people in your team to welcome you and give you a cupcake for entering your first 50 WZ?

- You expect to have fun getting your butt kicked and being 2 shotted?


What kind of person are you? Why arent you in my WZ as my opponent????


I could use some free wins on my alts, where you can bend over and I can administer a cup of whoop ***.

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Since when do you need pvp gear to play pvp?


Since you hit level 50.

What kind of person are you? Why arent you in my WZ as my opponent????


Oh, I have seen a few like him as my opponents. A 17k hp sorc that I crit for close to 6k. It's usually a sorc who uses pve gear, go figure. I have seen a guy on my team get a 5.5k crit on force scream. Surely wasn't on PvP gear.

Edited by lpsmash
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Oh, I have seen a few like him as my opponents. A 17k hp sorc that I crit for close to 6k. It's usually a sorc who uses pve gear, go figure. I have seen a guy on my team get a 5.5k crit on force scream. Surely wasn't on PvP gear.


Oh thats not what I am implying, I'm implying this guy is happy to roll with 0 expertise in a WZ and expect to have fun while I can pretty much 2 shot him repeatedly and have my way with him like I do on my dailies where I kill elite mobs where I just spam a few buttons with one hand and the other holding a sammich on another and eating it.


At the end we'll both be happy, where I'll get a win and he'll have had his fun for PvP.

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you are essentially leaving them 1 man short and while you are still in group you cannot be replaced with a player capable of contributing.


If someone is in recruit gear they are STILL leaving the team 1 man short. Seriously people who haven't gotten at the VERY least full BM with 50% of it augmented should be kickable by the team and replaced with someone who actually has the gear/stats to contribute.


Put everyone under this gear threshold in their own bracket BW, they're a waste of a team slot for the rest of us >:(

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I have nothing against noobs, I was one (maybe still am :p) and you should start understanding that your problem is not being a noob but being an egotistical individual that doesn't care about anybody else but himself. OP wasn't booted because he is a noob, he was booted because he doesn't want to commit to rise to his potential. The fact that all he had to do was to acquire some free gear adds insult to injury.




I am pretty sure OP was booted because he wasn't doing anything at al.


So what if someone decides not to get the free gear and wants to pocket the credits instead. Hell they can use that money later down the road to buy augment kits and what not. IMO regular WZ are for people that don't have the best gear in PvP or any at all. Everyone with a good PvP gear should be in RWZ.


The way I look at the WZ situation is like looking at PvE FP.

WZ= Normal FP. People use these WZ to gear up.

RWZ= HM FP. People with gear can fight each other.


But no one wants to join RWZ because they are scurred they will get their *** handed to them by the good teams and then don't queue at all. So they go back into regular WZ and complain about people with little or no PvP gear. Again you want to play with people that are geared in terms of PvP go do RWZ.


If someone is in recruit gear they are STILL leaving the team 1 man short. Seriously people who haven't gotten at the VERY least full BM with 50% of it augmented should be kickable by the team and replaced with someone who actually has the gear/stats to contribute.


Put everyone under this gear threshold in their own bracket BW, they're a waste of a team slot for the rest of us >:(


Go do RWZ.


That is a bracket all to itself. I wouldn't mind when they put in a solo queue system for ranked they also put in a requirement to join.

Edited by Overtone
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Go do RWZ.


That is a bracket all to itself. I wouldn't mind when they put in a solo queue system for ranked they also put in a requirement to join.


I would....

If I could find 6 other people that weren't:





Nerds (beyond what's acceptable even in gaming culture)






Capable of having polite discussion as adults without going all "hurr durr I'm street yo!"


Available on the same schedule


Play exactly the right AC/Spec's for maximum performance as dictated by the meta-game (FOTM in layman's terms, which is simply a way to describe what is currently "best in slot" as far as spec's/comps/classes go)



Edited by Vaipyr
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I would....

If I could find 6 other people that weren't:





Nerds (beyond what's acceptable even in gaming culture)






Capable of having polite discussion as adults without going all "hurr durr I'm street yo!"


Available on the same schedule


Play exactly the right AC/Spec's for maximum performance as dictated by the meta-game (FOTM in layman's terms, which is simply a way to describe what is currently "best in slot" as far as spec's/comps/classes go)




Part of that is your fault and another part is BW. BW screwed up by not having RWZ be cross server and solo queue with a gear requierment to enter RWZ.


The other part is your fault because it seems pretty darn odd that you can't find 6+ players that play at the same time as you who are also mature. Start to notice player names that you see while playing and if they seem decent start forming a RWZ. Join or start a PvP guild

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The other part is your fault because it seems pretty darn odd that you can't find 6+ players that play at the same time as you who are also mature. Start to notice player names that you see while playing and if they seem decent start forming a RWZ. Join or start a PvP guild


I'm thinking your standards are much much lower than mine when it comes to who you're willing to hang out with. (BTW: This late in the game most players fitting the bill are scattered throughout other guilds. Note the term scattered. Guild A will have an awesome Healer, but 4 people in his guild are totally annoying plebs. Not gonna join that guild. Guild B will have a great Pyro... lol j/k, anyone can play a Pyro. Guild C has a *****in sorc dps, but their guild leader is a nasally child who rages at everything. Etc.


I will agree it is my fault though. I firmly believe that unless you find perfection in a situation these online games as far as people are concerned then they just aren't worth hanging out with. Unlike the real world where due to some life necessities (bosses, co-workers, etc) there is absolutely no reason to put up with anyone that isn't awesome. Just /ignore and erase them from your internet existence. To do otherwise is just not worth the time nor energy.

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I'm thinking your standards are much much lower than mine when it comes to who you're willing to hang out with. (BTW: This late in the game most players fitting the bill are scattered throughout other guilds. Note the term scattered. Guild A will have an awesome Healer, but 4 people in his guild are totally annoying plebs. Not gonna join that guild. Guild B will have a great Pyro... lol j/k, anyone can play a Pyro. Guild C has a *****in sorc dps, but their guild leader is a nasally child who rages at everything. Etc.


I will agree it is my fault though. I firmly believe that unless you find perfection in a situation these online games as far as people are concerned then they just aren't worth hanging out with. Unlike the real world where due to some life necessities (bosses, co-workers, etc) there is absolutely no reason to put up with anyone that isn't awesome. Just /ignore and erase them from your internet existence. To do otherwise is just not worth the time nor energy.


No it isn't. I just happen to be lucky enough to play with friends. Although they are more into PvE and I am more into PvP, so I usually help them run alts through FP.


So what if they are scattered around. If they are decent people and are good enough to have fun with then tell them next time you see them, "Hey I like the way you play wanna start pugging some RWZ around this time?". It might take some time but you will eventually get a full team... once you do then start your own guild. Invite people you only want to invite.


Yes I know about the scattered around feeling. I work the midnight shift (at work right now) so when I get out I play in the morning, not a lot of people around. It sucks but if I was serious about getting into ranks myself I would have no problem looking for 10 or so players to start a normal RWZ group with. It just takes time.

Edited by Overtone
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Stop feeding the troll guys, this is the most obvious troll I've seen on the forums yet!! +1 for so many bites though.




OP is obviously a Full War Hero Augmented Pyro Powertech who is aspiring to 1-shot someone with a rail shot, so he is coming to the forums and promoting wearing 0 expertise gear.

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But no one wants to join RWZ because they are scurred they will get their *** handed to them by the good teams and then don't queue at all. So they go back into regular WZ and complain about people with little or no PvP gear. Again you want to play with people that are geared in terms of PvP go do RWZ.


Go do RWZ.


That is a bracket all to itself. I wouldn't mind when they put in a solo queue system for ranked they also put in a requirement to join.



So, true. They are complaining that PUGs aren't always in the best gear but ignore Rated WZs that would have the best pvp competition and gear....




I would....

If I could find 6 other people that weren't:





Nerds (beyond what's acceptable even in gaming culture)






Capable of having polite discussion as adults without going all "hurr durr I'm street yo!"


Available on the same schedule


Play exactly the right AC/Spec's for maximum performance as dictated by the meta-game (FOTM in layman's terms, which is simply a way to describe what is currently "best in slot" as far as spec's/comps/classes go)





^^ Yeah because PUGs don't have any of those types you've listed.... At least in Rated WZs you have more control over who is on your team and it is not randomly decided for you.

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Bioware should simply make all PVP gear have the exact same expertise.


Problem solved. A guy in recruit gear and a guy win full War Hero gear would have the exact same expertise. The only difference would be a small over all stat bonus. This would change things from Player VS Gear to Player VS player again.


All Bioware does by making people grind to get higher expertise is drive more people from the game every day. Its poor management and bad design.


Keep the Expertise to keep PVP gear in PVP and PVE gear in PVE, but make all expertise the same.


The other thing this would resolve would be shutting up all those people that think better gear = more skilled.

Edited by laiboch
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