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Since when do you need pvp gear to play pvp?


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Solid logic :rolleyes:. This is not PvE where you can get carried by a good team. PvP is about team vs. team. When you lower your team value by being inconsiderate then you must accept that the other team members won't like you.


Playing for fun is what the rest of us do (well the vast majority) but our definition of fun includes participation and contributing. Complaining about a sucky team when you are the weakest link of the chain is priceless.


Go play in some ranked WZ. That way you can avoid us noobs

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For all those players who join WZ's wearing 0 PvP gear, please keep doing so but don't complain when you get smacked my me and my team mates for over 5k a piece while you are only doing about 500 points of damage to us. Really not sure how that can be fun for those that decide not to wear PvP gear but whatever... whatever floats your boat.
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No, it isn't. Only difference is that you get rewards even if you get steamrolled in PvP, while in PvE you don't kill the boss you get nothing bar a fat repair bill. The fact that losing in PvP has no consequences and is rewarded have incited the players to some very unpleasant behaviors, like , I don't know, "Why the hell should I spend money to gear up when I can do it for free?" . Sounds familiar? BW should normalize WZ PvP and get some open world PvP for people that want to have gear progression. That will put a lid to many QQ topics.

And don't think that I don't get what you did there by picking the most critical class for Toth and Zorn fight :cool:. I'm willing to bet that my group could do Toth and Zorn in story mode with a naked DPSer :p.

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*facepalm* you may prefer Rataka but the rest of your team certainly don't. Seeing as you seem to be a PVE player let's put it this way if you could have an ops with the entire group geared in Rataka, or an ops where all but one guy are in Rataka and the other guy is in levelling greens. which would you prefer?


Actually, levelling greens aren't the equivilent to Rakata- BM is. So it would be like doing a raid with BM geared players- which, if they're good, is quite possible- I know because I raid in full BM gear all the time as both healer and DPS.


Recruit gear doesn't do anything- he'd be better off pvping til he gets BM, then using the recruit money on augments.

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Go play in some ranked WZ. That way you can avoid us noobs


I have nothing against noobs, I was one (maybe still am :p) and you should start understanding that your problem is not being a noob but being an egotistical individual that doesn't care about anybody else but himself. OP wasn't booted because he is a noob, he was booted because he doesn't want to commit to rise to his potential. The fact that all he had to do was to acquire some free gear adds insult to injury.

Edited by LenrocNewDawn
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Every so often I queue up for a warzone after pugging a flashpoint and forget to put on my PvP set. Anyone who has done this knows there is a huge difference between PvE and PvP gear.


But I'm relatively certain the OP is trolling.

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Good lord this post made my morning.






To the OP look I understand that you may think your rakata is good enough for pvp well my augmented war hero has as good as stats + the expertise. Its not as good, and people keep bringing up that you can only get vote kicked if you are doing literally nothing in a warzone and this is true. I rarely see people get kicked these days as all it takes is for you to engage one enemy.


Still not sure if serious.

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My problem with Recruit is exactly the fact that it's free. The inclusion of expertise started it, and a free set of blues just makes it worse: there is only one way to play.


Self-crafted oranges and purples? Nope.

Rakata gear you earned through three weeks of raiding? Nope.


Gotta wear the free blues. Hit 50: buy your free, identical, effortless, unmoddable and unavoidable set of gear that's good for only one stat. A game should have just a little more space for people to play the way they want to.


Sure, I'll wear it when my PvP char hits 50, but only becase I don't plan to raid or do dailies very often and all my other items are ~lvl 45 from PvP leveling since level 40.

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Yup hit up the pvp terminal and turn it in and you'll get a choice of 2 recruit sets or token, there's your free pvp gear (equiv of 268K credits).


I personally don't like the tier based gear progression in this game's pvp, but that's the way it rolls in order to pvp.

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I would rather see full Rakata than lvl 40 greens which seem to show up alot more often than they should, even after free recruit. If you don't want to get PVP Armor, That's fine. Just make sure to engage in combat to prevent the kick and don't solo guard a node because it create an easy situation for you to get kicked. Remember you can remod oranges so if its looks that you want, find a set you like and start getting some BM gear to transfer over to it.
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If the Columi gear looks similar to your Rakata gear, you could just earn your battlemaster gear, take out the mods, and put them in the Columi gear (easier to get than another set of rakata), problem solved, heck, if you have the time you could even grind for another set of Rakata to put your PvP gear's mods into, that way the PvP players are happy you have expertise and you're happy on how you look aesthetically!
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I just got kicked from PvP because i don't have PvP gear... You can still play WITHOUT the gear i just wanted to play for fun.


Not in my group. I thought you couldnt actually get kicked unless you were afk though?

See, when I see someone completely ungeared I typically just quit the warzone before it starts.


Imperial DPSers are bad enough on my server (I PUG all the time, qualifier*) with 1200 expertise. I'm not going to sit here and be even further disadvantaged by someone who doesn't even make an attempt to try.

I have no problem with recruit geared people. Everyone pretty much starts at 900-1000 expertise - I get that.

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i agree, nobody is this stupid, although i have met a few who argue about not needing pvp gear... thank god for the kick feature


Not true. I quit a warzone last night with someone like the OP is emulating. I didnt know you could actually kick him against his will

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I just got kicked from PvP because i don't have PvP gear... You can still play WITHOUT the gear i just wanted to play for fun.


I keep two sets of gear, one for PVE and one for PVP. It may not look as cool, but it makes a big difference in how fast you kill and die due to the expertise value. People with higher expertise (that only comes on PVP gear) get a bonus to damage against you if theirs is higher, so its worth while to put on. If you cashed in the token, run some dailies (illum and black sun dailies will give you 200k a day) to buy it from the PVP vendor and get it back.

You _will_ have more fun dying less. :)

Edited by Ybini
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I will admit that I usually roll with a mix. To me I find I am more effective with 1900 str 20k HP and 950 exp then 1550 str and 17k HP with 1250 exp but my gear is very well itemized so I'm not rolling in there with all Columi or some such nonsense.

This poster has the right idea. Play in Recruit gear for a few matches, and you can quickly get Battlemaster gear. Rip out the mods and enhancements (but not the armoring) to put in your orange armor and you will have a decent amount of Expertise without losing any PvE effectiveness. I only switch out four items when going to PvP, and I have over 700 Expertise while retaining 2100 in my main stat. If I forget and PvP without switching gear (earpiece, 2 implants, and a relic), I have over 500 Expertise with 2300 in my main stat.

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And besides i have fun with or without the gear thats the only reason i play is to have fun


If you got kicked its not because of your gear, the vote kick doesnt work that way.


You were AFK and missed the " are you AFK " message thats pops up.


The ONLY vote kick that works that way is the Random PvE kick as far as i know, the PvP kick is ONLY an AFK kick

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the pvp gear just doesn't look good on my toons i wear rakata i prefer that over pvp gear any day


So you are confused why your team didn't want a person in gear that is horrible for PvP but they thought looked better?

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The fact of the matter is, you do not belong in a war zone without at least your entire set of recruit gear. Since it is free, there is no excuse. This is just the courtesy that you offer your teammates in an mmo like this one. It is selfish and wrong to not follow this unwritten code. This game may not be for you if you cannot get passed this issue.


But you are not wrong in wanting your gear to look a specific way. My advice is make a suggestion on the suggestion forums that BW make the recruit set in some way moddable. This way you could put the expertise modifications into gear that you like the look of on your character.


As far as the quickest route for your goal of being able to pvp and not be shamed for wanting to look a certain way, you should spend your war zone commendations on the battlemaster armor set. Then take the modifications with expertise on them and yank them out, and place them in gear that you like the look of on your character.


I hope this helps you out and please remember, it really is not acceptable to join a pvp match with 0 expertise when you are given a full recruit set. You are ruining the experience for 7 others every time you join a match like this.

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