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Soooo.. GW2 is coming and you do nothing to keep the PvP-Players here?


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woo Gw2! i dont care what bioware does with this game i am going to be really happy on august 25th!! yay!


bioware could pay me 1 million dollars and i still wouldn't play this game.


edit: thought about it, actually I would just subscribe and lie and tell them im playing, but secretly play GW2 all day. and spend the 1 million on an ultimate gaming setup



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Elves and dwarves and magic and nonsense... please god no more fantasy mmo's... no more...

Wish there was a faster paced more action oriented Eve type game with both ground and space combat but with more twitch and less endless grinding and skilling.


I find the mechanics, and animations in SWTOR far superior to many other MMO games. The balance has become attrocious however and the same Wz over and over and over.... /meep... heh... droool...


I guess planetside 2 can't get here fast enough...

Edited by VoidJustice
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Elves and dwarves and magic and nonsense... please god no more fantasy mmo's... no more...

Wish there was a faster paced more action oriented Eve type game with both ground and space combat but with more twitch and less endless grinding and skilling.


I find the mechanics, and animations in SWTOR far superior to many other MMO games. The balance has become attrocious however and the same Wz over and over and over.... /meep... heh... droool...


I guess planetside 2 can't get here fast enough...


did you really just /meep?:csw_r2d2:

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Why can't we play both games, GW2 doesn't have a sub cost so I plan on switching between the games every few days so I can have fun in BOTH! :D


You missed the memo where if you ever play a different online game you must immediately renounce your allegiance to all previous online games or they'd throw you out for being a spy.


Though MMORPG tends to be a pretty big time commitment so I don't like to play more than one at once even if the money isn't an issue because it feels weird to pay $15/month for a game you barely play.

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These threads are pointless for ONE reason.


No one cares if you leave.


Actually, I do care if they leave and we all should.


Remember what happened on our old servers after a bunch of people said they were fed up and were going to leave; and BW took a few months to contemplate the situation and take a coffee break? And so many people DID leave that you couldn't even get a warzone pop, and if you did it was that ONE full WH pre-made that were the ONLY people that queued on the other side?


Yeah, I care.... I want BW to get in gear and make some positive changes so we don't need server mergers of the current server mergers.

Edited by Monterone
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Actually, I do care if they leave and we all should.


Remember what happened on our old servers after a bunch of people said they were fed up and were going to leave; and BW took a few months to contemplate the situation and take a coffee break? And so many people DID leave that you couldn't even get a warzone pop, and if you did it was that ONE full WH pre-made that were the ONLY people that queued on the other side?


Yeah, I care.... I want BW to get in gear and make some positive changes so we don't need server mergers of the current server mergers.


This- how long are people going to say they don't care if people leave? When pvp queues are over an hour at all times? When it's impossible to get any dungeons? When the game goes f2p due to lost subs? When the disgust for how badly certain classes are nerfed is so low, you are literally facing nothing but one or two other classes at all times? When servers have to merge again?


When the game is making so little money, updates become sparse and you stop getting new WZ and open world pvp is never put in?


Keep saying you want people to leave- ignore the problem just like BW is; if this game proved anything it is that completely blowing off your fanbase for half a year does not work. You might hate the players who have negative things to say about the game, who want changes, who say they'll leave if something doesn't happen- but you're going to hate the game a lot more when it grinds to a halt and the funding is pulled because EA has given up on it.

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This- how long are people going to say they don't care if people leave? When pvp queues are over an hour at all times? When it's impossible to get any dungeons? When the game goes f2p due to lost subs? When the disgust for how badly certain classes are nerfed is so low, you are literally facing nothing but one or two other classes at all times? When servers have to merge again?


When the game is making so little money, updates become sparse and you stop getting new WZ and open world pvp is never put in?


Keep saying you want people to leave- ignore the problem just like BW is; if this game proved anything it is that completely blowing off your fanbase for half a year does not work. You might hate the players who have negative things to say about the game, who want changes, who say they'll leave if something doesn't happen- but you're going to hate the game a lot more when it grinds to a halt and the funding is pulled because EA has given up on it.


FAN-**edit**ing-TASTIC post!!!

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Bioware probably has a problem if they don't start hyping up 1.4 soon with multiple unannounced features. Since Mysts of Pandaria is comming one month after gw2. It'll vacuumi all the people up who are dissatisfied with gw2, who normally would've come back to swtor. Ofcourse if 1.4 doesnt have any substansive pve features(an operation with more then 4 bosses), then a lot of people will migrate to greener pastures as well.


So start hyping 1.4 or this game might be f2p before 2013.

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Bioware probably has a problem if they don't start hyping up 1.4 soon with multiple unannounced features. Since Mysts of Pandaria is comming one month after gw2. It'll vacuumi all the people up who are dissatisfied with gw2, who normally would've come back to swtor. Ofcourse if 1.4 doesnt have any substansive pve features(an operation with more then 4 bosses), then a lot of people will migrate to greener pastures as well.


So start hyping 1.4 or this game might be f2p before 2013.


Pretty much this. All my friends love to PvP and love Star Wars. However, Bioware just doesn't get PvP right.

I mean, it isn't just to keep the PvP-Players here when GW2 hits, it's to get some people back to the game. It doesn't need much; Ilum is there, they just need to "split" it more and add more objectives.


But it's probably too late. I actually thought of many ideas for new battlegrounds (Like a "moba"-battleground or transforming Ilum to DayZ (Yes I know, nobody cares. I just like to think about stuff like that)). It comes all down to progression. Progression in PvP has to go, right now. Even level-progression.


Now you can start on making the PvP fun. Add new Warzones, experiment with PvP/PvE-warzones (Those were always the funniest, classic AV, the one in GW2), start with good open-PvP zones (Copy Dayz?). People will now stay because they have fun and not because of the grind.


EDIT: But it is probably wayy to late to make such a big change.

Edited by Fyda
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Yeah... just having played Warhammer Online where you actually push the battle all the way to and INSIDE their city, this watered-down version called "GW2" seems kinda weak to me.


The problem is it almost never happens. It's an awesome idea, but nobody does it. GW2's Mysts are popular and people enjoy playing in them (at least, that's my experience in beta). The active conflict zones have PvPers in them and they're fun. Warhammer's PvE content was so godsawful nobody would pay the monthly sub for the game. GW2's content isn't as good as SWTOR's, but it's good enough to keep people playing so they can advance their characters and PvP in massive battles, without lag or engine problems. That's the threat the game presents to SWTOR, the option for massive PvP. If you enjoy and miss large battles, GW2 is going to be your game, at least until ArcheAge or possibly Pathfinder Online (only now looking for investors, don't expect to see it soon) come out.

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GW2 Is hardly a threat. I'll see ppl coming back to wow and swtor in 2 weeks.


Hardly a threat? Gw2 has over 1 mill pre orders. I remember pre transfer playing on a server that went days without even one wz b/c no one was on. Swtor doesn't need a new mmo to kill it, it does that on it's own.

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You know you can play 2 games at once right?

If you're a child or no-lifer (or some rich fat-cat bastard that doesn't actually have to work for a living. Or raise a family, etc.) sure. Otherwise, when it comes to MMO's, not so much.

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If you're a child or no-lifer (or some rich fat-cat bastard that doesn't actually have to work for a living. Or raise a family, etc.) sure. Otherwise, when it comes to MMO's, not so much.


Seeing as you are bolstered in their WvW PVP area and their equivalent to warzones place everyone in generic gear with all level 80 abilities, I'm pretty sure you don't have to be a "no-lifer" to play GW2 as well as another game.

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If you're a child or no-lifer (or some rich fat-cat bastard that doesn't actually have to work for a living. Or raise a family, etc.) sure. Otherwise, when it comes to MMO's, not so much.


if you play any mmorpg at high lvl pvp where gear is involved you have no life, from the time it takes you to hit 50 then grind for full warhero gear.........yeah

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If you're a child or no-lifer (or some rich fat-cat bastard that doesn't actually have to work for a living. Or raise a family, etc.) sure. Otherwise, when it comes to MMO's, not so much.


if you play any mmorpg at high lvl pvp where gear is involved you have no life, from the time it takes you to hit 50 then grind for full warhero gear.........yeah

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Hardly a threat? Gw2 has over 1 mill pre orders. I remember pre transfer playing on a server that went days without even one wz b/c no one was on. Swtor doesn't need a new mmo to kill it, it does that on it's own.


Yeah. I hope I'm wrong, but I see the pvp population of this game dropping big time in about a month.

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if you play any mmorpg at high lvl pvp where gear is involved you have no life, from the time it takes you to hit 50 then grind for full warhero gear.........yeah


I don't know about 'no life'. A college student could game 5 hours a day easily, while still getting solid grades, working 15 hours a week and getting blasted 2-3 nights a week. Grown adults who have no real responsibilities other then work, that might be a bit more reasonable to generalize.


That said, the war hero grind is definitely a grind. I play 3 hours a night, 5-6 nights a week and it tooke me two weeks to get BM gear full and I'm about another 2 weeks into the WH grind and I'm close to 6 pieces now - the easier 6 pieces, the ones that are 1425 a pop.


I want to level alts but there's just no time for it.

Edited by islander
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I don't know about 'no life'. A college student could game 5 hours a day easily, while still getting solid grades, working 15 hours a week and getting blasted 2-3 nights a week. Grown adults who have no real responsibilities other then work, that might be a bit more reasonable to generalize.


That said, the war hero grind is definitely a grind. I play 3 hours a night, 5-6 nights a week and it tooke me two weeks to get BM gear full and I'm about another 2 weeks into the WH grind and I'm close to 6 pieces now - the easier 6 pieces, the ones that are 1425 a pop.


I want to level alts but there's just no time for it.


If you have a good rated team the rated warzone comms flow in faster than you can spend them. I'm pretty much just using them to gear up alts now.

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A college student could game 5 hours a day easily, while still getting solid grades, working 15 hours a week and getting blasted 2-3 nights a week. Grown adults who have no real responsibilities other then work, that might be a bit more reasonable to generalize.


1st) 5 hours a day = no lifer. That's a rediculous amount of time to be able to sit and do nothing on a computer.

2nd) 15 hour work weeks are a pittance. That's barely part time work.

3rd) Getting blasted 2-3 nights a week also kind of helps prove you have no life nor responsibilities.

4th) " Grown adults who have no real responsibilities other then work" .... Considering that "work" is 40 - 80 hours a week if you're actually working full time, your perception of things seems very far off.


Throw in having a family, or trying to have a social life at ALL, going to the gym to counteract your aging and slowing metabolism, handling the responsibilities of life (yard work, house maintenence, maintaining the vehicles for said family, etc etc).

College kids are pretty much the perfect example of a no-lifer by contrast. There's a reason that adults constantly wish they could be back in college. Life was so so much easier then.



pffft, kids


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