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Do some classes have an unfair advantage ?


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As I've stated in previous posts I play a sentinel and I do alot of PVP. I keep reading in post after post that sentinels are OP that they hit too hard etc etc. Remember one thing sents and marauders are only capable of one thing.. DPS.. They cant heal and they cant tank.. So of course they are going to take down targets fast thats what they do.


Put a geared sniper / gunslinger against a geared sent / marauder.. the sniper wins almost every time.. unless by some miracle you happen to get behind them. They have multiple stuns.. one which roots you for a few seconds.. and how much damage can you do to a rooted target well a series of shots hits for about 4554 on average.. the sentinel and marauder is geared with only one true stun breaker which has a cooldown of at least 1:30. Snipers are geared with at least 2 stuns which renders the sent / marauder pretty helpless against this class in any sort of ranged scenario..


Put a good operative against a sentinel with spammable shiv and backstab.. they can OP most sentinels in 4-5 hits at 1700 a pop and 2600 or so if it happens to crit, oh did i mention your immobile during this repeated volley which quite frankly makes the encounter frustrating. But life goes on..Can a sentinel or a marauder kill an operative.. if by some miracle they can get behind them.. Of course they can. Operatives are squishy.


Sentinels Vs Marauders.. in most one on one battles one side or the other wins by a small amount usually. If your in BM gear going up against a full WH geared opponent your going to lose simply because you cant burn them down fast enough. Even if you are the better player.. In fact there are marauders that are better geard that I cannot defeat one on one. Does that mean they are op ? no they could be better players and they most likely have better gear. Bottom 1 v 1 its a dps race.. Yes you can sometimes outsmart an opponent and manage to kite them but most often its a race to the death.


Bottom line is this the next time your in a wz take into account the makeup of each team.. Sorry to say but on the republic side if you go into a WZ with 6 jedi classes and none happen to be a sage.. no commmando healers or smuggler healers against a faction thats heavy on operatives and sorcs both of which are capable healers and dps.. Often times at least 2 or more of those in a standard wz scenario. Your going to lose simply because your dps will never overcome the speed of the heals. if you cant clear a node or a door your not going to capture it.. Its really that simple.


Warzones are designed to be balanced If you have any combination of ranged dps, melee dps and heals ( minimum of 2 healers) and your team knows its role and objectives. You will fair pretty well against just about every oposing team provided you are equally geared or close to it.

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I dont get the post.


First off you have dumb posters who say that sent/maraders are OP cause they do too much DPS

Second off you have smart posters who say sent/mara are op cause of their defenses


And we are talking about pvp, so there is no tanking, so it doesnt matter that they cant tank


Mara/sent dps is absolutely 100% fine. They need no adjustment whatsoever on their damage.

Pyro is the damage nerf class

mara/sent need defenses adjusted period. If the defensives get adjusted, the mara comes into line

If they want to keep their defenses as they are now, then their dps needs to come way down period

You cannot have a high dps class with those defensives. People always talk about their offense cause that is what kills people but their op defensives allow them to dps people down


Much easier to change 3 skills, then lower dps on all their skills


And you make the same mistake everyone else makes. if a sniper vs a mara the sniper will win everytime.


This is not about 1v1, why people can't get that through their head.

Yes a sniper with all their cooldowns up should be able to kill a sent/mara all the time. However that is never ever ever reality

If a sniper is trying to prevent someone from capping a node or focusing a healer down and they get attacked by a mara/sent they die everytime


I can handle mara/sent np. I can also handle PT/vanguards just fine, but that doesnt mean that they do not need adjustments

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I dont get the post.


First off you have dumb posters who say that sent/maraders are OP cause they do too much DPS

Second off you have smart posters who say sent/mara are op cause of their defenses


And we are talking about pvp, so there is no tanking, so it doesnt matter that they cant tank


Mara/sent dps is absolutely 100% fine. They need no adjustment whatsoever on their damage.

Pyro is the damage nerf class

mara/sent need defenses adjusted period. If the defensives get adjusted, the mara comes into line

If they want to keep their defenses as they are now, then their dps needs to come way down period

You cannot have a high dps class with those defensives. People always talk about their offense cause that is what kills people but their op defensives allow them to dps people down


Much easier to change 3 skills, then lower dps on all their skills


And you make the same mistake everyone else makes. if a sniper vs a mara the sniper will win everytime.


This is not about 1v1, why people can't get that through their head.

Yes a sniper with all their cooldowns up should be able to kill a sent/mara all the time. However that is never ever ever reality

If a sniper is trying to prevent someone from capping a node or focusing a healer down and they get attacked by a mara/sent they die everytime


I can handle mara/sent np. I can also handle PT/vanguards just fine, but that doesnt mean that they do not need adjustments


can't touch pyro damage without significant buffs to survival/defensive ability.


to anyone that says their defenses are fine, they have the exact same shield cooldown and armor as mercenaries.

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I dont get the post.


First off you have dumb posters who say that sent/maraders are OP cause they do too much DPS

Second off you have smart posters who say sent/mara are op cause of their defenses


And we are talking about pvp, so there is no tanking, so it doesnt matter that they cant tank


Mara/sent dps is absolutely 100% fine. They need no adjustment whatsoever on their damage.

Pyro is the damage nerf class

mara/sent need defenses adjusted period. If the defensives get adjusted, the mara comes into line

If they want to keep their defenses as they are now, then their dps needs to come way down period

You cannot have a high dps class with those defensives. People always talk about their offense cause that is what kills people but their op defensives allow them to dps people down


Much easier to change 3 skills, then lower dps on all their skills


And you make the same mistake everyone else makes. if a sniper vs a mara the sniper will win everytime.


This is not about 1v1, why people can't get that through their head.

Yes a sniper with all their cooldowns up should be able to kill a sent/mara all the time. However that is never ever ever reality

If a sniper is trying to prevent someone from capping a node or focusing a healer down and they get attacked by a mara/sent they die everytime


I can handle mara/sent np. I can also handle PT/vanguards just fine, but that doesnt mean that they do not need adjustments


I agree that the defense should be improved.. Either lower the CD's give us more survivability.. This was simply a constuctive rebuttal or so I thought to all the naysayers out there who seem to think that this particular class is OP. When the simple fact is that it certainly isnt. Like many of you I spend hours on end in WZ's.

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Maybe they should address the Armor ratings and limit the mods some classes could use.


Why should all classes be able to gear for the same Hps and Armor rating?


Your wearing a black or poop colored robe and have the same or better armor rating than a trooper? or Jedi Guardian


The thing is the developers dont know *** they are doing because its broken from tip to top.


Seriously any other game...you are a nuker DPS or a PEW PEW then you dont wear platemail ..right?


So why does this game expect to have any sort of balance when everyone can have the same hp and armor ratings? All you do is pic the one with highest DPS and CC...WIN WIN.


Crap why even bother having classes at all... why dont we all be Sith and jedi masters and screw everything else....because thats what this is. Only reason anyone plays something different is out of stupidity or pve...both seem to go hand in hand because a game made for PVE stroy line CAN NOT and WILL NOT ever be balanced for pvp....period


Play ArcheAge when it comes out to North america...ttyl

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OP, you bring up great points.


Personally, I don't see sents/maras as dramatically OP. They are great soloists. Maybe a mild nerf on their defensive skills is all I'd ever suggest.


People crying about Sents/Maras should look more at Vanguard Commandos. They can do what Sents do, but from range for the lulz.

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As I've stated in previous posts I play a sentinel and I do alot of PVP. I keep reading in post after post that sentinels are OP that they hit too hard etc etc. Remember one thing sents and marauders are only capable of one thing.. DPS.. They cant heal and they cant tank.. So of course they are going to take down targets fast thats what they do.


Warzones are designed to be balanced If you have any combination of ranged dps, melee dps and heals ( minimum of 2 healers) and your team knows its role and objectives. You will fair pretty well against just about every oposing team provided you are equally geared or close to it.


While I am not trying to be argumentative here I have been healed many times by marauders and I have seen quite a few times where they are 2nd in heals for my team!


While I understand they can not be healers they can most certainly heal! Personally I think Sent/Mara are fine but what is agrivating to most is them moving 900 milion miles an hour and your trying to hit them! I don't have a problem killing them 1v1 with my Jugg tank but my PT Tank struggles a lot. My Sorc I wouldn't go 1v1 with anyone other than another sorc/sage but even then I'm leary I am not as good as the person on the otherside!


While most times I talk 50s PvP as I have 3 sub 50 I have my Sniper who kills everyone 1v1 I have no issues fighting any other class with him, my merc healer and my Marauder who just made 22 last night. Just so people don't think I a FotM with the 3 all of them were created at launch! All are 400 in their respective crafting skill as that is what I have used them primarily for as I level my characters.


So with my Mara, I have decked her out in purples and augmented her gear and I still have plenty of issues in PvP. They are DPS masters and it really is all they know. They are fine IMO.

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Put a geared sniper / gunslinger against a geared sent / marauder.. the sniper wins almost every time.. unless by some miracle you happen to get behind them. They have multiple stuns.. one which roots you for a few seconds.. and how much damage can you do to a rooted target well a series of shots hits for about 4554 on average.. the sentinel and marauder is geared with only one true stun breaker which has a cooldown of at least 1:30. Snipers are geared with at least 2 stuns which renders the sent / marauder pretty helpless against this class in any sort of ranged scenario..


Snipers have one real stun (which is melee-range and lasts 4 seconds), and a break-on-damage mezz. They also have two roots (of very short duration when damage hits). None of their stuns "root" you. They do happen to be the one class that (well-played) can consistently beat a marauder. They are the only class that can consistently beat a marauder. The fact that your hard-counter class does well against marauders does not mean marauders are not overpowered.

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. Remember one thing sents and marauders are only capable of one thing.. DPS.. They cant heal and they cant tank.. So of course they are going to take down targets fast thats what they do.

So the only thing a Marauder can do is DPS. And the only thing other DPS classes can do is DPS as well. So really whats your point? That DPS classes can only DPS? This is a trivially obvious statement and i fail to see what it has to do with Marauders being considered overpowered.

Put a geared sniper / gunslinger against a geared sent / marauder.. the sniper wins almost every time.. unless by some miracle you happen to get behind them. They have multiple stuns.. one which roots you for a few seconds.. and how much damage can you do to a rooted target well a series of shots hits for about 4554 on average..

This goes goes to show how little you know about the classes and mechanics of this game.

1. Snipers have only 1 stun unless specced engineering.

2. A root or a knockback is not a stun

3. Series of shots does not hit for 4554. Rather it shoots a target multiple times for 1000-2000 damage.

the sentinel and marauder is geared with only one true stun breaker which has a cooldown of at least 1:30.

Again, every class in the game has only one CC break cooldown at 2-1.5 minutes. So why are you specifically mentioning Marauders as though they are worse than every other class in this regard.

Snipers are geared with at least 2 stuns which renders the sent / marauder pretty helpless against this class in any sort of ranged scenario..

As i already said this is false, most snipers have 1 stun. Furthermore you have this cool thing called force camo, try using it when you get knocked back.

Put a good operative against a sentinel with spammable shiv and backstab..

These abilities have cooldowns and are therefore not spammable so ok lol.

Sentinels Vs Marauders.. in most one on one battles one side or the other wins by a small amount usually. If your in BM gear going up against a full WH geared opponent your going to lose simply because you cant burn them down fast enough. Even if you are the better player.. In fact there are marauders that are better geard that I cannot defeat one on one. Does that mean they are op ? no they could be better players and they most likely have better gear. Bottom 1 v 1 its a dps race.. Yes you can sometimes outsmart an opponent and manage to kite them but most often its a race to the death.

So basically you're taking the example of Marauder fighting another Marauder in a 1v1 and generalizing it to all classes and suggesting Marauders are balanced as a result? You cannot take an example of a class fighting itself as a sign that this class isnt overpowered. The class is not compared against itself because every class is not a Marauder. Rather the class is compared against all other classes in the game and if it is more powerful than it can be considered to be overpowered.


Unless you are somehow suggesting that Sentinels and Marauders are different classes, which would make this post even more laughable. Classes are mirrored sorry.

Warzones are designed to be balanced If you have any combination of ranged dps, melee dps and heals ( minimum of 2 healers) and your team knows its role and objectives. You will fair pretty well against just about every oposing team provided you are equally geared or close to it.

Really because you designed the game? Im pretty sure you havent and are therefore not qualified to be asserting what class combinations Warzones are supposed to be balanced around.


Bottomline as you like to say, you have demonstrated in this post that you know very little about this game and its mechanics.

Edited by Gidoru
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Warzones are designed to be balanced If you have any combination of ranged dps, melee dps and heals ( minimum of 2 healers) and your team knows its role and objectives. You will fair pretty well against just about every oposing team provided you are equally geared or close to it.

Really because you designed the game? Im pretty sure you havent and are therefore not qualified to be asserting what class combinations Warzones are supposed to be balanced around.


Bottomline as you like to say, you have demonstrated in this post that you know very little about this game and its mechanics.


No I have nothing to do with the design of this game. But i have played hundreds of hours of pvp. You learn what works and what doesn't. I tried to be objective but I guess objectivity is something that doesn't apply in forums or otherwise.. And FYI Where I got that 4554 number from is the Huttball match itself where the damage was dealt straight from the combat log that tells you who and what defeated you. There is no reason for me to waste my time or my effort trying to be objective in a community that simply calls for nerfs as a solution to problems they have in a wz killing this or that. The sad fact is that the devs actually listen..

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As I've stated in previous posts I play a sentinel and I do alot of PVP. I keep reading in post after post that sentinels are OP that they hit too hard etc etc. Remember one thing sents and marauders are only capable of one thing.. DPS.. They cant heal and they cant tank.. So of course they are going to take down targets fast thats what they do.


Put a geared sniper / gunslinger against a geared sent / marauder.. the sniper wins almost every time.. unless by some miracle you happen to get behind them. They have multiple stuns.. one which roots you for a few seconds.. and how much damage can you do to a rooted target well a series of shots hits for about 4554 on average.. the sentinel and marauder is geared with only one true stun breaker which has a cooldown of at least 1:30. Snipers are geared with at least 2 stuns which renders the sent / marauder pretty helpless against this class in any sort of ranged scenario..


Put a good operative against a sentinel with spammable shiv and backstab.. they can OP most sentinels in 4-5 hits at 1700 a pop and 2600 or so if it happens to crit, oh did i mention your immobile during this repeated volley which quite frankly makes the encounter frustrating. But life goes on..Can a sentinel or a marauder kill an operative.. if by some miracle they can get behind them.. Of course they can. Operatives are squishy.


Sentinels Vs Marauders.. in most one on one battles one side or the other wins by a small amount usually. If your in BM gear going up against a full WH geared opponent your going to lose simply because you cant burn them down fast enough. Even if you are the better player.. In fact there are marauders that are better geard that I cannot defeat one on one. Does that mean they are op ? no they could be better players and they most likely have better gear. Bottom 1 v 1 its a dps race.. Yes you can sometimes outsmart an opponent and manage to kite them but most often its a race to the death.


Bottom line is this the next time your in a wz take into account the makeup of each team.. Sorry to say but on the republic side if you go into a WZ with 6 jedi classes and none happen to be a sage.. no commmando healers or smuggler healers against a faction thats heavy on operatives and sorcs both of which are capable healers and dps.. Often times at least 2 or more of those in a standard wz scenario. Your going to lose simply because your dps will never overcome the speed of the heals. if you cant clear a node or a door your not going to capture it.. Its really that simple.


Warzones are designed to be balanced If you have any combination of ranged dps, melee dps and heals ( minimum of 2 healers) and your team knows its role and objectives. You will fair pretty well against just about every oposing team provided you are equally geared or close to it.


Yes. Any class that has killed me has an unfair advantage and should be nerfed!

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As I've stated in previous posts I play a sentinel and I do alot of PVP. I keep reading in post after post that sentinels are OP that they hit too hard etc etc. Remember one thing sents and marauders are only capable of one thing.. DPS.. They cant heal and they cant tank.. So of course they are going to take down targets fast thats what they do.


Put a geared sniper / gunslinger against a geared sent / marauder.. the sniper wins almost every time.. unless by some miracle you happen to get behind them. They have multiple stuns.. one which roots you for a few seconds.. and how much damage can you do to a rooted target well a series of shots hits for about 4554 on average.. the sentinel and marauder is geared with only one true stun breaker which has a cooldown of at least 1:30. Snipers are geared with at least 2 stuns which renders the sent / marauder pretty helpless against this class in any sort of ranged scenario..


Put a good operative against a sentinel with spammable shiv and backstab.. they can OP most sentinels in 4-5 hits at 1700 a pop and 2600 or so if it happens to crit, oh did i mention your immobile during this repeated volley which quite frankly makes the encounter frustrating. But life goes on..Can a sentinel or a marauder kill an operative.. if by some miracle they can get behind them.. Of course they can. Operatives are squishy.


Sentinels Vs Marauders.. in most one on one battles one side or the other wins by a small amount usually. If your in BM gear going up against a full WH geared opponent your going to lose simply because you cant burn them down fast enough. Even if you are the better player.. In fact there are marauders that are better geard that I cannot defeat one on one. Does that mean they are op ? no they could be better players and they most likely have better gear. Bottom 1 v 1 its a dps race.. Yes you can sometimes outsmart an opponent and manage to kite them but most often its a race to the death.


Bottom line is this the next time your in a wz take into account the makeup of each team.. Sorry to say but on the republic side if you go into a WZ with 6 jedi classes and none happen to be a sage.. no commmando healers or smuggler healers against a faction thats heavy on operatives and sorcs both of which are capable healers and dps.. Often times at least 2 or more of those in a standard wz scenario. Your going to lose simply because your dps will never overcome the speed of the heals. if you cant clear a node or a door your not going to capture it.. Its really that simple.


Warzones are designed to be balanced If you have any combination of ranged dps, melee dps and heals ( minimum of 2 healers) and your team knows its role and objectives. You will fair pretty well against just about every oposing team provided you are equally geared or close to it.


Their DPS is fine, but their defensive cooldowns combined with that DPS is overpowered.

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