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BioWare, communicate, please?


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Is it me or is the general discussion thread filled with just doomsday threads? Have you guys even SEEN the other categories on the forum? This is like the only negative one >.> Stop complaining about every little thing. So they haven't updated in a week. WOW, THEY MUST BE DOING HORRIBLY! -_-
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What do you want them to say?


"hey guys hope your enjoying the best game in the entire world, soon you will get even more stuff to grind"


"Amazing new features coming one day in the future, very soon. Just keep paying and you will see"


As opposed to saying nothing and expecting us to keep paying?


It would be a start I suppose. :rolleyes:


I don't think anyone will deny this game is losing subs pretty quickly. Wouldn't you as a developer want to keep the lines of communication open? Give the folks out there paying your salary a reason to look at the game and see at least a commitment, some positive reinforcement that the game is still moving forward?


The parallels between what i see here, and what i saw with Warhammer are a bit shocking, to say the least.


There was a point after Land of the Dead was released, where i thought, these guys have just given up, no communication at all, poor, buggy patches, lay-offs, server mergers... amongst other things


i cancelled shortly thereafter.


Looking back...They had given up.



Edited by Tic-
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I fear your plea will just fall on deaf ears. The game is on its dying breath and it feels like they're running out of ideas, so no ideas means less things for them to excite their playerbase with.


However in fairness, they're pretty much damned if they do and damned if they don't. If they did do 3-4 Q&As a week then they would get an insane amount of complaints about whatever it was they were discussing (it's just inevitable) and if they don't they people creating posts like this one, it just boils down to what is the lesser evil for them, and because doing what you asks costs resources they probably can't afford right now they're choosing to ignore us. Sucks really.

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Now now TUXs, if they do what you want I don't want to see you playing any of the "SWTOR is too Grindy Threads". ;)




I won't, I promise...I'll simply stick to the PvP forum and **edit** about Open World PvP and Resolve full time :p

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Well lets look at some facts, as soon as the uproar happened with ranked being pulled from 1.2-1.3 i do not blame them one bit for now saying we now have makeb coming out soon, hk coming out soon, a social patch coming out soon, assention or whatever its called coming out soon and a space update coming out soon. If they put an exact time date and patch something is coming people fly off the handle that that one thing might be pulled to another patch and totally ignore everything else that came in the patch.


Bliz learned this soon and just stamped soon tm on everything or didnt tell us anything at all, basically the 1st time you hear anything about there its either datamined or hits the ptr or the beta build.


Oh look, the leader of the white knights has spoken. Let me tell ya about the ranked being pulled... it was already on test and people resubscribed just because of it. I think they had a fair complaint. Now as far as makeb is concerned that planet will last 2 days. HK will quickly be forgotten as another pet to sit on the ship. Whats a social patch? Space update? How many people play that thing called space on a regular basis? And finally.... this was what was talked about comming in the next year... if this is all they have planned for the rest of the year then they are in serious trouble.

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While I can understand people's frustrations...


Bioware is under no obligation to answer your individual questions. It is very possible they simply don't have anything to report on at this moment. And if they did report on something, it would only satisfy a few of you. They are not here to answer your exact questions. The forums are simply a community tool for the players.


Its called customer service and companies with ****** customer service dont last too long in the business.

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Do you eat the food or pay for it? No. You have the same right here. Un-sub and stop demanding Bioware's attention each and every one of your individual demands.


If all the unsatisfied customers listened to your advice, you wouldnt have a game at all anymore.

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And thank stars your not a game developer.... if you think releasing a game that is backwards in comparison to another that is 10yrs old is the answer then.. luckily its just a game and not say an aeroplane or a car or .. well pretty much anything that has been developed ever!


Or would you be happy for the response "dont worry in 10 years time this game will have all the same features that other game has rest assured.. ooh wait that other game has moved the goal posts again.. how truly unfair of them...

The whole point of bringing out something new, is just that.. it has something new to offer. SWTOR had Voiceover awesome (at least for a few runs round the block).. but it failed to bring a game that was at least on a par with other MMO's in respect of where things stand in the gaming industry and the "new" thing begins to look a bit underpinned.

It's kinda GM saying look at our new car - it is fully voiced controlled.. no need to steer, change gear or anything, just get in belt up and enjoy the journey.... and in the next few years we will be adding front an rear axles with wheels on them, possibly even brakes within 7 years... but wooohoooo the voice control system should keep you happy tfor years to come.. :rolleyes:


So .. stop using your "the other game has been out 10 years "theme... BW has had many many years to keep its eys on the industry and what its competitors were/ are doing... but they choose to respond by offering something pretty mediochre in comparison.. heck even many of the smaller MMO's have more features then this does and some of those have been out a third of the time of that other game... so why was this game released with such a poor UI, no LFM tool, no transfer capability, no name change facility, poor customisation, out of balance PvP, no RvR, no WvW, no guild ammenities.. errm in fact very little guild anything. Heck it couldn't even get server balancing right and had to utilise a marketed game update to promote its own band aid to try and fix the issue.

The game is ok.. not bad.. just nothing like the "great " I and many, many others were expecting.. and unfortunately the players have responded the only real way they can.. by cancelling and ridiculing. I am not one for the ridicule side of things, I am sure they tried their best but lets face it Bioware is no more and its sadly showing imo.


Well said my friend!

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I don't know what exactly some of you want Bioware to say to you. We've been given a glimpse of this new droid we're to get, they've given us practically everything we've whined for...the pvp crowd were given their ranks, the rest of us server transfers and for free, they've even offered us gifts to make up for inconvenience.


Personally, I'm getting sick and tired of seeing this attitude of 'what have you done for me lately' and the general negativity towards the game. Has it occured to you people who are making demands and complaining and whining about how the game is dead, and no one is communicating with you, that YOU are the one's ruining the game. This week, I log on Imp side, where I usually play and people are whining about wanting to know more. I get tired of this, and log Rep side to play my noobs, and more of the same--people crying about how the game is dying, its dead, blah blah ad nauseum.


You whiners are the ones killing it. Can you imagine what new people must be thinking? You're driving them away with this crap. I've been playing since launch, and I'm loving the game, and adequately challenged and adequately communicated with. Reading these forums is DEPRESSING, all because of YOU whiners.:mad:


I think people need to be a little more patient. You want stuff fast, if they give it fast, it's buggy...then you whine about bugs. So many of you are never satisfied. Let them have the time they need to sort crap, and I'm pretty sure we'll get events, and additions etc.


I mean honestly. *walks away to play some more*


This is a truely sad post. Yes please continue to blaim the customers. It is not the customers who produced a half *** product. If in fact you are not only seeing, what you call "QQ", on the forums... but also in game as well... what does that tell you? It tells me that there are alot of unsatisfied customers. If there are alot of unsatisfied customers... that useually means a poor product. So yes, please keep blaming the customers as to why the game cannot maintain subscriptions.

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Oh look, the leader of the white knights has spoken. Let me tell ya about the ranked being pulled... it was already on test and people resubscribed just because of it. I think they had a fair complaint. Now as far as makeb is concerned that planet will last 2 days. HK will quickly be forgotten as another pet to sit on the ship. Whats a social patch? Space update? How many people play that thing called space on a regular basis? And finally.... this was what was talked about comming in the next year... if this is all they have planned for the rest of the year then they are in serious trouble.


I agree. I dont want some pet. I want new content. Story content. New class quests. Better space combat that I can group up to do. Substantial stuff not this fluff they keep putting in. Makeb who knows when or even if that will come out. They have laid off an unknown amount of people since that annoucement. We have no clue when 1.4 is coming. PTS is down for the count. The forums are being neglected now. Doesnt take a genius to see this ship is sinking and sinking fast. The "captain" and his first mate have both already jumped ship.


Personally I see a f2p announcement shortly or simply the game closes. Im not paying for anymore time until I see something concrete about when we will see new content. I can unsub and just wait why would I pay to wait?

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This is a truely sad post. Yes please continue to blaim the customers. It is not the customers who produced a half *** product. If in fact you are not only seeing, what you call "QQ", on the forums... but also in game as well... what does that tell you? It tells me that there are alot of unsatisfied customers. If there are alot of unsatisfied customers... that useually means a poor product. So yes, please keep blaming the customers as to why the game cannot maintain subscriptions.


It is always the mode de jure for the BW apoplogist to blame the CUSTOMER and not the developer. :rolleyes:


Quick fanboiz assemble! :eek:



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Is it me or people who want the developers to actively communicate are like desperate lovers craving for attention?


No. You couldn't say that about Rayla. I've seen her post many times trying to support Bioware. Communication is definitely lacking. And I agree with OP, give us something, anything... even if it's just a hello we are here.

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In fairness, they say the HK-51 droid is going to involve a giant galaxy-spanning quest to get. That IS content. Just because it's not new Ops doesn't mean it's not content. I don't really enjoy ops, so this is great for me. What you need to say is "I don't like anything but raids, I need another one to clear in a week so I can go back to complaining that everything's too easy."


1. The HK-51 droid , so called new content, was actually installed ... in game waaaay back in beta. They removed it, its not truely new content.


2. NiM of a raid that players have been farming for 3 months is not new content. Its content that players have been farming for the last 3 months. I dont care if they have 1 million more hitpoints and dish out 2k more damage a swing and they add 1 new mechanic. Its still the same scenery, still the same bosses and still the same kills.


3. Who said anything about just adding raids. The game needs to do this yes but they need to add a ton more content that is not raids and not flashpoints and not warzones. We need more things to do. Side games, mini games, better customization, ship customization, more story, more leveling planets so you can level an alt an entirely different route...and god forbid real space... anything that is not what we already have

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It would be easier to just start up a forum and charge $15/mo for people to sign in and gripe, fuss, cry, and crab to their heart's content about what a crappy forum it is. Save the bother of making and supporting a game.


But but, Swtor was the Chosen One! SWTOR was supposed to destroy Blizzard, not join them! Bring balance to the Gaming Industry, not leave it in darkness!!! :eek:



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Communication with the player base is an extremely important part of maintaining it, players want to know what is happening with their game, they want to know what's in store, they want to know what the Devs themselves think.




I hate making comparisons to Blizzard, I really do, but in this case it's not even a comparison to the game, just the way they interact with the community... if you were to go to mmo-champion.com or any other "blue" tracker site, you would be able to see the devs and community team actively partaking in discussions on their forums... even if it's nothing more then "hey I don't want to sidetrack the thread just letting you guys know we are reading and taking feedback".


I mean there's really no reason Bioware couldn't do the same, I refuse to believe they are spending every waking hour putting in code, and even so they should still be able to do more than dish out a carefully construed weekly Q&A. Even if you disagree with us, tell us. I mean we aren't asking for them to tell us their secrets, just get involved.:(

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Wait...are you suggesting that it's MY fault they released buggy content? Even when those bugs were reported on the Test Server forums? It's MY fault they move so slow? It's MY fault people quit playing? That "I" drive new players away? That "I" need to be more patient?


What a complete CROCK! I haven't been asking for a freaking HK-51 droid, have you? Has anyone here asked for HK-51? I don't care about the droid, I want some freaking CONTENT, like new Operations. The current 3 take all of 3 hours to run, 2 on nightmare mode, one on story, and because of the brilliant 1980's era 'lockout timer', I get to do that a whole ONE time per week. For PvP, I'm stuck in the same 3 rotating boxes that we've had since launch, and 1 that's so similar to the others, it should have been.


I accept absolutely ZERO responsibility for the condition this game is currently in. If anything, they should be thanking me (us) for sticking around while my last server died.


Someone here doesn't understand how long it takes to develop new content. Its not like they can go WAAAAMO and new content comes flying out of their magical fingertips.


If you play the game so much that you have ALL of the content completed, I have a new content suggestion for you: outside.


The devs appreciate constructive criticism, not WHINE WHINE WHINE MEMEEMMEMEMEMEME GLAAARGGH.

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Its called customer service and companies with ****** customer service dont last too long in the business.


OK. That's fair. And its YOUR RIGHT to stop playing and vote with your wallet.


If you are claiming this is ^&%$ customer service, then stop complaining and out your money where your mouth is. For my $15 a month, I am getting enough service to satisfy my need for the game. If you're not, shut it and do something about it.

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Oh look, the leader of the white knights has spoken. Let me tell ya about the ranked being pulled... it was already on test and people resubscribed just because of it. I think they had a fair complaint. Now as far as makeb is concerned that planet will last 2 days. HK will quickly be forgotten as another pet to sit on the ship. Whats a social patch? Space update? How many people play that thing called space on a regular basis? And finally.... this was what was talked about comming in the next year... if this is all they have planned for the rest of the year then they are in serious trouble.


Bioware seem to think that the endgame comprises of running tedious dailies and the SAME flashpoints we already did while leveling for weeks in order to get geared for the 3 Ops we have. Don't want to do that? Just do the same Warzones constantly instead. If you want to play more than that (totally absurd, right?) , then the Bioware supporters have 3 choices for you:

1. You are a troll, go away

2. Stop running through content so quickly, jeez!

3. Go outside

Makeb will be cleared by many in a day, maybe 2. The HK quest will last perhaps slightly longer, and won't be revisited. HK will end up sitting on the ship with the rest of the boring/useless companions.

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Someone here doesn't understand how long it takes to develop new content. Its not like they can go WAAAAMO and new content comes flying out of their magical fingertips.


If you play the game so much that you have ALL of the content completed, I have a new content suggestion for you: outside.


The devs appreciate constructive criticism, not WHINE WHINE WHINE MEMEEMMEMEMEMEME GLAAARGGH.


Dude, don't pretend to know my playing schedule and don't insult me with childish remarks like "go outside", or your pathetic come back of "whine whine whine". You act like I'm alone in my request for more content end game group content. Open your eyes! Or don't...go ahead and insult people who want this game to do well...


I don't give a flip what the "Devs" appreciate lol, I'm not paying my sub fee to appease them. They sell ME a service, not the other way around. Bioware had a development staff of 600+ employees as recently as 6 weeks ago, and 400+ as of Friday - this game doesn't reflect the best effort of even 100 employees. It's a shallow cluster **edit**!

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Someone here doesn't understand how long it takes to develop new content. Its not like they can go WAAAAMO and new content comes flying out of their magical fingertips.


If you play the game so much that you have ALL of the content completed, I have a new content suggestion for you: outside.


The devs appreciate constructive criticism, not WHINE WHINE WHINE MEMEEMMEMEMEMEME GLAAARGGH.

First, I'd like to note your silly use of immature strawman arguments. Really, really childish.

As far as content goes, Bioware had 6 years before even releasing the game to have some decent content available at launch. This is STAR WARS. If Bioware can't pump out even small content like a world event regularly then there really is no hope for the game.

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