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All These Angry/Quit Threads Makes Me Sad


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The trouble with games, MMORPG or even single player is IMHO; at some point the driving urge to play goes away.


For some games it takes longer, UO I played for 4-5 years then one day had nothing more I wanted to achieve.


DAOC i played to the first expansion and then felt they were forcing me to PvE to continue my RvR so I left and went to an oddly addictive newcomer ( WoW), but the raid to get an item to raid to get an item did not hold me 2 years, my son has played since it started and likely will play until it closes.


Horizons ( Istaria) looked good with playable dragons, but it fell away in a few months, players hit end game before it was ready. EvE was great when we all had similar ships, now being able to wipe 20-30 players alone is pointless stilla good few years..Rift was good for 6 months then just not my thing.


Each game we reach a point where there is nothing more personally attractive to do, then we notice the lack of cross server pvp, or funny hats, or Gui tools etc and we begin seeking drama instead of fun.


For the OP, my birth year is 1960, I do not think it is a 1987-2000 generation thing.


Good luck all.

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Or when paople complain you're not doing enough dps because you cooled your jets so the tank could sustain aggro and saved the raid as a result ... while the ones who topped the chart are all dead from their own leetness..


If one needs a live dps meter to prove how well they work within a team then the team is either too OP for the content or they are cutting edge progression types who exist to chase server firsts and NEED live damage meters to gauge phase changes. Server firsts are not part of TOR, so that need goes away, leaving froof of leetness. Nah ... I'll just review the combat log for improvement.


It does work both ways. I could just as easily say that the ones that dont pay attention and look at logs, are the ones that cant get through Denova and cant figure out why.

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It does work both ways. I could just as easily say that the ones that dont pay attention and look at logs, are the ones that cant get through Denova and cant figure out why.
Which attacks and rotations work best versus which defenses should have been worked out before the player ever showed up.
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You won't. They advertised right from the outset that the voice acting quest dialogues, player choices during those dialogues, stables of combat-ready crafting companions and approximately 200 hours per class of leveling gameplay (not powerleveling ... leveling) were the game's calling cards and that the game would grow into eventually everything else they envisioned. If they made any mistake it was misreading the short attention spans of today's gamers.


No they should have know this.


NO TOP played games are based on story. It's always been like that.


Story based games you play you enjoy you move on. People stay long term for game play. They didn't do enough here to stand out from WoW with less content.

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Which attacks and rotations work best versus which defenses should have been worked out before the player ever showed up.


Yep and you can easily tell which player doesnt understand that stuff right? Some players just dont get it and dont even know they just dont get it. Id prefer to see that and help him in the right direction.

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No they should have know this.


NO TOP played games are based on story. It's always been like that.


Story based games you play you enjoy you move on. People stay long term for game play.

Bioware knew what they wanted to do and they did it well. It was a choice they made and announced well ahead of beta. For me personally their choices are what will keep me playing. Those who dislike a game that is story based for fear that reliance on story will hurt the game's longevity don't have to play it 24x7. They can always play it occasionally, maybe fit it in with their XBox/WoW/GW2/LOTRO/[insert game name here] rotation.


If the game in its current guise is incapable of standing up to 40 hours a week of raiding, then it is. That style of player will blow through every MMO they play anyway, and SWTOR will simply be one of them along their journey to find a game that autoreinvents itself with new & player dynamic content every month. I hope they find it. I have no such ambitions, and I'm guessing TOR's target player base doesn't either.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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Yep and you can easily tell which player doesnt understand that stuff right? Some players just dont get it and dont even know they just dont get it. Id prefer to see that and help him in the right direction.
Bullseye! Human intelligence and interaction that meters can't touch. :D Edited by GalacticKegger
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Bioware knew what they wanted to do and they did it well. It was a choice they made and announced well ahead of beta. For me personally their choices are what will keep me playing. Those who dislike a game that is story based for fear reliance on story will hurt the game's longevity don't have to play it. Or they can play it occasionally.


If the game in its current guise is incapable of standing up to 40 hour a week raiding, then it is. That style of player will blow through every MMO they play anyway, and SWTOR will simply be one of them along their journey to find a game that autoreinvents itself with new & player dynamic content every month. I hope they find it. I have no such ambitions, and I'm guessing TOR's target player base doesn't either.


Its not the 40 hour a week raiding. Its there is nothing besides those 3 raids to do... well dailies. You cant bank on rerolling if you dont have alternate paths. 90% of the leveling experience is the same thing. Thats the inlying issue, atleast to me. Hell if they came out with an update that had more leveling planets. Like instead of going to balmora, I could also go level on planet x or y. I would be just as happy if they came out with a new raid. I would be more inclined to roll alts because of new content. It would be far better. Not only that but it could branch the story and change it based on what planets you decided to goto, changing the overall out come of it. I think they missed a big opportunity here.

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Its not the 40 hour a week raiding. Its there is nothing besides those 3 raids to do... well dailies. You cant bank on rerolling if you dont have alternate paths. 90% of the leveling experience is the same thing. Thats the inlying issue, atleast to me. Hell if they came out with an update that had more leveling planets. Like instead of going to balmora, I could also go level on planet x or y. I would be just as happy if they came out with a new raid. I would be more inclined to roll alts because of new content. It would be far better. Not only that but it could branch the story and change it based on what planets you decided to goto, changing the overall out come of it. I think they missed a big opportunity here.
That would be easy enough to do if the game's biggest RP draw (voice acting) wasn't what the game was designed around. But VA is the game's very foundation and that expectation is already set in stone. So RP content will be slower in coming than traditional content because of the production logistics involved. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Its not the 40 hour a week raiding. Its there is nothing besides those 3 raids to do... well dailies. You cant bank on rerolling if you dont have alternate paths. 90% of the leveling experience is the same thing. Thats the inlying issue, atleast to me. Hell if they came out with an update that had more leveling planets. Like instead of going to balmora, I could also go level on planet x or y. I would be just as happy if they came out with a new raid. I would be more inclined to roll alts because of new content. It would be far better. Not only that but it could branch the story and change it based on what planets you decided to goto, changing the overall out come of it. I think they missed a big opportunity here.


I feel the same way.... Entirely. I expected too much from TOR... Which is my fault not Bioware, but still ....

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I feel the same way.... Entirely. I expected too much from TOR... Which is my fault not Bioware, but still ....


I'm out as well. I'm sick and tired of having my characters face melted/i.e. running for his life as a partial war hero geared sorc healer. What an absolute exercise in futility. I'm done.

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Ive been playing TOR since April, not playing hard core, just a few hours every couple of days - and I am really enjoying this game, honestly. A lot of creativity and passion went into it, you can see it in the detail and story - (the environments are fantastic - just look around when you are flying through Nar Shadaa - Its amazing, It looks like something out of Blade Runner)


Here are some high level Ideas about what I think this game is missing, or what could improve it:


1) True Faction Conflict, where permanent loss gain (territory) is at stake for the Empire or Republic (and possibly a 3rd faction) - per server: this takes everything in the game to a new strategic level, where players actually have to organize on a high level (against each other...) Something more profound than just gear grinding and pvp tactical instances as an end game...


2) True Space Game / Guild Capital Ships Combat / PVP Space Fighter Combat (At the same time?!) I can't even imagine how fun that would be... seriously


3) Pod / Speeder Racing - a great way to enjoy the fantastic environments


4) I hate to say it... but more realistic combat please - an occasional severed limb or body part from explosion, I know it sounds crazy but look at Blizzard games - ALL have a serious gore factor, just look at SC2 / D3, practically buckets of blood and detailed destruction. It adds a freakish curiosity to ALL combat, Bizzard figured this out a Long time ago with Warcraft RTS games. Valve also uses this extensively (TF2)


I have more, but I will stop there for now -


After almost 4 months, I am still enjoying the game and I am having lots of fun with it. I hope the creators/developers view the game with artistic passion and do not let the fear of the business side of things cloud their judgement, in fact, it is artistic passion that will probably lead to the greatest successes.



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I'm out as well. I'm sick and tired of having my characters face melted/i.e. running for his life as a partial war hero geared sorc healer. What an absolute exercise in futility. I'm done.


this is probably the most ridiculous part. the pvp is shot, there are two wildly divergent tiers of classes where some have multiple viable specs and others have 1 if they're lucky. this would be ok except for the fact that with the delay since the last balance patch and no word on future changes it's like they're not even trying to balance the game anymore.


i do extremely well ranked as a sorc healer in half augged wh the rest augged bm and it sucks. it requires a half cc build so that i can survive for more than 5 seconds. this sucks for them cause they can't control their character. meanwhile i have no fun getting cced/rooted/pulled at about the same absurd rate. it's awful, i literally just run from 2-5 dps each match wildly casting cc stun bubbles, purge, cc and then innervate since i have no instacast nonturreted heals worth anything.


i do very well and have great heals, but it sucks, and i'm honestly just sticking around because i got some fun people i play with into an mmo coming out soon with amazing pvp and it's an easier transition. talking to the other sorc healers on my server we almost all feel the same. and based on the trouble my team had finding a healer for ranked wzs/the response i get when i complain about it i'm not alone in this perception.


probably the worst part is the fact producers said the skill cap was raised for sorc healers, which is true, but ignores the fact there is one viable healing build for sorc healers and it's a hybrid, ttk is absurdly low, and the class is horrible to play atm. god forbid you were trying to gear one now. i can't imagine what it's like as sorc heals in recruit. honestly i feel like our role is to feel worthless as we get murdered and make the game enjoyable for at least some of the people there.

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this is probably the most ridiculous part. the pvp is shot, there are two wildly divergent tiers of classes where some have multiple viable specs and others have 1 if they're lucky. this would be ok except for the fact that with the delay since the last balance patch and no word on future changes it's like they're not even trying to balance the game anymore.


i do extremely well ranked as a sorc healer in half augged wh the rest augged bm and it sucks. it requires a half cc build so that i can survive for more than 5 seconds. this sucks for them cause they can't control their character. meanwhile i have no fun getting cced/rooted/pulled at about the same absurd rate. it's awful, i literally just run from 2-5 dps each match wildly casting cc stun bubbles, purge, cc and then innervate since i have no instacast nonturreted heals worth anything.


i do very well and have great heals, but it sucks, and i'm honestly just sticking around because i got some fun people i play with into an mmo coming out soon with amazing pvp and it's an easier transition. talking to the other sorc healers on my server we almost all feel the same. and based on the trouble my team had finding a healer for ranked wzs/the response i get when i complain about it i'm not alone in this perception.


probably the worst part is the fact producers said the skill cap was raised for sorc healers, which is true, but ignores the fact there is one viable healing build for sorc healers and it's a hybrid, ttk is absurdly low, and the class is horrible to play atm. god forbid you were trying to gear one now. i can't imagine what it's like as sorc heals in recruit. honestly i feel like our role is to feel worthless as we get murdered and make the game enjoyable for at least some of the people there.


See, and I don't have a good ranked team, or even a good PvP guild. I'm just solo queueing or joining Pugs for ranked.


Although now I'm off the ledge a bit. I ditched the 21/20 build I had been giving a second trial, and went to 21/madness and now I'm a good bit less angry. Got two wins this morning, it's amazing what that will do.


But yeah, ever since going to Fatman, I've been a bit lost, trying a couple guilds but not finding one I really mesh with. It's a bit frustrating. On top of it, playing a sorc right now as you say is really a razor's edge type of endeavor. My pugs do appreciate me though. I always get 2+ MVP votes win or lose, unless I really did nothing/guarded something with a melee or just had an off-match which happens once a night.

People will see that I do 6 digit damage as well as close to the heals of a main healer.


Oh, and I actually HAVE geared this guy from scratch here. I was in mostly old champ gear when I started. I'm up to 1235 expertise/1720 will now. Most of my gear is augmented, save for about 4 pieces that I know I'll be replacing in the next 3-14 days. I decided right from the beginning of full BM to augment my chest, head, legs, saber, and focus. Then leave the rest and augment when I got the WH versions.

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One has to simply stop by MMO champ and look a the section of "Blue" posts to see what the single biggest issue facing this game now is.


The game feels dead to a lot of people, because it is. Or at least that is the appearance, because EA/Bioware have no two way collabritive communication with their player base. This game currently has the community feel of a release and dump single player product, that may get updates or expansion packs.


This game is not run administratively like an MMO should be. WoW and others feel alive because there is always something going on from the Dev and admin side of things.


Until EA/BioWare starts treating the community like a collabritive partner in this whole thing, and starts posting and chatting with us in the same equal level we communicate with each other here, things are not going to improve.


Communication with the player base is the single largest issue on players minds right now, and it needs to happen in order for this game to recover and thrive.

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people have made the d3/swtor comparison and, accurate or not, they both have the same issue:


lack of replayability. sure, TOR has more replayability than d3, but not much more.. and once that cap is reached, you still have to pay to wait for more in TOR.. PAY.


the main issue TOR has is the real lack of any meaningful PVP in a lore that was so rich with pvp opportunity that the lack is GLARING.. illum started out as a decent idea but then when it was poorly implemented, they just removed the pvp factor there altogether.. they build worlds where the possibility of bumping into the enemy faction was nearly non-existent. the one thing warhammer did get right was that you felt the faction tension from level 1.. you didn't have to wait til max level to really step into the ongoing war between the factions.


again the Star Wars world is one that is centered around conflict... and yet in game, there is none.. this is by far the biggest failure of BW for me...

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4) I hate to say it... but more realistic combat please - an occasional severed limb or body part from explosion, I know it sounds crazy but look at Blizzard games - ALL have a serious gore factor, just look at SC2 / D3, practically buckets of blood and detailed destruction. It adds a freakish curiosity to ALL combat, Bizzard figured this out a Long time ago with Warcraft RTS games. Valve also uses this extensively (TF2)



I would actually like this as well. Sometimes when i do a ravage to a mob and the last hit kills them. I think to myself how did some part of his body not get cut off by that lol. It obviously wouldn't apply to pvp but if the last shot or slash cut off a mobs head, it is pretty satisfying :p

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BW brought this upon themselves by refusing to listen to the playerbase. They were warned, extensively, about how bad the changes in 1.2 were and how damaging they would be- lo and behold a month after that patch is out they've lost 25% of their sub base- and with 1.3 that plummeted even further because those that were giving the game more time saw that BW didn't learn a single thing and was just continuing blindly with their agenda.


The sad thing is that BW didn't make this game for pvp- yet in the first few months pvp was extremely popular, unexpectedly... and then they did everything they could to squash that.


I think it serves as a cautionary tale that if you feel too many players are playing certain classes- making such broad changes that cause them all to quit the game entirely may not be the best solution.


That BW refuses to talk with the community, and defends their bad choices with 'metrics said it is fine' and 'our vision for the class is being met' and nothing else- is going to mark them as the worst mmo team at handling the community.


It's different when people are saying 'the sky is falling' and subs are staying steady and strong- but when they're saying that and subs are bleeding out by the hundreds of thousands maybe it is time to realize that you need to actually do something BW.


BW just hasn't acted and hasn't shown any concern for the community- and the game's now on its deathbed because of it.

Edited by fungihoujo
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If you want to compare vanilla WoW to ToR then I think you need to look at the whole picture. ToR is much easier and much quicker leveling curve. Players are also smarter now and know better how MMO systems work so they level even quicker. This is probably the biggest thing I can think of because you finish ToR a hell of a lot quicker then you do vanilla WoW. That means you run out of content a hell of a lot faster.


The second thing I think of is you cant actually expect to launch with less features then you did 8 years ago. If you wanted to make an FPS, do you think you could compete with the CoD of today by making an FPS that has the same features as vanilla Doom? No not likely. Players expect alot more today, and they have a right too. Technology moves at a faster rate and so should developing.




Everytime i read a response where ppl bring in the fact that wow was at the same point when it launched i just feel like these ppl are living in a world of their own. Yes, wow wasnt fully featured aswell when it came out but that is 8 years ago! You cannot put something on the marked today that is the same state of something 8 years ago.


Would you buy a phone today if it didnt have a camera or color screen? Ofc not. Why? Because DEVELOPMENT pushes ppls expectations aswell as technology. You want to make it as a company today, you look around for whats needed, whats expected of the consumers.


All bioware had to do is look around on what was going on with the current state of mmo's, see how they developed. And they made a huge mistake not implemting some basic things at launch. These things, sometimes even very small, frustrate the experienced gamers, and they turn away once they see how poorly this game is performing.


On top of my head, heres a few simple things that just baffles me, bioware didnt see the need to add:


- Inviting to group from guild chat. Remember when you couldnt do that? Very small interface option but so frustration to not been implemented from start.


- Right click on a name in chat and show info. I dunno how many times i have had to add a person to friendslist first before i could even know what class he was


- Blink on map. Simple option, great use, dunno how many times you say on voice, theres a crate over here guys, and ppl go where? where?


And the list goes on.


This is why people are mad at the game (developers)

They had a chance to make a great new mmo game with properly one of the best themes around but they choked on delievering and now what we have is a feel of a singleplayer game with option to play multiplayer.


I was so dissapointed when they removed Ilum from the game. How on earth can you not as a company whos been in years of development, not see this coming? See that it couldnt handle 30+ ppl in an open field.


This is why i personally am not a bioware fan, they didnt listen to what ppl wanted, they thought that their own ideas would be enough. Dont take me wrong some of them are, i loved the story voiced questing while leveling, but it just not enough.


I am the last of a group of 4 friends that is playing this game, maybe because i like star wars too much or maybe because i hope that things can change, but as a pvper i have the right to complain as my world pvp was killed only months into the game and my ranked warzones was delayed for months while you tore your self thin with normal warzones just to get a wh piece by the paste of snail.


So to op, if these threads makes you sad, i suggest you stop reading them, because this is our place to express these concerns or for better, frustrations. I'll agree that many does not serve that much as a purpose for others, but it is our only way of voicing our concerns to bioware and hope they listen.

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You know, I'm not sure I buy the whole 'complaining generation' thing - hell, I was born in '77, but I know how people act nowadays.


I would actually put the blame in some very specific places; i'm not going to claim that the nature of the human beast as a consumer has changed all that drastically.


First off, with regards to TOR - marketing. The marketing machine for this game was in operation for literally years, and each person on the dev team said things about how the game would be. I'm not misremembering when I say that some of those things turned out not to be on the table when the curtains were finally raised - now, i'm not saying it's intentional. I'm sure at some point they had plans for an enormous variety of things; I just wish that they had stuck to talking about stuff that was already 'baked in', so to speak. There are ways in which consumers will overhype themselves and dissect every word a developer says .. but less 'pie in the sky' stuff so early on would've lead to less of a disaster now.


It's not to say that the game wasn't released early. But realistic talk from developers .. I'm convinced, would lessen the furious howls come release day. Better yet.. release when ready. Don't sell your long term viability short for a short term injection of cash.


Marketing, overmarketing, political campaign hype about things beyond humanly possible, you see it all over nowadays - marketing is less about picking a message and more about carpet bombing people. And we as consumers have long memories, and feel - even if we don't know why, exactly, somehow cheated when reality catches up with the fabulous dream world we were told to expect through a whole variety of sophisticated methods. The dark side of marketing is this backlash phenomena.


Second off? The whole anti-pirate/DRM thing that has stripped us of our right ... and hell, even of our expectations, for the ability to get a refund for an unsatisfactory product. You can get a refund literally any other industry or product on earth, but not video games. A guy spends cold hard cash, gets something that he's sure isn't living up to the years of marketing he's been subjected to.. and instead of having the reasonable outlet of getting his money back, he's got nothing to do but complain and moan. It's the only catharthis possible. The lack of options for the dissatisfied consumer probably hurts companies more than they realize - those horrible metacritic reviews sting, financially. The vile state of TOR's general forums stings, financially.


We live in a world where, unfortunately, box sales are profitable enough - and apparently, they believe consumer memories short enough, that this kind of cold calculation - selling off trust for that initial burst of box office/box sales, is worth it. Greed does funny things to people; morality is the first thing out the window. It's so insidious that any one particular step - 'Hey, should we inform consumers that our philosophy's changed a bit, and our map design won't lead to the awesome world pvp we hyped a while back? Naw, you kidding? it'd hurt sales! or.. huh? I don't care, whatever, that was a year ago we said that, move on!' never seems so bad.


Call it the movie mindset - they care about opening weekend, regardless of how heavily the movie flops in the weeks following. In that respect, the leaders of the game industry show themselves just as humanly stupid as all the rest of us - they never realize that a new MMO is never going to attain the kind of powerhouse quality and userbase it could unless they treat it as a long term thing - do what their users want to do with an MMO, which is essentially to marry it for years on end.


Of course.. marriage requires a radically different foundation. Trust and honesty, instead of suave seduction leading to a weekend fling in a cabin in the woods.

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I quit SWTOR when the server transfers happened. Not because of the transfers, but because I was ran into the ground with this title.


I have come back to the forums recently, to see if the game has some positive vibes on it, and it doesn’t look that way.


I can’t believe how bad this game bombed. To be honest, I was expecting SWG2. I wanted a SWG that worked, and was actively supported by the dev team. Instead, we have SWTOR, an average game that was hyped to be the second coming.


After 5 months of playing, 2 60’s and about 25 million credits earned via crafting, I was done. No one to sell things to after 1.2 broke the economy/GTN, the same old WZ’s over and over, and very little open world PVP to be found.


The Dev team is always silent and always politically correct. Content is slow, and new patches would frequently break all sorts of things.


The PTS was completely underutilized.


I used to be a very positive member of my community on the Imperial side of Ven Zallow. Free implants, stims and medpacs. I would also run weekly datacron hunts. No one really wanted the free items, and very little people wanted to tag along for the social datacron hunts.


This game has very little MMO feel to it. It’s a single player title, with little dev support that fails to evolve.


What a shame. We could be looking at over a decade for another SW MMO to come out. That’s a long time for people craving a SW MMO that’s worth bragging to your friends about.


I have a 6 month sub. I suspect that this game will see another significant drop in activity when the 6 month subs die out.


I came from a 150+ toon guild with about 75 unique players. I think about 5 out of those 75 are still playing. It’s no wonder why, though.


This game has reeked of significant management infighting for a while, and the player base and the paying customer are the ones who got burned in the long run.


Mega Bummer.

Edited by -Dench
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I quit SWTOR when the server transfers happened. Not because of the transfers, but because I was ran into the ground with this title.


I have come back to the forums recently, to see if the game has some positive vibes on it, and it doesn’t look that way.


I can’t believe how bad this game bombed. To be honest, I was expecting SWG2. I wanted a SWG that worked, and was actively supported by the dev team. Instead, we have SWTOR, an average game that was hyped to be the second coming.


After 5 months of playing, 2 60’s and about 25 million credits earned via crafting, I was done. No one to sell things to after 1.2 broke the economy/GTN, the same old WZ’s over and over, and very little open world PVP to be found.


The Dev team is always silent and always politically correct. Content is slow, and new patches would frequently break all sorts of things.


The PTS was completely underutilized.


I used to be a very positive member of my community on the Imperial side of Ven Zallow. Free implants, stims and medpacs. I would also run weekly datacron hunts. No one really wanted the free items, and very little people wanted to tag along for the social datacron hunts.


This game has very little MMO feel to it. It’s a single player title, with little dev support that fails to evolve.


What a shame. We could be looking at over a decade for another SW MMO to come out. That’s a long time for people craving a SW MMO that’s worth bragging to your friends about.


I have a 6 month sub. I suspect that this game will see another significant drop in activity when the 6 month subs die out.


I came from a 150+ toon guild with about 75 unique players. I think about 5 out of those 75 are still playing. It’s no wonder why, though.


This game has reeked of significant management infighting for a while, and the player base and the paying customer are the ones who got burned in the long run.


Mega Bummer.


See, expecting SWG2 was your first critical mistake.


I'm also not sure why this feels like a single player game to folks. Warzones are multiplayer, questing is ALL multiplayer if you WANT it to be, raids are multiplayer. This game is every bit the MMO WoW, RIFT, SWG. or anything else is.


I absolutely agree with your last statement though. It looks to me that although Bioware made some serious rookie MMO developer mistakes - the biggest being the open world PvP fiasco,. Still, EA has once again set the agenda and driven another great IP into the ground. About as fast as SOE did with SWG, sadly.

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Thank you for reading it through. I don't really agree about the logo alone. I think most would associate the success of Blizzard games such as WoW and SC, SCII and assume that such success will follow into Blizzard's next creation. Have we known Blizzard to produce a game that has not scored high on any chart?


People said the exact same thing about BioWare and their games. Now we see what reaction people give to SWTOR.

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