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All These Angry/Quit Threads Makes Me Sad


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what a load of rubbish. Why cant a game have lfg / dps meters / decent ui / good looking gear / good lvling content / good endgame?


are you truly so blinded by the big mmo companies that you think its asking too much of a company that spent half a billion dollars on a game to include the features its paying customers want?

  • lfg: Already has it. Is it WoW's? Nope, and I hope it never goes there.
  • dps meters: That was dev's choice and they announced in-game mods would not be part of the game long before it ever released. Ill-fit to one's preferences does not a bad game make.
  • decent ui: 1.2 gave this game the best customizable default UI in the genre ... imho of course.
  • good looking gear: Ill-fit to one's preferences does not a bad game make.
  • good lvling content: Already has this in spades unless click n' go speed questing is one's preference. In which case Ill-fit to one's preferences does not a bad game make.
  • good endgame: After only being around for 7 months there's plenty of it at this stage of development. I don't play but 20+ hours a week and am just reaching SMs on my main. But what little I have experienced is a blast.


Bottom line: ill-fit to one's preferences does not a bad game make. Paying customers who demand fried chicken at a new taco stand because Denny's already has both might consider visiting a Denny's.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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what a load of rubbish. Why cant a game have lfg / dps meters / decent ui / good looking gear / good lvling content / good endgame?


are you truly so blinded by the big mmo companies that you think its asking too much of a company that spent half a billion dollars on a game to include the features its paying customers want?


I don't want DPS meters lol Recount killed the raiding experience in wow because people were so fixated on it.

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I was just thinking because I remember in almost every MMO i've played... there are always "I quit" threads... but they always varied in different times of the game's lifespan or "life" after its release. Could it be that TOR's content was not abundant enough? Leveling to 50 and completing the endgame in such a short time allowed players to be bored with it so quickly? WoW had the same issues if i remember both in Vanilla and Burning Crusade once the average norm reached the endgame and completed it. So did LOTRO. So I ask again... is it possible that TOR's content did not delay the masses from getting bored quickly enough because history would show that it seems inevitable. Could it be the reason why WoW is still up and running is because of the time it takes for players to reach the endgame and then completing it?
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I was just thinking because I remember in almost every MMO i've played... there are always "I quit" threads... but they always varied in different times of the game's lifespan or "life" after its release. Could it be that TOR's content was not abundant enough? Leveling to 50 and completing the endgame in such a short time allowed players to be bored with it so quickly? WoW had the same issues if i remember both in Vanilla and Burning Crusade once the average norm reached the endgame and completed it. So did LOTRO. So I ask again... is it possible that TOR's content did not delay the masses from getting bored quickly enough because history would show that it seems inevitable. Could it be the reason why WoW is still up and running is because of the time it takes for players to reach the endgame and then completing it?
Blizzard president Michael Morhaime probably explained it best: "Players are getting so good that they are consuming content too fast. As a result what we are seeing is churnover between major patches and expansion releases that is difficult to keep pace with." Me thinks that pulling addons from WoW would likely cause its notoroiusly fast progression to come to a screaching halt ... then they wouldn't have that problem. Edited by GalacticKegger
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what a load of rubbish. Why cant a game have lfg
MMORPG's were not about self gratification

dps meters
Is an addon not a feature

decent ui
Better than WoW and an MMO I've every played

good looking gear
We don't need oversized should pads

good lvling content
Awesome Story, maybe try not to spacebar so much

good endgame?
Not everyone plays 18 hours a day and burned themselves out in the first week


are you truly so blinded by the big mmo companies that you think its asking too much of a company that spent half a billion dollars on a game to include the features its paying customers want?
Over exaggeration of the cost :rolleyes: Edited by Skidrowbro
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  • lfg: Already has it. Is it WoW's? Nope, and I hope it never goes there.
  • dps meters: That was dev's choice and they announced in-game mods would not be part of the game long before it ever released. Ill-fit to one's preferences does not a bad game make.
  • decent ui: 1.2 gave this game the best customizable default UI in the genre ... imho of course.
  • good looking gear: Ill-fit to one's preferences does not a bad game make.
  • good lvling content: Already has this in spades unless click n' go speed questing is one's preference. In which case Ill-fit to one's preferences does not a bad game make.
  • good endgame: After only being around for 7 months there's plenty of it at this stage of development. I don't play but 20+ hours a week and am just reaching SMs on my main. But what little I have experienced is a blast.


Bottom line: ill-fit to one's preferences does not a bad game make. Paying customers who demand fried chicken at a new taco stand because Denny's already has both might consider visiting a Denny's.


The gear looking like ***** is facted. After level 40 the gear is not even in the realm of Star Wars.

Edited by Toweleeeie
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I was just thinking because I remember in almost every MMO i've played... there are always "I quit" threads... but they always varied in different times of the game's lifespan or "life" after its release. Could it be that TOR's content was not abundant enough? Leveling to 50 and completing the endgame in such a short time allowed players to be bored with it so quickly? WoW had the same issues if i remember both in Vanilla and Burning Crusade once the average norm reached the endgame and completed it. So did LOTRO. So I ask again... is it possible that TOR's content did not delay the masses from getting bored quickly enough because history would show that it seems inevitable. Could it be the reason why WoW is still up and running is because of the time it takes for players to reach the endgame and then completing it?




I had a guild that was over 400 strong.


The vast majority of players couldn't be bothered with operations.


The game economy was screwed from the start because there wasn't one.


No real opportunity for players to develop relationships during levelling


Empty world .. didnt bump into many players whilst levelling ... no community


No tools for guild leaders


And lately .. technical issues ..

Edited by Baldness
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The gear looking like ***** is facted. After level 40 the gear is not even in the realm of Star Wars.
My main has mostly level 40 - 50 custom gear stuffed with mods from comms, drops, heroic quest rewards & crafting ... average item level around 126. Looks pretty cool actually. The gear I think looks dorkiest are those ugly cockroach wing shoulder pads. Yuck. But I like what I have. I'll post a screen after my workstation completes its security scan. Edited by GalacticKegger
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i thought as much.


saying that wow DESTROYED other GENRES because it was good and alot of ppl played it.


move along ppl, nothing worth reading from that guy here. just move along.


saying that other games sales are effected by the success of wow is one of the most backwards comments i have seen here in a while.


These other games didn't fail because wow is good, they failed because they are NOT GOOD.

Whatever, WoW isn't even that good. A lot of people played WoW, because a lot of people played WoW!

When I first played WoW I quit after a couple sessions. The game was boring. My friends who still played got me to try it again after the first expansion, and the new races had more interesting starting zones and looked better.

My friends didn't convince me it was better, I still liked CoH, they were just playing!

WoW didn't succeed because it was great, it succeeded because it was Warcraft, Blizzard, and it was good enough. Now people expect too much. Wow didn't start with everything, everyone says that we should be able to expect more, but obviously you can't when NO ONE can provide it.

You really should read that article on the effects of not using proper capitalization, punctuation, and abbreviation dude. Almost made me not want to bother replying.

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Blizzard president Michael Morhaime probably explained it best: "Players are getting so good that they are consuming content too fast. As a result what we are seeing is churnover between major patches and expansion releases that is difficult to keep pace with." Me thinks that pulling addons from WoW would likely cause its notoroiusly fast progression to come to a screaching halt ... then they wouldn't have that problem.


ToR has notoroiously fast progression with no add ons. The only difference is ToRs content is tuned to be without them and WoWs content is tuned to be with them. The biggest problem of consuming content is MMOs of today are designed with the casual in mind. MMOs of pre WoW were designed to take a long time to level. It took me a year in EQ1 to hit max level, on my first toon. I played way more hours in that then I did here. It took me less then a month to level in ToR....


I believe that to be the biggest issue with games of today. However, if we go backwards... then casuals dont like it. So they need to find a good balance. Whats even odder is they actually make it easier to level as time goes on... as if it wasnt fast enough already.


What I find apparent in threads like these, that the happy people dont realize, it takes subscriptions to keep these games going. You all want to flame us for being negative and not happy with the game. You all want to tell us to just drop our sub and stop playing.... you all fail to realize that's exactly what alot of people are doing. You want to push away the ones, holding on by a thread hoping for a recovery, away. We are the people helping to keep this game alive, with our wallets and hopes and passions for the game. If you think the game is going to live on just the people that are currently happy......... you are sadly mistaken.

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MMORPG's were not about self gratification

Is an addon not a feature

Better than WoW and an MMO I've every played

We don't need oversized should pads

Awesome Story, maybe try not to spacebar so much

Not everyone plays 18 hours a day and burned themselves out in the first week


Over exaggeration of the cost :rolleyes:


MMOs are there to have fun. If a feature helps players have fun .... lol self gratification


Refining your playstyle is a way of life for some MMO players. DPS meters are a tool to do that.


It is pretty good now


My jugg tank looks like a transformer not a sith warrior. Oversized shoulder pads is what you come up with?


When you seen 90% of that story a few times its hard not to spacebar. Let me see you read the same book 4 times in a row.


I play about 4 hours a day on average... exxagerate much?


Was a little... noone knows... we do know it was over 200 million. Irreguardless... this game had the biggest IP, biggest budget and biggest staff. We got a shell of what they should have accomplished.

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Excellent post! Right on the mark too. Competition is good for all gamers. Those who try to compare TOR to D3 as a MMO comparision have no clue what a MMO is. lol! :D Blizzard still sold a min of twice as many copies of D3 as BioWare did with TOR. :cool:

I think the point was that Blizzard isn't perfect either.

They don't know what every gamer wants and magically dish it out.


I truly think people expect too much now. And they don't realize that when WoW was came out Blizzard was in the rare position to release the game when they wanted too. That is almost a fantasy now. TOR was released because ti was deemed to be ready to start making money. And to be honest it was a smooth release and the game was well done. They did over estimate the games popularity and weren't prepared to make changes for a smaller population to keep the community going.

On top of all that, no matter how good TOR is, or could have been, people would still quit for RL and things like D3's release.

Edited by Evgen
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You know what I find a little odd? EVERY person that I have asked why WoW is better than SWTOR, they can't answer me. They stare at me blankly with a stupid look, or come up with dumb excuses, or change the subject. Every person I have talked to, even my neighbor who is a HUGE wow freak, can't even come up with anything why it's a better mmo than TOR. Cause there are a lot of things in TOR that wow doesn't have. Movable windows and customizable UI for two.


But anyway, not one person I have talked to in real life for an opinion on mmos can tell me why WoW is a better game. They just all give me a blank stare.


You want to know why? Because WoW is still nothing but a fad. It's the "cool" mmorpg to be into still. It's the "wow has this many subs and I don't want to feel like I'm left out so I will play and tell myself I love it" type of deal. The reason why it is so big and popular is because it is a train. More people went onto the WoW train when they saw how many other people were going onto the game because they didn't want to feel ...left out...in a way by their friends who played it or called a nerd for NOT playing it. That's why it's sooo big. Yes, there are people who love it for the game. But the reason why it's so big is because it's one thing. A FAD.


You are not talking to the right players. WoW is better overall than TOR is because of several reasons. I can only list some as the list would be too long and most would not even read it if I did..lol. But here is some and of course some will not agree with it, but it is still true imo.


1. Char customizing. WoW has Transmorging..which is a system which allows you to take any armor, with stats and of the same type and make your char's armor look like it does. This applies to all armor and weapons, shields. So the variety of different armor now is stunning. No more everyone looks like the same.


2. Experencing end game content now is very easy to get done and does not take a lot of time. So the casual player who wants to logon..do a couple runs before they need to go to bed before work, can without the flustration of trying to get them done. This is possible with a cross server LFG tool. Those who want more of a challenge can still do normal and heroic raids.


3. Crafing can make some of the best pcs available in the game when the first tier's for each content is made available in the expansions. Equal pcs are hard for a new max level char to get in the game. Unless you are in a raiding guild. So crafting is more appealing to the casual player. In MOP, the profession Subscription, scribes will be the only source for shoulder enchants. Gems for slots can only be made by jewelers...etc. ( apart from PVP stat ones...which the PVP vendor does sell those.)


4. Exploration is much more available as you are not boxed in as a rule. The game world feels alive with events taking place in the world and roaming elites. Wildlife going about with thier normal lives , like woves will attack and kill deer and such. Bears will fish streams for fish. Bucks will fight each other. Lots and lots of little wildlife, like birds, buttleflies, and frogs. etc. Not just standing there in all cases, but moving around and doing stuff.


Only a small list. :) What is TOR better at? Companion system, customizing UI..Voice acting and great stories for each class. That is it.

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I think the point was that Blizzard isn't perfect either.

They don't know what every gamer wants and magically dish it out.


I truly think people expect too much now. And they don't realize that when WoW was came out Blizzard was in the rare position to release the game when they wanted too. That is almost a fantasy now. TOR was released because ti was deemed to be ready to start making money. And to be honest it was a smooth release and the game was well done. They did over estimate the games popularity and weren't prepared to make changes for a smaller population to keep the community going.

On top of all that, no matter how good TOR is, or could have been, people would still quit for RL and things like D3's release.


Of course they made mistakes and I sure they will in the future. But overall they do a excellent job with WoW in keeping in touch with the majority of thier player base.

TOR was a smooth release. I had no technical issues with the game. My reasons for quiting is.... the game for me is not worth a sub in it's present state.

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ToR has notoroiously fast progression with no add ons. The only difference is ToRs content is tuned to be without them and WoWs content is tuned to be with them. The biggest problem of consuming content is MMOs of today are designed with the casual in mind. MMOs of pre WoW were designed to take a long time to level. It took me a year in EQ1 to hit max level, on my first toon. I played way more hours in that then I did here. It took me less then a month to level in ToR....


I believe that to be the biggest issue with games of today. However, if we go backwards... then casuals dont like it. So they need to find a good balance. Whats even odder is they actually make it easier to level as time goes on... as if it wasnt fast enough already.


What I find apparent in threads like these, that the happy people dont realize, it takes subscriptions to keep these games going. You all want to flame us for being negative and not happy with the game. You all want to tell us to just drop our sub and stop playing.... you all fail to realize that's exactly what alot of people are doing. You want to push away the ones, holding on by a thread hoping for a recovery, away. We are the people helping to keep this game alive, with our wallets and hopes and passions for the game. If you think the game is going to live on just the people that are currently happy......... you are sadly mistaken.

Ya ... I think maybe the console mindset is overtaking the PC MMO mindset of yore.


The happy people you describe are just that ... happy people. Personally speaking I don't need a video game or its market dominance for me to feel that way. If I am ever in a situation where I am not happy - no biggie. I'll drop it and go do something else. I would hope others have at least some of that in their thought processes lest they become miserable human beings.


While I can't speak for the entire game, Drooga's, Jedi Covenant & Begeren are packed full of happy people. Or at the very least people who are happy being online and playing the game. That's good enough for me. If that makes me a sadly mistaken sort ... oh well. :)

Edited by GalacticKegger
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One thing that I consider, is how much did the company work to give me this?

I resented WoW, because they made tons of money, but still released new content and systems at the same pace as a poor 100k subscriber game. Wow has all this stuff after 7 years of making tons of money. The year doesn't make much difference, gaming hasn't improved that much. Look at FPSs, how many still have you doing standing 2m jumps to compensate for you not being able to climb on stuff. Every system in a game takes development, there aren't tools that do this stuff magically for you, not more than 7 years ago anyway. Tools to make the graphics better, sure.

People talk about the money spent on this game, I don't think they realize how much all that voice acting costs. Look at the IMDB entry for TOR, try to find another movie with as many voice actors.

Edited by Evgen
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One thing that I consider, is how much did the company work to give me this?

I resented WoW, because they made tons of money, but still released new content and systems at the same pace as a poor 100k subscriber game. Wow has all this stuff after 7 years of making tons of money. The year doesn't make much difference, gaming hasn't improved that much. Look at FPSs, how many still have you doing standing 2m jumps to compensate for you not being able to climb on stuff. Every system in a game takes development, there aren't tools that do this stuff magically for you, not more than 7 years ago anyway. Tools to make the graphics better, sure.

People talk about the money spent on this game, I don't think they realize how much all that voice acting costs. Look at the IMDB entry for TOR, try to find another movie with as many voice actors.

You won't. They advertised right from the outset that the voice acting quest dialogues, player choices during those dialogues, stables of combat-ready crafting companions and approximately 200 hours per class of leveling gameplay (not powerleveling ... leveling) were the game's calling cards and that the game would grow into eventually everything else they envisioned. If they made any mistake it was misreading the short attention spans of today's gamers. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Of course they made mistakes and I sure they will in the future. But overall they do a excellent job with WoW in keeping in touch with the majority of thier player base.

TOR was a smooth release. I had no technical issues with the game. My reasons for quiting is.... the game for me is not worth a sub in it's present state.

Hmm, I think it's more along the lines of what they choose to do worked, and they went with it. For me WoW was never worth subscribing to. I couldn't find another game I liked better, and I like MMOs though, and I had a few friends that played. Eventually I quit even though there was nothing better around. Just didn't interest me. If I had a huge group of friends playing that would have helped, and I think that is what really carried wow. It had enough of a fan base from the beginning, and it being big kept it big. Every MMORPG I have stopped playing was because my friends stopped. Most of my friends have stoped playing TOR too, they never really did have much time for gaming but they stayed at TOR for a while, now I want to play more so I'm looking for new friends :)

Edited by Evgen
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I don't want DPS meters lol Recount killed the raiding experience in wow because people were so fixated on it.


Yah, it sucks when people can look at a meter and tell that you're the one dragging down the whole raid.

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You are not talking to the right players. WoW is better overall than TOR is because of several reasons. I can only list some as the list would be too long and most would not even read it if I did..lol. But here is some and of course some will not agree with it, but it is still true imo.


1. Char customizing. WoW has Transmorging..which is a system which allows you to take any armor, with stats and of the same type and make your char's armor look like it does. This applies to all armor and weapons, shields. So the variety of different armor now is stunning. No more everyone looks like the same.


2. Experencing end game content now is very easy to get done and does not take a lot of time. So the casual player who wants to logon..do a couple runs before they need to go to bed before work, can without the flustration of trying to get them done. This is possible with a cross server LFG tool. Those who want more of a challenge can still do normal and heroic raids.


3. Crafing can make some of the best pcs available in the game when the first tier's for each content is made available in the expansions. Equal pcs are hard for a new max level char to get in the game. Unless you are in a raiding guild. So crafting is more appealing to the casual player. In MOP, the profession Subscription, scribes will be the only source for shoulder enchants. Gems for slots can only be made by jewelers...etc. ( apart from PVP stat ones...which the PVP vendor does sell those.)


4. Exploration is much more available as you are not boxed in as a rule. The game world feels alive with events taking place in the world and roaming elites. Wildlife going about with thier normal lives , like woves will attack and kill deer and such. Bears will fish streams for fish. Bucks will fight each other. Lots and lots of little wildlife, like birds, buttleflies, and frogs. etc. Not just standing there in all cases, but moving around and doing stuff.


Only a small list. :) What is TOR better at? Companion system, customizing UI..Voice acting and great stories for each class. That is it.


Blah blah blah, get off your high horse. It took Blizzard 8 years to do this.

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Yah, it sucks when people can look at a meter and tell that you're the one dragging down the whole raid.
Or when paople complain you're not doing enough dps because you cooled your jets so the tank could sustain aggro and saved the raid as a result ... while the ones who topped the chart are all dead from their own leetness.


If one needs a live dps meter to prove how well they work within a team then the team is either too OP for the content or they are cutting edge progression types who exist to chase server firsts and NEED live damage meters to define stuff others will follow. Server firsts are not part of TOR, so that need goes away, leaving froof of leetness. Nah ... I'll just review the combat log for improvement.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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