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Do you think we are overpowered?


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"So, i am not overpowered, i have the best PvP burst and sustained damage in the game (only ptechs can chase me in SINGLE TARGET burst dmg area). I also have the better UNCOUNTERABLE defensive cooldowns in the game while also having the BEST GROUP UTILITY in the game (predation). I also have combat stealth, leaps, interrupts on a shorter cooldowns than all of the knocks availiables to other classes on top of a snare with no cooldown, even if you finally manage to get away from me i will patiently force choke you while my cooldowns are back up just to leap your face again. If you only leave 1 people in your node against me i will butcher them, learn to defend your nodes with 2 persons everytime i go for it, L2P youre all noobs under my might."


_ Marauder forum poster

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"So, i am not overpowered, i have the best PvP burst and sustained damage in the game (only ptechs can chase me in SINGLE TARGET burst dmg area). I also have the better UNCOUNTERABLE defensive cooldowns in the game while also having the BEST GROUP UTILITY in the game (predation). I also have combat stealth, leaps, interrupts on a shorter cooldowns than all of the knocks availiables to other classes on top of a snare with no cooldown, even if you finally manage to get away from me i will patiently force choke you while my cooldowns are back up just to leap your face again. If you only leave 1 people in your node against me i will butcher them, learn to defend your nodes with 2 persons everytime i go for it, L2P youre all noobs under my might."


_ Marauder forum poster


Yep not overpowered, people just don't know how to deal with them. When those cooldowns are not up we are screwed.

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So by that logic, the rest of the classes are permanently screwed...


Not really, the rest of the classes should know when these are up...


Rebuke: Don't attack, kite


Guarded By The Force: Kite,Slow, Immobilize


Saber Ward: This is a 3 minute cooldown so once its used don't expect it for a while


Force Camo: To avoid this cc them when they are at that point that they will use it, they can't run deal as much damage.

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Yep not overpowered, people just don't know how to deal with them. When those cooldowns are not up we are screwed.


Dude rebuke is up every 30sec as soon as some fool DoTs you, or you take some splash AoE.


Camo is up every 45 secs and GBTF is on 90 seconds.


You basically have rebuke and camo ON EVERY FIGHT and GBTF every time you walk off the spawn area.


Your slow doesnt have a cooldown (leg slash) and it snares people for more time than a sages slow. You see sages are a kiting class but our slow has a cooldown (unless hes up healer tree and specced for it).


You are strong with your cooldowns, and yet you have your cooldowns up all the time because all of them are on a short fuse. So you are always strong and never weak.

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Dude rebuke is up every 30sec as soon as some fool DoTs you, or you take some splash AoE.


Camo is up every 45 secs and GBTF is on 90 seconds.


You basically have rebuke and camo ON EVERY FIGHT and GBTF every time you walk off the spawn area.


Your slow doesnt have a cooldown (leg slash) and it snares people for more time than a sages slow. You see sages are a kiting class but our slow has a cooldown (unless hes up healer tree and specced for it).


You are strong with your cooldowns, and yet you have your cooldowns up all the time because all of them are on a short fuse. So you are always strong and never weak.


True we do have our cooldowns a lot but without those we would always get decimated without help...

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So you would function just like every other class? What a revelation!


Almost every other class has range, almost every other class has a cc. Do we? we are squishy as hell... not every class is like us and thus we can't be compared.

Edited by PowerReaper
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Not really, the rest of the classes should know when these are up...


Rebuke: Don't attack, kite

Read: CC


Guarded By The Force: Kite,Slow, Immobilize

Read: CC


Saber Ward: This is a 3 minute cooldown so once its used don't expect it for a while

Read: CC


Force Camo: To avoid this cc them when they are at that point that they will use it, they can't run deal as much damage

Read: CC.

How many CC's do you think other classes have? By the way this thread isn't questioning if you can do anything to mitigate the cooldowns that marauders have, but the balance compared to other classes. Just because there is something that can be done to lower the impact of a cooldown, doesn't nesecarily justify one class getting five of them... (you didn't mention cloak of pain)

Edited by Talsyrius
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How many CC's do you think other classes have? By the way this thread isn't questioning if you can do anything to mitigate the cooldowns that marauders have, but the balance compared to other classes. Just because there is something that can be done to lower the impact of a cooldown, doesn't nesecarily justify one class getting five of them... (you didn't mention cloak of pain)


Cloak Of Pain is the mirror of Rebuke.

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Least you have a healing ability and an aoe, without the Focus Tree Force Sweep only hits for about what 900-1.2k?


It's also instant and on a shorter cooldown, but sure, live in your fantasy world where 2.5 second cast time that heals for 4k crit heals and an AoE that drops after 6 seconds and then relies on you standing in fire is equal to all your escape mechanisms and mitigation abilities and damage and roots/slow and leap and group buffs.

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So now your saying Marauders/Sentinels aren't squishy? wait we can wear heavy armor, never knew...


25% mitigation from armor, 20% flat mitigation from Cloak of Pain for 30 seconds, root and run back then leap whenever you want to come back, 5 seconds immunity to damage, 4 secs 50% damage reduction and stealth, ticking self-heals.


But you don't have heavy armor, so you're squishy. Seems legit.

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Cristine you need to learn to play.




Listen kid, i play assault vanguard and heal sage. I kite marauders in my sage alright, i am a healer so shouldnt be hitting random dps unless im assist training my protegees.


I wanna talk to you as an assault vanguard. As an assault vanguard (other dps class) that the only way we can outplay a marauder is by killing him before he kills you. Its a dps race, you kill him while running around and kiting because eventually that marauder will catch up and kill you, fast.


Basically you start to shoot him and slow him, when he catches up and snares you hit degauss and bail. Keep shooting slowing with plasma cell, he comes again neural surge and get away, kite, keep burning slowing him, by this time his leap is off cooldown so you need to cryo grenade his leap, if u cryo grenade his leap they often get desperate so just pre-stealth scan him and whatch his horror face when you get him outta stealth.


If you survive all this process without getting WTFPWNT by a unsynchronized ravage you still might kill him, but now youre out of CDs and he pops GBTF plus medpack, and you will have to tank that crap.


The bottom line is, as an assault vanguard, if i stop hitting you for 1 GCD im dead because this GCD will be the difference between life or death as you throw ur overpowered cooldowns one by one in a fight.


If you think that "never hit during rebuke" is a pro playa strategy you need to L2P seriously. Try rolling an underpowered class to hone your skills, i would recomend sage/commando dps.

Edited by Laforet
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So now your saying Marauders/Sentinels aren't squishy? wait we can wear heavy armor, never knew...


im sure that extra 5% energy and kinetic mitigation would make you un squishy... ROFLMAO

people don't know how armor works

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Cristine you need to learn to play.


"OMG DONT HIT US WHEN WE HAVE REBUKE UP OMG NOOBS" When did i say that? you shouldn't focus them extremely hard when Rebuke is up...


Listen kid, i play assault vanguard and heal sage. I kite marauders in my sage alright, i am a healer so shouldnt be hitting random dps unless im assist training my protegees.


I wanna talk to you as an assault vanguard. As an assault vanguard (other dps class) that the only way we can outplay a marauder is by killing him before he kills you. Its a dps race, you kill him while running around and kiting because eventually that marauder will catch up and kill you, fast.


Basically you start to shoot him and slow him, when he catches up and snares you hit degauss and bail. Keep shooting slowing with plasma cell, he comes again neural surge and get away, kite, keep burning slowing him, by this time his leap is off cooldown so you need to cryo grenade his leap, if u cryo grenade his leap they often get desperate so just pre-stealth scan him and whatch his horror face when you get him outta stealth.


If you survive all this process without getting WTFPWNT by a unsynchronized ravage you still might kill him, but now youre out of CDs and he pops GBTF plus medpack, and you will have to tank that crap.


The bottom line is, as an assault vanguard, if i stop hitting you for 1 GCD im dead because this GCD will be the difference between life or death as you throw ur overpowered cooldowns one by one in a fight.


If you think that "never hit during rebuke" is a pro playa strategy you need to L2P seriously. Try rolling an underpowered class to hone your skills, i would recomend sage/commando dps. 29 Merc =/


Maybe there is no real counter to Rebuke?

Edited by PowerReaper
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No 2 at a node is a good plan...If they have one more then you at the target you know their other node is vulnerable....


You are exagerating greatly....Im sorry but you are. I can take out 95% of Mara/Sents solo as a rage Jugg... I wouldnt recommend leaving Mercs to guard your node if you want to keep it though.


1 v 1 a Rage Juggernaut/Focus Guardian has absolutely no chance against a Sentinel/Marauder. Assuming equal gear and skill of course.

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