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Do you think we are overpowered?


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You know if you stun us and focus us down, you have no idea how fast we will die its insane.



Wait we die if we are stunned and focused down. Really. Yeah us Maras/Sents are the only class that can say THAT. :rolleyes:

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I think we are overpowered. The reason is:


We can unfairly trade in PvP. With our defensive cooldowns and AOE CC we can keep at least 3 people busy fighting on an off-objective while the rest of the team 7 versus 5's the main objective. No other class besides powertech has the survability and damage to be able to force unfair trades.

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Stop qqing please, just don't try to take a Marauder/Sentinel head on if you don't know how to deal with them. You really have no idea how quickly we are dead when focused down. Probably even faster then a healer....*facepalm*


Seriously? A class is fine if it dies quickly when FOCUSED? Wow. Then every class is fine because all of them die if focused down by 4 players.

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Wait we die if we are stunned and focused down. Really. Yeah us Maras/Sents are the only class that can say THAT. :rolleyes:


I know right, every other class LAUGHS at stuns and goes on their merry way....


.... to the respawn, while the Sent comes out of stun, pops invincibility, throws some damage out, then Vanishes away, pops a medpack and goes to find a heal pot or healer.

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You know if you stun us and focus us down, you have no idea how fast we will die its insane.


Oh i know, my sniper likes to knock em back for the CC and then spam out the crits on em. It is great fun.

I see sages and other squishy players trying to fight them melee style and I'm like ***. You gotta fight them on your own terms not theirs.


I hate to say it but it really is a matter of L2P for all of these nerf criers.

Edited by Dencre
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A lot of Mud slinging here......

Jugg, Sent, and Merc...


Sent/Marauder is not OP really but I do feel their Defensive cooldowns are extreme especially when compared to other DPS classes.


I play my Jugg almost exclusively at this point...Its just the most fun for me, and I like the feel of the class.


A well played Sent will beat me down on my Jugg....But its rare and they will be a hurting unit at the end. A Mediocre Sent will die to my Jugg in seconds with me almost unscathed. So I see the arguements from both sides as the difference usually comes down to how they use their Defensive CD's....In a group environment is when Sent/Mara can seem very OP when they have a healer around...they are unkillable.


Seems ironic that the DPS AC has considerably better defensive cooldowns then the Tank/Dps AC..but thats been beat to death.


Jugg is well rounded and balanced, Sent/Mara in some instances is IMO a bit on the high end of the balance scale.


Now I am a big mouth when it comes to Mercs and I wanted to touch on that since Merc was mentioned in this thread. Merc DPS is at the bottom of this barrel...Matter fact its not even in the barrel Merc is the stuff that leaked out through the bottom.....Horrible PVP dps class...ugh!


And the only class/Spec that really needs any kind of adjustment at this point is PT/Van specifically their Pyro tree...their other 2 trees are fine.


Mara's can feel very OP to certain classes especially to Merc in particular,,,But any melee is a nightmare for that AC. PT Pyro is a nightmare for all AC's. If you say they are not you are just spouting Epeen enhancers...that AC/Spec is so exceptional and has serious ease of play... Make their mechanics to achieve that Burst way more complex... Mashing 5 to 7 buttons and laying waste is just silly.....

Edited by Soljin
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oh i know, my sniper likes to knock em back for the cc and then spam out the crits on em. It is great fun.

I see sages and other squishy players trying to fight them melee style and i'm like ***. You gotta fight them on your own terms not theirs.


I hate to say it but it really is a matter of l2p for all of these nerf criers.


thank you someone who gets it!!!

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"Oh no there's a Marauder running to the east node! Quick, get 3 other guys over here so we can chainstun and focus-fire him down otherwise he's gonna slaughter me 1v1 and take the node!"


Seems fair.


Yep, shouldn't just be 1 person at a node anyway L2P etc...

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Seriously? A class is fine if it dies quickly when FOCUSED? Wow. Then every class is fine because all of them die if focused down by 4 players.


Not like us, try focusing down a darkness assassin, takes longer right? do the same thing with us and we are dead so fast. L2P etc...

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This is really correct...But Mara's are not the reason for this...Its OP's and Sin's that make guarding a node alone a bad plan.


So a good plan is stacking 3-4 people at our only node while we try to take one of theirs 4-5 vs 7? Just in case a Marauder respawns and decides to go after our one node?

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So a good plan is stacking 3-4 people at our only node while we try to take one of theirs 4-5 vs 7? Just in case a Marauder respawns and decides to go after our one node?


In the end the aurguments come down to this.

' You should bring 2 people with you if you want to take a marauder down, l2p'



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In the end the aurguments come down to this.

' You should bring 2 people with you if you want to take a marauder down, l2p'




Anything but 1v1ing them, i see Sorcs and Sages trying to go melee range with us and they claim we're overpowered. Lmao...

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So a good plan is stacking 3-4 people at our only node while we try to take one of theirs 4-5 vs 7? Just in case a Marauder respawns and decides to go after our one node?


No 2 at a node is a good plan...If they have one more then you at the target you know their other node is vulnerable....


You are exagerating greatly....Im sorry but you are. I can take out 95% of Mara/Sents solo as a rage Jugg... I wouldnt recommend leaving Mercs to guard your node if you want to keep it though.

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No 2 at a node is a good plan...If they have one more then you at the target you know their other node is vulnerable....


You are exagerating greatly....Im sorry but you are. I can take out 95% of Mara/Sents solo as a rage Jugg... I wouldnt recommend leaving Mercs to guard your node if you want to keep it though.


That's nice as someone who can hit 7k damage. I've never gotten a 5k damage medal in Warzones as DPS, but you keep tearing those FOTMers apart. I'll keep snaring them, running, getting leapt to and interrupted and rooted while I heal.

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Anything but 1v1ing them, i see Sorcs and Sages trying to go melee range with us and they claim we're overpowered. Lmao...



I'm not sure what a sorc or sage is supposed to do. I play a Combat (Carnage) Sent I can can root anyone for an extended period time. So what is a sorc/sage to do other then face tank me? He can stun me but he is still not getting away. If he tries to force lift me then my resolve is full and he juts wasted the cast.


LMAO do ANYTHING except trying to kill them. Hilarious.

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Anything but 1v1ing them, i see Sorcs and Sages trying to go melee range with us and they claim we're overpowered. Lmao...

So let me get this straight... Your dps is among the better in the game, your survivability is the best of any dps class, your interrupt is on the shortest cool down, all but choke is instant cast or can't be interrupted, you have leap on a very short cooldown, and you have buffs that affect your whole party, and you SHOULD be the best at 1v1 as well according to you? What exactly is it that they can do that isn't on par with the best in the game? their range attacks?

I am sorry, but learn to think....

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I'm not sure what a sorc or sage is supposed to do. I play a Combat (Carnage) Sent I can can root anyone for an extended period time. So what is a sorc/sage to do other then face tank me? He can stun me but he is still not getting away. If he tries to force lift me then my resolve is full and he juts wasted the cast.


LMAO do ANYTHING except trying to kill them. Hilarious.


I don't think you get the point, they are at melee range no sprinting not kiting just sitting there taking damage.

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So let me get this straight... Your dps is among the better in the game, your survivability is the best of any dps class, your interrupt is on the shortest cool down, all but choke is instant cast or can't be interrupted, you have leap on a very short cooldown, and you have buffs that affect your whole party, and you SHOULD be the best at 1v1 as well according to you? What exactly is it that they can do that isn't on par with the best in the game? their range attacks?

I am sorry, but learn to think....


Learn to think? that's funny.

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