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Entertainer Class proposal


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Hello and welcome to this thread, this is a proposal for a social class within the game, Please refrain from drawing any distinction from other games and please debate the suggestion in a rational manner without personal attack or derailing the thread.

One class to be added, entertainer class with 3 trees.


Areas required, none, they are created and already in the game.


Companions, can take templates from companions already in the game or utilies the system being used for hk unlocked via legacy. Companion missions can just be the same as your none primery companion, simple talk and reply missions. New companions unlocked with new areas unlocked upon set level.


Skill trees, 1 tree for dancer, give new dance moves and dance styles and power to buffs applied, 2nd tree musician, instruments able to play and songs to play and power to buffs applied. Tree 3, showman/women, a hybrid of the 1st 2 trees. All trees to apply visual effects whilst performing but the hybrid tree to be more on the visual effects.


Abilities, use instrument and a set number of dances, apply presence buff and increase rested xp genreation to watchers, primery defence skills to be taken from the legacy pvp part of uppercut jab etc.


armour profs - adaptive armour, setting -medium.

weapons- none. 3 unarmed skills- punch, jab, shinkick, 1 cc - guitar smash. 1 companion command - distract, you chat/fake surrender to the npc and your companion walks around and slits there throat, 1 hit kill to normals, 50-70% damage to silvers, none usable on players or player companions, 3 minuite cooldown.

Primery stat - presence.


Races - any from a set pool of common races and any you have unlocked from your legacy.


Crafting, allow them to craft anything and gather anything but also allow them and only them to be able to craft and re for recipes adapative/social armour.


Class quests, simple contracts to play at new venues and conversation and go fetch deliver missions plus entertaining missions tied into how they gain xp and tied into space combat. Also puzzle missions where you have to dig clues up through lore to complete the missions with actual clues on where to get specific codex entrys for your log.


For how they level i think it would be amazing if they set it up so you had to chain moves and complete combo of skills to gain xp ( a bit like guitar hero), the better the song or dance grade you unlock the better the reward from doing entertainer missions for hutts and other people and then also gained from space combat, social xp gained from playing to players. what you will see when dueling or playing with other entertainers

when in combo mode


Group entertainer mission, have a mix of dancer and musicians or the hybrid, a full band of musicians or dancers to complete chain skills to keep intime with the song being played. Rewards to be xp, social xp and instruments and adaptive armour and mini pets/vanity items.


Possible events, battle of the bands/dance off. 2 teams go head to head to try and get the best score.


Space combat, space combat isnt defined by what you do on the ground and only the ships are tied to class with 2 of the ships shared between 4 class. An entertainer ship could be cross faction even if the class isnt and there are plenty of models in the game to draw from.


The social class will be a none combatant as in they dont take a prime role in the ground pve or pvp. They wont be a pacifist, they will still be able to punch and jab and should probably have a basic form of cc in the form of smash guitar over head (comical effect of boing noise), That combined with the valor legacy unlocks they would be able to withstand attacks but there companion is there main guard against death in the outside enviroments when not in safe zones and sanctuarys and they would be unable to use any form of weapons or stats gained from equiping weapons. They could possible have an in combat heal to companions too but nothing uber strong.


The social classes would be a combat class when it comes to space but not on the ground, There skills will be aimed at entertaining and roleplaying extras just like a tanks skills are aimed defence and mitigations, healers to survival and picking fights.


This is where use of companion and the type of companions they get is the bigger matter especialy on how bioware would decide how and when you get your 1st companion, with there primery stat being presence that means that the companions will be much stronger on them whilst at the same time giving extra health etc to the char itself and the stat increasing the presence buff they can supply or how fast they supply that and the regeneration rate of people they are entertainings rested xp.


Musicains will equip instruments just like combat players equip weapons, some instruments will actualy show as worn on players when not in hand like guitars etc as shown via sling over shoulder and on the back. Instruments and dancer probs will be theis class's equivilent of weapons, they will hold stats designed for entertainers.


To the gathering side, they would be more primed to taking the social armour crafting and investigation, diplomacy or underworld trading but with the use as an alt they could do anything really and use the main to supply anything they need on there social class.


There companions could also be more tailored to guards more then the combats who have a balance of dps healer and tanks, This could incorperate the usage of npc races within lore that are mainly seen as guards being used for them, this would inturn allow for easy voice over as they might get away with them not speaking basic, like a wookie http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Wookiee, Ualaq http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Ualaq, Nikto http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Nikto, Abyssin http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Abyssin for use in the world and an Ortolan http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Ortolan for use in the social aspect.


As you can see the mix of races allow for innate skills upon those tanks for ranged and melle mix, self healing plus a unique feel for the social class. But those are just a 5 min look through all races in this timeline but it could be more closely looked into.


Also this allows for a legcay type unlock to add one of these races to another char, a combat class from the mix of tank companions there thorugh the use of the social class and may also allow for female versions of these races ingame which we do not currently have and allow extra romance options for all the classes.


The actual possibiltys gained from this class and what it could bring is unlimted really when you think of how they could be interweaven with the legacy system and the gameplay type they actualy take compared to a combat only class. This is also set out as its own defined class for 3 specific reasons, a sith lord doing any of this would just be lore breaking and trying to add it into crew skills or adding more and more skills to an already bulked out combat abilities would be overkill, and 3rd adding a social class will not require rebalancing of the game in any way to combat classes, new elements can be added via the social classes that are just imposible to add to the already existing classes without either majorly reworking all classes or somehow impacting on the cannon.

Edited by Shingara
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Class quests, simple contracts to play at new venues and conversation and go fetch deliver missions plus entertaining missions tied into how they gain xp and tied into space combat. Also puzzle missions where you have to dig clues up through lore to complete the missions with actual clues on where to get specific codex entrys for your log.

What's the narrative though? All of the other characters are galaxy-altering protaganists that span 3 arcs, and there HAS to be consistency in that.

More specifically, all of the class missions that we currently have are in dedicated Class Phase areas. The majority of the codex areas are sprinkled across various planets. Again, consistency is key.

Why would you get entertainers involved in lore hunting when there are so many better qualified people for the job?



The actual possibiltys gained from this class and what it could bring is unlimted really when you think of how they could be interweaven with the legacy system and the gameplay type they actualy take compared to a combat only class.

To say that it's unlimited is hugely misleading considering they actually can't participate in the majority of the game. That is not only a limit, but an incredibly large one.

Edited by Darth_Halford
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What's the narrative though? All of the other characters are galaxy-altering protaganists that span 3 arcs, and there HAS to be consistency in that.

More specifically, all of the class missions that we currently have are in dedicated Class Phase areas. The majority of the codex areas are sprinkled across various planets. Again, consistency is key.

Why would you get entertainers involved in lore hunting when there are so many better qualified people for the job?


To say that it's unlimited is hugely misleading considering they actually can't participate in the majority of the game. That is not only a limit, but an incredibly large one.


The main narrative is that they are the eyes and ears of your faction, you can get into places that a known combatant cannot, they can gain influence and press normaly shut of people into there beliefs through diplomacy and tactical thinking, leaving false clues and seducing and capturing key targets who your companions overpower on timed missions. They are also mainly tied into space which at this time is not a major part of the game but with what could be coming down the pipe via space would give them a strong part in the combat part of the game.


These will also have 3 story arcs and the only difference is that these shall start with a companion where other classes get them at about lvl 7-9. For phased areas most of the quests will take part in and around cantinas of one form or another, in spaceports and in the main buildings that we see scattered about like palaces on alderaan and and the main citys on capital planets.Tattoine is a main part of there story arc and would probably be act 2 or most of it along with nar shadda because of the hutt cartels.


The only limitation is that this class will not be able to take part in ground based pve (to the same degree as a combat class) and pvp, but people taking this class will know this limitation. These classes will be able to go anywhere on any planet aslong as they have the relevent level, they will be able to attain codex entrys and even matrix cubes, some codex entrys shall require them to group with actual combat classes but at the end of the day that is what guilds are for.


What this class can bring to the table is alot more then the limitations of what the combat classes can, the entertainer classes wouldnt be beholden to the same rules of balancing as combatant classes and what can be added into an existing class like this without overloading there abilities lists or having to tune flashpoints and pvp to them. And the reason for the codex and lore link is due to the fact that people taking this class are primerily into the lore over combat and puzzles based from it is more tailored to these types of players and thus why there quests are tied into that.


Least not forget the basic principle of this has been rubber stamped in the past as cannon so is not lore breaking and the known advantages for this type of class are well known as they are designed to promote community, promote taking short breaks ( in the form of giving people increase rested xp whilst taking a break) and to make previously unused developed content relevent like cantinas and bars populated and used.

Edited by Shingara
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I disagree with this as it shares the inherent problem I had with SWGs non-combat classes. The player characters are intended to be movers and shakers of the galaxy. They are intended to be examples of the pinnacles of their respective professions. To be sure, I think there's a place for a fighting ('Bard') type character. A character's whose whole story is wrapped up in changing the galaxy behind the scenes or through non-combat activities. But they still need to be picking up arms and fighting. They have to be important. Their story has to present them as important people. There has to be a reason from a narrative standpoint for them to be traveling around the warzones of the galaxy.


Perhaps this might be more appropriate for a crew skill.

Edited by Master-Nala
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I disagree with this as it shares the inherent problem I had with SWGs non-combat classes. The player characters are intended to be movers and shakers of the galaxy. They are intended to be examples of the pinnacles of their respective professions. To be sure, I think there's a place for a fighting ('Bard') type character. A character's whose whole story is wrapped up in changing the galaxy behind the scenes or through non-combat activities. But they still need to be picking up arms and fighting. They have to be important. Their story has to present them as important people. There has to be a reason from a narrative standpoint for them to be traveling around the warzones of the galaxy.


Perhaps this might be more appropriate for a crew skill.


MM yes, and which is why i stated they can get into places a well known protagansit cannot. You see that is the point everyone puts forward, your a hero of your side, by the time you hit the end of act 1 in a combat classes story your basically well know throughout the galaxy. This class are actualy entertainers who have been procured to work for there faction to gain what the faction cannot gain through militery intervention and are a major part in the interstellar space warfare.


And it wont work for a crew skill, you would have to totally re design crew skills for it to work as such, crew skills are either timed missions or click harvest and its to bulky to add all the dances, all the music and all the instruments, dancing probs and special effects into a crew skill, the action bar space cannot hold it and it would be lore breaking for lord malgus to do saturday night fever or sing empire of the sun at the local karaoki night.


And at the end of the day it doesnt do its intended job if not done in the suggested way which is promote breaks in game play, promote the usage of unpopulated areas and give a major update for roleplayers and people in game that simply just want a class to toodle about on without having to smash 500 heads yet again.


Edit, btw the way in war the art of subterfuge is there key, ever heard of Operation Mincemeat (that is real btw). well you probably havnt but its one of the biggest things to change world history and not one shot was fired.

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Darth_Halford, let me expand the idea onto you of how this will work and keep the narative.


You have a mission at lvl 30, you currently have 3 companions not counting ship droid. The mission is to head into deep space and meet a ship, the cover story is that your the entertainment for a military vessel of the opposite faction hire out of nar shadda. You board the ship and walk through the cargo bay and meet a dignitery at the main door, the cutscene starts.


You chat for a bit have some options of light chat, try and get some info out of them and possibly raise interest into why your asking which would make the mission a little harder or not press them and keep your cover fully intact, the cutscene moves on to show you performing a show and you look to your companions who are performing with you and one of them nods to you. you bow and walk off the stage with one of your companions whilst the others keep entertaining.


At this point you have to get around the ship without being seen, cameras do sweeps from left to right and you have to time it right to not be seen by the cameras. if you are seen you have the option to tell the person who comes to investigate that your simply lost and looking for a bathroom or something or take a dark option and you distract them whilst your companion sneaks up behind them and slits there throat and then hides the body.


Do this to many times and the ship will go onto red alert and roaming patrols will come out that make your job even harder, if this happens you have to utalies your offensive melle skills and the companion who is stronger then the average companion due to presence being your primary stat.


If you get through without being seen, you head to a terminal and download all the files on the computer, at this point you have some choices, set the self destruct and leave it at that, hit the self destruct and disabled all lifeboats and put it on silent alarm so the bridge dont notice or leave it and let the ship survive and not kill anyone on board.


You head back the way you came and if you didnt trigger the alarms before try not to trigger them on the way back, go back on stage, another cutscene you start performing again, nod to the companions you left performing, finsih the act and retreat back to your ship.


If you set it to self destruct when you exit the ship it will explode behind you and either killing all on board who you left trapped, just blow up the ship or they are none the wiser, you hand of the intel to whomever it was that sent you for it and continue in your story.


Now if i can think up a story like that of the top of my head then you know for sure that the bioware writters can make one ten times better.

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The main narrative is that they are the eyes and ears of your faction, you can get into places that a known combatant cannot, they can gain influence and press normaly shut of people into there beliefs through diplomacy and tactical thinking, leaving false clues and seducing and capturing key targets who your companions overpower on timed missions. They are also mainly tied into space which at this time is not a major part of the game but with what could be coming down the pipe via space would give them a strong part in the combat part of the game.
But the question remains, why would they get an entertainer to do it and not a trained Covert Operative in the SIS or the Imperial equivalent?

Havoc Squad is able to get anywhere in the galaxy that they choose. Sure there may be resistance along the way, but they have the training and the firepower to get there.

Jedi, being peacekeepers can go into into just about any planet in the galaxy.

Space is optional with all other classes. Consistency being key, it should be the same for this class as well.

If they are working for a specific faction, than you need to come up with mirrors for each faction, like what we have now, which also means different narratives.

There's also the matter of Advanced Classes


These will also have 3 story arcs and the only difference is that these shall start with a companion where other classes get them at about lvl 7-9. For phased areas most of the quests will take part in and around cantinas of one form or another, in spaceports and in the main buildings that we see scattered about like palaces on alderaan and and the main citys on capital planets.Tattoine is a main part of there story arc and would probably be act 2 or most of it along with nar shadda because of the hutt cartels.
Tattooine and Nar Shadaa aren't really acessible until somewhere in the 20's if I remember right.

The classes need to follow traditional character progression, especially if the main purpose for having them is putting in them in unused areas. Focussing them on two planets leaves the rest of the galaxy as it was.


The only limitation is that this class will not be able to take part in ground based pve (to the same degree as a combat class) and pvp, but people taking this class will know this limitation. These classes will be able to go anywhere on any planet aslong as they have the relevent level, they will be able to attain codex entrys and even matrix cubes, some codex entrys shall require them to group with actual combat classes but at the end of the day that is what guilds are for.

That's still a (huge) limitation, and not one that many players are going to be willing to take.

You think that "oh, well people will know this going in" or "there will be a warning" will somehow pacify the or stimmy the complaints and problems that people will have with this class.

Again, players want consistency. They don't want 8 options and than 2 that are completly different. They aren't going to want to see that their monthly subscription cost (or expansion pack purchase) has gone to something that is not capable of actually participating in 99% of the game that a normal classs should.


And before you say it, yes there is the option of multiple characters, but that is missing the point. EVERY character is capable of doing EVERYTHING. Anything short of that is unacceptable.


What this class can bring to the table is alot more then the limitations of what the combat classes can, the entertainer classes wouldnt be beholden to the same rules of balancing as combatant classes and what can be added into an existing class like this without overloading there abilities lists or having to tune flashpoints and pvp to them. And the reason for the codex and lore link is due to the fact that people taking this class are primerily into the lore over combat and puzzles based from it is more tailored to these types of players and thus why there quests are tied into that.

But you can't tie the story to something that doesn't actually exist IN the story.

"Go fetch this lore object so that you can fill your players log...."

That's going to seem very odd.


Least not forget the basic principle of this has been rubber stamped in the past as cannon so is not lore breaking and the known advantages for this type of class are well known as they are designed to promote community, promote taking short breaks ( in the form of giving people increase rested xp whilst taking a break) and to make previously unused developed content relevent like cantinas and bars populated and used

While it may be canon that they do exist, the fact that dancers have every done anything covert for their respective government or faction is not. SIS, Imperial Intelligence, Bothan Spynet, and so on, all use highly trained professionals who than find an alias, rather than finding someone who is fits an alias and than put them into covert operations.


Community can be brought together without entertainers.

Rested XP gains can be used in other ways.

Unused areas can be incentivized without entertainers.

Why go through all the hassle of making 2 classes, 3 story arcs each, all of the voice-overs and lip-synch, the companions, and so on, when there are other facets open?


Why not just give extra rested xp through Legacy Rewards?

Relocate all of the vendors on each planet into the cantinas to consolidate people into one space

Introduce group quest chains instead of always doing one-offs. Create bonuses for random groups.

Create events that require large parts of the server to cooperate together to accomplish a specific task.


The only real reason to implement an entertainer class is because you don't have the opportunity to roleplay as an entertainer without it. Alll of the rest just seems like trying to distract away from that.

Edited by Darth_Halford
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Darth_Halford, let me expand the idea onto you of how this will work and keep the narative.


You have a mission at lvl 30, you currently have 3 companions not counting ship droid. The mission is to head into deep space and meet a ship, the cover story is that your the entertainment for a military vessel of the opposite faction hire out of nar shadda. You board the ship and walk through the cargo bay and meet a dignitery at the main door, the cutscene starts.


You chat for a bit have some options of light chat, try and get some info out of them and possibly raise interest into why your asking which would make the mission a little harder or not press them and keep your cover fully intact, the cutscene moves on to show you performing a show and you look to your companions who are performing with you and one of them nods to you. you bow and walk off the stage with one of your companions whilst the others keep entertaining.


At this point you have to get around the ship without being seen, cameras do sweeps from left to right and you have to time it right to not be seen by the cameras. if you are seen you have the option to tell the person who comes to investigate that your simply lost and looking for a bathroom or something or take a dark option and you distract them whilst your companion sneaks up behind them and slits there throat and then hides the body.


Do this to many times and the ship will go onto red alert and roaming patrols will come out that make your job even harder, if this happens you have to utalies your offensive melle skills and the companion who is stronger then the average companion due to presence being your primary stat.


If you get through without being seen, you head to a terminal and download all the files on the computer, at this point you have some choices, set the self destruct and leave it at that, hit the self destruct and disabled all lifeboats and put it on silent alarm so the bridge dont notice or leave it and let the ship survive and not kill anyone on board.


You head back the way you came and if you didnt trigger the alarms before try not to trigger them on the way back, go back on stage, another cutscene you start performing again, nod to the companions you left performing, finsih the act and retreat back to your ship.


If you set it to self destruct when you exit the ship it will explode behind you and either killing all on board who you left trapped, just blow up the ship or they are none the wiser, you hand of the intel to whomever it was that sent you for it and continue in your story.


Now if i can think up a story like that of the top of my head then you know for sure that the bioware writters can make one ten times better.

Problem right away is that what you're doing as a story has absolutly nothing to do with what you actually do as a class.

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But the question remains, why would they get an entertainer to do it and not a trained Covert Operative in the SIS or the Imperial equivalent?


Your assuming that these arnt tied to the SIS, and whos to say they arnt part of imperial intelegence, the fact is that they are and that is who hired them in the 1st place and who they work for and whilst they are leveling they are being trained, everyone starts at some point. Also the sis have an agent discussed as an entertainer outside cora spaceport.


Havoc Squad is able to get anywhere in the galaxy that they choose. Sure there may be resistance along the way, but they have the training and the firepower to get there.



Havoc squad go after the old havoc squad whilst leveling, and kicking the door in isnt the most subtle of methods also the bulk of havoc squad arnt exactly soilders and more mercs and a crazy droid. It is funny blowing a senator up on the seat though.



Jedi, being peacekeepers can go into into just about any planet in the galaxy.

Jedi also dont poison people, kidnap people, Steal intel and plant false information. And any jedi stepping foot on an imperial vessel would be detected by the sith onboard it.


Space is optional with all other classes. Consistency being key, it should be the same for this class as well.


It is optional, if you read what i stated there main combat is space, not that it revolves around space and if we are getting full 3d space to the degree people are thinking space will be as big as ground when it hits. Also consistency isnt key, variety is.


If they are working for a specific faction, than you need to come up with mirrors for each faction, like what we have now, which also means different narratives.


A dancer on the imperial side is still a dancer on the republic side, doesnt require a mirror as they have no relevent role in pvp so there is nothing to balance it off.


There's also the matter of Advanced Classes


Base class, entertainer, Advanced class is governed by tree chosen, as shown above 3 trees, 2 specs 1 hybrid. there is no healer or tank alternative to dps.


Tattooine and Nar Shadaa aren't really acessible until somewhere in the 20's if I remember right.

The classes need to follow traditional character progression, especially if the main purpose for having them is putting in them in unused areas. Focussing them on two planets leaves the rest of the galaxy as it was.


They are about level 22-29/30-35 which is why i stated act 2 or in and around there. Also they wouldnt be limited to 2 planets, i never stated any such thing. they will be able to goto any planet aslong as they have the correct level and a ship. Also they would be in rest areas aka bars, they would gain xp primerily from performing and have about the same regularness of class quests as the other classes.


That's still a (huge) limitation, and not one that many players are going to be willing to take.

You think that "oh, well people will know this going in" or "there will be a warning" will somehow pacify the or stimmy the complaints and problems that people will have with this class.


People have the same choice now when they hit advanced class, they wont be limited from making another char, to state that people will not realise is painting a rather bleak picture of the type of people that play.


Again, players want consistency. They don't want 8 options and than 2 that are completly different. They aren't going to want to see that their monthly subscription cost (or expansion pack purchase) has gone to something that is not capable of actually participating in 99% of the game that a normal classs should.


Players want features, they want options, they want alternative game styles, This feature is not aimed at everyone, it was never intended to be as such. And plenty more wont play space, i dont play pvp but im not crying about ranked or new battlegrounds, its swings and roundabouts, one set get something then another set do.


And before you say it, yes there is the option of multiple characters, but that is missing the point. EVERY character is capable of doing EVERYTHING. Anything short of that is unacceptable.


To you it maybe unacceptable, but not to all, no character is capable of doing everything and stating they can is just a myth your beileving. And whilst every char is capable of doing all content that doesnt mean all players are forced to nor do they. Its the option you take when playing. Also they arnt pacifists they are just no where near as strong as combat classes with no companion. Also players cannot have all crafting profs, so some may have biochem, others cybertect etc etc they each have a bonus to being them but not everyone can have them as they have to pick one.


But you can't tie the story to something that doesn't actually exist IN the story.

"Go fetch this lore object so that you can fill your players log...."

That's going to seem very odd.


While it may be canon that they do exist, the fact that dancers have every done anything covert for their respective government or faction is not. SIS, Imperial Intelligence, Bothan Spynet, and so on, all use highly trained professionals who than find an alias, rather than finding someone who is fits an alias and than put them into covert operations.


Actualy it can tie into the story, in there story its on gathering intel, if you need relevent information it can be done by going to designated areas where codex are found and gathering them to help complete your missions. Ow and it does exist in story, Sy Snootles even though she worked for the hutts. There is a dancer ingame too on republic side, she is an npc in a mission but i cant remember her name. Also princess L was also covert before being ousted. And with this being a rough draft and not a finished article i will now state that yup they are trained operatives who are entertainers. tada thats fixed.


Community can be brought together without entertainers.


Hasnt worked in wow. they follow the exact ideals your stating now to the letter.


Rested XP gains can be used in other ways.


How exactly, how can increased rested xp be gained in a positive way that can help promote community like this can, in the way this can promote the socialising of players in a none stress enviroment to just chat and have a laugh.


Unused areas can be incentivized without entertainers.


I never said they couldnt, i said this was the best way.


Why go through all the hassle of making 2 classes, 3 story arcs each, all of the voice-overs and lip-synch, the companions, and so on, when there are other facets open?


So why make any new classes, why make TKM's or Fencers. Why bother making any new classes at all, why make new companions, why add class story ?, bottom line is george lucas says they are viable gameplay within star wars.


Why not just give extra rested xp through Legacy Rewards?


Because the point of increased regeneration of rested xp is to promote the socialising of players in rested areas across all worlds where entertainers are levling with people of the same level, not just the fleet. This is set so people watching gain a presence buff to help them whilst leveling or doing dailys and the entertainers can get social points for doing it.


Relocate all of the vendors on each planet into the cantinas to consolidate people into one space


That doesnt make everyone go into one space, that just makes people go into one space once, it also creates huge ammounts of work across the whole game and what do you replace the vendors with when you move them from the original area they came from.


Introduce group quest chains instead of always doing one-offs. Create bonuses for random groups.


Why not do that with this.


Create events that require large parts of the server to cooperate together to accomplish a specific task.


Do that with this aswell.

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Problem right away is that what you're doing as a story has absolutly nothing to do with what you actually do as a class.


How so exactly, in your own words there has tobe a narative, there narrative is they work for SIS or IA, there cover is there class in terms of class story, what they do outside of class story is entertaining. Cos lets be brutal, i dont see many smugglers smuggling or bounty hunters catching bountys do you.

Edited by Shingara
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Your assuming that these arnt tied to the SIS, and whos to say they arnt part of imperial intelegence, the fact is that they are and that is who hired them in the 1st place and who they work for and whilst they are leveling they are being trained, everyone starts at some point. Also the sis have an agent discussed as an entertainer outside cora spaceport.

If they are full-on part of the SIS, or so on, than why not make it an Operative class? Make the person an Operative disguised as an entertainer, rather than entertainer doing Operative work on the side.

It provides more options, not just mechanically but narrativly.



Havoc squad go after the old havoc squad whilst leveling, and kicking the door in isnt the most subtle of methods also the bulk of havoc squad arnt exactly soilders and more mercs and a crazy droid. It is funny blowing a senator up on the seat though.


True, it's not subtle, but it doesn't need to be, and more to point, Star Wars is very seldom about subtlety. You said that the entertainer can get places the other character can't.

I stand that a team of soldiers can get anywhere they want.

And by the way, they are actually all soldiers. Every one of them (Minus 4X) has an alliance rank.


Jedi also dont poison people, kidnap people, Steal intel and plant false information. And any jedi stepping foot on an imperial vessel would be detected by the sith onboard it.

There's the Jedi Covenant, and Jedi are capable of hiding their Force Sensitivity.



It is optional, if you read what i stated there main combat is space, not that it revolves around space and if we are getting full 3d space to the degree people are thinking space will be as big as ground when it hits. Also consistency isnt key, variety is.

Consistency IS the key. Any good game you have ever played or heard of has been consistent from beginning to end.


A dancer on the imperial side is still a dancer on the republic side, doesnt require a mirror as they have no relevent role in pvp so there is nothing to balance it off.

They still need to not look and feel like the exact same class. It also shouldn't be the same story from either perspective.


People have the same choice now when they hit advanced class, they wont be limited from making another char, to state that people will not realise is painting a rather bleak picture of the type of people that play.

Except I don't lose out on not being able to play certain content by making that AC choice. I still have all the same options


Players want features, they want options, they want alternative game styles, This feature is not aimed at everyone, it was never intended to be as such. And plenty more wont play space, i dont play pvp but im not crying about ranked or new battlegrounds, its swings and roundabouts, one set get something then another set do.

Players want features and options, yes. They don't want alternative game styles. They want things to look, feel, and behave the same throughout the game. This is why nobody does Social Classes without being a complete Second Life social game.


To you it maybe unacceptable, but not to all, no character is capable of doing everything and stating they can is just a myth your beileving. And whilst every char is capable of doing all content that doesnt mean all players are forced to nor do they. Its the option you take when playing. Also they arnt pacifists they are just no where near as strong as combat classes with no companion. Also players cannot have all crafting profs, so some may have biochem, others cybertect etc etc they each have a bonus to being them but not everyone can have them as they have to pick one.

Find me a quest that my Trooper can't do. Show me a warzone that a Imperial Agent can't participate in. Show me a Sith that can never join Operations.

True, not all characters are players are going to do everything but they MUST have the option to.

It's not just unnaceptable to me. It's unacceptable by any means of good game design. Find any book on game design and they'll tell you the same thing.







Because the point of increased regeneration of rested xp is to promote the socialising of players in rested areas across all worlds where entertainers are levling with people of the same level, not just the fleet. This is set so people watching gain a presence buff to help them whilst leveling or doing dailys and the entertainers can get social points for doing it.

But that's not what you said. You said it was to encourage breaks.



That doesnt make everyone go into one space, that just makes people go into one space once, it also creates huge ammounts of work across the whole game and what do you replace the vendors with when you move them from the original area they came from.

And dancing will be any better? As soon as they get the buff they're gone. This is why I say its not ACTUAL socialization: it's spectating.

I also don't think a buff to Pressence is going to be very highly sought after. The only time that works is when you have a companion out and it doesn't even contribute that much. If you're doing a flashpoint, operation, warzone, or group quest, it becomes completly bunk.

If you want something to increase actual socialization, you want something that its active rather than specatating, and something that can be used no matter what.

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How about making entertainer/dancer a profession, as opposed to a full class?


I played SWG, and while I loved it, SWG had non-combat content - SWTOR doesn't. But, I think making it a profession would really get people into cantinas. As of now, you hardly see anyone in them. Making a profession that could give buffs or maybe mix drinks/prepare food would be cool, and introduce a little more flavor into the game.

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+1 love the idea.


Story could easily be a holostar climbing to the top. 1st companion could be part of your entourage, fanclub, or needing to hire added security. There's tons upon tons of source material to draw from already. Tooooooooons. Shadow Games immediately comes to mind.

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If they are full-on part of the SIS, or so on, than why not make it an Operative class? Make the person an Operative disguised as an entertainer, rather than entertainer doing Operative work on the side.

It provides more options, not just mechanically but narrativly.

True, it's not subtle, but it doesn't need to be, and more to point, Star Wars is very seldom about subtlety. You said that the entertainer can get places the other character can't.

I stand that a team of soldiers can get anywhere they want.

And by the way, they are actually all soldiers. Every one of them (Minus 4X) has an alliance rank.

There's the Jedi Covenant, and Jedi are capable of hiding their Force Sensitivity.

What does either of these have todo with the class or suggestion exactly. bioware and the writers will be able to create the story and how they fit into the game if wanted as it has already been approved by lucas. Im actualy lost as to why your trying to make me create a whole back story for them ?


Consistency IS the key. Any good game you have ever played or heard of has been consistent from beginning to end.

Players want features and options, yes. They don't want alternative game styles. They want things to look, feel, and behave the same throughout the game. This is why nobody does Social Classes without being a complete Second Life social game.
Players want features and options, yes. They don't want alternative game styles. They want things to look, feel, and behave the same throughout the game. This is why nobody does Social Classes without being a complete Second Life social game.


And again all those, Bringing space isnt consistent, we dont have space now, we have mini games. they are bringing in pazzak, we dont have anything like pazzak so where is it. Show me where the whole of the playerbase have stood up and said dont make an alternative, show me where bioware have said its got to be consistantly this class but not this class. Explain to me how you can state it isnt a valid gameplay when lucas has said it is.


Also the reason why no one bar swg in this market is probably the same reason no one did player housing. That answer is world of warcraft, every game creater followed the design of wow because wow made all the money and everyone has to have a bit of that pie.


And obviously 'people' want an alternative, i want an alternative, others in here do. And if bioware were ever to put a poll it would show that a section of the playerbase want this. Also whats so bad about having social features in the game exactly from other areas of the multiplayer world, if they make money from it then that is a proven feature.


They still need to not look and feel like the exact same class. It also shouldn't be the same story from either perspective.


So ask bioware and the bioware writters what story they would do for them.


Except I don't lose out on not being able to play certain content by making that AC choice. I still have all the same options


Now are we judging this on player skill and dificulty of content, guild they are in or gamestyle they play. As a player you chose what you want todo, what your stating is to re design the whole of the game to incorperate this into main classes instead of doing one bit of development aimed at a specific market of players just like arenas are aimed at a specific group of players and how space is.


Find me a quest that my Trooper can't do. Show me a warzone that a Imperial Agent can't participate in. Show me a Sith that can never join Operations.


Show me someone who wants to complete all content and ill show you people who only want todo one part of the content.


True, not all characters are players are going to do everything but they MUST have the option to.


All players would be able to, not all classes will. It is designed as such and its a choice you will make just the same as gamestyles is a choice.



But that's not what you said. You said it was to encourage breaks.

Please explain to me how players leveling up in the combat gameplay and getting a bonus for taking a time out in a rested zone for a buff and gaining rested xp for doing it is not encouraging breaks.


And dancing will be any better? As soon as they get the buff they're gone. This is why I say its not ACTUAL socialization: it's spectating.


And the people who are entertainers shall stay, the people playing the entertainers wont be spectating.


I also don't think a buff to Pressence is going to be very highly sought after. The only time that works is when you have a companion out and it doesn't even contribute that much. If you're doing a flashpoint, operation, warzone, or group quest, it becomes completly bunk.


And whilst leveling or doing dailys you will have a companion out and not doing flashpoints, operations, warzones or group finder. But you hit on a good point, people in the group finder q could quite easily spend there time waiting for it in cantinas talking and interacting with entertainers until there group finder pops, the whole time they are gaining rested xp at an increased rate.


If you want something to increase actual socialization, you want something that its active rather than specatating, and something that can be used no matter what.

Its a defunked point, the spectators shall be the people gaining the buffs who will be the combat classes. the entertainers shall be socializing and encouraging socialising by having a presence within cantinas which can be used aslong as entertainers are within that cantina.


I am still waiting for you to explain to me why your rules break down btw as smugglers dont smuggle and bounty hunters dont catch bountys.

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hold on,,lemme fetch an article from the wiki to describe how i envision gameplay for these classes,especially the dancer,to work(note to obvious resemblences to a certain something,and how i altered the text to fit...this is ONLY for the purposes of demonstrating the power of this idea,so dont gripe at me about it being similar to something in particular please)


The basics of Entertainer classes are similar to past entries in the gameplay; each mission is framed around the killings of one or more individuals, which the main protagonist (The player) must accomplish. Standing between him/her and success are armed guards, security checkpoints, possible witnesses and other obstacles.


The player guides The Entertainer(dancer,or what have you) through the game's levels with the help of a satellite map which can be accessed at any time. The map indicates the layout of each topographical area of the level, the whereabouts of The player's main targets, and other CPU-controlled characters. In order to carry out his/her mission, The player may use any method at his/her disposal to eliminate his targets, regardless of witnesses or excessive violence done to bystanders. Beyond rewarding stealth over bloodshed as is traditional in the gameplay, Entertainer class gameplay includes features that directly penalize the player for making too much noise and/or being too violent, either toward their targets, bystanders, or both.



This post introduces many new features to the class gameplay. These include the capability to climb through more obstacles, improved unarmed combat, the ability to use an NPC as a human shield (and use a weapon to knock them unconscious after their purpose had been served had they not been killed yet), the ability to dispose dead bodies into containers, improved character animations (face, eyes, etc.), and the ability to upgrade skills and equipment.



Every level contains some sort of method to make the target's death look like an accident, for example, tampering with someone's reactor to make it explode when turned on, rigging a chandelier to fall on a target, or simply pushing the target off a balcony ledge. There are also improvised weapons, such as nail-guns, a child's air rifle, kitchen knives, screwdrivers, stilettos, cane swords, fire extinguishers, and even a pair of hedge clippers.



A gameplay feature new to the Entertainer class gameplay was also added, the "Notoriety" system. If the player, during a mission, gets caught on CCTV or is witnessed committing murder, the character's notoriety will rise. Conversely, if the player executes the mission perfectly with none of the aforementioned events occurring, the cyharacter's notoriety will be minimal.


However, if the only factor affecting the player's notoriety in a certain mission is the fact that he was recorded on CCTV, the player may enter the location in which the drive that recorded him is located, usually in disguise, and retrieve it, thus eliminating that factor; if the player retrieves the drive before being recorded, this entirely eliminate the risk of being recorded in the first place.


The higher the player's notoriety is, the easier it will be for NPCs to identify him/her. Players may use the bribery system to negate accumulated notoriety. Notoriety gained in early missions will affect later missions.

At the end of each mission, a holo clip article is displayed regarding the hit, in which the content varies depending on the investigation results and the player's notoriety.


It will detail the weapon most frequently used, how accurately it was used, the number of security, and civilians killed or injured, and if there were any witnesses. Any injured people will be counted as witnesses, who affect your notoriety. Sketch drawings are also sometimes visible of the player's face, which grow progressively more accurate as the player's notoriety grows. The holo clip itself rebukes the player for making too much noise by announcing on the headline how many people were killed in total, whereas executing your target without any problems will simply have you as 'wanted by republic/imperial intelligence'.


The holo clip's title relates to the player's mission rating. "Siren", in which you assassinate the targets as cleanly and quietly as possible, and draw no unnecessary attention to yourself (blow your cover, leave no extra bodies, etc.), is the best rating possible on all missions. On higher difficulty missions, even something as simple as the player exiting the level in a disguise rather than his/her original suit will adversely affect the player's notoriety, as well as deduct credits from their payment for the mission. As you advance further into the gameplay, more and more newspapers containing the headline from your last mission will be scattered around levels.



entertainer class gameplay also has a new melee weapons system in this instance, allowing the player to lethally throw certain weapons at NPCs (i.e. kitchen knives, stilettos, meat cleavers, etc.) Once thrown into anyone, however, the weapon cannot be retrieved. There is an exception for the hammer, which can be retrieved even though thrown into a victim.



A new bonus added to Entertainer class gameplay ideas is the fact that if the player renders an NPC unconscious, either by using his/her syringe filled with sedative or knocking them out, they will not awaken for the entirety of the level, unlike previous posts. In addition, if both uses of the player's sedative syringe have been used and the player does not wish to use close combat (which increases their violence rating and by extension affects their mission rating), the player may take the person they wish to sedate as a human shield and merely knock them out with their weapon.



the players's ability to hide bodies has also been revamped in this post. In previous posts, the player had to drag the body to a secluded area without "hiding" it, and either eliminate everyone who could possibly see the body where he/her left it or be quick enough to finish the mission before the next person entered. Now, the player can dispose of unconscious or dead bodies in containers to instantly hide them from view of guards. If the container's lid is closed, no NPCs or guards will ever look inside it, thus ensuring the body stays hidden and the player's cover is not blown. In addition, if the player kills someone in an elevator by climbing the hatch and strangling them, their body is also considered hidden, and cannot fall out of the hatch, thereby preventing it from being found.



like the idea people?

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Im actualy lost as to why your trying to make me create a whole back story for them ?

Because you disagreed with me when I said that you can't make a 3 act story on entertaining and make interesting, and in fact what you have so far isn't even that. it's not about entertaining, its about being a cover operative.



And again all those, Bringing space isnt consistent, we dont have space now, we have mini games. they are bringing in pazzak, we dont have anything like pazzak so where is it. Show me where the whole of the playerbase have stood up and said dont make an alternative, show me where bioware have said its got to be consistantly this class but not this class. Explain to me how you can state it isnt a valid gameplay when lucas has said it is.

True, space by itself isn't consistent with the rest of the ground game, because it's not the same game. However, all of the space combat missions are consistent with one another.

All of the class stories, while very differen narratives, function and are paced in a consistent manner.

All of the abilities are triggered in a consistent way.

All of the armor for each class is designed in a very consistent aesthetic.

All of the classes are consistent with each other

And than your class comes in and breaks up all of that.


Also the reason why no one bar swg in this market is probably the same reason no one did player housing. That answer is world of warcraft, every game creater followed the design of wow because wow made all the money and everyone has to have a bit of that pie.

Explain why games that came out before World of Warcraft didn't have them either?


And obviously 'people' want an alternative, i want an alternative, others in here do. And if bioware were ever to put a poll it would show that a section of the playerbase want this. Also whats so bad about having social features in the game exactly from other areas of the multiplayer world, if they make money from it then that is a proven feature.

They may want an alternative, but they don't want it to feel that way. They want it to work, look, and behave the same as everything else, and be able to do the same as everything else.

The Porshe Cayenne, an SUV, may be an alternative to the normal german racecar, but it is still expected to be and have everything that you would normally have with a Porshe.



So ask bioware and the bioware writters what story they would do for them.

I'd tell you, but you wouldn't believe me.



Now are we judging this on player skill and dificulty of content, guild they are in or gamestyle they play. As a player you chose what you want todo, what your stating is to re design the whole of the game to incorperate this into main classes instead of doing one bit of development aimed at a specific market of players just like arenas are aimed at a specific group of players and how space is.

I'm stating to add dance and instrument macros into the class, which is around 1% of the work that is necessary to create two classes, two different story arcs, all of the voice-over and lip-synching work, all of the abilities, the armor and equipment, the mechanics, the new locations, and beyond.



Show me someone who wants to complete all content and ill show you people who only want todo one part of the content.

That doesn't matter. The point is that they have to have the option to do any of it if they so choose. Next to nobody is actually do all of the content, but everyone needs to have the ability to do any of it.



All players would be able to, not all classes will. It is designed as such and its a choice you will make just the same as gamestyles is a choice.

The fact that not all classes will be able to do it is the problem, and I've said this so many time I feel like I'll get a better response talking to a wall.

I understand that's how you want it designed. What you don't understand is that it's a BAD DESIGN.


Please explain to me how players leveling up in the combat gameplay and getting a bonus for taking a time out in a rested zone for a buff and gaining rested xp for doing it is not encouraging breaks.

Because if their character is still logged in in the cantina, than they're still playing, and haven't really taken a break.

A legacy reward that increases the xp gain when you log off actually encourages breaks.



And the people who are entertainers shall stay, the people playing the entertainers wont be spectating.

I'm missing how this is supposed to be "socializing". This sounds like two seperate games operating in the same space and nothing nomre.


And whilst leveling or doing dailys you will have a companion out and not doing flashpoints, operations, warzones or group finder. But you hit on a good point, people in the group finder q could quite easily spend there time waiting for it in cantinas talking and interacting with entertainers until there group finder pops, the whole time they are gaining rested xp at an increased rate.

They could also, and most likely are, actually doing stuff to level up their characters while they wait. Since they are returned outside the flashpoint entrance once they're done, there's no real penalty for jumping in the middle of something.

And there's the other concern. The majority of characters in this game so far are already at the max level. What incentive do they have?



Its a defunked point, the spectators shall be the people gaining the buffs who will be the combat classes. the entertainers shall be socializing and encouraging socialising by having a presence within cantinas which can be used aslong as entertainers are within that cantina.

I'm still missing how this is socializing. I can be social anywhere in the game. What's the big deal about it being in a cantina?

I am still waiting for you to explain to me why your rules break down btw as smugglers dont smuggle and bounty hunters dont catch bounties

Their ability sets are associated with what their class does in a story. gunslinging, sneaking around, and such or using a great deal of tools to capture any target fits what you understand their class to be.

Where-as all of the dancers abilities are all about dancingn, all of the missions are actually about covert operations and subterfuge.

And by the way, The bounty hunter DOES track bounties for all three acts of his story.


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The gameplay type is good but no weapons the reason behind none combatant is to remove the need to balance 1st tha class and then rebalance the entire game to it which is insane ammounts of work, they dont hold an edge in pve world gameplay and there main role is to be a social class.


We have seen example after example after example of combat classes being added to games and the games being totaly unbalanced by it especially in wow. the class becomes to powerful then they nerf it, now there to weak so they nerf everyone else. Its much easier and much simpler to just make there mainhand and offhand items to be intruments and there companion to do the bulk of there fighting and increase there companions power and health over the combat classes companions.

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Because you disagreed with me when I said that you can't make a 3 act story on entertaining and make interesting, and in fact what you have so far isn't even that. it's not about entertaining, its about being a cover operative.




True, space by itself isn't consistent with the rest of the ground game, because it's not the same game. However, all of the space combat missions are consistent with one another.

All of the class stories, while very differen narratives, function and are paced in a consistent manner.

All of the abilities are triggered in a consistent way.

All of the armor for each class is designed in a very consistent aesthetic.

All of the classes are consistent with each other

And than your class comes in and breaks up all of that.


Explain why games that came out before World of Warcraft didn't have them either?


They may want an alternative, but they don't want it to feel that way. They want it to work, look, and behave the same as everything else, and be able to do the same as everything else.

The Porshe Cayenne, an SUV, may be an alternative to the normal german racecar, but it is still expected to be and have everything that you would normally have with a Porshe.




I'd tell you, but you wouldn't believe me.




I'm stating to add dance and instrument macros into the class, which is around 1% of the work that is necessary to create two classes, two different story arcs, all of the voice-over and lip-synching work, all of the abilities, the armor and equipment, the mechanics, the new locations, and beyond.



That doesn't matter. The point is that they have to have the option to do any of it if they so choose. Next to nobody is actually do all of the content, but everyone needs to have the ability to do any of it.




The fact that not all classes will be able to do it is the problem, and I've said this so many time I feel like I'll get a better response talking to a wall.

I understand that's how you want it designed. What you don't understand is that it's a BAD DESIGN.



Because if their character is still logged in in the cantina, than they're still playing, and haven't really taken a break.

A legacy reward that increases the xp gain when you log off actually encourages breaks.




I'm missing how this is supposed to be "socializing". This sounds like two seperate games operating in the same space and nothing nomre.



They could also, and most likely are, actually doing stuff to level up their characters while they wait. Since they are returned outside the flashpoint entrance once they're done, there's no real penalty for jumping in the middle of something.

And there's the other concern. The majority of characters in this game so far are already at the max level. What incentive do they have?



I'm still missing how this is socializing. I can be social anywhere in the game. What's the big deal about it being in a cantina?


Their ability sets are associated with what their class does in a story. gunslinging, sneaking around, and such or using a great deal of tools to capture any target fits what you understand their class to be.

Where-as all of the dancers abilities are all about dancingn, all of the missions are actually about covert operations and subterfuge.


And by the way, The bounty hunter DOES track bounties for all three acts of his story.


Right lets get one thing straight here, I am not bioware. I am not a writer. so i suggest a possible ethical standpoint of how they fit in. if you dont like it come up with another but its not my job to design the whole back story and its not your job to write it off. This topic has evolved and the people actualy discussing it work out the kinks and this is where we are at this point, what was suggested previously has been reworked, thats the point of debating and still doesnt explain why your trying to defunk a proven feature because you dont like or should i say understand on purpose the back story.


Now lets cover something big. This feature is not intended for everyone to use, everyone will benefit from it but its not a gamestyle condusive to everyone. Its not intended to be used by everyone. There is nothing wrong with that fact even if you may disagree with it. These are a class specifically designed for the social players who do not wish to play combat classes all of the time or any of the time.


If this gameplay doesnt interest you that is simply because of the fact its not aimed at you. In terms of cannon this is the only way to introduce this gameplay and has been approved by Lucas Arts once already, its part of cannon and its a recognized gameplay feature within mmos.


So like i said you may not like it but its not intended to please everyone. Should bioware create a feature like this, the answer is yes, as a subscriber just like other subscribers bioware has a role to play that they create content and develope the game for everyone, all nichés and the main stream. Is it 2 seperate games no, is it 2 different ways to play the same game yes.


As for the last part, with the bounty hunter, yes and you proved my point, you stated how can entertainers possibly do espionage when they entertain the rest of the time, and like i said it is there cover and they do espionage in there class missions, bounty hunters is there job yet they only hunt bountys within there class mission.

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so you just ditched my idea...perfect


i was trying to meld both worlds...the weapons part is self contained within the mission,not useable outside of the mission,and thus would have no effect on the pvp or pve at large


with the dancing and the like being a byproduct of what there profession is that allows them to get inside the base in the first place

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so you just ditched my idea...perfect


i was trying to meld both worlds...the weapons part is self contained within the mission,not useable outside of the mission,and thus would have no effect on the pvp or pve at large


with the dancing and the like being a byproduct of what there profession is that allows them to get inside the base in the first place


Nothing has been ditched or scrubbed from your idea, mission items would work the same way for this class as other classes, an on use items is in no way a weapon, it may act as a weapon but its not equiped as such, a dart gun or a stun baton that is a quest item inside of entertainer class missions would still be a class quest item and not a weapon.


There weapon slots would still be taken up by guitars and saxaphones or those twizzle dancy ribbon things etc where the get there stats from. These instruments would be over powered if they could be equiped by sages for example who dont specifically need a saber equiped as the presence on these items would be through the roof touching close to 200-600 presence.

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