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What is going on BioWare ??


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1: Lack of Communication

2: Lack of Unique Content


Both at the same time create an Extremely Deadly Combination.

Follow My List of Suggestions, Implement them, be creative, COMMUNICATE more with your Customers and the game shall succeed.

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This Thread + Baghdad Bob meme generator = More fun than TOR.


And to whomever wonders why people care about what the future holds it is because MMOs are a investment in time, people like to know it won't be a waste in a few months. Only have so much time ya know. TOR maybe fun now...but what about a week or three from now? It also generates hype and keeps people excited and makes new people feel like they are missing out and need to go play.


Look at STO, like every five minutes they are putting some bit of info out.


Game could shut down at the end of the year, and I wouldn't regret my time played. I'll play as long as I'm enjoying myself, even if they're down to one server. Conversely, you couldn't pay me to play WoW.


If you base what MMO you're playing on what you think the future holds for it, you might as well give up on the genre...they're all going to be shut down eventually. Did you play SWG, and if so for how long? If you played for any length of time, did you regret the time you invested, or do you just look back and remember it fondly?

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Who cares if there are people who would complain that some milestones weren't met? How is that any worse than now, when you have a great deal of people who are uncertain about the future of the game and are wondering if it's worth their while to continue pumping money into this game but the devs refuse to talk to us? Can you not see how it's far more damaging to the longevity of the game to keep all of your customers in the dark about the future direction the game is hopefully going to go than it is to maybe anger some people who irrationally think a desire for a feature at some unspecified date is somehow a promise for a specific patch?


If you can't, then I submit that it's not us who are the problem with this game. This pathological need for secrecy on the part of the devs is what is going to kill this game if they don't get their act together. This is a game, not issues of national security. If they won't tell us what they hope to implement in the very near, near, and somewhat distant futures, they have no one but themselves to blame when their customers and gaming sites begin to question if there even is anything to implement, or even if they can. And they definitely have no one but themselves to blame when they can't seem to attract new customers in sufficient numbers to offset the ones who are leaving.



are you kidding? It would be far worse they player base would SCREAM that Bioware/EA Lied to them and start sending complaints to the BBB.


Remember what happend with the ME3 ending? Because of that the players voted Bioware/EA the worst company in the world worse then Bank of America and Haliburton. Yeah worse then a company that was found guilty of overcharging people and forclosed on millions of home owners as well as helped cause the housing bubble and another company that well do we really need to get into how evil Haliburton is?


You are right that this is just a game but people need to relax. If you are enjoying playing the game then just go and play it. If not then cancel it. Knowing the inner workings of Bioware isn't going to make my game play anymore enjoyable.


I do find it weird that people are freaking out over this but no one freaked out over Blizzard firing 500 employees this year and Universal trying to sell Blizzard. But a developer leaves Bioware and all of a sudden the sky is falling. There are a million reason why a producer might leave a game but most importantly its personal and none of your buisness.

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Dude, the typical MMO "community" would QQ so hard if those milestones weren't met. Even, IF they put a caveat/disclaimer to manage expectations.


People would see the milestone as a certainty even if it was only a planned event.


So basically any game company is darned if they do and darned if they don't.


But it would be helpful if they communitcated more .... I mean what happend they WERE doing so well?


Did the community team get laid off this week?


Have you noticed lately when a moderator responds to a post, they are not named, but have the term " CommunitySupport '? Maybe they are on vacation. Soaking up the sun on some beach, drinking some tropical paradise drink. Or maybe they cleaned house more than we think? And when did they take away our forum join dates showing on our avatars? :cool:

Edited by Valkirus
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why is it fail if I may ask ??


I mean i'm getting more frustrated day by day when ever I visit some forums where I'm hoping to find some info that will improve my game play but instead find a lot's of negative talks about swtor...


And does times somebody is saying something positive they are called fanboys and what else.


So why is my thread fail ?? You don't see same things that I see ??


So, instead of playing the game to improve your own gameplay, you come here to add to the negativity?


That is why this is a fail thread.

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Why are people getting fired? It's called CORPORATE AMERICA! You know, that place where they put little value on talent, and mega value on skill less management.


Actually it is called making profits and rewards those who can do it for the companies. Only time this is not true sometimes is in politics. :p

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fail thread is fail.


^^ this


Let me answer the OP's question for Bioware.


None of your business. Pay and play. Don't pay. Don't play. Stop asking questions to which you need not know and is none of your concern.


Or you can simply apply to the company work your way up and then get all the answers you feel you are entitled to.

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Its not Bioware, its EA and their puppets. SWTOR was probably just a cash cow to help with them making a new Sims or Madden game.


OMG this makes sense! The Sims 3 is coming out with 2 expansions 2 months apart this fall, that's unheard of and never been done. And seeing as how SimCity is above SWTOR in terms of priorities, The Sims is above SimCity because it brings in more revenue. I think we solved the mystery!! :rak_03:

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Have you noticed lately when a moderator responds to a post, they are not named, but have the term " CommunitySupport '? Maybe they are on vacation. Soaking up the sun on some beach, drinking some tropical paradise drink. Or maybe they cleaned house more than we think? And when did they take away our forum join dates showing on our avatars? :cool:


Yes now there is one ubiquitous forum mod. Spooky! :D




Maybe the "mod" really "is a droid". Hmmmm BW Austin had a breaktrough in A.I. Programming? :eek:


They took away join dates and forum post counts about 2 months ago. Remember we are all suposed to be "same" and not "walk on two legs". :rolleyes:

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MMO forums have always, and will always, be filled with people QQing about everything. Honestly, do yourself a favor, and don't bother reading all the crap. It'll end up convincing you the game is a sinking ship.


Also, most of the doom comes from articles that people stretch to mean what they want them to mean. .


Or from those who have already unsubbed and some how feel the need to come here and justify the reasons why until they can no longer post. It is amazing... really.

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We've seen this coming for a while now. Six-month subscriptions are u for those that joined at launch, plus the thirty days given to those that reached level 50. Reduced income generation and no real strategic thinking results in layoffs as the sole source of reduced expenses. This results in a product that is not supported to the subscriber's expectation and as a result also reduces income further (in the form of even more dubscriptions lost). The market absorbs this information as earnings are announced. Stockholders want answers, EA mumbles and fumbles, stockholders sell stock, EA's stock value continues to plummet. EA cannot get capital, again less than stellar strategic thinking results in a deepening of the vicious cycle and more layoffs's. People cannot pay because they don't have money, yadda yadda. A problem cannot be solved by the same way of thinking that caused it... what else is new?


Such high hopes, unmet, sigh - what else is out there...

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What is going on with this game ??


Reports are comming in that you are firing a lot's of folks again.

Gamers are leaving left and right... not much positivity on either official forums or on different gaming sites.


Communication is weak to none... Showing us picture of HK-51 is weak. We need more open communication where you are telling us your plans, development plans. I mean when are we going to see patch 1.4 ? What is patch 1.4 going to bring to us ? When will it be on Test Server ??


There is a lot's and lot's of questions and little to no communication...


All I will say is...................lolwut?


Seriously? Just where are these "reports" coming from that make them valid data? And where are your numbers coming from that 'gamers are leaving left and right'?


You need to take off the tin foil hat, relax, unplug and go outside for some alone time.

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MMO forums have always, and will always, be filled with people QQing about everything. Honestly, do yourself a favor, and don't bother reading all the crap. It'll end up convincing you the game is a sinking ship.


Also, most of the doom comes from articles that people stretch to mean what they want them to mean. Someone working on the game mentions F2P is a possible option at some point is read as the game is going F2P very soon. New content being released, "in the next year or so", is read as meaning a year from now--instead of the proper meaning of within a year.


Truer words were never spoken.

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Who cares if there are people who would complain that some milestones weren't met? How is that any worse than now, when you have a great deal of people who are uncertain about the future of the game and are wondering if it's worth their while to continue pumping money into this game but the devs refuse to talk to us? Can you not see how it's far more damaging to the longevity of the game to keep all of your customers in the dark about the future direction the game is hopefully going to go than it is to maybe anger some people who irrationally think a desire for a feature at some unspecified date is somehow a promise for a specific patch?


If you can't, then I submit that it's not us who are the problem with this game. This pathological need for secrecy on the part of the devs is what is going to kill this game if they don't get their act together. This is a game, not issues of national security. If they won't tell us what they hope to implement in the very near, near, and somewhat distant futures, they have no one but themselves to blame when their customers and gaming sites begin to question if there even is anything to implement, or even if they can. And they definitely have no one but themselves to blame when they can't seem to attract new customers in sufficient numbers to offset the ones who are leaving.


I completely agree!!!!


Telling us what is planned and what is coming breeds hope and anticipation. Silence is the same as neglect and breeds nothing but discontent.


We're not freaking children, if something is planned and they can't get it in for a release, we will largely understand. Before you mention 1.2's ranked wz's, I will counter that the day of 1.2, when we were told they weren't in 1.2, we were understanding (there are always a few jackholes who complain). The following days, we were understanding. A week after, without any follow up, we were largely understanding. After a month, with STILL no word as to why they were pulled from 1.2 and when we might see them, we became frustrated. Silence is a KILLER! Silence from the Devs indicates, to me at least, a lack of concern about ME as a customer.


Honestly, I don't feel at all like Bioware gives a **edit** about my opinion (as a customer). All the polls we've done have amounted to what exactly? All the promises of better communication and monthly updates and faster development have gotten us what? They don't even bother to post any longer lol. We get Q&A's that recap what they've already stated in press releases or interviews AWAY from here.


Seriously, Bioware sucks at communication and they ignore the discontent their silence breeds. It's foolish. I really don't get it.

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Have you people ever even written a SINGLE line of code in your lives?


Let's say you want to make a calendar for a productivity program that handles stuff like fetching your e-mail and To-Do lists. Making a calendar is pretty simple and straightforward programming: something you would do in high school. You figure it will take 2 days of coding to finish.


You get to work, it takes exactly 2 days, and runs fine on its own. Then you patch it into the main program and, OH NOES, the entire thing doesn't work properly. There's a conflict, maybe with how it access the stored data, that's now causing a bug in the e-mail client. Takes you two more days to fix the issue.


Now imagine just how complex things get when you try to program something as complex as a MMO. We've already seen that patching one aspect of the program can effect something entirely unrelated such as the disappearing heads on certain companions. So telling people a specific date is NEVER a good idea and it would be doing yourself good to have the insight and intelligence to understand this.


Just think back to the recent features that were released and imagine if those features had have been delayed. What would the community reaction been had group finder been promised June 1st but released weeks later? Judging by threads like this I'm certain it would have been a flood of QQ and /unsubbery.

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Seriously, Bioware sucks at communication and they ignore the discontent their silence breeds. It's foolish. I really don't get it.


There will be a new planet, companion, level cap increase, solo queue ranked WZs, a new WZ, and more in the expansion. If at this moment you are finding yourself bored in the game I would suggest trying something else for a while instead of stubbornly increasing your own displeasure. If however you are still enjoying your experience I would question why it matters when you'll get more when you haven't finished with what you have.

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Can't believe this thread is still open.


Some guy asking if what he heard was true and spits a bunch of nonsense in the form of a few questions.


lots of layoffs? recently? losing tons of people? it's all just anti-SWTOR propaganda in the disguise of a seemingly harmless "What is going on BioWare??" thread.

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why is it fail if I may ask ??


I mean i'm getting more frustrated day by day when ever I visit some forums where I'm hoping to find some info that will improve my game play but instead find a lot's of negative talks about swtor...


And does times somebody is saying something positive they are called fanboys and what else.


So why is my thread fail ?? You don't see same things that I see ??


These posts are so ridiculous. You are not part of their company. You pay to play the game. Your money ONLY buys you access to play the game and use the forums.


BW has no reason to communicate their daily operations, their HR issues, or their future plans to anyone until they feel it is necessary.


Stop playing if this is unacceptable to you.

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lots of layoffs? recently? losing tons of people? it's all just anti-SWTOR propaganda in the disguise of a seemingly harmless "What is going on BioWare??" thread.


Yes. He's a clever manipulator, this OP is.


Seriously though, for someone who throws around the tin foil term so much, you sure are *********** crazy.

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I'm sure most of their team is working on expansion content for later this year, which unfortunately means very few updates in the near future.


They defiantly need to communicate with us a LOT more however.

The Podcasts are great, but I'd like to hear them at least every other week, not every other month.

Edited by ViciousFett
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This forum has always been full of negativity and there isnt a whole lot BW can do about it at this point.

They answer questions every week and you can't expect them to elaborate why they fire people, that would be bad practice. Plus they simply do not know exactly what they will be implementing when. I do not know whether this is common or not though, I am not that experienced with p2p mmo's.


MMO Forums in general are negative towards the devs. The Devs communicate, they just don't reiterate the same thing over and over again.

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It does seem that the only communication that is given is when the next Maintenance will be.


Do the community team care so little or know so little that nothing else can be offered when people are wondering what is going to happen for TOR. Sad truth is that if the funding drops as it seems to be there wont be any quality updates and likely no updates at all. The VO will be too expensive there will be no one to work on the story and there sure wont be an option to create 8 new stories.


As it stands I wonder if the plans for the Emporer will ever appear in the game or whatever plans the writers have. The talk of something happening to space will never happen and the last update other than patches will be HK one.

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