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BW i kinda hate this


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I never asked to be put onto a super server, in fact I was fine with my low pop one. After i was forced onto the super server I have found that there are simply too many players playing in the same area. I really really hate line waiting....waiting in an area for the items i need to click to respawn - knowing full well there are others behind me and also in front of me. 150 people in the same instance is just to much for me. It really blows when i kill all the mobs leading up to a point the item i need to click and some random person jumps in and takes it.

So as a result i only play in the am before class. around noon it jumps from 64 to about 100ish and thats too much.

But i kinda hate this - watching the clock to see how long I haveto play. If i have a meeting my morning is done and so's my game time. I KNOW the later planets get better, but on the capital worlds its pain stakingly slow to get through them. I hate missing 2/3 of good game time because the crowds are too big.

Please let me move to a smaller server, or let me move to an instance before it hits 150 people on the planet. I'm okay with not seeing many people, I have group finder now for heroics and fp.

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I have harped on this fact till I am blue in the face and EA never EVER responds


I see this over population problem in 2 areas


Black Hole for the dailies

Ilum for the Dailies


I have submitted EASY fixes to the problems in these 2 areas for months and EA says nothing and does nothing and anger grows and grows and grows.


Yesterday I silently watched 7 players literally full out flame war each other because there is not enough crates (they do not respawn fast enough) for the 2nd stage of the bonus BH quest.


Goto Ilum and 4 more players full on raging against each other because there is not enough Turrets (dont respawn fast enough) for that set of dailies.


And EA says and does nothing to fix the problems.


Tho Im starting to beleive they send out unrealistic posters to promote the game here cause I read about upswing and blah blah blah and just shake my head, no one is really that out of it to see things that rose colored with out being reimbursed for their fantasy. Which makes these forums...... lets go with more angry as the easiest way to anger people who have legitimate complaints is for smug self satisfied people to claim nothing is wrong.


All these issues are so easy to fix yet nothing is ever done!


1) Create multiple Black Hole instance for players to choose from rather then forcing them into 1 single instance thats massively over crowded. (though ive never seen 150 other then fleet, I have seen 49 with no alternatives)


2) Change the respawn timers (currently 5 minutes) on the turrets to a faster respawn as the numbers in zone go up. so if only 10 people in zone, 5 minutes fine, 20 people...4 minutes, 30 people.....3 minutes, 40 people.....2 minutes, 50+......1 minute timer. Problem solved


3) Start infractioning and removing those posters that continue to try and enflame other posters rather then talking about the game!


Saying game on upswing fine, if you back with in game examples. But that never happens around here, the trolls just enflame everyone with replies that are about people and not about game issues. And this place remains pretty hostile territory because of it!


All easy fixes

None ever get done.

And thats the annoying part of it all.

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don't worry. soon summer will be over and the bad kiddies will be back in school. playing during work hours now can be problematic especially at lower levels where the kids get "stuck".


if you don't like playing with or around others perhaps mmos are not for you.

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if you don't like playing with or around others perhaps mmos are not for you.

I'm really tired of this type of canned response someone inevitably gives when another person points out problems of overcrowding or such.


The point is that standing around doing nothing while waiting for stuff to respawn is not the least bit fun. Having to camp stuff is not fun. Yes, it happens in MMOs, but Bioware keeps claiming they are making a different kind of game, so I don't think it's unreasonable to ask them to look into it.


My server was a destination server during the merges. Daily missions went from mildly annoying to downright frustrating. Compound that with the click ninjas that others have mentioned, and the fun factor of the game is drastically reduced.

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...if you don't like playing with or around others perhaps mmos are not for you.

This isn't the issue. Quest destinations that are too small to reasonably serve the destination's population is the issue. And that's been an issue in many MMOs in addition to SWTOR. I saw it in WoW, I saw it in LOTRO, and I'm seeing it again in SWTOR.


The thing is, Blizzard FIXED WoW's issues, and Turbine FIXED LOTRO's issues. Now, BioWare would be well-advised to fix these issues, too.


I would suggest doubling the size of the Black Hole District, both north and south, to increase the land area in which quest objects can be placed. I would also suggest expanding the field on Ilum where the turrets are found to the west. Both projects would mean some map redesign in the affected areas, but with the number of players in those zones, it's more than justifiable. These are key high-traffic areas.


Once the level cap goes up, they will see reduced traffic as players level up and leave them behind, but the lessons BioWare will learn from optimizing daily-questing zones will be valuable for future areas like them.

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They are NOT super servers so get that out of your mind. They are just the way they should have been at the start


And were like this at start as well.


Did the OP try to really group with others?

Edited by Eillack
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...simply too many players playing in the same area.

...I really really hate line waiting....waiting in an area for the items i need to click to respawn

...It really blows when i kill all the mobs leading up to a point the item i need to click and some random person jumps in and takes it.


These are all symptoms of crappy cut and paste MMO game design, do a Google search for ArenaNet to find answers to these problems.

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I'm really tired of this type of canned response someone inevitably gives when another person points out problems of overcrowding or such.


If only that type of response were limited to issues of overcrowding. It seems like "mmos aren't for you" is the default response whenever an aspect of this game is criticized.


The point is that standing around doing nothing while waiting for stuff to respawn is not the least bit fun. Having to camp stuff is not fun. Yes, it happens in MMOs, but Bioware keeps claiming they are making a different kind of game, so I don't think it's unreasonable to ask them to look into it.


It happens in many MMOs, but not all. BW chose to emulate the ones in which it happens. Off the top of my head, CoH/CoV has almost no camping in it. Almost all missions are instanced, and for the ones that aren't, objects you have to interact with are specific to the player/group. So even if there are a hundred players doing the same mission at the same time, objects only become unavailable when YOU interact with them. Everyone on different teams can interact with the same object at the same time, and they would all get credit.


And were like this at start as well.


Did the OP try to really group with others?


Did you really try to read the OP? They group for FPs, when they want to. Regardless of whether or not you are in a group, you shouldn't have to wait for items to respawn after somebody else uses them.

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I dont know what you guys really want. If you havent noticed the game population has been decreasing pretty much every day since launch. They had to do server merges because they would of lost a large number of subs due to server deaths. There are plenty of ways to level in this game, you dont have to do just one quest. If there are alot of people in one area just move to another. Or go to a new planet. Or PVP. Or do your class quests. Or look for a Heroic group. You have to many options at your finger tips and a post shouldnt of been one of them.
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At first I didnt like the idea of switching from a low pop server to a higher one. Until I started being the ONLY PERSON on EVERY planet I went to. Which blew when I wanted to try Flashpoints, Heroics, or Ops. Plus I have never had more than maybe 3 or 4 people in the general area I am in when I go solo which is most of the time by the way. Also my gametime is limited to once a week right now and I dont have the problems the author of this thread is having. The only time this problem happens is when I am in a Flashpoint or Heroic and the gear I need goes to someone who chooses need even though their character cant even use it. Otherwise I havent had any problems with the game in general other than when BioWare does too many down times with the servers when a long weekend in the US is going to happen.
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I never asked to be put onto a super server, in fact I was fine with my low pop one. After i was forced onto the super server I have found that there are simply too many players playing in the same area.


Please let me move to a smaller server, or let me move to an instance before it hits 150 people on the planet. I'm okay with not seeing many people, I have group finder now for heroics and fp.



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I never asked to be put onto a super server, in fact I was fine with my low pop one. After i was forced onto the super server I have found that there are simply too many players playing in the same area. I really really hate line waiting....waiting in an area for the items i need to click to respawn - knowing full well there are others behind me and also in front of me. 150 people in the same instance is just to much for me. It really blows when i kill all the mobs leading up to a point the item i need to click and some random person jumps in and takes it.

So as a result i only play in the am before class. around noon it jumps from 64 to about 100ish and thats too much.

But i kinda hate this - watching the clock to see how long I haveto play. If i have a meeting my morning is done and so's my game time. I KNOW the later planets get better, but on the capital worlds its pain stakingly slow to get through them. I hate missing 2/3 of good game time because the crowds are too big.

Please let me move to a smaller server, or let me move to an instance before it hits 150 people on the planet. I'm okay with not seeing many people, I have group finder now for heroics and fp.


black hole instances are limited to 50... if you find you are near that number, click M, and switch to another instance...


i play on prophecy of 5 - #2 populated pvp server

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...a precursor to being forced. It was a polite mechanic to get people to move.


This. Cause idk, lets see, aren't they gonna shut the remaining down that people CHOSE to stay on cause they didn't want to be FORCED to transfer? hmmm...not forced? Sounds like it to me.

Edited by DarkoDon
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man i hate loot / item vultures:mad:


when there is a group of npc and you are engaging them to get to the loot behind them.. then some bastard goes and nab the loot while the npc mob is busy with you :mad: gahh just hate it

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Did my BH dailies for the first time the other day, expecting it to take over an hour with all the crying I've seen on the forums. I was finished in 15 minutes, and only ended up having to actually search for one quest item.


You're doing it wrong. Stop whining.

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No one forced you into it. It was your decision.


Yes, they were. Anybody that stays on their origin server will be moved pretty soon. I would guess by the end of August.


I would have stayed with my wife on our dead server until they forcibly moved us if I could have guaranteed that both of our accounts would have ended up on the same destination server.

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Did my BH dailies for the first time the other day, expecting it to take over an hour with all the crying I've seen on the forums. I was finished in 15 minutes, and only ended up having to actually search for one quest item.


You're doing it wrong. Stop whining.


lol dont tell me you never had that experience? on friday or saturday evening when servers are at their peak.


also. noone i know who are at the peak of end game goes hunting for black holes dailies anymore. some people have left the game, some people are over collecting black hole comms. dats y there are less people in there not like when 1.2 came out IIRC with the black hole area. my servers black hole area rarely gets over 30 people now.


and for crying out loud.. correlia takes ages to load even when there are only 15 people in it in my server.. *** is up with that...

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