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Ops/sco dps specs


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I tried a pure Hybrid for one day and I found myself confused on what my focus should be dps or heals. Heals are fine but i was missing the top skill which is the aoe heal, surgical probe if i recall that and DPS wasnt outstanding so IDK. I would give it another try if you think its viable. I guess it just comes down to heal first , everything is in order DPS them down. My biggest issue would be to be effective I would need the top skill on heals plus laceration, if I can have those 2 Id be golden.


It's versatile, therefore you do what the situation demands. If it's a close fight, heal and CC. If you see a low health enemy and no one's about to die on your team, finish them. If the healer is CC'd, throw your burst at the tank and turn the tide.


In a good game I will have 100-150k damage and 200-250k heals if there were a lot of "DPS this guy" moments, if it was a lot closer of a game or I'm the only healer (happens in ranked sometimes), It's more like 25-50k and anywhere from 300k heals to 700k, depending on gametype and uptime.

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You're talking to a War Hero geared Scoundrel, get over yourself. Gear gap with any class will allow you to kill people. I've hunted a Sniper all game during a Huttball and finished every fight with that Sniper at above 80% as DPS spec. Against EQUAL GEAR, vs someone who understands what my class can do and how to use theirs, there's no way I'm going to win 1v1 as a DPS spec because there's zero survivability. Against a Merc, sure, but vs a class that's not underpowered, not really, though it's Juggernauts and Marauders that give the most trouble. As hybrid, it's far easier.


Snipers are the one thing no soundrel/op should struggle against, given the opening from stealth. Juggs I can understand though, they have certainly given me my fair share of trouble.


I was never implying that I was better geared or skilled. I was simply saying that Ops/Scoundrels with some gear are very viable 1v1

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While I totally agree their sustained damage out of stealth is pretty abysmal they can unload quite a bit in their opening. I still believe them to be my hard counter as a sniper. It is very difficult as a basically stationary class to make up the hp ground after they unload on you.

A sniper does have the tools to try and counter, and can counter if everything is up, but if youre in a busy wz and they jump me, I am respawning

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My assassin is currently deception specced, and, like concealment ops, it's incredibly squishy without my defensive cooldowns up (think sorcerer without a bubble) - its primary function is to take out 1 target at a time, and it does exactly that. Deception assassins are basically a "glorified" concealment operative and are typically frowned upon at level 50. Well, dunno how to break it to you or anyone else, but I always top the charts in damage and killing blows as my "decept-asin", and though I can't heal, I'll usually top the charts in protection (via taunts) unless there's a "true tank" that has been guarding either myself or a healer. Albeit, I do die A LOT in pug matches (which is amusing that I can die more than 2x as much as the rest of my team yet still top the damage/killing blows charts - I'll usually lose in total kills to tanks, DoT-spammers, and healers since I focus one 1 target at a time).


I'm not saying Deception Assassin is IDENTICAL to concealment/scrapper ops/scounds, but they certainly are fundamentally similar in application/playstyle. Only time I will engage before the rest of my team is when I have my combat-stealth and defensives all ready - engaging first without those is a guaranteed early death that will deprive me of enough damage output for the downtime to respawn/return. As far as I can tell, Deception Assassin has a much easier time staying in the fight since the way I play causes me to maintain my force effectively (contrary to popular belief), albeit, I cannot apply DoT's or drop the most powerful AoE ability in the game.


I apologize for stating my opinion on DPS ops/scounds without having one (yet), but my experiences against them and playing with them on the same team are quite extensive. In my experiences, 2x DPS ops/scounds will win 2v2's against any classes/specs if they are coordinated - one player gets sapped, both ops begin stun-locks + burst on the other target -> sapped target uses stun break to attempt to save his dying teammate -> one of the ops combat-stealths and re-saps said target. They finish off the other player (if he isn't already dead) and stun-lock + burst 2nd target. This happens regularly when 2 good ops/scounds are coordinated and happens to be remarkably effective.


In ranked warzones (I don't use my decept-assin for these yet, since he's nowhere near fully geared), our team always has an ops healer (hybrid for heals/dps provided that we have another healer) and we'll frequently use a fully DPS-specced concealment operative. All I can say is that as a carnage marauder, it is very rare for me to get a gore-procced ravage to run full-cycle without the aid of our DPS operative to stun-lock the target. Our DPS operative, whose primary goal is to pressure healers and long-ranged (30m+) DPS enemies usually comes in 2nd in overall DPS to either our rage Jugg ("sir smashes-a-lot") if enemies cluster frequently or one of our Pyro P-techs. Only WZ where DPS operatives tend to perform least significantly is Hutt-Ball - but they're incredibly useful at controlling middle the middle and picking off any healers that straggle behind their ball-carriers.


The Hybrid DPS/Heals operative on our team typically solo-guards nodes (if CW/Novare and even voidstar when enemies typically try to overpower one side) best out of all of us (even better than our tankassin) - it's rare for him to ever request reinforcements when there's only one enemy at his node (he typically wins most 1v1's) and when he DOES request aid, I've never seen him below 80% HP by the time I've arrived to help. In mosh-pit heavy battles, he focuses on healing, CC, AoE, stun-providing and SOME focus-fire burst support with incredible efficiency. Easy to say this person dies the least on our entire team every match due to his adaptability.


TL;DR: Sorry that I don't have an ops/scound (yet) but based on how similar deception assassin (which I do have) plays compared to ops/scounds DPS coupled with my experiences both WITH and AGAINST them, I honestly don't see anything to indicate that they are performing anywhere near as poorly as many people claim; in fact, I typically hold them in high regards - if you ever underestimate them or neglect to acknowledge them as being capable of anything significant even in a ranked WZ, then you're very likely to lose a match to a good team that does have them.

You can't EVER leave just 1 person to defend a node if you know the enemy team has at least one of them - this causes battles to be significantly more difficult in the other locations where the majority of the combat is taking place since your team will almost always be outnumbered.

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Operative/Scoundrel DPS specs are abysmal. Absolutely gimped and they do nothing better than any other class does except die.


Played Scrapper 1-49 all the way through the LWZs. When I hit 50, I went with the Medic Recruit Set and am healing as Sawbones while acquiring BM DPS gear. Feedback I've received from peeps is that Scrappers are more gear dependent than most ACs. So I'm healing on my Scoundrel until he is fully geared for DPS. Then I will switch back.

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I heard the same thing and I am doing the same on my op

My healing is abysmal though mostly because I suck at healing but I do the best I can


I just really want to see the potential of the dps op geared for myself as it is the last archtype for me to finsh up

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The class really isn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be, it's just that some classes perform the role easier or have utility that is generally more useful. The other stealth class for instance can do everything and more than an operative depending on spec, except heal. The heals can be clutch in certain situations, but they are slow and expensive as a dps spec. If you aren't using them at all though, you are terrible. The hybrid specs are great for 1v1 and being versatile, but most people prefer one or the other in a group setting. I do not think the class is bad, I just believe it is overshadowed by other classes.


It is absolutely great as concealment as an assist lockdown on a focus target. The hard part is surviving once out of stealth against any competent team.You can still do well on an operative if you have any remote amount of skill. I can easily do most damage as lethality and as concealment, I am usually in the top 3 (I can top damage with any class though, it really means nothing). The two ahead of me usually being pyros and sometimes a mara, but I usually can keep pace with mara/sent to some degree. A lot of times the pyro's are just so far ahead, like hundreds of thousands more than everyone else, that it's almost impossible to outdo them. I think this has to do with them over performing, not that operatives are terrible.


I do not believe any class is flawless though, with the amount of changes and shifts in gear/etc. Balance and tweaking is a constant with all classes.

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