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What's Holding SWTOR Back and What Steps BioWare Needs to Take...


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I think what WAS holding it back was lack of a group finder and deserted servers. Both those are solved now but its already out there about the game. I mention it in LOTRO and people say "I would try it but I hear its going to close and they are shutting down over 100 servers.". They dont want to invest time and money (more important being time) in something they think will be shut down soon.


What BW needs to do is come out with some new content and not just a couple new OPs. They need new story based content and some mini games etc in my opinion. Something that will make people stand up and notice SWTOR is back. Also we need a plan on how we are going to get content in the future. We have no idea when 1.4 wil even be in testing. They use the excuse "We cannot tell you until it is set in stone!" because people on the forums get upset. They need to give us a state of the game and give us definite dates on when we can see this new content.


Also one last thing they need to stop being so draconian on the forums. I know they say they want to keep the conversation in one place but what they really want is to make it seem trivial. Look only one thread on this problem so it must be minor.

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I think what WAS holding it back was lack of a group finder and deserted servers. Both those are solved now but its already out there about the game. I mention it in LOTRO and people say "I would try it but I hear its going to close and they are shutting down over 100 servers.". They dont want to invest time and money (more important being time) in something they think will be shut down soon.


What BW needs to do is come out with some new content and not just a couple new OPs. They need new story based content and some mini games etc in my opinion. Something that will make people stand up and notice SWTOR is back. Also we need a plan on how we are going to get content in the future. We have no idea when 1.4 wil even be in testing. They use the excuse "We cannot tell you until it is set in stone!" because people on the forums get upset. They need to give us a state of the game and give us definite dates on when we can see this new content.


Also one last thing they need to stop being so draconian on the forums. I know they say they want to keep the conversation in one place but what they really want is to make it seem trivial. Look only one thread on this problem so it must be minor.


but that is what happened for patch 1.2, they said that rated warzones were not going to be in it due to it needing more test time and the forums went made with nerdrage.


I for one, love this game and i think now with patch 1.3 most of the problems have been fixed. For me questing is great fun and i dont see a problem with the same missions over again, after playing WoW for 5 years its kind of what i know of in an MMO, same as War, Aion, Rift, AoC they call do it even the small amount ive played in Lotr had a lot of quests that were the same.


PvP for me is were this game is lacking, as a big fan of the PvP in War and knowing that the same Devs behind that are now working on Swtor, i cant understand why the PvP isnt the same or better, its just not as good, with no much CC and to many knockbacks, its more like WoW PvP than War.


Pve is fun and i love how there is a little story to each flashpoint and OP, the fact that im apart of that story is cool so this brings me on to the story part, I dont think they should move away for it, infact i think they should add more story to it, Im a roleplayer at heart so story for me is very important, if they could do anything id love to see more random things happen during your story, the out come of missions coming back to haunt you, or reward you, be it killing someone and a bounty hunter been sent to kill you for your crime, something like that. This is Star Wars after all and story or the story of Star wars is the main reason alot of us play this game.


I want more mini games, pod racing, deathmatchs for cash, BH been given bounty missions, Smugglers been given smuggling missions, Jedi/Sith killing each other in epic one v one combat on a space station close to a huge window.... but most of all as a artifice crafter i want to be able to craft a purple lightsaber, not have to spend tone of credits on a +41 ext one from a pvp vendor lol.

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Polish is always a good thing but what's holding it back is the mentality that every new game has to re-write the MMORPG textbooks, and there's no fix in sight for that problem. So we'll continue to see " Oh look a new game" followed by "They copied WoW and I'm not starting over again, cya" for quite some time.
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Love how the OP thinks he has the authority to tell the unhappy players that pay the same subs, if not more, than him to be silent... I believe they will be silent when the game, fixes and features promises are kept. And yes, call me what you like, my $'s is as good as yours.

Thank you and good day, sir! :o

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but that is what happened for patch 1.2, they said that rated warzones were not going to be in it due to it needing more test time and the forums went made with nerdrage.


I for one, love this game and i think now with patch 1.3 most of the problems have been fixed. For me questing is great fun and i dont see a problem with the same missions over again, after playing WoW for 5 years its kind of what i know of in an MMO, same as War, Aion, Rift, AoC they call do it even the small amount ive played in Lotr had a lot of quests that were the same.


PvP for me is were this game is lacking, as a big fan of the PvP in War and knowing that the same Devs behind that are now working on Swtor, i cant understand why the PvP isnt the same or better, its just not as good, with no much CC and to many knockbacks, its more like WoW PvP than War.


Pve is fun and i love how there is a little story to each flashpoint and OP, the fact that im apart of that story is cool so this brings me on to the story part, I dont think they should move away for it, infact i think they should add more story to it, Im a roleplayer at heart so story for me is very important, if they could do anything id love to see more random things happen during your story, the out come of missions coming back to haunt you, or reward you, be it killing someone and a bounty hunter been sent to kill you for your crime, something like that. This is Star Wars after all and story or the story of Star wars is the main reason alot of us play this game.


I want more mini games, pod racing, deathmatchs for cash, BH been given bounty missions, Smugglers been given smuggling missions, Jedi/Sith killing each other in epic one v one combat on a space station close to a huge window.... but most of all as a artifice crafter i want to be able to craft a purple lightsaber, not have to spend tone of credits on a +41 ext one from a pvp vendor lol.


Im not really into PVP so I cant comment on that part of the game. That being said PVP is a huge part of any MMO its the "end game" for many. So I would agree that they need to add things to pvp also.

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Does everyone who plays this game have a degree in game design?


I see more self appointed designers in this game than any other...


The bold statement in the topic is enough to make me roll my eyes...You...a player, knows all of what's going on, what's being planned behind the scenes enough to say what steps Bioware needs to take...It's nearly laughable.


Anyways just something that has been annoying me and when I saw your topic I had to say something.


Uh, this argument again. These people are paying customers, and as such, have every right to criticize and express what they think should be put into the game. You don't need a culinary arts degree to know your steak isn't done properly. You don't need to be an Art Major to know that some paintings are crap, and are just abstract because whomever painted it wanted to be an artist but had no real skill.


Also, BW is here to give us a product, so we buy it. If players want these things, then BW does really NEED to provide them. If not they will leave. This is basic economics. Hell, this is high school crap economics. All criticism is relevant. Only people who are ignorant, or don't' want to make money would discount them.

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Introduction Firstly, I'm here to announce that these threads that SWTOR is getting "killed" or that it needs "saving" or how these discouraging announcements is going to make you leave just needs to stop. Seriously. I get that the General Discussion is the hub for QQing but it's not necessary, and it might get BioWare to implement something into the game that won't be good. I just hope BioWare isn't listening to any recommendations made by these QQers.


Secondly, I hope some of you out there do know some of the exact reasons what may be holding SWTOR back, and what steps BioWare needs to take in order to improve the community, community relations, SWTOR, etc. I will go on about this down below.


Missions And Grinding Now it's not that SWTOR is dying; it's not that BioWare is incompetent; it's not that this game needs to be saved. One of the main problems with SWTOR is that all of these missions and content are rinse and repeat. This has definitely discouraged me from playing alts and just leveling via WZs because the missions get so repetitive and boring. We want these side and story quests to have a great(er) influence on our gameplay and that they're so innovative that they won't feel like we're doing boring chores. And eventually, you get to endgame and you'll notice more of the grinding to get better gear. Now let's face it; many of the MMOs out there can be quite a grind but SWTOR is one of the lucky few games to be one of the most successful of its genre (that is not F2P at the moment, too ;)).


SWTOR needs different missions with more quality that don't make it feel so repetitive, and there needs to be more convenient ways to travel throughout planets to missions that don't make you go around and around making it feel like such a chore (Belsavis, honestly, makes it feel like such a chore because of all the missions that make you go around and around the whole area). There needs to be more innovation in these missions instead of kill X amount of characters while destroying Y amount of armaments (while looting Z amount of packages). Not only that, but the content already added into SWTOR needs to expand and to include better incentives. I'd want to feel the excitement of going back to an older planet because BioWare implemented a type of system or missions that make me want to go back. I wouldn't want to go back as much if I had to do a stupid Weekly just to kill a WB—not another rinse and repeat mission, none of that bullcrap.


Electronic Arts Another thing that is holding BioWare and SWTOR back is EA. EA is known for being very greedy and has mentioned in the past that SWTOR won't be in it's Top 5 games. If SWTOR isn't in EA's Top 5, then many resources from the game's developers can get cut. That's not a loss to only BioWare, but us gamers and even EA itself—EA is just too stupid enough to realize that because of their selfish and greedy goals. They even placed the SimCity over SWTOR, can you believe that bs?! I don't know what can be done about this controlling publishing company, but we need something done in order to make SWTOR one of the company's top priorities. I'm saying this about EA because some people shouldn't be placing all of their blame on BioWare, but some on EA, too. We can't forget how distasteful these guys are.


Customer Service & Communication We need you, BioWare, to be more on-the-top of things with SWTOR's maintenance and your communication with the community. We also need Customer Service to be more reliable because we have players everyday who need help with issues and you need to show them you're committed to keeping every subscriber you have. I cannot stress this enough, because if you guys are honest and update us quickly not just on Twitter (be aware I don't and never will use Twitter), but your Facebook page, and your website by using your homepage and adding new features to your website so we can see warnings and urgent announcements, our community will be up-to-date on whatever is going on with SWTOR or what's going to happen before we get surprised and QQ in the General Discussion.


If you guys start taking responsibility and take the initiative to show us you care, are going to be on the top of things, be honest and improve your Customer Service area we will be content. It'll make it easier on not only us, but you guys as well.


This "Fourth Pillar" Now, I'm curious. What do you all think BioWare needs to do with this "fourth pillar"? "Remove it", focus less on it, or add more to it? I really think BioWare needs to balance out these pillars and just focus a bit less on the Story Pillar. It's not that it isn't necessary. Clearly, it kinda is because that is one priority BioWare made to us players before SWTOR was released, but eventually, a story has gotta end somewhere and we'll end up going through the rinse and repeat process with the content that you've left us. We don't want to go through the same FPs and WZs and same content that will diminish the re-playability of this game.


The Pillars' Checks & Balances Please, BioWare, I urge you to make a "checks & balances" system with these pillars and make sure you can pull off making exploration entertaining and surprising. Give players the initiative to want to go and explore more parts of the planets and make tricks to discover special Codexes and Datacrons, etc.


Expand on not only on instanced combat but Open World PvP combat, too. You should give players reasons to want to go and invade Imperial bases and capture objectives that give players many incentives like Planetary and Planetary System buffs. Here's a link I have to a great thread which may be a bit outdated; however, it's still a great read and should still be discussed (watch out because it's a huge discussion thread!!).


Now Progression is another Pillar that we need for both PvP and PvE. Progression will keep players into the game, but please you've got make sure you get this grinding feeling out of your players. As long as players feel like they're going to be grinding more and more, players will play less and less and eventually unsubscribe. I'll be adding more to this down below.


"The Quality and Re-playability Pillars" In order to diminish grinding significantly, you've got to focus on the Quality Pillar. Sure you're going to want to add quantity for content-heavy patches, but we got to balance this out so we don't have players burning through the content. More quality could also mean increasing the difficulty and making players think more throughout missions. The more creative and original you are here, the better the Progression and Story Pillars will be.


Focusing on the Re-playability Pillar will also benefit us players greatly because players won't feel like they won't be playing the same thing over and again. We need to also diminish the feeling of the rinse and repeat process or otherwise, our players will eventually stop supporting SWTOR.


Now I'd call these Pillars the "Pseudo-Pillars" because they aren't the Pillars I feel like BioWare has announced to us, but if BioWare takes the initiative to focus their attention on these Pseudo-Pillars then SWTOR can grow into the game that everyone wants it to be.


Hubs and Social Content Now this is another topic I cannot stress enough. Players have been asking for you to improve the Fleet so players won't look like they're just staring into space; players have been asking for mini-games like Paazak and even a stadium for bets in Huttball; players have been urging you to improve all the social aspects of SWTOR. Seriously, I really think this is something that you guys need to work on and continually inform players on because if you don't, players will just be sitting in the Fleet talking about politics, spamming about Jawas or standing there staring into space (this happens a lot on The Fatman).


We have Cantinas but all I see them good for is to rest your XP. This kind of has an effect on the Exploration Pillar because we want more hubs whether they're easy to walk into in-game or may take time to discover. These rooms, mazes, buildings can be hidden and could eventually be used as hubs for communities, guilds or just players grouping up for anything.


Endgame Incentives Now, I'd like to add that the game needs more incentives to go back to older planets. I feel like once you reach endgame, nothing you went through while leveling really matters anymore. This, I believe, really needs to change. We need expansions to this content that's been available to us since the start or otherwise, it'll make SWTOR look and feel very small once your at endgame. Please do make sure these expansions on older content is qualitative too, because I don't want to feel the repetitiveness whenever I do missions for an alt. Maybe this thread can explain more.


Conclusion I believe I mentioned everything I wanted to into what isn't killing SWTOR, but what's holding it back and what BioWare needs to do in order to make the game improve and progress in playability, in social and regular content and in business by receiving more subscribers. We just have to hope EA doesn't hold them back from making SWTOR the better MMO it can be.


I'll still be continuing to subscribe, however, and for many reasons, too.



I very much agree with the OP here I ask myself why the hell did they put in Cantinas if no 1 is going and not being a REAL community like SWG had cantinas in it's earlier days u could have a hundred at a time around there and the Cantinas are miniscule in size in comparison the ones we have in TOR. We need a lot more socializeing, and this game lacks that very much.


I wonder if EA meant this won't be in the top 5 games in development or games that are already out. But the CEO did play this game and loved it a few years back, don't know about it now, but this game should have priority over other games, and i mean over their sports games to. They can have a different department do that like they always do, but SWTOR has to be at top priority in EAs budget and planning department.


I must say I have grinded 5 Jedi back in SWG and some were Pre-CU, but now i'm sick and tired of doing the rinse and repeat missions that I don't really bother to play anymore because of stupid grinding. Sure every MMO has to have that, but their has to be a better way to advance on getting XP to lvl then just doing the same crap over and over again with my alts, and hate doing the same crap grinding in this game or any other. I lose interest very fast.


To say it truthfully the 2 doctors were very stupid to sell their company that has to grasp or comprehension of what's needed for an MMO. EA is only really a video giant in only Sports games and maybe Sims games which was a good fad once but not now. I also hate it where BW got rid of most of it's old TOR team and changeing it. Not good I would think, with only a cpl of areas where they wouldn't need to keep some staffers since the game has launhed. But it's pretty scarey.


They also need to expand on their planets that are small and make them bigger without those damm invisible walls and they need new content even though compared to any other MMO includeing WoW, Bioware has put a lot more content out faster then WoW or any other MMO i've seen, and i've see and kept up with news from them and Bioware gets more content to us than any other company does/ would for free to.

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Does everyone who plays this game have a degree in game design?


I see more self appointed designers in this game than any other...


The bold statement in the topic is enough to make me roll my eyes...You...a player, knows all of what's going on, what's being planned behind the scenes enough to say what steps Bioware needs to take...It's nearly laughable.


Anyways just something that has been annoying me and when I saw your topic I had to say something.


When non-game designers can have as much insight as they do, what do you think actual game designers think when they're treated like flunkies by customer service and other QQ'ers?


A person's degree matters little. I'll admit, the OP went a bit over the top attempting to explain to BW about "Pillars" and "Pseudo-Pillars", but some of his (almost TL;DR) post had good points. His pedigree shouldn't matter in the least. If he has something to say, let him say it.

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they need to implement even more innovative ways of playing the content.


That's it. That's all you ever need. More innovative ways to play the content. Forget these long-winded posts about what's wrong with missions, story, crafting, or customer service.


Give us the chance to play our Bounty Hunters with our Imperial Agent alts acting as a "companion" in some quest and people are gonna wow at the idea and be happy. Or let us build some super fortress on Hoth or Tatooine that is constructed as a community effort and it all makes the game seem less linear.

Edited by Bryyn
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They are not going to make a different game, no matter how many text walls are posted in General.


BioWare made the game they know how to make. Your job is to play it and enjoy it. If you can't do your job, that's not their fault. ;)

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IMO there are only three things holding this game back.


Crappy programmers. I dont know why but BW is cursed with horrible programmers. It takes them FOREVER to do anything and when its done, its a buggy mess. This is most apparent in SWTOR but even there older games show signs of this.


Narrow minded half assed designers. Everyone is a pet class, space rails, closed off secluded zones, secluded/remote FP locations, over expensive modding, social gear types ... /sigh .... list goes on, and yeah much has been fixed already, thanks in part to us players, but my god why was half this stuff designded like this in the first place.


Lastly, EA. Dont really need to explain. We hate them, we want them gone and their greedy little hands off our beloved games made by companies that they bought out. *cough* Antitrust! *cough*

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Love how the OP thinks he has the authority to tell the unhappy players that pay the same subs, if not more, than him to be silent... I believe they will be silent when the game, fixes and features promises are kept. And yes, call me what you like, my $'s is as good as yours.

Thank you and good day, sir! :o

I really don't know what you meant, and I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. :o


They are not going to make a different game, no matter how many text walls are posted in General.


BioWare made the game they know how to make. Your job is to play it and enjoy it. If you can't do your job, that's not their fault. ;)

This isn't a text wall. I organized my thoughts in a way a textbook would organize its information.


At first, honestly, I was still a fanboy and enjoyed this game extremely! After time passed there was things I started to think about that I started to grasp. So I still think this game doesn't need "saving" or isn't "dying", but if BioWare doesn't change the direction of how they're doing things, all I can say is that the future doesn't look quite bright for the game and for the company.


Also, notice how I never noticed in my post how I wanted them to make a different game. :p

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I really think BioWare needs to balance out these pillars and just focus a bit less on the Story Pillar.


I have to disagree with this. I would like BW to pump out more class story and main planetary stories rather than providing "incentives" for open world PvP, etc. Story and Star Wars are what brought me to this game. I play on a PvE server and have zero interest in open world PvP. If people enjoyed open world PvP so much, they'd be doing it without incentives.


Most of the other things you mentioned are neither here nor there to me.

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BioWare made the game they know how to make.


At the end of the day, this is the biggest thing holding back SWToR.


They traced roughly around WoW's edges and then called it their own original vision. Even as passive aggressive and compliant as the gaming community is, we aren't that stupid.

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At first, honestly, I was still a fanboy and enjoyed this game extremely! After time passed there was things I started to think about that I started to grasp. So I still think this game doesn't need "saving" or isn't "dying", but if BioWare doesn't change the direction of how they're doing things, all I can say is that the future doesn't look quite bright for the game and for the company.

Your concern for BioWare's future is laudable, but their fate was sealed when they were acquired. The game itself cannot be "saved" - it has too rigid a structure to be anything else but what it is. But it also cannot die. Three years from now there will still be updates featuring a new cloak and a new droid or whatever, and posts asking "does anyone still play TOR?" and best of all, there will be some young new production devs that we all like a lot.

Also, notice how I never noticed in my post how I wanted them to make a different game. :p

You may not have noticed it, but I did :D

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What holding this game back is mainly the subscription model of payment


It doesn't work and here's why


Right now the average player is paying $15 a month for new content


As of right now that content has been delivered every four months... So as of right now we are paying $60 for each update


Your either on one side of the fence, if your playing and loving it you think that this is a good deal


If you've left or on the fence and thinking about leaving you can agree the content isn't there and there's no real reason to continue to have a subscription


The reason the subscription method fails, is there's no way to bring back that lost player for a long period of time, because


A) That player really casual and jumping on a game for maybe the weekend and paying $15 for that weekend doesn't appeal to him

B) Player found something new (game or mmo) to occupy his or her time

C)The game mechanics as a whole are nothing new and really if you played any MMO to date, this mechanic of game play for this game is dated

-It's important to note that the market place is changing as we speak, Subscription methods are a system of the wow era. Wow can continue to use this system because it in essence has three expansions and one upcoming, the amount of content in the game is endless so a player paying $15 is either invested for life or is new and has years of things to explore. Any game that comes out now will fail with this method of payment in place, the secret world is included in that category


So how do you bring a player back?


The easy answer is go Free to Play and have a micro trans-action system in place to cover the subscription fees.

For this system to work, the developer must continue to produce content as its been introduced as is, however the player now has an option to pay for things with real money OR in game credits.


This option is better because instead of having 500k players you can bring in the more casual crowd and bring that number up to +2 million


Right now DOTA 2 and Team fortress are free to play and both are very fun to play and both get content updated to them regularly.


Having a no subscription model, is better because it does not force the player into paying anything up front and continue to play this game causally, and lets face it the content in the game is suited and built for a more casual crowd.


It also makes the developer more accountable to what they put out, if the content is sub par the player will choose not to purchase it



It's important to note $60 right now can get you two to three games during a steam sale

Edited by Ensquire
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1. Streamline travel. One load screen between planets, etc.

2. Post 50 content that matters... dailies are boring. More storyline quests.

3. Optimize the engine.

4. Real space combat. The current space rail game is pathetic.

5. Make crafting worthwhile. Commendations make most crafting pointless.

6. Create a real cash item shop that sells mounts, pets, vanity items, plastic surgery, xp potions and the like. (no P2W items). Even if they don't go F2P, they should have this.

Edited by --Grim--
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one thing I don't like about quests is that they take themselves too seriously, there's too much "IF YOU FAIL THIS WE'RE ALL SCREWED!" and too little "yup, we're just doing this because we're bored and we can"
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Introduction Firstly, I'm here to announce that these threads that SWTOR is getting "killed" or that it needs "saving" or how these discouraging announcements is going to make you leave just needs to stop. Seriously. I get that the General Discussion is the hub for QQing but it's not necessary, and it might get BioWare to implement something into the game that won't be good. I just hope BioWare isn't listening to any recommendations made by these QQers.


Secondly, I hope some of you out there do know some of the exact reasons what may be holding SWTOR back, and what steps BioWare needs to take in order to improve the community, community relations, SWTOR, etc. I will go on about this down below.



Thats why forums are for. We came here open a thread with some more or less relevant thing to say. It has been debate, post, repost the only thing that counts the game lost even before its launch cos of the state it was. They tryed to grab the old SWG players, some KOTOR fans some bored WoW players, and in all this mesh-up it turn the way it did and every one came here with different expectations. When their expectation were ruined, smashed you name it started with losing subs.


Game even got hyped, we know thats marked strategy and all that hype back fired and now it hurts the game. I still refuse to believe that this game worth 300mil USD thats just hype, loads of it.


Look around the forums, every one is pulling this game in all possible directions. The game was just to straight forward with no vision. Dont get me wrong BW are good at their games but here it was like 'blind leading the blind' thingy.


So in the end is just too much

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They are not going to make a different game, no matter how many text walls are posted in General.


BioWare made the game they know how to make. Your job is to play it and enjoy it. If you can't do your job, that's not their fault. ;)


If my job is play and enjoy, so i should be paid to play it.

As long as i pay it's not my job, it's my goods.

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I've only owned the game for a week now so, I can't speak on most of the comments. What I can tell you is this.


I haven't played PC games in over a decade. When I was younger I played them frequently but as I grew older I just played console games. THEN IT HAPPENED!!! Diablo 3 was released and I was excited but their was 2 problems.


1. computer needed new Grapics Card (original was old, integrated and sucked)

2. Not enough buttons on standard mouse (been using same mouse for like 6 years)


So, I spend the money for a new grapics card, power supply, installation and a Naga Hex (coolest mouse EVER). This was a expensive but not CRAZY EXPENSIVE. So, I'm all set-up for D3 and start playing. After 1 1/2 months I couldn't even look at the game any more I was so pissed-off. I'm not getting into a dicussion about D3, all I'm gonna say is that Blizzard should be ASHAMED OF THEMSELVES. So, here I am with a newly upgraded computer and a ****Y Blizzard game.


My friend came over one day and he could tell I was in a BAD MOOD. He asked what the problem was and I explained what happened. He told me to try WOW but, I wasn't about to give Blizzard another chance so soon ( I was just plain angry with them). Then my friend reccomend SWTOR (he spoke in abbreviated form) and I say what the hell is SWTOR??? my friend explains, It's Star Wars The Old Republic it's an MMO that came out 6 or 7 months ago and it totally worth trying they even have a free trial up to lvl 15 . Well it's free to demo and I enjoyed Mass Effect so why not, let give it a try. I got to level 10 and was pretty much sold. I purchase the game right off the forum website. I'm level 17 Sith Lord and I am having a great time. I have constructive criticism (don't we all:rolleyes:) but for the most part I'm really enjoying the game. THANKS BIOWARE:D



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Your concern for BioWare's future is laudable, but their fate was sealed when they were acquired. The game itself cannot be "saved" - it has too rigid a structure to be anything else but what it is. But it also cannot die. Three years from now there will still be updates featuring a new cloak and a new droid or whatever, and posts asking "does anyone still play TOR?" and best of all, there will be some young new production devs that we all like a lot.


You may not have noticed it, but I did :D

I never really said it needs saving or it was dying, and I can't believe you noticed something I never said. :rolleyes:


Also, this.

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Banana nut bread. We need banana nut bread. Also, and I know this is just QQing but I'll say it anyway. Some people don't have much time to play the game, so they have to plan for it. When a down time says it's going to be two hours, it should be two hours. It shouldn't be two hours, then four hours, then 5 hours, then "Hrm... we just dunno!" I understand it's not as though it was planned, but I think they should be better planned, and have all the kinks out BEFORE they bring them down. Just my personal opinion.


And banana nut bread.

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I never really said it needs saving or it was dying, and I can't believe you noticed something I never said. :rolleyes:


no, you said this:

So I still think this game doesn't need "saving" or isn't "dying", but if BioWare doesn't change the direction of how they're doing things, all I can say is that the future doesn't look quite bright for the game and for the company.

and I am not necessarily disagreeing with you, but sort of commenting on the same point, when I mention that whether it needs it or not, the game can't be "saved," and that even if it tanks like some ordinary doomed game, this particular title cannot die. And also, along that same point, that BioWare will never change how they do things, and their future is entirely out of their hands.

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