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Where's the money at now?


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I don't understand certain sellers sometimes. There is no way to profitably sell those at only 5,000. And the only way to get them is to run missions that cost at least 1,700. I mean why bother at that point? These are the same people I bet that sell crafted items for less than the cost of the materials to make the item. I mean if you're going to do that, just sell the mats for gods sake!


You have no idea!

Denebrillan Star Silk was going for 800c a piece!

and there were lots of them on the GTN

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This might seem a bit dumb :p but im not sure how you realize if something is at high demand... can someone help me?

The best way to play the GTN is to spend a lot of time at it, looking at listings.


Pick some things you know how to make, and check to see if they're on the gtn, and for how much. Note who was selling them. Check back later and see if they're still listed there. The more data you get, the more you can determine:


x sells quickly priced at $

x sells slowly priced at $$


x doesn't really sell at all sits on the GTN for days


Stuff like that.

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This might seem a bit dumb :p but im not sure how you realize if something is at high demand... can someone help me?


There's only really 2 ways. Look on the gtn and note items and prices for a few days and gather lots of information. Or you can start putting stuff up for auction. If it sells quickly, it's in high demand.


Just keep in mind that when you're looking at prices, you're generally looking at the cheapest prices for a given item. If they priced it too low, those items will move FAST. But if even the cheapest price for an item doesn't sell, then the sellers are either pricing too high or there's no market for that item. So keeping that in mind, if you're putting something up for auction and it sells really fast, then look to see if maybe you priced it too low. If there's a ton of other people that priced at a similiar price to yours, but you happened to undercut them just slightly, then you know about what your item will go for and it's high demand. If you looked, and just one other person had items priced at where you sold, then maybe that person is selling for too low (and you just happened to follow their lead). In this case, see if it makes sense to buy up there stock and put everything back up for auction at a higher price. Sometimes this works and sometimes that goof ball that is underselling (usually a farmer) will keep putting stuff up at reduced prices. If that's the case move on.


If you're selling crafted items. Be sure to check on the gtn for the price of all the material that went into making the item. If the materials are selling (count up everything in total) for more than what you can get for the crafted item, don't sell the crafted item. Just sell your mats. You just saved a ton of time not crafting up a bunch of stuff that's going to net you less.


One last thing, you have to keep checking the market. Sometimes what's in demand one week is out the next week and vice versa (especially true after certain patches). So be sure to change with the market and don't expect that what sold last week is selling this week.

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One last thing, you have to keep checking the market. Sometimes what's in demand one week is out the next week and vice versa (especially true after certain patches). So be sure to change with the market and don't expect that what sold last week is selling this week.


100x THIS!!!!!


But never give up on an item. Say, when you look up the potential profit for a given item it is profitable but the next day it is not, just hold onto that item until it's profitable again; do not sell it at a loss just to get something back.


the key is PATIENCE, and too many MMO players do not have it.


Thanks a lot ! Today I made a tiny amount of credits but for noob like me, at making money, its a step.


You have the right mentality keep it up :)


Too many players are looking for the big score. Quantity over quality every time. If you can sell 20 items at 1k profit EVERY day, that is far less stressful than trying to sell that one item at 140k profit each week.

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Synthweaving is the best money maker. They get something new to craft every patch, and everything they craft is made using normal crafting mats from crew missions. The other professions take "almost" impossible mats to find to make anything worthwhile, and in the end, it isn't worth the time invested. Synthweaving makes augments, and augment slots...each sell for about 150k and 55k respectively. All made with normal crew missions. No need to run two hundred space missions for level 8 exotic crafting materials.
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Synthweaving is the best money maker. They get something new to craft every patch, and everything they craft is made using normal crafting mats from crew missions. The other professions take "almost" impossible mats to find to make anything worthwhile, and in the end, it isn't worth the time invested. Synthweaving makes augments, and augment slots...each sell for about 150k and 55k respectively. All made with normal crew missions. No need to run two hundred space missions for level 8 exotic crafting materials.


While I agree with what you are saying, the way you are saying it is a little misleading. For synthweaving you need Archeology, UT, and slicing (for augments) to provide all the materials you need. You obviously cannot have all three on one character. Yes all materials are "easy to acquire" through crew missions, but you need three "gathering" crew skills to get EVERYTHING you need and therefore at least two characters.

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This might seem a bit dumb :p but im not sure how you realize if something is at high demand... can someone help me?

Some tips (from a "heavy" server):

  • To get a feel for things start by crafting groups of various items, sell them for the same average price others are (research). The item sold emails coming back will come in the order of fastest sells. If you start getting emails before you posted all gear, that's a high demand item (make more, increase the price). If it takes a day, it's still good to sell. 2 days to sell you may have overpriced it. If it doesn't sell, don't craft it again (re-list the remaining at a low price or just RE them for materials).
  • Except in rare circumstances green items aren't worth selling IMO. I may give them 1 round on the market but most times I just RE them for the materials, the augment parts, and the schematics. Make your money in the blue and purple since they rarely drop in the field.
  • When an item sells, if not too much time has past you can read the email with the money in it. It will tell you what item sold since you likely can't remember from the price.
  • If people are listing it for less than the market's suggested value (especially with green gear). It's probably not in high demand, RE it for the materials and craft something else.
  • Just because other sellers are selling for high prices doesn't necessarily mean it's high demand. You'll find out when 2 days later it hasn't sold. Drop the price and try again.
  • If nobody else is selling the same part, at that level, at that quality, technically it's high demand because you're the only source. But it may just be a dead market and nobody wants those so be careful.
  • Demand may vary depending on the level. Right now on my server Blue lv.30 mods are the same price as Purple lv. 49 mods. (lv 49 always seems to be a soft market)
  • Price for your level and the level immediately above and below (why would a customer pay 20k now when the armor a level above is only going for 4k?).
  • Especially with blue and purple items try to keep a rough idea of what the materials vs selling cost is. Items requiring 4 purple or blue items may not have the profit margin of items that only require 2. They cost twice as much materials but only sell for 1.5 times more.
  • Starting out, price your items so they will show up on the first page of same items in that level to sell faster (unless it's obvious the items on the first page are severely undervalued).
  • Once you have a feel for a corner of the market don't be afraid to buy and resell severely undervalued items. It feels a little bad to be gaming the market like that but really all your're doing it moving a great deal from some buyer's pocket into your pocket. Plus it makes your higher valued items look more reasonable.

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Synthweaving is the best money maker. They get something new to craft every patch, and everything they craft is made using normal crafting mats from crew missions. The other professions take "almost" impossible mats to find to make anything worthwhile, and in the end, it isn't worth the time invested. Synthweaving makes augments, and augment slots...each sell for about 150k and 55k respectively. All made with normal crew missions. No need to run two hundred space missions for level 8 exotic crafting materials.


Agree on the augment slots. What I want to know is why it's the only skill that you have to have 3 different gathering skills to support it. You need Archaeology and Scavenging and Underworld trading. It's ridiculous.

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the market on The Shadowlands is officially broke

there's nothing I can craft that's worth more than the price of the materials


The only reliable way to get credits is doing dailies

Farming materials is not an option, there so few nodes on Ilum that it isn't worth the time, maybe only if you already completed all the dailies for the day, which I cannot because I don't have much time to play


I spent more than 40k on Grade 6 Diplomacy missions while I crit'ed only once, and just pair, worth 7k each

MK-6 Components sell for less than 4,5k while you need at least 5k for the missions to get the materials to craft (1,7k each mission)

MK-6 Kits are being sold for 30k...., 10 components to make one are 45k (4,5k x 10)

I'm not even trying to make the augments 22, a set of 4 neural augmentators is worth twice the price of an augment


The only thing that I found that gives a steady income are Rubat Crystals, selling a stack of 10 for 5k, but that really depends on the stability of the day

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Thanks a lot ! Today I made a tiny amount of credits but for noob like me, at making money, its a step.


Good to hear. Keep at it.


Small steps will grow into long strides.


The only thing to know is that there are many ways to make piles of credits on the GTN and no magic is involved. Enjoy the trip as you learn and grow.

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Synthweaving is the best money maker. They get something new to craft every patch, and everything they craft is made using normal crafting mats from crew missions. The other professions take "almost" impossible mats to find to make anything worthwhile, and in the end, it isn't worth the time invested. Synthweaving makes augments, and augment slots...each sell for about 150k and 55k respectively. All made with normal crew missions. No need to run two hundred space missions for level 8 exotic crafting materials.


It is funny how different people have different experiences.


Synth is the least of all money makers for me. I don't even try. It is an essential support skill while leveling alts and I find it invaluable, but not as a source of income. I love the ability to kick out purple augs at about any level and the ability to make kits as well and to keep my guys well armored.


When I list a kit at a few hundred credits below the lowest listing, I find that I can check back in an hour and find twenty or more kits priced below mine. I then eventually get the kits back when my listing expires. I now have a ton of kits at every level sitting in my cargo hold and only make more when I end up with mats from the REing rng exercise. I have found little money to be made in crafted gear and so many many listings that I don't bother to go there. There is probably money to be made in augs, but when I looked at the mats involved (which I can directly sell) and the time and cost involved to get them I was not convinced that after the initial rush there was enough profit there to bother with them. Perhaps it would be worthwhile to revisit augs and check out the pricing and availability. I have a sh@t load of purple slicing tech parts at all levels sitting in my cargo bay and gathering dust.

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It is funny how different people have different experiences.


Synth is the least of all money makers for me. I don't even try. It is an essential support skill while leveling alts and I find it invaluable, but not as a source of income. I love the ability to kick out purple augs at about any level and the ability to make kits as well and to keep my guys well armored.


When I list a kit at a few hundred credits below the lowest listing, I find that I can check back in an hour and find twenty or more kits priced below mine. I then eventually get the kits back when my listing expires. I now have a ton of kits at every level sitting in my cargo hold and only make more when I end up with mats from the REing rng exercise. I have found little money to be made in crafted gear and so many many listings that I don't bother to go there. There is probably money to be made in augs, but when I looked at the mats involved (which I can directly sell) and the time and cost involved to get them I was not convinced that after the initial rush there was enough profit there to bother with them. Perhaps it would be worthwhile to revisit augs and check out the pricing and availability. I have a sh@t load of purple slicing tech parts at all levels sitting in my cargo bay and gathering dust.


I can't speak for your server but on mine I started making blue and purple main stat (str, will, cunning, aim) and power augments for all levels that I had (which was a lot). I'm selling those for 30% above mat cost as listed on the GTN. Between all my toons I'll put up between 100-150 at a time, 2 times a week and only get back 10-15 after two days. Those usually sell after a relisting. Also started doing blue & purple barrels & hilts and the small sampling that I've listed so far have sold well.

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With Aug kits being so overpriced and over manufactured at the start I think the market is bottoming before correcting itself. Mk-1 to 3 is pretty low now. I still make money on 4-6,especially since the augment components are just a byproduct of my normal RE cycle.


but I think the last few weeks where they were a cash cow is over.

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Why would anyone buy a stack off 99 for 80K when they cost 400 each at the crafting vendor? Is it even possible to put them on GTN?


Sucker born every minute. If someone can get 800c for a 400c items, more power to them.


And yes you can put them up. I think it's listed under misc.

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I can't speak for your server but on mine I started making blue and purple main stat (str, will, cunning, aim) and power augments for all levels that I had (which was a lot). I'm selling those for 30% above mat cost as listed on the GTN. Between all my toons I'll put up between 100-150 at a time, 2 times a week and only get back 10-15 after two days. Those usually sell after a relisting. Also started doing blue & purple barrels & hilts and the small sampling that I've listed so far have sold well.




I did look at the purple level 22s and saw a number of listings at 60K and pages and pages in the 70s, so no money there since each needs four augmentors plus other mats to craft. It was a poor effort on my part since it was such a limited look. Perhaps there are specific augs that sell high at that level or the blues sell well at a decent profit margin. I did not look at the lower level augs and perhaps there is a lot of oppertunity there - your post indicates that there is.


For all of the flaws in crafting in swtor (and there are so many) one has to appreciate the sheer extent of the system. There are so many different things to craft and mats to gather and schematics to obtain that it is hard to scratch the surface without spending a long long time. My wife and I have played willpower and strength characters to date. But we have recently started a pair that uses aim and cunning. So back to the drawng board. She is REing and building a library of purple gear recipies and I am working on modifications (mod, armoring, enhancement, and Aim barrels) and bringing blaster pistols to purple. I am also working on the lower level reflex and skill augs although they are last on my list since getting our gear in place comes before augmenting it. I have seen that all of my left over blue modifications sell well at a decent (not killer) profit although the going on the GTN is not fast - they do not sell like hot cakes. After work, I will probably start on the augs and take a look at the lower level listings to see if it is worthwhile (for me) to make extra's for sale.


As I said, crafting and gathering is extensive. There are many ways to make money on the GTN, so I am glad that augs work for you and that may be a direction that others can explore.

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so is there any way to make money with biochem at the moment?


At least on my server, implants of various levels have always sold reasonably well. Not get rich in a weekend well, but a decent profit unless the cost of mats has gone WAY up since I last checked. (I don't actually buy any mats from the GTN, as I consider them all rediculously overpriced, I get all mine via missions, so I'll admit it's possible I could be out of touch with the current mat prices)

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