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Wow is Sith Warrior Jug gimped


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I played every class in beta except i saved Sith Warrior Jug for release. Only level 24 and I went Immortal up to level 23. Played lots of warzones felt useless. Did no damage might of lived alittle longer than non healing classes but does it matter since I did no damage.


Switched rage and thought I would do normal dps. But thats not the case. I do about half the damage of every class. I picked a Jug because it was the least played class In my opinon and I thought it looked the best. Force choke, throw had me sold. The end game armor looked very awesome.


Im sure it will get better. But Im not having any fun in warzones being super gimped. Puting out half the dps as someone that can shoot me a mile away, or keep me stun locked and almost dead when I come out of it is not good times.


Not only does every class do a ton more damage but they have a ton of CC, and the classes that can heal at all I can't touch. Healers are better tanks in warfronts than me when I was speced Immortal.


Just my opinon and two cents. Im sure this time next year everyone will be like Sith Warrior Jugs are so OP please nerf. Im fine with playing a weaker class if its less played. But Jugs have nothing going for them in my opinon.

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I played every class in beta except i saved Sith Warrior Jug for release. Only level 24 and I went Immortal up to level 23. Played lots of warzones felt useless. Did no damage might of lived alittle longer than non healing classes but does it matter since I did no damage.


Switched rage and thought I would do normal dps. But thats not the case. I do about half the damage of every class. I picked a Jug because it was the least played class In my opinon and I thought it looked the best. Force choke, throw had me sold. The end game armor looked very awesome.


Im sure it will get better. But Im not having any fun in warzones being super gimped. Puting out half the dps as someone that can shoot me a mile away, or keep me stun locked and almost dead when I come out of it is not good times.


Not only does every class do a ton more damage but they have a ton of CC, and the classes that can heal at all I can't touch. Healers are better tanks in warfronts than me when I was speced Immortal.


Just my opinon and two cents. Im sure this time next year everyone will be like Sith Warrior Jugs are so OP please nerf. Im fine with playing a weaker class if its less played. But Jugs have nothing going for them in my opinon.



Uh i think you are doing something wrong. Nothing can touch me 1v1 in battlegrounds as a sith jug


First off


Your mobility is amazing. Force Leap + A spammable AREA of AFFECT no COOLDOWN no COST 50% snare... NOBODY runs from you.


Force pushing hutball carriers , force choking to stop them /interupt casting.


And as for damage... go the middle talent tree and get shien form... FREE Force Smash (AOE DmG) .. a Force Shout with a BLEED...


You must be spaming your auto attack or something.


Now on top of ALL these things you can go Immortal and be a BEASt... using Taunt and Guard to protect ANYONE...though your dmg done will be cruddy you can hold a point in alderan FOREVER...or get a hutball carrier anywhere.

Edited by Tierdal
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I really had the exact same experience as you at that level. As my sorc newly 12 from Korriban I ripped much more faces then my juggernaut. Also didnt feel like any upstart in survive.


However at 25 when I got force choke it became more enjoyable and also at 36 when I got saberthrow it really starting to fit in my own piece. Remeber though that even if you dont cap dmg or kills a juggernaut is great with Taunt and Threatening scream (even dps jugs should do those) for absorb.

But if you dont play with a friend dont use guard, random people dont appreciate it, maybe if there's a good healer or something.


Anyways I am having sooooo much fun right now, especially with charge on huttball etc. Also Combat Lead Designer said Juggernauts/Guardians are the next in queve to receive... hmm... a look? Or something like that.

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Think of it this way.. Juggernauts are MASTERS of control. Here is what you bring to the table.


-Unrivaled Mitigation (damage sponge)

-Stuns Galore (Force scream, Force Charge, Backhand, Force Choke, Force Force Push)

-Free area Snare

-Area -30% damage to everyone who is not attacking you, and single target same spell in taunts

-Area Stun in Intimidating Roar

-Invincible for Damage soaking


The list goes on and on. Its true, the damage isn't the best compared to other classes but thats not your primary job, you control the battle field.

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I should also point out, it may feel that way early on, but I think people get the wrong impression. Early on we dont have many tools to work with, as you level up more and more, you get those tools. Keep at it.


I've been voted MVP in warzones about 75% of the time, because of the damage soaking and in hutball I often force charge into the goalline by people standing near.. I also like to force push people into acid and intimidating roar people while their chasing me over the flame plates!

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I played a Jugg on beta with points invested in Vengeance and I absolutely smashed people in PvP. Juggs are getting some very nice defensive tools later on.


More so than Marauder. Then again, Marauders (if annihilation) require so much focus on keeping dots going. Juggs are straight forward no-nonsense smashers.

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you expect a tank to out damage a pure damage class??



as others have mentioned, they have a lot more to offer then just dropping players left right and center.


You know Vengeance is on par with the Marauder's Annihilation right? The gap damage wise is ~5/10%

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I played every class in beta except i saved Sith Warrior Jug for release. Only level 24 and I went Immortal up to level 23. Played lots of warzones felt useless. Did no damage might of lived alittle longer than non healing classes but does it matter since I did no damage.


Switched rage and thought I would do normal dps. But thats not the case. I do about half the damage of every class. I picked a Jug because it was the least played class In my opinon and I thought it looked the best. Force choke, throw had me sold. The end game armor looked very awesome.


Im sure it will get better. But Im not having any fun in warzones being super gimped. Puting out half the dps as someone that can shoot me a mile away, or keep me stun locked and almost dead when I come out of it is not good times.


Not only does every class do a ton more damage but they have a ton of CC, and the classes that can heal at all I can't touch. Healers are better tanks in warfronts than me when I was speced Immortal.


Just my opinon and two cents. Im sure this time next year everyone will be like Sith Warrior Jugs are so OP please nerf. Im fine with playing a weaker class if its less played. But Jugs have nothing going for them in my opinon.


Immortal is the tanking spec, it's not supposed to do damage.


Go vengeance, I've been using it and it's not cake but you hit certain speedboosts like shien form, rage-free smash, impale, etc. that help dps a lot

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I played every class in beta except i saved Sith Warrior Jug for release. Only level 24 and I went Immortal up to level 23. Played lots of warzones felt useless. Did no damage might of lived alittle longer than non healing classes but does it matter since I did no damage.


Wow, your opinion must mean a lot then. I'll go reroll now, thanks for letting me know!

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warriors and knights aren't gimp, they take skill.

no facerollers here bro


Thats what people tell themselves to make it seem like they are pro.




A healer has more defense than you, and does more damage. Being a SW is pointless, even a assassin can tank better than a jug.




The sooner you reroll the sooner you will play a real class.

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Think of it this way.. Juggernauts are MASTERS of control. Here is what you bring to the table.


-Unrivaled Mitigation (damage sponge)

-Stuns Galore (Force scream, Force Charge, Backhand, Force Choke, Force Force Push)

-Free area Snare

-Area -30% damage to everyone who is not attacking you, and single target same spell in taunts

-Area Stun in Intimidating Roar

-Invincible for Damage soaking


The list goes on and on. Its true, the damage isn't the best compared to other classes but thats not your primary job, you control the battle field.


What you say here is only true if you go down the Immortal tree. There is more to the class than that tree. Speccing either of the other trees you lose the CC, the free snare, invincible. Other classes have our intimidating roar except they can do it at range and it lasts 8 seconds instead of 6. Try actually thinking about specs other than immortal.

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Thats what people tell themselves to make it seem like they are pro.




A healer has more defense than you, and does more damage. Being a SW is pointless, even a assassin can tank better than a jug.




The sooner you reroll the sooner you will play a real class.


Disagree. Methinks you just suck.

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Vengence smashes face, I do believe the other trees need a little buff but I hope the devs do that come next major patch.


I was thinking the same thing when I was 20+ levels above those in warzones. I then began to run into near equal levels. When a crit impale does 1000-1500 crit scream doing about 1000 it looks nice till you see other classes dropping 3k on you from range and those same classes having more tools to keep you away than for you to get near them.

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I was thinking the same thing when I was 20+ levels above those in warzones. I then began to run into near equal levels. When a crit impale does 1000-1500 crit scream doing about 1000 it looks nice till you see other classes dropping 3k on you from range and those same classes having more tools to keep you away than for you to get near them.


That is just the nature of a range dps, but if there is anyting to look forward to later is the impale/force scream combo, wreaks so hard.

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That is just the nature of a range dps, but if there is anyting to look forward to later is the impale/force scream combo, wreaks so hard.


The nature usually has that ranged dps be squishier than I when I get to them. that is not the case.

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watch my stream when i fire it up later, you will see


let me guess, you get a pocket healer and roll over lower levels. Grats I can do that too, so can any class. Typically if a class is so difficult to play in order to even reach what other classes reach easily, it is gimp. Or you are tank spec which is the least gimped of the specs for jugg.

Edited by Noth
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Low level immortal seems to be bad in pvp. At ~19 I switched to dps and feel a lot more useful. I'll try immortal again at later levels, maybe.


Wanted to say I'm enjoying my juggy (23 now) in both pvp and pve. I do ok 1v1 in pvp (win most).. grass is always greener, play what you want.

Edited by ururururu
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Juggernauts are amazing. I'm rolling a Rage Jugg and I'm usually in the top 2 on pvp. No im not trying to brag, but we have so much mobility that its ridiculous. You just need to play the class right. Stuns galore. Edited by rave_nick
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