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Droid playable class?


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I'm just wondering, why isn't there a playable droid class? My main character is a Sniper Cyborg, and I honestly wish I could look like a complete droid. I'm talking about the body build like HK-47. I know there would be some things that would have to be worked on [such as some of the conversations options as a droid..], but I really think it would be cool. What's the point of all these droid parts and such if we can only use them on our companions?

Just an idea..

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/signed - and if you are going to make it a legacy, race, please make it low level. I hate grinding and don't become a grind master like Turbine. Now, I do like the purchase option but some of those prices are outlandish.
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They should make this class Legacy Level 50 only and:


They should make this an advanced class starting at level 50. This class would not have a story nor would it have companions or companion crafting/missions. We would get a one seater ship to fly for space missions, and would allow us Recruit PvP droid parts and immediately be able to jump into PvP. We would also start with a set of standard Blue level 50 PvE parts. You would still have to select one of two advanced classes, but each tree in both would allow for greatly customizing your droid. There could be A tanking/healing/dps. When customizing the droid we would have a huge varieties of looks.

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I'm just wondering, why isn't there a playable droid class? My main character is a Sniper Cyborg, and I honestly wish I could look like a complete droid. I'm talking about the body build like HK-47. I know there would be some things that would have to be worked on [such as some of the conversations options as a droid..], but I really think it would be cool. What's the point of all these droid parts and such if we can only use them on our companions?

Just an idea..


The problem is that all droids (Yes, even HK-47) are considered to be property, rather than a person. That said, it becomes very difficult to create a story (or for the current stories to be believable) when people are treating a talking piece of furniture like an actual living thing.

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The problem is that all droids (Yes, even HK-47) are considered to be property, rather than a person. That said, it becomes very difficult to create a story (or for the current stories to be believable) when people are treating a talking piece of furniture like an actual living thing.


Yes, but according to canon, some droids became self-aware while other were damaged and became free property by taking out their masters.


Also, I agree with the above poster about making it a 50th level Legacy race, class, or the race is also the class. As for the ownership, your lead character in the legacy tree can be the owner.

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Yes, but according to canon, some droids became self-aware while other were damaged and became free property by taking out their masters.
Self-Aware droids are also feared by almost all sectors of the galaxy, particularly the official governments of the Republic and the Empire. Droids that exhibit that kind of behavior are memory-wiped, shut off, or destroyed


As for the ownership, your lead character in the legacy tree can be the owner.

That leads into two difficult scenarios that I can see.

A) How does the system know which character is your "lead"? by Legacy 50, you no doubt have multiple level 50 characters

B) How does the story respond to who your master is?

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One Class quest. You wake up from a memory wipe in a back alley on Corellia. No idea who you're owner is or what your mission is, but you have no restraining bolt or any restrictions to your programming. The only thing in your possession is a blaster rifle and a map to a space port. You have the access codes in your head for control of a ship. Edited by PiMD
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The problem is that all droids (Yes, even HK-47) are considered to be property, rather than a person. That said, it becomes very difficult to create a story (or for the current stories to be believable) when people are treating a talking piece of furniture like an actual living thing.


IG-88 disagrees.

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IG-88 disagrees.


He can't disagree if he hasn't been created for another 3000 years. That technology doesn't exist yet.


It's also hard to justify making a class and story that tens hundreds of thousands of players will have the opportunity to play when the inspirations is one of a kind.

Edited by Darth_Halford
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I think it'd be interesting to play as droids because of how the world could look at you how you would act as a result. It could deal with droid ownership, override commands, self-destruct mechanisms, and how you cope with such things. And instead of your race you'd get to choose your manufacturer.
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How about if you could play as a droid for each alligence (pubs and imps). You would have a choice of on of 5 models (species) of droid, usally droids that would be employed by that side. There would be a walker droid, like a droideka, an assasin droid, a heavy survailence droid - you know, one of the ones that hold the big guns, whith triangular/flatish heads- and a few other models. Paying as a droid, you wouldnt have an AC; you would unlock abilities that could potentialy lead to being a healrer, DPS, or tank. This would be aided by a flexable skill tree. You could tank with a weapon damage based skill tree, DPS with elemental damage, and heal.


You would start the game as a employed droid, until someone buys you. This would be your first companion. They would serve as your "Master", but really you would both know that you were in charge. During conversations, you would be able to speak in a robotic, but human, voice. This would help keep the sense that you werent just a lump of metal; but had some human qualities.


To gear up, you would buy droid parts, equivelent to those purchaseable for droid companions. Upon release of the droid class, more of these would be released to vendors and would be dropped by enemies, not only permiting the customization of droid players but would help organic players gear up thier droids. High level end-game gear would be equivelent to other end game gear, just ajusted to fit the spots on a droid.


Hope this is an insightful comment- enjoy!

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We have cyborgs so why not go all the way and go droid, there are plenty of models in the game and we know that mx1 is it the trooper companion is self aware and it would definatly make a fun option.


My feelings are simple, if you like it fill ye boots, and dont ask dont get.

Edited by Shingara
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We have cyborgs so why not go all the way and go droid, there are plenty of models in the game and we know that mx1 is it the trooper companion is self aware and it would definatly make a fun option.


My feelings are simple, if you like it fill ye boots, and dont ask dont get.


You also learn that droids can't hold rank in the Republic Military. The Empire also has similar views. Considering that droids do not feel the force, Jedi and Sith are out as well.

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The problem is that all droids (Yes, even HK-47) are considered to be property, rather than a person. That said, it becomes very difficult to create a story (or for the current stories to be believable) when people are treating a talking piece of furniture like an actual living thing.


that, and you can get shut down one way or another

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The problem is that all droids (Yes, even HK-47) are considered to be property, rather than a person. That said, it becomes very difficult to create a story (or for the current stories to be believable) when people are treating a talking piece of furniture like an actual living thing.


Scorpio doesnt, and twileks do so how do you explain that exactly.


You also learn that droids can't hold rank in the Republic Military. The Empire also has similar views. Considering that droids do not feel the force, Jedi and Sith are out as well.


So what, neither can jedi nor smugglers. Bounty hunters and sith dont on the imperial side.

Edited by Shingara
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Found this from an ancient thread: :jawa_smile:

Utility droid and Combat droid as the two ACs? Also, I think droid companions fit better than animals.



So, the basic class would be "Droid", there could be 2 or 3 different 'race' options to provide the player with different types of chassis' to choose from (Big bulky look, protocol droid look, assassin droid look, etc.). I'd use heat or power/energy as the class resource.


Basic Class Abilities:

-Heavy Armor / Droid Armor

-Blaster Pistol

-'Modes', similar to jedi 'stances' that change how you fight, I'd probably have two modes for the base class:

Repair Mode: increases hitpoint regeneration in and out of combat, reduces damage dealt

Combat Mode: increases damage dealt


1st Advanced Class: Utility Droid - hybrid healer / tank

-Gains proficiency: shield generators

-Gains two 'modes':

Sentry Mode: Increases threat generation, armor, and sheild chance, reduces healing by 50%

Maintenance Mode: Increases healing dealt, reduces threat generated, increases resource regeneration rate

-Gains healing abilities

-Gains high threat damage abilities

-Gains defensive abilities

Utility droids would have much lower damage than any other class, but much higher survivability due to the combination of healing and tanking in one AC (which we dont see with any other class).


Talent Tree 1: Support Protocols - provides healing bonuses

Talent Tree 2: Defensive Protocols- provides tanking bonuses

Talent Tree 3 (shared): Advanced Programming - provides damage over time abilities and self-buffs


2nd Advanced Class: Combat Droid - Damage dealer

-Gains proficiencies: Blaster Rifles, Assault Cannons, Techblades, Techstaffs

-Gains two 'modes':

Siege Mode: Increases damage dealt with blaster pistols, blaster rifles, and assault cannons, reduces energy damage taken by 10%

Assassination Mode: Increases damage dealt with techblades and techstaffs, reduces kinetic damage taken by 10%

-Gains damage abilities with both ranged and melee weapons

A damage dealer that can alternate (out of combat) between melee and ranged roles.


Talent Tree 1: Assault Protocols - provides ranged combat bonuses

Talent Tree 2: Assassination Protocols - provides melee combat bonuses

Talent Tree 3 (shared): Advanced Programming - provides damage over time abilities and self-buffs



For the class' five companions...

1. Utility Droid (like t7), healer-type companion

-. Ship Droid (protocol droid used by either faction)

2. Probe Droid (like the imperial probe droids), ranged damage-dealer companion

3. Guard Droid (like those used near imperial and republic bases), melee tank companion

4. Assassination Droid (similar to hk-57 models or scorpio), melee damage-dealer companion

5. War Droid (Like m1-4x or similar three/four legged heavy war droids used by either faction), Ranged tank companion


Utinni! :jawa_biggrin:

I like how the tank and healer specs were put on one AC. If there's a class that can tank and heal (and DPS?) on the same AC, the perfect class would be drUids - iiii mean drOids. DROIDS. "O". :jawa_wink:

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I would love to see a droid as a playable class, perhaps a storyline where you get fitted with experimental droid parts that upon finishing your origin world, malfunction slightly causing the droid to break free of his programming.


Also as for droids not being treated as people, in the bounty hunter story:


One of the previous champions of the great hunt, is actually a droid named "The Defenestrator"



And the Jedi Knight:


T7-O1 actually appears to be self aware and makes his own decisions, like after finishing the tython story for the knight, T7 actually asks the council if he can accompany you on your journey.



I think that if written right, a story where a droid takes the lead role could be very interesting, but as for companions: Other droids.

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