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So let me get this straight bioware


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The bounty hunter cannot even use a blaster rifle, but the republic trooper gets a giant cannon? This would be fine were it not for the fact that NO CLASS ON THE EMPIRE GETS GIANT CANNONS AT ALL.


How is this balanced? Who made the choice that a massive powertech can only use tiny, wimpy pistols?


I would also be fine with this and play as a republic trooper if the republic story lines were not written as childish, corny and cheesy as the crappy new star wars animated series. It's megabad.


Yes I know I am flaming but in all seriousness, who else thought that some of the game has been seriously messed up?

Edited by LexiCazam
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The republic can't use sniper rifles, either. each faction has one unique weapon.


There one handed and 2 handed weapons in this game just like other MMOs. 2handeds have a higher damage range.


1 handed weapons are...


blaster pistol

blaster rifle




2handed are

Double Sided Sabre

Assault Canon

Sniper Rifle



duel wielding is supposed to be the same as a 2 handed, hence why GS and mercs can compete with commandos and snipers. They are never exactly the same because of functionality but should be, dps wise, nearly identical I believe. Mercs can gain a small stat advantage (for min/maxing) as they can customize their off hand however they want while commandos cannot.

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The republic can't use sniper rifles, either. each faction has one unique weapon.


There one handed and 2 handed weapons in this game just like other MMOs. 2handeds have a higher damage range.


1 handed weapons are...


blaster pistol

blaster rifle




2handed are

Double Sided Sabre

Assault Canon

Sniper Rifle



duel wielding is supposed to be the same as a 2 handed, hence why GS and mercs can compete with commandos and snipers. They are never exactly the same because of functionality but should be, dps wise, nearly identical I believe. Mercs can gain a small stat advantage (for min/maxing) as they can customize their off hand however they want while commandos cannot.


The mere fact that dps wise the weapons provide the same damage prove there is no excuse for a heavy, bulky powertech to have to put up with a tiny, wimpy pistol. Iconic star wars bounty hunters used rifles and there is no option for this AT ALL and for no reason. I was disappointed, and many others are, at the lack of weapon variety.


Come on, do you really think all bounty hunters use pistols? The agent should be able to use pistols as well, aren't spies KNOWN for using pistols? They are.

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What a fascinating new thread.


Yes yes I know others have complained but think about it this way:


Some people pirate games because there is no demo.

Instead of JUST pirating the game, write a letter to the company as to WHY you are pirating.

If their mailboxes got filled with THOUSANDS of letters like these then the company will be much more likely to contemplate putting together a demo for their title.

^^Bit of wisdom from a show called Extra credits^^

Being quiet makes it seem to the developers like nothing is wrong when this game has all sorts of wrong in it.

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The mere fact that dps wise the weapons provide the same damage prove there is no excuse for a heavy, bulky powertech to have to put up with a tiny, wimpy pistol. Iconic star wars bounty hunters used rifles and there is no option for this AT ALL and for no reason. I was disappointed, and many others are, at the lack of weapon variety.


Come on, do you really think all bounty hunters use pistols? The agent should be able to use pistols as well, aren't spies KNOWN for using pistols? They are.


Bounty Hunter's in the SW universe us every manner of weapons. The mercenary is based most noticeably off of Jango Fett who dual wielded blaster pistols, used missiles, and flame throwers. Grapple lines too but they gave that to powertechs. And the powertech is a tank. Giving it a giant offencive weapon would be stupid.

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Bounty Hunter's in the SW universe us every manner of weapons. The mercenary is based most noticeably off of Jango Fett who dual wielded blaster pistols, used missiles, and flame throwers. Grapple lines too but they gave that to powertechs. And the powertech is a tank. Giving it a giant offencive weapon would be stupid.


a pistol is more threatening than a rifle or assault cannon? really? :eek:

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Bounty Hunter's in the SW universe us every manner of weapons. The mercenary is based most noticeably off of Jango Fett who dual wielded blaster pistols, used missiles, and flame throwers. Grapple lines too but they gave that to powertechs. And the powertech is a tank. Giving it a giant offencive weapon would be stupid.


Wrong, the powertech is listed as tank/dps. Boba Fett had a blaster Carbine and yes Bounty Hunters had a wide array of weapons, a shame we don't get any other than pistol and two pistols.

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Wrong, the powertech is listed as tank/dps. Boba Fett had a blaster Carbine and yes Bounty Hunters had a wide array of weapons, a shame we don't get any other than pistol and two pistols.


Again, giving a tank class a pure offencive weapon would be stupid. And to be clear since you need that and don't understand a tank class is a class with the option to be a tank. May not be worded to perfection but the point still stands.


Also saying wrong is ignorant. Wrong means it can't tank. Can never tank. Will never have the possibility to tank. So I'm sorry, you're wrong.

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Wrong, the powertech is listed as tank/dps. Boba Fett had a blaster Carbine and yes Bounty Hunters had a wide array of weapons, a shame we don't get any other than pistol and two pistols.


Everything is listed as either dps, healing/dps or tank/dps, so I am not sure what your point is.


She meant that the PT is designed largely around being able to tank, which it can and does very well.


Further, if you don't like the pistols, play a trooper. A large portion, if not the majority, of your dps comes from abilities that use other weapons built into your armor, just like BH's of lore. Missiles, flamethrowers, etc.


Finally, she was pointing out that the merc AC was designed after a particular BH of lore, Jango Fett (notice not Boba Fett).


I really can't tell if you are just this bitter over a design decision that was made a very long time ago, or if you are just the troll you seem to be.

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Everything is listed as either dps, healing/dps or tank/dps, so I am not sure what your point is.


She meant that the PT is designed largely around being able to tank, which it can and does very well.


Further, if you don't like the pistols, play a trooper. A large portion, if not the majority, of your dps comes from abilities that use other weapons built into your armor, just like BH's of lore. Missiles, flamethrowers, etc.


Finally, she was pointing out that the merc AC was designed after a particular BH of lore, Jango Fett (notice not Boba Fett).


I really can't tell if you are just this bitter over a design decision that was made a very long time ago, or if you are just the troll you seem to be.


I really can't tell if you lazily ignored what I wrote in the first post, or if you are just the blind person you seem to be.


I already said the trooper story is terrible and yes I know the merc was based off of Jango Fett but what about Boba Fett? He used a blaster rifle, bioware could at least have given THAT much. Poor weapon variety is a big fault and I am not the only one complaining.

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Again, giving a tank class a pure offencive weapon would be stupid. And to be clear since you need that and don't understand a tank class is a class with the option to be a tank. May not be worded to perfection but the point still stands.


Also saying wrong is ignorant. Wrong means it can't tank. Can never tank. Will never have the possibility to tank. So I'm sorry, you're wrong.


No, wrong means your answer is wrong/incomplete. At least that is how I was brought up to believe.

And I don't think having an opinion is wrong either, pistols can be modded to do damage just like those cannons (or so I have been told) so the only difference would be aesthetics and it would make sense for a dps class to have a big dps gun.

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Yes yes I know others have complained but think about it this way:


Some people pirate games because there is no demo.

Instead of JUST pirating the game, write a letter to the company as to WHY you are pirating.

If their mailboxes got filled with THOUSANDS of letters like these then the company will be much more likely to contemplate putting together a demo for their title.

^^Bit of wisdom from a show called Extra credits^^




So in one thread, you 1) refer to sidearms as "wimpy", and 2) proudly start spouting pirate rhetoric. Excuse me while I carefully reread everything you said to absorb as much wisdom from your posts as possible. It is so rare that I am privileged with the chance to read petulant demands driven by bratty prepubescent logic.

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I really can't tell if you lazily ignored what I wrote in the first post, or if you are just the blind person you seem to be.


I already said the trooper story is terrible and yes I know the merc was based off of Jango Fett but what about Boba Fett? He used a blaster rifle, bioware could at least have given THAT much. Poor weapon variety is a big fault and I am not the only one complaining.


You really are dense.


I read your post. Specifically, you said all the republic storylines were poor. Megabad even.


How about we make it simple for you: Bounty Hunters use blasters. Period. They also get a railgun, flamethrower, jetpack (if specd for it), missles, etc.


I will reiterate, if you want a minigun, play a commando.

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The bounty hunter cannot even use a blaster rifle, but the republic trooper gets a giant cannon? This would be fine were it not for the fact that NO CLASS ON THE EMPIRE GETS GIANT CANNONS AT ALL.


How is this balanced? Who made the choice that a massive powertech can only use tiny, wimpy pistols?


I would also be fine with this and play as a republic trooper if the republic story lines were not written as childish, corny and cheesy as the crappy new star wars animated series. It's megabad.


Yes I know I am flaming but in all seriousness, who else thought that some of the game has been seriously messed up?


We used to be giant cannons, but then BW changed the animation for Tracer Missile.

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I agree, I have a level 32 Commando and I KNOW I'm better just because my gun is bigger.


Incidentally, Trooper is the worst story I've played so far but I've only gone through the Consular and Agent storylines so you could be spot on about that too.

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