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Why can't I just buy my gear with real money?


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um...you need to go back and have another go at reading. someone said EXACTLY that......seriously....thats some funny stuff...its on the last page....


go back. read it...




The reality still holds true : Columi gets you through ALL content, minus the Tier 2... which Columi is very easy to get even for a super-casual player.


So, you DO get access to all the STORY of the game with little to no effort.


Newsflash: past your level 50, assuming you did all sidequests and heroics.. there isn`t any Story. It`s just a cutscene explaining why you`re there. So, for EC = it`s the same Boss that eventually dies.. and that`s it. For Lost Island.. it`s the same Boss that eventually dies. One`s name is Kephess.. the other`s Lorrick. There... you beat the game and you no longer need gear.

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The reality still holds true : Columi gets you through ALL content, minus the Tier 2... which Columi is very easy to get even for a super-casual player.


So, you DO get access to all the STORY of the game with little to no effort.


Newsflash: past your level 50, assuming you did all sidequests and heroics.. there isn`t any Story. It`s just a cutscene explaining why you`re there. So, for EC = it`s the same Boss that eventually dies.. and that`s it. For Lost Island.. it`s the same Boss that eventually dies. One`s name is Kephess.. the other`s Lorrick. There... you beat the game and you no longer need gear.




make point using caps. get proven to be completely wrong. reply with "SO?"


good stuff.


and you are wrong again. Of course EC is part of the story.....As is LI....and you proved exactly what i said was true.


even clearing all of T1 is still not enough for alot of players to clear T2.....they need to continue to clear T1, even up the difficulty of T1 to get gera with better stats so they can enter T2. but no one has been able to say WHY that is needed, other than to extend the time it takes to "complete" endgame content.

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i originally thought this troll attempt is pretty fail but then I realized it's got 28 pages going rofl.


Nicely done, OP.


If only they hand out rakata pieces and black hole commendation for trolling....

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make point using caps. get proven to be completely wrong. reply with "SO?"


good stuff.


and you are wrong again. Of course EC is part of the story.....As is LI....and you proved exactly what i said was true.


even clearing all of T1 is still not enough for alot of players to clear T2.....they need to continue to clear T1, even up the difficulty of T1 to get gera with better stats so they can enter T2. but no one has been able to say WHY that is needed, other than to extend the time it takes to "complete" endgame content.


What the OP doesn't realize is that the "gear grind" is the replacement for the "level grind" that casual players demanded be removed from the game.


It's really just a more boring version of the same thing. Be careful what you wish for, or demand.

That is the answer. As a MMO, it banks on time sinks, on the idea that TIME = MONEY. This particular one has you lose time for gear.


There.. you got your answer. Now send them a letter using http://www.swtor.com/support with your ideas on how to improve the game.

Edited by Styxx
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People that do not want to pay real cash for gear that should be earned do not want to pvp ect with people that just take the easy way to the top.


You want to be "uber" earn it.


Earn it by pushing the bar enough times to receive a pellet? What difference does it make if one person spends hours to get gear and another spends dollars to get it?


As for 'leet' pvp, if they can find 7 other people to team with cool-either the other 7 don't care or they all bought their way up and uber players should be able to stomp them with mad skillz, thereby increasing their win/loss ratio a little bit more (you know, that whole grinding thing again).


Or do you mean unranked warzones that absolutely anyone can enter so it's not really a challenge for uber players regardless?

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You don't need gear to play the other classes, nor explore all of the worlds and all that other crap. You don't even need to be 100% geared to do all of the operations, even with EC, it's not what gear you have it's if you know what to do.


And if you want to do Operations, than do them. You get the GEAR from there instead of buying it ahead of time where you get NOTHING out of the Operation.


So the only point to the Operations is the loot you get from them? Then why bother running them to get gear, to run them faster next time, etc. until the next one is released? Why not have every boss beatable with the same gear and a bit of skill? Of course that would require more mechanics than enrage timer but I'm sure Bioware can watch some WoW boss kills on youtube for ideas on gimmick fights.


I still have yet to see why players need gear from a boss they were able to kill without said gear other than 'players need to see bigger numbers so they feel like they're progressing on this treadmill'. Does having a new purple gun let you kill EndBoss 3 seconds faster next time? Does it really feel like progression to save those 3 seconds?

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Legendary Gear is for Legendary content, if you are not praticipating in legendary content due to time constrants why do you need the gear?


Besides, you can easily survive Story Mode eternity vault with pink grade 22-23 Armors/Mods/Enhancments/Hilts/Barrels, which can easily be obtained via the GTN, daily comendations or your own crafting (for the 22's)


Why do you need the gear if you were able to kill the bosses without it? Clearly it's not necessary.

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Why do you need the gear if you were able to kill the bosses without it? Clearly it's not necessary.


I hope you know what just came out of your computerized mouth is pure ignorance. Of course he doesn't need the gear that the bosses drop, to kill those bosses. The gear he would get from those bosses would be used towards doing the higher difficutly end game raids. Not for the bosses he is obtaining the gear from. Why would bosses drop gear needed to kill them? They drop it for content that you do after the one you are currently getting the gear from.


People really should think before they type.

Edited by PainOfDemise
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I hope you know what just came out of your computerized mouth is pure ignorance. Of course he doesn't need the gear that the bosses drop, to kill those bosses. The gear he would get from those bosses would be used towards doing the higher difficutly end game raids. Not for the bosses he is obtaining the gear from. Why would bosses drop gear needed to kill them? They drop it for content that you do after the one you are currently getting the gear from.


People really should think before they type.


So he needs to kill bosses to get gear to kill the next bosses-why bother to make the next bosses harder then if all they drop is gear? Just give them the same health and make the fight itself challenging. If non-raiders don't need the gear raiders shouldn't either-raid for the challenge and fun of it, not to get a new purple toy that increases your dps by a few points. Or is raiding really not fun at all and only the allure of new shiny loot keeps people logging in every raid?


So why do raiders farm content if they don't need the gear to beat that content? For something to do while waiting for the next raid? They must keep in raiding shape or else they might wander off and not return to the every Tuesday at 7pm schedule? I mean if no one needs the gear to kill that tier of bosses then it's silly to keep running it-unless being carried by others with overgeared characters is somehow rewarding in a way that buying the gear outright isn't.


Looks like raiding is the most pointless activity in the game-kill bosses that drop gear you don't need except to kill the next round of bosses, who will drop gear you don't need, except to kill the next round of bosses, etc.

Are raiders mad that if people can buy that same gear it will show how all their hours killing bosses they didn't need to kill were truly wasted? Or are their epeens so fragile that seeing people in their club that don't deserve to be there causes them to wilt?

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Earn it by pushing the bar enough times to receive a pellet? What difference does it make if one person spends hours to get gear and another spends dollars to get it?


Getting your gear together is the main activity of endgame in MMO's normally. That's why there is gear progression to begin with because your character doesn't level anymore.


If you want to buy it with cash, then the whole endgame becomes pointless for people. How often will you enjoy doing fp's and ops over and over if you don't need to do them cause you already have the gear? Most people will stop playing altogether.


If you want to just buy the gear, it's just a matter of playing dress up. I would suggest barbies. They have all the gear customisation you want and you can buy it with real money.

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Getting your gear together is the main activity of endgame in MMO's normally. That's why there is gear progression to begin with because your character doesn't level anymore.


If you want to buy it with cash, then the whole endgame becomes pointless for people. How often will you enjoy doing fp's and ops over and over if you don't need to do them cause you already have the gear? Most people will stop playing altogether.


If you want to just buy the gear, it's just a matter of playing dress up. I would suggest barbies. They have all the gear customisation you want and you can buy it with real money.


So again the only reason to raid is gear? Not for the challenge, not for the social aspect (the online equivalent of playing sports with friends)- just for that shiny new purple piece to add 10 more strength? Sounds worse than barbie-imagine working for hours just to afford one new dress (and then another few hours to get the rest of the ensemble). Is that why people are so resistant to the very thought of bypassing the grind-because it shows how empty the raiding treadmill really is?


Is that why Luke took on Jabba first- he knew there would be a gear check when fighting the Emperor?

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If you want to buy it with cash, then the whole endgame becomes pointless for people. How often will you enjoy doing fp's and ops over and over if you don't need to do them cause you already have the gear? Most people will stop playing altogether.


So how do you explain farm mode for raids? How is carrying an alt by using overgeared characters morally purer than buying the gear outright? In neither is the beneficiary actually earning the gear.


And if raiders do leave and only resub when new content is released what does that say about them as customers? How is new content supposed to be made if they keep denying the company their 15/month? I presume the only way it works is because raiders are a minority (that somehow think they are more important than those filthy casuals who don't spend hours and hours poring over boss strategies).

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go play wow. you can buy all the gold/accounts you want there. keke, noob


I could have in this game too-at least until the subs dropped so low that even the cash farmers decided it wasn't worth it.


Apparently it's ****** to be carried through a raid to get geared up-but horrible to spend a few dollars to get the same gear. You'd rather spend hours getting gear, others would rather spend an hour's pay for the same thing- and the buyers are the noobs?

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If you want to just buy the gear, it's just a matter of playing dress up. I would suggest barbies. They have all the gear customisation you want and you can buy it with real money.


I hear barbie gear is cheap too.

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