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More customization to the Custom gear


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Its great that we have custom gear, but it would also be very nice to have the ability to have certain parts of gear and mix it with other parts of gear of the same type.


For example:


Chest peice can be divided in 3 parts -



2. Shoulder

3. center


So custom gear comes with these 3 things as standard in one peice, but crafters are able to select which parts from the the original and mix them with other originals to make their own custom gear more customized.


Maybe for armor some people would not think this is a big deal... but this can be done with weapons as well.


This would work really well with guns and selecting different barrels, grips, or trigger/ammo to be customized even further.


Or even light sabers. For light sabers the customization exists with the color, but why not the hilt it self. A curved hilt, with a certain style of decoration.


I realize we are doing fine without this as a possible introduction to the game, and the game can have many other much needed developed features... but in the future, it would be nice to see something like this introduced eventually.

Edited by VegaPhone
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