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Enforced naming policy on RP servers.


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I believe all trademark names from the Star Wars Movies and KOTOR games should be rejected as playable names, with that being said I believe the naming policy is very flawed, it doesn't give the player breathing room by any means but that doesn't mean every name should be unique, just original, we are in a very tight limited naming format, does that really benefit anyone? If there is a player named John Smith, why can't there be another player with Jonah Smith or John Doe? unique names are the problem not a solution, we need a unlimited naming policy that will benefit anyone just as long as it doesn't match identical names. Edited by RaithHarth
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Question: why are Jedi not allowed to have nicknames but non-Force sensitive characters are? in TOR we have just come out of a major war. Why couldn't it be that the Jedi in question was an officer during the war, was called "Bubble'gum" by his troops, the Jedi officer adopted the nickname, and continues to use it?


It seems to me with a little creativity just about any name could be excused. Heck as long as the person isn't your friend if you find the name irritating you could come up with a background story that makes the name a mocking name that stuck despite their efforts to avoid being called that. For example, Jedi "Bubble'gum" got the name because, as a Padawan, they were always getting in everyone's hair and causing messes that took a disproportionate amount of time to clean up and it reminded everyone how much trouble bubblegum can be to clean up. Maybe they aren't clumsy any more but it was too little too late and they're stuck with that nickname.

Edited by Gavin_Kelvar
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Savage Opress

Deliah Blue


Mama the Hutt

Droopy McCool

Luuke Skywalker




all of those are 100% canon characters


Your argument is STILL invalid


Wasn't Luuke a slap-dash clone? What else would it be called? Oh wait, you're counting Lumpy and thus the Holiday Special as "100% canon"... that says it all. I get that you clearly enjoy goofy names, doesn't mean they have to be on the RP servers.

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I just give my characters leftist author's names and call it game.


I have Leon (Trotsky), Bakunin, Marx, Lenin, Kautsky and Lissagaray.


Tried to make an Engels, but it was taken sadly.

Edited by Socialist
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I remember as a small boy, watching Starwars for the very first time and being amazed. The story, the action and most of all.. the flying through space. As a young lad, these had a huge effect on me and thus began my love for all things Starwars.


When I heard of a starwars mmo, I began to salivate so much that the girlfriend had to tape a bucket to my chin, but in all seriousness, I looked forward to playing the game.


I've played many mmo's in my time. Each one in a different way. With my love for the lore, I decided to play on a RP server for the added immersion in the world and hopefully some nice RP. The RP isn't a problem but what greatly frustrates me is the lack of a naming policy on RP servers. It just doesn't help with immersion when you see people running around called "AWookieAteMyHamster" (non real example.. but you get my point).


I think that people who choose to play on a RP server should hold themselves up to a higher standard when choosing a character name, so that it doesn't spoil the immersion of the game. generally speaking, RP server have a much greater maturity level than other ones due to the fact that almost all people use the tags as an indication to go there for better role playing. It helps to create a much better community and atmosphere within the people playing there and often leads to overall, a better playing experience.


I just think that on RP servers, there should be an enforced naming policy to help create and maintain a more lore friendly experience for the people who chose to go and play on a RP server.

I would also like to add that this can only work if the community are mature about it and if Bioware take it seriously and really enforce the policy, taking action against lore breaking/copyrighted/offensive names.


I am sure this has already been pointed out, but...given how there is so much in this game that Bioware has poorly implemented are you really that surprised that they couldn't care less about this issue either?




There already is one, for the game in general, and it is enforced on the RP servers. When you see an offending name be sure to report it and it will be taken care of.


Sorry, champ. Time to give up the disinformation campaign. I have reported dozens of people. I add them to my friends list once I report them. Not ONE of them has ever had their name changed and they are terribly riduculous like the OP's example of "AWookieAteMyHamster". Some are even borderline offensive. Not one has ever been changed.



P.S. Before someone mentions it. They don't even enforce their general naming policies.

Edited by boxfetish
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II think that people who choose to play on a RP server should hold themselves up to a higher standard when choosing a character name[/u][/b]


I agree, but you can't legislate morality. You can ignore the bejesus out of stupidly named people. You can report them. My guild won't tolerate it. In fact, one of our oldest and best-loved members just had a character removed from the guild because he'd used the name of a perscription drug as his character name.


If people with immersion-breaking names are shunned, reported, and not accepted in guilds, then the problem will gradually solve itself.




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Wasn't Luuke a slap-dash clone? What else would it be called? Oh wait, you're counting Lumpy and thus the Holiday Special as "100% canon"... that says it all. I get that you clearly enjoy goofy names, doesn't mean they have to be on the RP servers.


first while the holiday special itself isn't canon the names and places are. Chewbaca's family is 100% canon as is Kesshyk the wookie planet and Life day.


As for Luuke being a clone that only proves the point even more. When someone makes a character named Drizzzzits it's supposed to be basically a clone. Just think about it even in the Star Wars universe they have people copying the celebrities.


My point is that it's impossible to regulate Star Wars RP names when goofy names and cheap knock offs are 100% star wars canon.

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Sorry, champ. Time to give up the disinformation campaign. I have reported dozens of people. I add them to my friends list once I report them. Not ONE of them has ever had their name changed and they are terribly riduculous like the OP's example of "AWookieAteMyHamster". Some are even borderline offensive. Not one has ever been changed.
I don't know what to tell you "Champ," that does not reflect my experience. I do the same thing, and action is taken. I still attest that the names that you report must not actually be in violation of the naming policy. We can't know for sure, though without knowing the names themselves, and that would of course be a violation of posting policy on these boards.
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I don't know what to tell you "Champ," that does not reflect my experience. I do the same thing, and action is taken. I still attest that the names that you report must not actually be in violation of the naming policy. We can't know for sure, though without knowing the names themselves, and that would of course be a violation of posting policy on these boards.


Like so many other things, perhaps it has only to do with whoever takes the ticket for resolution. I know friend who have called SWTOR customer service on the phone and had them fix a problem. When I called about the same problem I was told they couldn't help and I needed to send an email for that kind of "problem". I find it hard to believe that I got reps who didn't feel like enforcing a name change over 30 times in a row, but whatever. Given my experience and those of several other people I know, my personal opinion, is that your experience is a fluke and not indicative of what is normally happening.

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A simple question to the ones out there, who are against a naming policy against lore-inapropriate names: Why do you roll on an RP server?


I roll on RP servers because I'm a roleplayer. Please don't make the mistake of assuming that all RPers automatically agree with you on whether additional naming rules are in fact necessary; many feel they are not.

I don't mind if someone comes up with a totally unique name, just as long is it's not something which consists of...


1. Any 1337 words.

2. No real life people, and by that I mean celebs or wannabe celebs.

3. No copyrighted items, such as Volvo.., which I saw the other day and reported.

4. No references to popular culture, such as the toon I saw on my server called Khazad'dum. It doesn't matter where you put the ' in your name.. i still know it's a location in middle earth.

5. Is not offensive in anyway shape or form.

6. No meta gaming names


The majority of your complaints are already prohibited under the current Rules of Conduct. Players who are unhappy with the level of enforcement they see might do better to ask for additional enforcement rather than request changes to the naming policy.

People who roll on RP servers should respect unwritten rules of lore, which there are plenty of. If you're not going to treat the server and it's players with respect for the lore then please don't roll on the same server as me.

Why not go join your other friends with their "Darth OMGpwnU" characters on the pvp servers.


Thank you, no. I prefer to play on an RP server because I'm a roleplayer. Not everyone has the same "unwritten rules of lore" as you, which is why an iteration of this thread crops up every so often (and inevitably follows the same course before lapsing into obscurity). If you think you're being reasonable with your demands, try talking to the players who would like all words (yes, WORDS) in real-world languages to be prohibited as names (not only that, but they've requested anything that might sound like a real word, even if spelled differently, to be verboten as well) - these people feel their "unwritten code" is just as reasonable.

Flaw with that is.. did they have bubblegum in the starwars universe, to be able to name that person after it?


They have hot chocolate. /shrug


Players should remember that our characters speak Galactic Basic, not English (or the native language of your server, for some EU locations). As such, much of what we say is meant to be a translation or close approximation of what actually exists in the Star Wars universe. Should I refrain from referring to "sandwiches" when my character speaks? After all, the sandwich is named after a real-world historical figure with no direct parallel in Star Wars. Yet it's quite likely that the concept of a filling inside an outer layer of some type of bread exists within the SW continuum. We use such terms to frame our conversation because the only alternative is to simply make everything up.

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Upon adding RP servers at launch Bioware made it very clear that they do not have the technology or the man power to enforce naming policies on RP servers and thus they would never be enforced.


Since the population has dropped, subs are down, and about half the staff was laid off I would find it HIGHLY unlikely that they would start developing the technology and hire more people to enforce a naming policy...

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Upon adding RP servers at launch Bioware made it very clear that they do not have the technology or the man power to enforce naming policies on RP servers and thus they would never be enforced.


Since the population has dropped, subs are down, and about half the staff was laid off I would find it HIGHLY unlikely that they would start developing the technology and hire more people to enforce a naming policy...

Not true. They made it very clear they would not enforce special naming policies on the RP servers. They also made it clear the general policy would be enforced throughout the game. Edited by HeavensAgent
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Like so many other things, perhaps it has only to do with whoever takes the ticket for resolution. I know friend who have called SWTOR customer service on the phone and had them fix a problem. When I called about the same problem I was told they couldn't help and I needed to send an email for that kind of "problem". I find it hard to believe that I got reps who didn't feel like enforcing a name change over 30 times in a row, but whatever. Given my experience and those of several other people I know, my personal opinion, is that your experience is a fluke and not indicative of what is normally happening.
If you are reporting a name 30 times in a row without it being addressed, I strongly suspect you are wrong in your assessment of the presence of a violation.


Given my experience and those of most of the people I know, the CS team addresses problems quickly and efficiently. I know someone who had an entire character restored in a day, after he consciously deleted it to use the name on a new alt. I've been in regular contact with multiple representatives regarding my inability to take screenshots. I've personally witnessed them force name changes on over two dozen characters that violated the naming policy, primarily for Leet and/or proper names of characters established in the Star Wars Universe.


They take action when appropriate.

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I think it's fine. You don't get to tell people what color t-shirt they get to wear nor are you paying their subs. I personally found over regulated name policies in wow or any mmorpg to be annoying. Forcing some one to change their name over naming their character smallball is absurd. Now if said player named themselves Hitler, Stalin, Jesus, or any other such name, then yes, but over naming a character Noober or such is a waste of resources. BW and Blizzard are better off allocating resources for real cs needs and not some thing trivial like what most people here have posted. Edited by Knockerz
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