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Enforced naming policy on RP servers.


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I remember as a small boy, watching Starwars for the very first time and being amazed. The story, the action and most of all.. the flying through space. As a young lad, these had a huge effect on me and thus began my love for all things Starwars.


When I heard of a starwars mmo, I began to salivate so much that the girlfriend had to tape a bucket to my chin, but in all seriousness, I looked forward to playing the game.


I've played many mmo's in my time. Each one in a different way. With my love for the lore, I decided to play on a RP server for the added immersion in the world and hopefully some nice RP. The RP isn't a problem but what greatly frustrates me is the lack of a naming policy on RP servers. It just doesn't help with immersion when you see people running around called "AWookieAteMyHamster" (non real example.. but you get my point).


I think that people who choose to play on a RP server should hold themselves up to a higher standard when choosing a character name, so that it doesn't spoil the immersion of the game. generally speaking, RP server have a much greater maturity level than other ones due to the fact that almost all people use the tags as an indication to go there for better role playing. It helps to create a much better community and atmosphere within the people playing there and often leads to overall, a better playing experience.


I just think that on RP servers, there should be an enforced naming policy to help create and maintain a more lore friendly experience for the people who chose to go and play on a RP server.

I would also like to add that this can only work if the community are mature about it and if Bioware take it seriously and really enforce the policy, taking action against lore breaking/copyrighted/offensive names.

Edited by LexiCazam
Removed "/signed" solicitation
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I understand that there is a naming policy but it's currently not being enforced.

after reporting almost 100 names, I still see 85+% of them with the same name. The others, I've probably not seen.


The point of this thread is to make bioware see that their enforcement of the policy is too lax and that we, the players, are not happy with how they are dealing with the policy.

Edited by tainted_black
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I was somewhat surprised when i first saw, that there was no enforced naming policy on the RP servers. I wonder why they did it like this, but i expect so they can freely ignore most of the names being reported (unless they are downright offensive). They "encourage" people to take lore appropriate names on the RP-servers, but it is my experience both in this game and others, that people do not care about this at all, especially when there is no rule against it.

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/signed too


I hate these "kids" who dont seem to be able to come up with a cool name that is not lame. Instead they find weird names that does not fit into the universe.


I reported a player the other day for haveing the name "Bubble'gum"


He was a Jedi Sage......why why why are people so immature.


The name could work if the charecter were a trooper or smuggler and went by with that as a nickname but comeon...


my opinion

Edited by Quinton
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I totally agree with this, even though I don't play on an RP server myself, I did some roleplay on other games in the past so I empathise completely.


I will say though that I think it will likely never be enforced because Bioware does not want to upset those people by forcing name changes on them because they might lose customers. It was the same in WoW, too.


If I was a cynical man I'd also say they couldn't be bothered either.

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I understand that there is a naming policy but it's currently not being enforced.

after reporting almost 100 names, I still see 85+% of them with the same name. The others, I've probably not seen.


The point of this thread is to make bioware see that their enforcement of the policy is too lax and that we, the players, are not happy with how they are dealing with the policy.

It is actually being enforced. I've known several individuals in particular that have suffered name changes, and the majority of those I've reported are never seen again. My guess is that you're reporting names that actually don't violate the naming policy.
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There is a naming policy in fact. It’s for offensive and copyright names. Telling someone that you can’t call your character Watercooler because it doesn’t fit YOUR idea of what a Star Wars Universe character name would be. Look at people now a day; people name their kids unique names. Why wouldn’t they do that in Star Wars Universe? This thread you are trying to force other player to fit it to YOUR IDEA of that the Star Wars Universe should be. Who to say that Watercooler wasn’t the name of Luke childhood friend?


Simply if you don’t believe that someone name fits YOUR idea of what the Star Wars Universe is don’t group with them. What you are asking is to greatly limit the naming pool therefor greater limiting the number of player on an RP server.


Edit original post so that Quinton does think I was a personal reply towards him.

Edited by Pytviper
Edit original post so that Quinton does think I was a personal reply towards him.
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There is a naming policy in fact. It’s for offensive and copyright names. Telling someone that you can’t call your character Bubblegum because it doesn’t fit YOUR idea of what a Star Wars Universe character name would be. Look at people now a day; people name their kids unique names. Why wouldn’t they do that in Star Wars Universe? This thread you are trying to force other player to fit it to YOUR IDEA of that the Star Wars Universe should be. Who to say that Bubblegum wasn’t the name of Luke childhood friend?

Simply if you don’t believe that someone name fits YOUR idea of what the Star Wars Universe is don’t group with them. What you are asking is to greatly limit the naming pool therefor greater limiting the number of player on an RP server.





remember Star wars isn't known for having great names


Count Dooku

Kit Fisto

Max Reebo who is a (J.i.zz whaler)

Savaga Opress




the list goes on and on. It's Star Wars not Game of Thrones

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There is a naming policy in fact. It’s for offensive and copyright names. Telling someone that you can’t call your character Bubblegum because it doesn’t fit YOUR idea of what a Star Wars Universe character name would be. Look at people now a day; people name their kids unique names. Why wouldn’t they do that in Star Wars Universe? This thread you are trying to force other player to fit it to YOUR IDEA of that the Star Wars Universe should be. Who to say that Bubblegum wasn’t the name of Luke childhood friend?

Simply if you don’t believe that someone name fits YOUR idea of what the Star Wars Universe is don’t group with them. What you are asking is to greatly limit the naming pool therefor greater limiting the number of player on an RP server.


Yup. And its a slippery slope. So you can't be Jedi Bubblegum... how about you can't wear certain social gear either as it spoils immersion (containment armor from the Rak event.)? Or how about, you can't hop around the fleet because Jedi don't hop around like that. etc. etc .


In my opinion, if you have a good imagination, very little will spoil your immersion.

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There is a naming policy in fact. It’s for offensive and copyright names. Telling someone that you can’t call your character Bubblegum because it doesn’t fit YOUR idea of what a Star Wars Universe character name would be. Look at people now a day; people name their kids unique names. Why wouldn’t they do that in Star Wars Universe? This thread you are trying to force other player to fit it to YOUR IDEA of that the Star Wars Universe should be. Who to say that Bubblegum wasn’t the name of Luke childhood friend?

Simply if you don’t believe that someone name fits YOUR idea of what the Star Wars Universe is don’t group with them. What you are asking is to greatly limit the naming pool therefor greater limiting the number of player on an RP server.


Next time try to read the full post before you reply.


I said specifically "My opinion" so why are you spamming YOUR?


And there are difference between Jedi and non Jedi in regards to when names anoy me. As I already said in past post then some names can work fine for Smugglers or Troopers as a nickname or something.


And I just replied with my toughts of it I am not the creator of the thread.

Edited by Quinton
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Next time try to read the full post before you reply.


I said specifically "My opinion" so why are you spamming YOUR?


And there are difference between Jedi and non Jedi in regards to when names anoy me. As I already said in past post then some names can work fine for Smugglers or Troopers as a nickname or something.


And I just replied with my toughts of it I am not the creator of the thread.


but the thing is you want YOUR opinion to be the one that is enforced.

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but the thing is you want YOUR opinion to be the one that is enforced.


isnt that kinda basic human nature hmm ? Ofc I want some things done my way. Is it the right way? maybe maybe not. Its all about perspective.


It does not change the fact that like the OP I have the opotunity to speak up about what I think. Its not me who have the final call on matters in this game but as in matters of real life you need to speek up if you want things to change to your side.


If we all were the same this world would be kinda borring I think.


Now back on topic to OP's thread.

Edited by Quinton
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Next time try to read the full post before you reply.


I said specifically "My opinion" so why are you spamming YOUR?


And there are difference between Jedi and non Jedi in regards to when names anoy me. As I already said in past post then some names can work fine for Smugglers or Troopers as a nickname or something.


And I just replied with my toughts of it I am not the creator of the thread.


I'm sorry that you think I was solo directing towards you. I used your example. The OP and everyone that agrees with this thread is who I am referring to. Hence why I emphasized yours; not spammed. Maybe you should follow your own advice. READ THE WHOLE POST.


MY POINT. People name their kids UNIQUE names now; why can’t they do it in the Star Wars Universe? Just because it doesn’t fit in to what YOU (any player that has a problem with a unique name) believe it should be.


Edit original post so that Quinton does think I was a personal reply towards him.

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A simple question to the ones out there, who are against a naming policy against lore-inapropriate names: Why do you roll on an RP server?


This is something i have always wondered about. If I wanted to have a jedi kalled Kickass Hotpants (not a name i've seen, btw), i would never roll that character on an RP server. And if i dont play on an RP server, I can accept that i cant be as snobbish about names.


So why not roll on non-RP servers?

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A simple question to the ones out there, who are against a naming policy against lore-inapropriate names: Why do you roll on an RP server?


This is something i have always wondered about. If I wanted to have a jedi kalled Kickass Hotpants (not a name i've seen, btw), i would never roll that character on an RP server. And if i dont play on an RP server, I can accept that i cant be as snobbish about names.


So why not roll on non-RP servers?


Because some players get a kick out of getting attention to a bad name. To them, they enjoy the feeling thier name anoys some. And what better way to do that than role a char on a RP server, where the odds are you will get that attention. I agree with the OP on this thread. But BioWare decided not to enforce the names on a RP servers I think for two reasons,...first being it was one less thing they had to manage and two, not everyone agrees with what is a bad name for role playing.

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A simple question to the ones out there, who are against a naming policy against lore-inapropriate names: Why do you roll on an RP server?


This is something i have always wondered about. If I wanted to have a jedi kalled Kickass Hotpants (not a name i've seen, btw), i would never roll that character on an RP server. And if i dont play on an RP server, I can accept that i cant be as snobbish about names.


So why not roll on non-RP servers?


I wish there was a naming policy on all the servers personally. Ever since my 'voluntary' transfer have seen so many stupidly named characters dancing naked on the rebel fleet thinking they are something special that it makes me wish there was a specific server for approved names only. I wouldn't mind waiting 72 hours for a name to get approved. That is where I would go.

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Because some players get a kick out of getting attention to a bad name. To them, they enjoy the feeling thier name anoys some. And what better way to do that than role a char on a RP server, where the odds are you will get that attention. I agree with the OP on this thread. But BioWare decided not to enforce the names on a RP servers I think for two reasons,...first being it was one less thing they had to manage and two, not everyone agrees with what is a bad name for role playing.


and so do characters in Star Wars so it fits.

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I wish there was a naming policy on all the servers personally. Ever since my 'voluntary' transfer have seen so many stupidly named characters dancing naked on the rebel fleet thinking they are something special that it makes me wish there was a specific server for approved names only. I wouldn't mind waiting 72 hours for a name to get approved. That is where I would go.


again that fits in with the Star Wars universe.

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Simply if you don’t believe that someone name fits YOUR idea of what the Star Wars Universe is don’t group with them. What you are asking is to greatly limit the naming pool therefor greater limiting the number of player on an RP server.



I don't mind if someone comes up with a totally unique name, just as long is it's not something which consists of...


1. Any 1337 words.

2. No real life people, and by that I mean celebs or wannabe celebs.

3. No copyrighted items, such as Volvo.., which I saw the other day and reported.

4. No references to popular culture, such as the toon I saw on my server called Khazad'dum. It doesn't matter where you put the ' in your name.. i still know it's a location in middle earth.

5. Is not offensive in anyway shape or form.

6. No meta gaming names


If you think that limiting name creation to exclude these factors would limit the possible number of names available to take then you're the one with no imagination. There is simply limitless amounts of names out there to create. It's not exactly hard to put a bit of thought into your character.

People who roll on RP servers should respect unwritten rules of lore, which there are plenty of. If you're not going to treat the server and it's players with respect for the lore then please don't roll on the same server as me.

Why not go join your other friends with their "Darth OMGpwnU" characters on the pvp servers.




But seriously.. It's not hard t create a name which doesn't violate above. That's the basis which I judge character names and report others.


Harsh? ... Maybe

Elitist? ... Can be seen that way...

Asking too much for a rp server? ... No, asking just enough in my opinion.

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I don't mind if someone comes up with a totally unique name, just as long is it's not something which consists of...


1. Any 1337 words.

2. No real life people, and by that I mean celebs or wannabe celebs.

3. No copyrighted items, such as Volvo.., which I saw the other day and reported.

4. No references to popular culture, such as the toon I saw on my server called Khazad'dum. It doesn't matter where you put the ' in your name.. i still know it's a location in middle earth.

5. Is not offensive in anyway shape or form.

6. No meta gaming names


If you think that limiting name creation to exclude these factors would limit the possible number of names available to take then you're the one with no imagination. There is simply limitless amounts of names out there to create. It's not exactly hard to put a bit of thought into your character.

People who roll on RP servers should respect unwritten rules of lore, which there are plenty of. If you're not going to treat the server and it's players with respect for the lore then please don't roll on the same server as me.

Why not go join your other friends with their "Darth OMGpwnU" characters on the pvp servers.




But seriously.. It's not hard t create a name which doesn't violate above. That's the basis which I judge character names and report others.


Harsh? ... Maybe

Elitist? ... Can be seen that way...

Asking too much for a rp server? ... No, asking just enough in my opinion.

George Lucas named Obi Wan's homeworld "Stewjon" after Jon Stewart


Your argument is invalid.

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George Lucas named Obi Wan's homeworld "Stewjon" after Jon Stewart


Your argument is invalid.


No, my argument isn't invalid. That's a planet, not a person. You don't RP with a planet or see planets running around the fleet with very childish and stupid names such has "Legolazz" and "ChukkN'orriz".


I'm talking about player names, not planets. I'm sure if we were allowed to create a planet, then they would have their names policed very closely. I don't see how they can't do this with player names.

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No, my argument isn't invalid. That's a planet, not a person. You don't RP with a planet or see planets running around the fleet with very childish and stupid names such has "Legolazz" and "ChukkN'orriz".


I'm talking about player names, not planets. I'm sure if we were allowed to create a planet, then they would have their names policed very closely. I don't see how they can't do this with player names.




Savage Opress

Deliah Blue


Mama the Hutt

Droopy McCool

Luuke Skywalker (no that is NOT a typo there is a character named Luuke Skywalker yes even in Star Wars you have characters that are misspellings of other characters names)




all of those are 100% canon characters


Your argument is STILL invalid

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