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Dual spec?


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Will we ever get this ability to be able to dual spec? Every other mmo has gotten onto this and given people the ability to switch between two specs (some even more)


I find this will be so much easier and beneficial as the last few OP's we been on, we lacked healers as there seems to be a lack of healers on our server to recruit - we however do have some sorcs/mercs who are dps and we end up having to pay them to respec due to the cost of it- so they are reluctant to do it seeing it costs 50k a go - so if they change to healer for the OP then back they down 100k which they don't make in the OP so I can see the reluctance to respecc every time.


Please look into this for us, I am sure I am not alone in asking for this feature to be implemented in the game.

Thank you

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Hello Everybody!


We appreciate your interest in talking about and looking for information about Dual Specs but in the interest of consolidating conversations we are going to close this thread as there is already an active thread about it here. We suggest continuing your discussion there.


Thank you!

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