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sith parties- what would they be like?


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At first, I read this as "sith panties- what would they be like?"


I laughed.


Please, no one answer that question.


Word of God is that underwear as we know it doesn't exist in the Star Wars universe.


I'm not sure if that is a good thing... or a horrifying thing.

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I guess I could see Palpatine hosting a party, he probably has numerous times over the course of his political career.


Think he invites Vader though? Anakin seems like he could be a bit of a buzz kill at festive events :p

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I am actually curious of what would happen if a Sith had a birthday party.


Depends on how old the Sith is. I imagine young Sith would get their own slave to slaughter. Older Sith would get slaves for... things. Then you hit obligatory networking parties where you rub elbows with the right people before going to the after party. At the after party they decimate a population.

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Well after playing KoTOR 1 and the Sith party you get invited to to get the pass to the lower city, that seems like a Sith part I'd attend. Alcohol bottles all over the floor, Sith so hung over they didn't realize you were raiding their apartment lol.


And that is a spoiler if you haven't played KoTOR 1. If you haven't its nothing big but you need to go play it now! :D

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Well after playing KoTOR 1 and the Sith party you get invited to to get the pass to the lower city, that seems like a Sith part I'd attend. Alcohol bottles all over the floor, Sith so hung over they didn't realize you were raiding their apartment lol.


And that is a spoiler if you haven't played KoTOR 1. If you haven't its nothing big but you need to go play it now! :D


Well, those were rank and file soldiers, though. Not actual Sith. But yeah, they had themselves a helluva kegger! :D

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Well after playing KoTOR 1 and the Sith party you get invited to to get the pass to the lower city, that seems like a Sith part I'd attend. Alcohol bottles all over the floor, Sith so hung over they didn't realize you were raiding their apartment lol.


And that is a spoiler if you haven't played KoTOR 1. If you haven't its nothing big but you need to go play it now! :D


sounds like some furry conventions ive gone to....

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*Darth Thanaton throws a party*


Darth Thanaton--"You there, stop drinking that punch! Thats new punch, not traditional punch!"


Random party goer--"Mi lord, that makes no sense...and your invitations said to bring "Traditional Alcohol", but no one was sure what that meant, so most of its rum and moonshin-"


Darth Thanaton--"You have neither the Power nor Authority to make that decision *lightning*"



In short, everyone would come expecting fun, only for Thanaton's party to be a Traditional ball with stuffy clothing and designated small talk subjects. At the next dark council meeting, everyone would awkwardly try to avoid the subject.


My assassin, to one up him sometime around voss, would open a brewery (makeing NEW beer), and throw an epic party. Later, when he and all his comps are drunk, they tell embarassing stories about one another. Kallig tells them how they found out he had the force (he was some lady darth's "manservant", but accidentaly went UNLIMITED POWAAA and killed her when she needed some "private services". he objected). After wards, he accidentaly decapites several people with his saber. That is how i rp my character:D

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