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Where are the Willpower shield generators?


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Im trying to keep a generator and not a focus, but I can only find str or aim generators, I cant find any willpower ones.


Even Artificers who are supposed to be Jedi crafters make str and aim, and no willpower.


I found one out of 4 pages on the Auction house.


When this one gets old, if i cant find an upgrade should I just suck it up and use str? Switch to a focus?


Do any particular instances drop them?

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Oddly enough, Artificers have no schematics for willpower tanking shield generators. My Shadow is up to 160 Artifice, and I noticed last night the complete lack of said item while checking out all the higher level schematics.


That being said, there's a really nice one up for grabs with Nar Shadda commendation points!

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18 almost 19.


Can artificers ever make it? Or do I have to rely on random drops? Seems like a huge gaping flaw in the profession if noone noticed that.


Anyone know of a website with an item database I can filter by stat?


The lack of willpower shield generators was noted and complained about constantly in beta. Everyone is presuming it was an accidental oversight that there were no crafted willpower shields, but we never heard anything official from BW. Hopefully the first major post-launch patch will add such recipes to the game.

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Yeah I'm at 170 artifice and none and looked at all schematics you can get later on trainer and none, I see some are listed on torhead, so maybe they were in and mistakenly got taken out? I got a pretty nice one off narshadda commendation vendor for 14 commendations that I'm using for now
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I am an artificer and I make my own shield generators. They have willpower on them and if I get a exceptional one made it can have an added crit or power bonus.


I always try to reverse engineer the basic ones to get a nice blue.

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We CAN use str shields but only about half of our attacks are melee lightsaber strikes, meaning no bonus to many of our damaging threat production skills. And the one from Nar Shadaa commendations is really nice for its level since it has +end, +willpower, +force power, and +defense
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The lack of willpower shield generators was noted and complained about constantly in beta. Everyone is presuming it was an accidental oversight that there were no crafted willpower shields, but we never heard anything official from BW. Hopefully the first major post-launch patch will add such recipes to the game.


While there are not WP shield generators, there are, in fact, 2 identical WP foci at each "stage" of Artifice with different names and the same stats. One of them is always a generator while the other is a focus. Presumably, this means that we should be able to craft shields but they just copy-pasted the stats without making it a shield.


While I realize that Shadow tanks were added late in the development cycle of the game, and it's obvious they did at least some of the groundwork to give gear, it bothers me the most about this is that it's like they only did it halfway. It's like they realized there needed to be WP shields, made names for them, and then left it there.

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  • 3 months later...
I am an artificer and I make my own shield generators. They have willpower on them and if I get a exceptional one made it can have an added crit or power bonus.


I always try to reverse engineer the basic ones to get a nice blue.


where did you get the plans for these will shield generators?

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